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英语对话口语听力训练 每期音频同步搭配文本 学习效率更高
23 Episodes
获取全部英语文本和中文翻译请公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:23Hey Prince, it's been a while since we last saw each other. How have you been? My dear friend, it's great to see you again.Hey Zara, it's wonderful to see you again. I hope everything is going well in your life.Hey Prince, I arrived home last night. I'm super excited because I'm planning a party for all my friends. I can't wait to get everyone together and have some fun. I'm planning on making some delicious food and drinks and maybe we can even play some games or watch a movie. It'll be a great opportunity to catch up and have some fun together. Can you please help me with that?Sure, where are you thinking of hosting the party?Oh, that's a great question. I'm still trying to figure out where to have the party. I was considering hosting it at a restaurant but I'm also considering other options. Maybe we could have it at a park, community center, or even a friend's house. I'm open to suggestions if you have any ideas. I just want to ensure we have a great time and everyone feels comfortable.You have enough room in your house to do that. Maybe it could be a more cozy and convenient option for you.Definitely sounds like a great option. By the way, how's your work going, Prince?It's going all right but I haven't received a promotion yet. To be honest, that's got me feeling a little down.Instead of feeling down, try to think about what you can do to improve and get a promotion. Don't let negative thoughts bring you down. Focus on the things that you can change and work towards making them better. Remember that ups and downs are a part of life and mistakes happen. It's important to learn from them and strive to do better in the future. Keep a positive attitude and keep moving forward.Thank you so much for your valuable words. I couldn't increase my work speed. I mean, it feels like I'm still performing at the same level as before. I am determined to improve and I am open to hearing any suggestions you may have. Maybe there are some specific areas where I can focus my attention that I am not currently aware of. I am eager to make progress and I appreciate any feedback you can give me on how to achieve my goal.I'm glad that my words were helpful to you. I understand that you may still be struggling with work speed and feel like you haven't made any progress despite your efforts. It's important to remember that progress takes time and sometimes we may not see immediate results. Don't be too hard on yourself and try to focus on the small victories along the way. Keep practicing and find ways to improve your productivity, such as taking breaks, prioritizing tasks, and setting achievable goals. With patience and persistence, you'll eventually see the improvements you're looking for.One mistake I've been making since I started working on the computer. What mistake are you talking about?I've noticed that whenever I work on my computer, I never take a break. I feel like I'm working like a robot.Hey Prince, that's not very good. Did you know that not taking breaks can lead to back pain and even heart disease? It's important to take care of yourself while you work.Oh, I didn't know that. What can I do to take care of myself while working on the computer?Well, you can start by taking a break every hour or so. Stand up, stretch, and walk around for a few minutes. You can also adjust your posture and make sure your computer screen is at eye level to avoid straining your neck.That's great advice, Zara. I'll definitely try to take more breaks and make some adjustments to my workspace. Did you know that standing at your desk instead of sitting has real benefits? There is evidence that suggests that standing while working is good for your health. It can improve your posture, increase blood flow, and reduce the risk of back pain. Plus, standing can help you stay more alert and focused, which can be especially helpful when you need to get work done.How much sleep do you usually get in a day? I usually try to get around 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. It helps me feel refreshed and energized for the day ahead.Really? That's impressive. I usually sleep for about 5 hours each day. I know it's not enough but I have trouble sleeping for longer periods.
获取全部英语文本和中文翻译请公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:22Excuse me, can you tell me where the bathroom is please? I need to change my clothes.Hello, sure. It's over there next to the squat machine.Oh great, thank you. It's my first day at the gym, sorry.That's great. We all sometimes start from the beginning. You have made a good decision. You will like training here. The people are very friendly but also very passionate about exercise.That's what I see. I really want to change my lifestyle. I want to be fit and healthy.We all want it. Don't worry, you will do it very well. Just don't give up.Thank you. I think my biggest problem is the food. My diet is not good. I mean, I don't always eat salad or vegetables or fruit, just juice and that's rarely. I know I have to change that but it's not easy. I already bought vegetables.Well, that's good. But you don't have to eat only vegetables and fruit. That's not correct. You have to find a balanced diet that fits your lifestyle and health. Have you been to a nutritionist?Once, many years ago. He told me I had to eat more vegetables and fruit. That's why I bought it.Yes, I mean it is a good idea to eat vegetables and fruit but you can't eat just that.No, but look at me. I am thin. I don't have any muscle like you.And that's why you can't eat just vegetables and fruit. You also need protein and carbs.I have watched some videos about what to eat to be fit and healthy. They recommended coffee, a lot of coffee to have energy. I drank four cups today.Four cups of coffee? Wow, that's too much. I don't think that is healthy. You can drink coffee but don't exaggerate. You could have a heart attack. Be careful. I drink a cup of coffee in the morning because I like coffee. One or two cups is enough, I think.Yeah, maybe you're right. I also watched something. They say I need to run for 1 hour because cardio increases muscle tone. I will be strong if I run for one hour or two.That's not true. The truth is that cardio alone burns away both fat and muscle. It does not strengthen your muscle or increase muscle tone. That's fake. Try integrating strength workouts into your routine. Weight training builds lean muscle mass. This elevates your metabolism and burns more fat, even when you're not exercising. The more you work the muscles, the better and more defined your overall muscle tone looks. So it's good you run. Cardio is important but again, don't exaggerate. Find a balance.
