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When voters go to the polls in Brighton, England on July 4, they will get the chance to elect what some people are calling the first artificial intelligence (AI) lawmaker.当英国布莱顿的选民在7月4日去投票时,他们将有机会选举出被一些人称为首位人工智能(AI)议员的人。Businessman Steve Endacott is running to represent his area as a member of Britain’s Parliament. During his campaign, he has used AI tools to present voters with an electronic version of himself called “AI Steve.” The electronic image is known as an avatar.商人史蒂夫·恩达科特正在竞选代表他的地区成为英国议会的一员。在他的竞选过程中,他使用了AI工具向选民展示了一个名为“AI史蒂夫”的电子版自己。这个电子形象被称为化身。Voters can communicate with AI Steve through a website powered by Neural Voice, an AI company. Endacott is the company’s chairman.选民可以通过由AI公司Neural Voice提供支持的网站与AI史蒂夫进行交流。恩达科特是该公司的主席。Endacott, aged 59, said his idea for the AI avatar came after he became unhappy with the way "standard politics" in his area operate. So he decided to run for office in a different way. The AI system permits people to ask questions and offer ideas to AI Steve. The real Endacott can look at these ideas and show them to experts and, if elected, to other members of Parliament.59岁的恩达科特说,他想要创建AI化身的想法源于他对他所在地区“标准政治”运作方式的不满。因此,他决定以不同的方式竞选公职。AI系统允许人们向AI史蒂夫提问并提出想法。真正的恩达科特可以查看这些想法并将其展示给专家,如果当选,还可以展示给其他议会议员。Some of the issues brought to the attention of AI Steve so far include waste collection, immigration, housing, and LGBTQ rights.到目前为止,提交给AI史蒂夫关注的问题包括垃圾收集、移民、住房和LGBTQ权利。Endacott bases the process on a research method called crowdsourcing. That means collecting ideas from large numbers of people to reach better solutions to problems.恩达科特将这一过程基于一种称为众包的研究方法。众包是指从大量人群中收集想法,以找到更好的问题解决方案。Endacott told Reuters news agency he thinks using AI to gather more ideas from people supports democracy. He thinks this will help politicians know more about what people want and need. He added that he hopes to get more politicians to use AI in the same way.恩达科特告诉路透社,他认为使用AI收集更多人的想法有助于支持民主。他认为这将有助于政治家更好地了解人们的需求和愿望。他补充说,他希望能让更多的政治家以同样的方式使用AI。"We're launching a party, we're going to be recruiting more AI candidates across the country after this election,” Endacott said. “We see this as the…building block for something big and something democratic," he added.“我们正在创立一个政党,在这次选举之后,我们将在全国范围内招募更多的AI候选人,”恩达科特说。“我们认为这是……大事和民主事物的基石,”他补充说。Aid worker Eona Johnston, aged 23, agreed with Endacott after meeting him. "We're using AI in so many (areas), at work, social interactions, why don't we put it in politics? It might change the way we live,” she said.23岁的援助工作者艾奥娜·约翰斯顿在见到恩达科特后同意他的观点。“我们在很多领域都使用AI,在工作中,社交互动中,为什么不把它用于政治呢?这可能会改变我们的生活方式,”她说。However, not all locals think using AI will improve government policies. "AI and politicians have one thing in common," local resident Andy Clawson, aged 42, said. "They can’t be trusted."然而,并非所有当地人都认为使用AI会改善政府政策。42岁的当地居民安迪·克劳森说:“AI和政治家有一个共同点,他们都不可信。”Endacott is a member of the political party Smarter U.K. But he decided to run as an independent candidate. That means his name will not be connected with any political party on the ballot. The Labour Party and the Conservative Party are the two most influential political groups in Britain.恩达科特是政治党派“更聪明的英国”的成员。但他决定以独立候选人的身份参选。这意味着他的名字不会与任何政党联系在选票上。工党和保守党是英国最有影响力的两个政治团体。AI Steve is the name that will appear on the ballot. But Electoral Commission officials have made clear that if AI Steve wins, Endacott would win the seat in parliament, not any AI version of the politician.AI史蒂夫是将出现在选票上的名字。但选举委员会官员已明确表示,如果AI史蒂夫获胜,将由恩达科特赢得议会席位,而不是任何AI版本的政治家。
Childhood cancer survivor Hayley Arceneaux and three other American civilians went to space in 2021. They travelled in a mission called Inspiration4 for the private company SpaceX.童年癌症幸存者海莉·阿尔塞诺和另外三名美国平民于2021年进入太空。他们参加了私人公司SpaceX的名为Inspiration4的任务。The four-member crew made history as the first all-civilian team to orbit Earth. But they also provided the most detailed data ever on the effects of space travel on the human body.这四人组成的团队创造了历史,成为首个全平民绕地球轨道飞行的团队。但他们还提供了迄今为止最详细的太空旅行对人体影响的数据。New research based on this data details changes in the brain, heart, muscles, kidneys, skin, immune system and stress levels. The research also provides information on the activity of cell structures called mitochondria in zero-gravity, increased radiation, and other changes experienced in space travel.基于这些数据的新研究详细描述了大脑、心脏、肌肉、肾脏、皮肤、免疫系统和压力水平的变化。研究还提供了有关在零重力状态下细胞结构线粒体活动、增加的辐射以及太空旅行中经历的其他变化的信息。More than 95 percent of the health changes, or biomarkers, returned to normal levels in the months after the crew returned to Earth. But some abnormalities, including in the mitochondria continued, the researchers said. But the data suggested that spaceflights - at least short-term trips – are not big health risks.研究人员表示,在船员返回地球后的几个月里,超过95%的健康变化或生物标志物恢复到了正常水平。但一些异常情况,包括线粒体的异常仍然存在。但数据显示,太空飞行——至少是短期旅行——并不是很大的健康风险。"We did not see anything that was worrisome, thankfully," said Chris Mason. He is a professor of physiology and biophysics at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York who helped lead the research. The studies were published Tuesday in Nature and other journals.“幸运的是,我们没有发现任何令人担忧的事情,”克里斯·梅森说。他是纽约威尔康奈尔医学院的生理学和生物物理学教授,帮助领导了这项研究。这些研究于周二发表在《自然》和其他期刊上。Mason added that there was evidence of brain stress during the mission, which has also been found in previous studies.梅森补充说,在任务期间有证据表明大脑受到了压力,这在以前的研究中也有发现。Mason said this might be explained by findings in experimental mice flown to space. The mice experienced disruptions in the blood-brain barrier, a layer of cells protecting the brain.梅森说,这可能通过飞往太空的实验鼠中的发现来解释。这些小鼠经历了血脑屏障的破坏,血脑屏障是一层保护大脑的细胞。Brain function was not affected, Mason noted.梅森指出,大脑功能没有受到影响。Arceneaux is a doctor’s assistant