获取全部英语文本和中文翻译请公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:21Hey Ronica, you know what I've been thinking about lately? Our childhood memories. Those were the days, weren't they?Of course, Robin. They were amazing. But why do you ask? Is everything okay?Well, as we get older, life seems to get harder and more complicated. We have to worry about things like paying bills, meeting deadlines, and following societal rules. But when we were kids, everything was so much simpler. We could play all day, laugh without a care in the world, and enjoy the little things in life.Exactly, Robin. We used to chase butterflies, build forts out of cardboard boxes, and make wishes on fallen eyelashes. Life was full of joy and happiness back then.You know, Ronica, when I was a kid, I loved spending most of my day playing with my friends. Studying was not something I was interested in at all. All I wanted to do was play all day long. I had two really close friends during that time who were my best buddies. As a child, I had two very close friends with whom I used to spend my entire day playing. It's funny to think about it now, but we used to play with dolls a lot. We had so much fun together that we could play for hours without getting bored. Looking back, those were some of the happiest moments of my life.Ha, I know, I know. Acknowledging the fact that playing with dolls was one of the favorite pastimes for girls. By the way, in which place did you spend your childhood? I grew up in a village and I miss it dearly. Those were the best years of my life. I used to swim with my friends and we played all sorts of games. Life was so much simpler back then.Oh, you lived in a village? Awesome, Ronica. Of course, childhood memories are always precious, aren't they? I remember how much I used to enjoy village games like marbles and kite flying with my friends during festivals. It was so much fun to participate in these games and have a friendly rivalry. These games had a unique flavor that made them so special. I'm sure you must have played these games too and have some fond memories of them.I had a very special bond with my grandfather. He had a deep love for me and was always there to protect me whenever my mother became angry with me. I really miss him now. He was one of the kindest people I've ever met in my life. He always used to buy me toys and make me feel special. His memory is something I will cherish forever.I used to live in a village near James Island where I would wake up early in the morning and head to the farmhouse. The farming land near the farmhouse was where different crops were grown and during summer, the crops were ready for harvest. I would love to watch the harvesting process. Before starting my day, I would take a bath in the running water of the tube well at the farmhouse which always refreshed my mind with its cold water and fresh air, filling me with positive energy.I can't believe it, you enjoyed it a lot.
获取全部英语文本和中文翻译请公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:20Hey Zara, what a surprise to see you here.Oh Marco, it's great to see you. How have you been?I've been good, my friend. How's your study going?It's going well. How about your studies?I'm no longer studying because I had to stop when I moved to a new city.I'm a bit confused. Could you please clarify the situation and provide a detailed explanation of what exactly happened?It wasn't a big deal. We were facing financial difficulties at that time so I made the choice to discontinue my studies.I understand. So your father had a job there, didn't he?Yes, my father was working there but then the company hired a new employee and asked my father to leave. It was all so sudden and unexpected.So sad. Why didn't you call me? If you called me, I could have helped you.Thanks, but I am not interested in studying anymore. Do you realize how crucial graduation is for your future career? Graduating opens up so many doors and opportunities for your professional and personal growth.The richest person in the world, Elon Musk, believes that people don't really learn anything by going to college. He said that college is for fun, not learning.Great, Elon Musk is successful. What are your plans for the future? What do you see yourself doing for a living?Well, I see myself becoming an entrepreneur, starting and running my own business. I want to create something impactful and innovative that can make a difference in the world.It's sad that many people can't pursue their dreams because of money. If you had enough money, you would have continued your studies, right?Absolutely. I have a dream of establishing a school for underprivileged children and providing them with free education. I believe that every child deserves access to quality education, regardless of their background or financial situation.Wow, you have such a big heart, Marco. Your passion for helping underprivileged children is truly inspiring. Money isn't everything, but it certainly makes life easier in many ways. While it can't buy happiness, it can provide security and open doors to opportunities that might otherwise be out of reach.Correct. Around 9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases. A child dies from hunger every 10 seconds. Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, and South Sudan, these are some of the countries where the hungriest people in the world live. If you have money, you can travel all around the world. If you have money, you can accomplish your dreams. You can experience different cultures, cuisines, and breathtaking landscapes in various corners of the globe. Traveling opens up opportunities for personal growth, new experiences, and unforgettable memories. If someone desires to pursue higher education abroad, having sufficient financial resources is crucial.
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:19Good afternoon sir, welcome to Tangerine restaurant. I hope you're having a great day.Good afternoon, yeah I'm doing fine. This is my first day of work in the new office and it's lunchtime so my co-workers recommended me to come to this restaurant for lunch.Oh I'm glad to hear that. Well welcome, my name is Peter. I'm here for you. You could find our digital menu by scanning the QR code which is in the middle of the table. Is it okay if I give you some minutes to think about your order so you can check the menu?Yes that's fine but I think I have a problem with this restaurant and that's too bad as soon as I arrived someone brought this cake and coffee and I didn't order it. I think they made a wrong order or maybe they forgot to clean the table. I'm not sure I need you to take this away and clean the table please. Maybe someone else is waiting for this order.Oh that's not a mistake sir, we usually offer a piece of cake and coffee to all our diners. It's for free. I mean you don't have to pay anything for it. Now if you don't want it that's okay too. I can take that complimentary food, don't worry.Oh that's great, no no no don't take the cake. It's just that I didn't know you had this food policy but I like it. I love cake and coffee. I think it's great for a place like this because we usually work all day and we need calories. Congratulations to the person who had this excellent idea and it's delicious.Thank you sir, yes that was the idea. Since this is a business center we receive office workers every day and we know what you need. Anyway, is it okay if I give you some minutes so you can check the digital menu?I'm sorry but I didn't bring my cell phone. I can't scan the code. I'm sorry.Don't worry, can I recommend you the daily special? It is so delicious.
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:18Hello Felipe, I'm happy you came. Come in, take a seat, please.Hello Richard, wow it's the first time I come to your apartment. I like it.Thank you. It is next to the beach. We can go there later if you want.Yeah sure, but I need to ask you something. How much does this apartment cost? I would really like to buy an apartment like this. It must be really expensive, right?I don't know. I think it's $200,000 or something like that. I am not the owner. I just rent this apartment. I don't know the price, but yeah, I suppose it's expensive.Seriously? I can't believe you. And how much do you pay to rent this apartment?$1,000 approximately. Comes with garage and storage.$1,000? Mmm, that's not cheap. Well, for me, with that amount of money, why don't you better buy this or another apartment? I mean, isn't it better to buy your own house? Why are you renting this apartment?That's how I also thought in the past, but then I understood that it's not better to buy. I prefer to rent. That's much better, in my opinion. In my case, it suits me better.Now I don't think so. With the money you can be paying for a house, your own house, how can you say it's better to rent? Explain it to me, please, because I don't get it.All right, for some, renting is considered throwing money away, while buying is an investment. The truth is, the answer to the rent versus buy question is much more complex than that. It's more like "which size fits me?" I will explain it to you. As I said before, the biggest myth about renting is that you're throwing away money every month. This is not true. After all, you need a place to live, and that always costs money in one way or another. While it's true that you aren't building equity with monthly rent payments, not all the costs of homeownership go toward building equity. When you rent, you know exactly your housing cost each month, but one advantage is no maintenance costs or repair bills. That's excellent. One of the benefits of renting a home is that there are no maintenance costs or repair bills. This means that when you rent a property, your landlord assumes full responsibility for all maintenance, improvement, and repairs. If an appliance stops working or your roof starts to leak, you call the landlord, who is required to fix or replace it. I like that. Another advantage is no real estate taxes. One of the major benefits of renting versus owning is that renters don't have to pay property taxes. In some areas, the cost associated with property taxes can amount to thousands of dollars each year.
油管百万订阅亿次播放的easy english系列音频限时回归 本期带来《We'd Been Hoping for a Romantic Trip 》获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:17A: Tell me about the trip Maya. How was New York City? Did you and Carl get to know each other better?Maya: Yes, we did. The trip was okay. Ever since Carl invited me to New York City, I had been marking the days off the calendar. Well, I had been hoping to have a romantic trip with Carl, but you know that Lucy decided to come along.A: Yes, I know you told me. Did she ruin the trip?Maya: Kind of, but I know she didn't do it on purpose. Anyway, I had been worrying things might not turn out the way I wanted ever since Lucy invited herself to come along.A: I have to admit that I'd been getting a little worried too. I'd been thinking that something like that might happen.Please tell me about it.Maya: First, Carl and I wanted to have a romantic dinner, so we made a reservation at a fancy restaurant. I had been encouraging Lucy to go to a Broadway show so that Carl and I could be alone. Lucy bought a ticket for the show but then said she needed to get dinner.A: Please tell me she didn't go to the same restaurant as you.Maya: Not at first. She said she wanted to try food from a street vendor she had seen. We went our separate ways. Then when Carl and I sat down to dinner, Lucy showed up. She had been walking around for a while trying to find something to eat. She decided she didn't want to eat food from a street vendor, so she came to check out the restaurant. We had been enjoying our time together so much before she showed up.A: Did you get any alone time with Carl?Maya: I tried. I had been waiting for Carl to get up from the table, as I didn't want to embarrass Lucy in front of him. When he went to the bathroom, I told Lucy I had been looking forward to spending time with Carl on the trip.A: Was Lucy understanding?Maya: I thought she was at first. She nodded and told me that she had been watching Carl and I together, and we seemed like the perfect match.
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:16Hello, I'm Emma. Welcome to Daily English Break. Today, we're exploring the colorful traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival. Improve your English listening skills and learn fascinating cultural stories with us. Are you ready to join the festivities and boost your language skills? Let's go!Listen carefully. Meet Alice, a curious UK student, and Ben, a Chinese student studying abroad. Over lunch in the cafeteria, Alice discovers a dragon-shaped ornament on Ben's backpack, sparking a conversation about the Dragon Boat Festival. Dive into their discussion about this ancient Chinese tradition, its history, and customs as they explore cultural connections and plan to experience the festival together. Join their journey of cultural discovery and friendship.Hey Ben, that's a pretty cool dragon ornament on your backpack. What's it for?Oh this? This is actually for the Dragon Boat Festival, or Duan Wu as we call it in Chinese. It's a traditional holiday in China.Dragon Boat Festival? That sounds fascinating. What's it all about?It's a festival that celebrates loyalty and filial piety. It has a history that dates back over 2,000 years. One of the main stories associated with it is about Qu Yuan, a loyal poet and minister who drowned himself in a river.That sounds tragic. Why would a festival celebrate that?Well, it's said that the local people admired him so much that they raced out in their boats to save him, or at least retrieve his body. That's why we have Dragon Boat races today. People also threw rice into the river to prevent fish from eating his body, which is why we eat Zongzi, or rice dumplings, during the festival.Zongzi? What exactly is that?
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:15Good morning, Visitara Travel Agency. How can I help you?Morning. I'd like to make a complaint about my holiday during your tour.I'm sorry you're having a difficult time. Could you tell me exactly what is the problem?The bus of your company taking us to the hotel didn't arrive on time. So we had to wait for over 30 minutes in the sweltering heat.I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. We're trying to fix that. Are there other things to your liking?Actually, a few people from our group had a stomachache and everyone thinks it was from the bad dinner that we ate. It was awful that I had to eat out all day despite having paid for meals in the price of my holiday.I do apologize for a bad experience. Our tour company takes pride in providing excellent tours. Please let me offer you a free city tour and lunch as an apology.Thanks for calling the Me Travel Agency. Have a nice day. What can I do for you?I'd like to discuss some problems that I'm having with this tour.What seems to be the problem? We're here to help you.I paid good money for this tour but our accommodations are not very pleasant.What's the problem with your room?The room smelled of smoke even though it was supposed to be a non-smoking room. The next room was so noisy that we couldn't sleep the whole night.I'm sorry to hear that. I'll complain to the hotel manager about that. Um, I took the high-quality tour but I felt I was not staying in the hotels recommended for the tour.I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience these issues may have caused you. I would like you to be my guest for a voucher for the next time as an apology.Marie, where should we go sightseeing today?Um, I think that I would like to go to the beach this morning. That would be a good place to start our sightseeing. We could walk around there. Look, Brighton Beach is three meters from us.That would be great. There's a famous restaurant and cafe there. So we could have breakfast there and watch the sun go up at that restaurant.How do we go to the sea?How about taking a train? The subway looks scary in the movies and on TV, so I'm planning to go on a bicycle around this city.That's okay. It's an environmentally friendly way to travel. I'll also need a subway map in case we get lost.What are some of the best things to see in England?If you want to go sightseeing, we have a tour that leaves from the hotel.I'd rather explore the city on my own.All right. Um, we could also soak up some culture at London museums or visit the Queen at Buckingham Palace. That sounds interesting.Yep, there are so many iconic places to go in London. You hit the nail on the head.What do you think about taking the perfect picture with Big Ben after that?That's great.
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:14Hey, Tom! I'm here.Good morning, Kale.Wow, you're so early today.Yeah, well, I'm not usually an early bird, but today is the first day of my probation period. I want to create a good impression.Cool. It's good to see how energetic you are. We have a few ground rules that you have to keep in mind. We have to show respect for our colleagues. Also, we should give constructive feedback so that everyone can improve. Is everything clear?Alright, noted.Oh, and there's one thing I want to warn you.What's wrong?You have to keep your eyes peeled for a guy named Scott.What do you mean?Nothing much, just a little reminder so that you can start working here happily and peacefully. Perhaps there is a conflict between Scott and the others.Okay, I got it.Thank you. Everyone, may I have your attention, please? This is Tom; he's in his probation period. He will work with us for a month. Tom, please introduce yourself to our team.Hi, everyone. Please call me Tom. I'm so happy to make your acquaintance on my first day. I'm the new copywriter. I'd worked as a freelancer for two years before deciding to join our company and carry on my work. If I can be of assistance in any way, please let me know. Nice to meet all you guys.We're so glad to have you on our team, Tom. Guys, I've talked to Tom before; he is very dedicated and creative.Thanks, Kale.Hi, Tom.Oh, hi. You're...Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Scott. Nice to meet you.Hi, Scott. Before you get off work, here are some documents that you may need. These are reports from last month. Yeah, you're a newcomer, so noting them will be very useful.Thank you so much, Scott.No worries. That's the thing I should do. By the way, wanna have dinner with me tonight? I know a Mexican restaurant near here. The food is top-notch, but the price is affordable.Definitely, let's go.Aha, you're so funny, Tom.Thanks. By the way, do you guys know where Scott is?Well, there's one thing you need to know, Tom. Do not trust him that much.But why? I thought he was a nice guy. He even gave me some resources yesterday.He hasn't shown his true colors yet. Soon, you'll see.Jenny's right. You should focus only on your work.Alright, alright. I think they're just overthinking. Shall we talk about our lunch?Do you have a moment, Tom?Yes, I'm here.I want to discuss the PR plan with you. Will that be okay?Sure thing.
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:13Alright son, I'm here. You told me you wanted to talk to me.Yes Dad, I'm sorry to bother you. I know you have to go to work.What are you talking about? You are my son. I will always have time for you. Now tell me, what do you want to talk about with me? I'm sure it's important.Well, nothing serious. In fact, I feel a little ashamed. I don't know whether to tell you.Oh come on, whatever it is, I want to hear it. Okay, just tell me.Well, um, thank you. Um, there is someone in the school. It is a girl, right? That's what you want to tell me. You want to tell me that you have a girlfriend?No, I mean not yet. There is a girl I like a lot, but she's not my girlfriend. She's my friend. Her name is Anna. She's so beautiful. I like her a lot.Oh, I see. Then what is the problem? Tell her that you like her. I know you're not a child anymore. You're a teenager. It is normal you like girls. If you're asking for my permission, you have my complete trust. Just bring her home when she's your girlfriend. I am sure your mother would like to know her and of course, me too.My son, that is the problem. I like her a lot and I want her to be my girlfriend, but I don't know. I don't know how to tell her that I like her. It's the first time I will do something like that. I don't know if she feels as I do. Maybe she doesn't like me. What can I do?Alright, I understand. Don't worry, I will help you, my son. Telling a girl you like her sounds simple, but actually doing it can be nerve-cracking. I will tell you a few ways you can express your emotions to see if she likes you back. Like to drop some hints, give her a few compliments. Yeah, give her a few compliments about her outfit or her nice laugh. It really works. Tell her about a pretty flower you saw that made you think of her at the park today. If you give enough hints as to how you're feeling, she'll be better prepared for when you tell her you like her. You can try saying something things like "I saw a gorgeous rose on my walk earlier today. It made me think of you." or "You have the best smile I've ever seen." Try to pay attention to how she reacts to these compliments.
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:12Hello, I've been standing there for quite some time. I couldn't help but notice something.Hello sir, I don't want to buy anything, please thank you.No, no, I am not selling anything. I was telling you I've been standing there. I couldn't help but see that something is wrong with you. Am I right?What? Who are you? Do you want to sell anything? I don't feel like buying anything, please.Again, I'm not a seller. I just want to talk to you. I come here every day to feed the birds.Yes, I know I am old. That's why I come here to feed the birds.Yeah, you look old. How old are you? 60? 70? I don't know.Believe it or not, I am 70 years old but I look younger, I know.Oh okay, and you come here every day? That's what you said. What do you want?Yes, I come here every day and I just want to talk to you. Maybe I can help you, don't you think?Help me? How could you help me? My life is a mess. There is nothing you can do to help me.Well, let's figure it out. Why don't you tell me what's going on and let's see if I can help you.It is a terrible day today. I'm supposed to be working now but I haven't gone to work today.I see, and why didn't you go to work? Did you have any problem?Problem? I have a lot of problems. My job is only one of the problems I have. I didn't go to work because I know I will be fired today. I'm totally sure of that.How do you know you will be fired? Did you do something wrong or what?I do everything wrong but believe it or not, I have worked really hard for years but that wasn't enough for them. They sold the company and there are new partners, new people are being hired and I am not part of their plans. That's what the secretary told me.Oh, I see. I'm really sorry. But that's not the end of the world, son. You could get another job. I'm sure you have a lot of abilities. You can get a better job.You don't understand, the problem is not the job. I don't care about that stupid job anymore. It's everything. My life is a mess. I can't do anything well. I'm a useless person. Do you know that I haven't had a girlfriend for several years? It's depressing.Really? Well, there is nothing wrong with being single. In fact, it has a lot of benefits.
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:11Dad, what time is it?Four.Who knows what time that is for me.Boy, I have terrible jet lag. I can't keep my eyes open.Well, I'm not going to let you sleep in the middle of the afternoon. Let's take a walk and you can tell me about your trip.I'm sorry Daddy, but I'm too wiped out. I think I'll stretch out and take a little nap.Uh, no naps. You know if you go to sleep now, you're going to wake up in the middle of the night.Come on, let's take a little walk around the block. Maybe you'll get a second wind.I sure hope so. I missed you and Mom a lot. A year is a long time.We missed you too, honey. But we knew that studying in another country was good for you.Well, I sure had my ups and downs. Sometimes I even thought about coming home early. But I was determined to stick it out.And I'm glad you did. But you didn't tell us you were having problems. What was so hard for you over there?Oh, I don't think I can scratch the surface. There were times, especially in the winter, when I got really homesick. You know, it's hard to be away during holidays. But my friends were absolutely great, especially my roommate. Remember, she took me home to her family. That really helped.If we'd known how homesick you were, we would have hopped on a plane. Why didn't you let us know?Oh, I didn't want you to worry. And it would have been too expensive. Anyway, in the spring, I got much better. It finally hit home that I was lucky to be living in another culture. I stopped thinking so much about my problems and got out of my rut. I started going to more parties and concerts and things like that.And listen to this, after a while, I didn't realize it, but my fluency improved. Can you imagine that? There were times when I forgot I wasn't speaking English.Well, that's music to my ears. I knew you'd do it if you lived over there. And to top that off, people started to compliment my pronunciation. I want to lose all that, honey. Are there any conversation classes you can take here?Uh, dad, I wasn't going to broach the subject to later, but there's a chance that I can get a scholarship and go back next year.Go back? But you just got home. I know. Do you really want to go back?The truth is, I'm not sure. I need to sleep on it. Speaking of sleep, now can I take a little nap? I'm so sleepy.Mmm, this coffee is really strong. I like it that way. So do I. All during my last class, I was thinking about coming here and could almost taste the coffee.Sounds like it wasn't too exciting. I was bored to death. I'm in that class only because it's a requirement. So I have to stick it out. The problem is, the professor doesn't know how to spark our interest. She just walks in and lectures. There's no discussion.What a drag. Don't people ask questions?Oh, yeah. Once in a blue moon. But I always see an awful lot of people doodling. And I can tell their minds are wandering. Do you have any classes like that?I have only one big lecture class, world history. And the professor's the best. It's so interesting. I'm always on the edge of my seat. And when we have discussions, the room is filled with electricity.I'm jealous. Too bad I already took history. You know, one day it dawned on me that I was lucky to be in her class because I found myself thinking a lot about what she said. Did you ever have a teacher like that?I'd have to think about it. I don't know. You should come with me to class sometime, just to see what I mean.Sounds like you're in love with her, Steve.Very funny. She could be my grandmother. Anyway, I guess what it really comes down to is her enthusiasm for the subject. She just loves history. I remember at the beginning of the semester, I was fooling around a lot and not taking anything in school very seriously. I bombed the first history test. But then I buckled down because I started really enjoying school, especially her class.You've got me really curious about this teacher. I think I'll take you up on your idea to visit your class. When does it meet?Guess who?Oh, I can't believe it. I know it's you, Peter. I haven't seen you in ages. How are you?Pretty good. How about you?Fine, busy as always. You know me, I'm such a workaholic.Wow, it's really great to see you. I'd love to catch up on your news. Do you have time to sit down or were you on your way out?I was leaving, but I can join you for a few minutes.Great. So tell me, how's your family?Well, it keeps getting bigger. We have four kids now, all boys.Four boys? I bet they keep you busy.They sure do. The baby's only a month old, so Jenny's not working right now.And what's new with you and Jim?Believe it or not, he's home with the kids.You're kidding.
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:10Hello, good morning. Are you the owner of this store? I want to buy something.Good morning sir, yes I am. Tell me what are you looking for? We have everything here. We have clothes, boxes, ornaments, presents, toys, everything.Oh nice, and this flea market is new right? I used to go to the other one. Oh you mean the one who is 10 blocks from here? Yeah, this is a new one. It's better I think. It's great, we need more flea markets in our city. Do you know why? Sometimes you can find better things here than in the supermarket or the mall. Seriously, also you find some things you will never find in the mall. I think it's great.Yes, that's correct. And what are you exactly looking for? Cloths, toys? Oh, oh sorry. Yeah, do you see this jacket? I'm looking for a similar one but in blue. I have a wedding party this weekend and I need that blue jacket for that day. Do you have one?A blue jacket? I have one but it's not like the one you have. It's different. You must be medium size right? Well, the jacket I have is large size. I don't think it fits you.I see. Well, I can try it on and then we'll see if that jacket fits me or not. I don't think so, but I have a red jacket which is very similar to the one you have. The jacket is made of cotton and it's very soft. It was made in Japan. You will love it.But I don't want a red jacket. What happens is that I have blue pants. Do you understand? I get it, you want a jacket that goes with your blue pants. I understand exactly. But just to know, how much does this red jacket cost?As I told you, it was made in Japan. The material is cotton and it has beautiful details. And the most important is that you can use it in formal and informal events. It's fantastic.Yeah, all right. But how much does it cost? I need to know the price. Yeah, sure. This jacket new cost around $1,000 in selected stores. But I'm selling it for just the half price. It cost $500, only for today.$500 for a jacket? You must be kidding. That's a lot of money for just a jacket. But it is quality. The material is the best and it is almost new. You won't regret it.If I wanted to pay that much money, I could go to the same store to buy it new. I can give you $100. That's all I have to buy that jacket.$100? Um, I don't think so. I'm losing $400. Sir, listen. I will buy more things, okay? For example, a tie. I need a good tie. I could like a tie made of linen and with a minimalist design. Do you have any?
本期开始将不定时更新油管百万订阅亿次播放的easy english系列音频,本期带来《at the airport》获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:9Hello, may I see your passport? Please,Here you go. Thank you.And where are you flying with us today?I'm going to London. I'll be studying there for a year.How fun! That sounds like a great trip. I see your information right here. Are you checking any bags today?Yes, just one.Perfect. If you could place it on the scale for me that would be great.Here you go. Thank you.It appears your bag is just a bit too heavy. It is over our weight requirement. Perhaps you could take something out of your bag and put it in your carry-on bag.Yes, I'll take this big book out of the bag.No problem. Great, now your bag is ready to be checked and I see you've chosen a window seat. Is that still okay for you?I think so. I've never flown before so I thought it would be nice to look out at the clouds. Do you think it will be a good seat for me?This is your first flight? Well, that's fantastic. You're going to love it and yes, I think the window seat is an excellent choice for you then. Let me print your boarding pass and you'll be ready to go.Okay,Here it is. You're all set.Thanks. You're going to depart from terminal C, gate 54. When do I need to be there?You should get to your gate about one hour before departure.And how do I get to the gate?You will turn left at the coffee shop, security will be directly in front of you. Once you're finished clearing security, follow the signs to gate 54. It will be on your right.Thank you so much for your help.You're very welcome. Enjoy your flight.
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:8Good morning, I didn't know you were coming today. How are you?Hello, I'm fine. I called you yesterday to tell you I was coming to your workshop today.Oh, you're right. Sorry, I forgot. But your car is not ready, maybe for tomorrow.Oh, I see. I needed to go to work. Oh, is this my car? You're repairing it now?Yes, I'm checking the engine. It doesn't look good, I must say. I'm sorry.What? What are you talking about? I just came to get you to change the oil in my car. You didn't tell me anything about the engine. The car is almost new, I bought it last year.Yes, I know. But it usually happens. It seems like you've pushed the engine too hard. Have you driven your car to very distant places? It can damage your car when you drive a lot.No, I mean I always use it to go to work and sometimes I travel to a different city, but it's only once or two times a year. You know, I didn't know my car had an engine problem.Well, it's not a serious problem, sir. Don't worry, we can fix it for only $500.But that's a lot of money. Is it necessary to do it? I mean, my car was okay before I brought it here.And happily, you brought it on time. Otherwise, you would have had an even more serious problem. This problem normally happens in this type of cars. It is very common, believe me.Since you are one of our favorite customers, we could charge you only $300 for the engine tune-up.Favorite customer? But it is the first time I come to this place.Yes, I know. But all our customers are very important. You are important for us. I just want to help you. Now, you can take your car to another place, but they will tell you the same thing.Yeah, all right. I didn't want to spend more money, but if it's necessary...You're taking the right decision. You know, it's important for your car. You look like an experienced driver.I am not an experienced driver. It's my first car. I mean, I just got my driver's license last year. As I told you before, I bought this car, my first car, last year. I don't know much about it.Oh, then it's your first car and you don't know anything about cars. Don't worry, that's why I'm here. I will help you repair your car. Don't worry.Oh, I forgot to tell you. I have checked your car in detail and found a problem with the air conditioning. There seems to be a problem with the air distribution. This means the air doesn't circulate correctly.Oh, that's a pity. I always use the air conditioning since it's very sunny.I know, that's why it's important to fix it. I am an expert in modern automotive equipment and I can tell you that if you don't fix this problem now, you could have more problems later.Really? But I used it normally. I mean, can I use it like that or does it need to be fixed?As I told you, you can use it, but in some months, you will have problems with the air conditioning.Yeah, I see. All right, and how much money will that cost? Is it expensive?
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:7Honey, you're here! I have been looking for you for an hour. We need to talk.Hello, honey. I am here. I have been buying some clothes in this store. Look at this purse, it's amazing, isn't it? I will buy it. What do you think?But you have many purses in the house. Last week you bought a new one.So what? I need it. I don't have a purse like that. It's perfect. I don't understand why I mean you have a purse, you put all your stuff there, you don't need more.I think it's not necessary to buy so many purses. Can we go home please? We need to talk.You don't understand. I like it. It's trendy and beautiful. Only women understand it.Yeah, whatever. Just let's go home. We need to talk about something important.What do you want to tell me? You can tell me that here. Meanwhile, I will see more clothes. I think I saw a beautiful jacket over there. Come with me, I will show it to you.No babe, I'm tired. We have been walking for hours at the mall. I'm tired.But I need to buy that jacket. You know I only have seven jackets and I need an orange one for the summer.I think you have a problem. You can't shop every day. I mean you're always buying things.What are you talking about? I don't buy every day. I just buy the things I need. That's all.No, yesterday you bought those glasses but you have many glasses at home. And it was not cheap. You spent like $100 just on those glasses. And you have sunglasses. Why do you need to buy those? You're spending too much money.These glasses are different. These are modern ones. Everyone wants these. I suppose everyone wants those sunglasses but not everyone can buy them. I mean we are not rich people. You know we need to save money to buy our own house.Again with that. We're fine. We will buy a house someday. I promise.No, that's not going to happen if you keep buying everything you see on the internet or the shops.I don't buy everything I see on the internet. Why are you lying? Stop doing that.I'm not lying. Last week you bought two blouses and a pair of shoes on the internet.So what? Everyone buys on the internet. If you like something, you buy it.Yeah, that would be normal if you bought just that. But the week before that, you bought more. This month you have bought glasses, jackets, blouses, shoes and what about those boots? You bought them two years ago but you never wore them. You only used them because I told you to. If I hadn't complained to you about those boots, you could never have worn them. And they were not cheap. They cost $1,000. It's $1,000, Samantha. Come on, you're exaggerating.
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:6Hey Joey, do you have a minute to catch up?Sure Dad, I feel like we haven't had a chance to touch base in a while. How you doing? How is school going?School is okay, it's almost over so I'm looking forward to being done with it.I can't believe you've grown up so fast, I am one proud papa.Thanks Dad, I'm still trying to sort out my plans for after graduation. I don't know what career field to go into. Nothing really stands out to me. I'm not even sure if I can get in a good college or hold down a job. This is just weighing me down.Don't let that get you down, loosen up. I'm sure you'll work something out. What do you like to do in your free time? Maybe that will help you focus on some ideas.You know I love gaming. If I could game all day, I would just do that.Well, why don't you look into gaming? You can turn your hobby into a career. You could create video games, you could come up with ideas, design graphics, write codes. I'm sure there are options.Do you really think I could do that?Of course, you're creative and you're great with computers. You should ask around to see what is required to get a career in gaming. I bet your school's guidance counselor would help you out with your search.That is a great idea Dad, thanks for your help. I'll ask Mr. Watson at school tomorrow if he can figure out how to get me involved in this career path. That would be awesome.What's wrong Anna? You don't look very happy lately. You know you can open up to me about anything.I know MomIt's not good to bottle emotions up, it's good to express them.I just feel like I'll never fit in. I tried to sit at Sophie's lunch table today and she put me down in front of my classmates. Then she told me to go away. Can you believe it? I felt awful, I went to the bathroom and burst into tears.Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry that you have to put up with this bullying at school. But please try to loosen up and stop caring about what other people think of you. You are an amazing person, there are many people that love you.I feel ugly when I look in the mirror, I have to fight back tears. I feel like if I were prettier, I'd be more popular. I don't like my body.Hold on, you are beautiful and strong. Your body is such a gift. It allows you to play volleyball and be active. So pick your head up.I just wish I could join in with Sophie and her friends. If I could just win over those girls, I think I'd be happier.I know it seems like Sophie is important, but what if you focus on your other friends right now? You have some fantastic friends who back you up no matter what.You mean like my volleyball teammates?Exactly, those girls always lift you up and make you feel good about yourself. What if you invite them to come over for a sleepover this weekend? MaybeYou can't just sit around and be depressed. You could hang out and watch funny movies, you could order in some food and play fun games.That sounds like a pretty fun night actually.You can really embrace the positive friends you have and do away with those other girls at school. Lighten up and smile.You are the best Mom, you always know how to cheer me up.I'm really worried about Trevor.Me tooHe broke down crying yesterday. He told me he wants to drop out of school.Really? Do you think this is because Maria broke up with him?I think so, he was never like this before. He just seems to be falling apart.What can we do to help him? Is there a way we can help him get over his heartbreak?I'm not sure, I thought about bringing up the idea of seeing a therapist. I can call around and see if there's a good one nearby.I don't think that's a good idea, he won't be open to it. You know he tends to tune out our advice and make his own decisions.I think I can talk him into it.Just don't try too hard because you'll push him away. How about getting some of his friends to invite him to eat out at a restaurant? Maybe they could go shoot some hoops afterward.That sounds like something that might work. It would be good for him to get out of the house and socialize with his friends. I'll ask his friend Brian to reach out to him this weekend and try to make some plans.Okay, I really think that once we can get him to spend more time with his buddies, he will start to forget about Maria.I think so too.I have big new sis.What a coincidence, I have big news too. You go first.I got a job in California.That is awesome, congrats! What are you gonna do there?I'll be chasing down criminals and fighting off bad guys.What? That sounds dangerous.It will be on a movie, I'm going to be an actor. I came across an ad for an audition for a role as a police officer and I decided to go for it. I was shocked when they made me an offer.That is incredible, how exciting! I'm sure your career will take off in no time and you'll go far. How long will you be there?Six months, I'm packing up this weekend and heading out on Monday. I won't head back home until November 26th.November 26th? Are you serious?Calm down sis, it's not too long. The time will fly by. Now what's your news?Well, you won't believe this but you're gonna be an uncle.What? That's amazing, congratulations!ThanksDo you know what you're having?We have decided to hold off finding out if it's a boy or a girl. We want to be surprised.When is the baby due?November 26th.No way!Yup, I'll see if I can finish up my job earlier so I can be home in time to meet my new niece or nephew.Sounds like a great plan, we will have a lot to celebrate when you get back home.
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:5Hello, welcome Mr. Anders. It's a pleasure to have you here. How are you?Good morning, I am great, thank you. Happy to be here. How are you, sir?I'm fine, thank you. I understand you weren't born in this country, is that correct?Yes sir, that's correct. I am from a different country. As you can see, I traveled to this beautiful country to find new opportunities and well, here I am.That's interesting. Why did you decide to leave your country and come here to work?Things are not going very well in my country. The economy is declining more and more every day. You can't find a job easily and even if you studied in a university and you have a degree, it's difficult. And when you find the job, the salary is really bad. What you can earn is never enough to survive. That's why we decided to come here to this beautiful country to find better opportunities.I understand. Don't tell me you are illegal in this country. If so, we will not be able to give you work.Since we decided to come here, we wanted to do things right from the beginning. I consider myself as a correct person, or at least I always try to do the right thing, sir.That's good. We don't like informalities. This is a very serious company.I know, sir. And that is one of the reasons I am here. I really want to work in this company.Well, we'll see. Why don't you start by telling me a little about yourself, please?Sure. I've worked as a personal assistant for eight years now, serving a variety of executives and department heads. I love the work, especially when I get to use my talent for planning and efficiency. I think I'm now ready to move up to a more challenging level, which is why I'm interested in becoming the executive assistant to the CEO. I know it is challenging, but I feel ready for that. If you give me the opportunity, I can show you I am more than ready.All right. And how did you know about this job position?I came to this country with a plan in my mind. I promised myself I would work in a place like this. When I came here, I was working in a company but it didn't go well so I had to quit the job. Then I had to do many things. I'm not afraid to tell you that I sold burgers in the Central Square. I had to do many things to put food on the table at home. And then a friend told me about this job position. He works here, his name is Brandon. He's an assistant and he said I should apply. So I decided to do it. Here I am. I feel I am the right person for this position.And why did you decide to quit your last job? It is important for us to know that, please.Yeah, that's okay. I can tell you why. First, they asked me to work overtime. I wanted to help the company grow, so I agreed. But then they told me to work extra days. I mean, they wanted me to come to work on Saturday and they were not going to pay me anything. I accepted one Saturday, but no more. I don't think that's fair. I can work overtime, I am always willing to help the company grow, but there is a limit. I think that's why I quit.Probably I would have done the same as you. So that's okay, don't worry. All right, now how could you describe yourself?
获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:4Hello, excuse me, have you seen Mr Lampert?He is the boss. Hello Mr Lampard, no he hasn't arrived yet. He usually arrives at 10.At 10? Wow, that's too late. We start working at 7 in the morning here.I know, but he's the boss. I suppose he can arrive at any time he wants. By the way, my name is Patrick. You must be new at this office, is that correct?Yes, that's right. Hello Patrick, my name is Fernando. Fernando Brown and yeah, it's my first day here. I thought I was going to arrive too late but there's no one here.Oh, it always happens. The secretary usually arrives at 7. It's 6:30, you've arrived too early. I suppose it is because it's your first day.Well yeah, I thought arriving half an hour earlier was going to be good but anyway, you also arrive early as I can see. Why is that?I often arrive at this time because if I leave home a little later, there will be too much traffic.I totally get you, traffic here is horrible. And where do you work here? I mean, which office?I am on the 7th floor in the logistic area but I am the first to arrive as usual. What about you? Where do you work? I heard they were hiring people for the marketing area.That's correct, I work in the marketing area. I passed my interview so I am here. You are the first person I meet in this building. It's a pleasure.It's good you arrive early. I mean, many people don't have this habit. They usually arrive on time or late.Well, I am the father of two beautiful children. I am trying to teach them well, you know.Oh, that's great. And what are their names, if I can know?Of course, sure. The older is Brian and the other one is Barney. They are 12 and 6 years old. I usually wake up early because I have to take them to school. They start at 7 in the morning. After that, I come here to work. I always do this activity every day. What about you? I mean, do you have children? If so, what are their names?No, I don't have any children. I never got married. I don't have a girlfriend either. I'm trying to focus my time and energy on this job. I want to get a promotion soon.That sounds good but there's nothing wrong with having children. I mean, you can also work for a promotion if you are married and have children. I also want a promotion.Oh, of course. I didn't mean to say you can't do that. But for me, it's different. I mean, I wake up every morning, go running, and then I take a shower and have breakfast. After that, I come to work. And I can do all those things because I don't have any children.Maybe my routine is a little different but I can also go running whenever I want, you know. Then I take a shower, have breakfast with my children and my wife, and that's amazing. I feel renovated every time I have breakfast with my family. You will understand it someday.I suppose so, but for the moment, I'm not interested in having children. I usually go out on Fridays to drink something with my friends or to relax and I can arrive at any time. I mean, I don't need to arrive early to take care of my children.I also go out with my friends, not very often of course, and not until very late like you. But I still have a life, you know. I have friends, I can go out with them.Yeah, but on Saturdays, I like to go to the beach or to the swimming pool. I relax there all day. I can't imagine myself doing that with children. I mean, I couldn't relax on the beach.Of course, you can. Just in a different way. I relax but I have to take care of them at the same time. I always play with them and I like it. I mean, we play in the garden, the park, the beach. It's true, I can't lie down on the beach and sleep, but I like playing with my children. It's amazing.Yeah, alright. And what about Sundays? Wouldn't you like to relax all day? Instead of that, you have to take care of your children and they are very noisy for sure.Well, that's true. But you just get used to it. It's part of my life. Plus, you're married. You see the same person every day. Isn't that boring?What are you talking about? Of course not. I love my wife and I don't get tired of her. Plus, we have fun. We usually go to the movies, to concerts, to the beach, many places.Yeah, but it's not the same. I mean, I go out with different girls every weekend. Beautiful girls. If I get bored, I just stop dating her. Obviously, I am always honest with them. We usually go for a drink or to the disco. Sometimes, I travel with a girl and it's great. I am single and happy. I don't have to tell anyone about my actions. I am free.It's not like I'm in jail, buddy. I am married, not in jail. I think it's just different. I mean, marriage has its advantages and disadvantages. The same with children. There are many good things about having children, you know. But also bad things. There are many bad things about having children.Yeah, alright. Let's do something. Why don't we let people decide? What do you think, guys? Is it better to be single and don't have children? What do you say? Or do you think it's better to be married and have children? We want to read you.I hope you liked this conversation. If you could improve your English a little more, please subscribe to the channel and share this video with a friend. And if you want to support this channel, you can join us or click on the super thanks button. Thank you very much for your support. Take care.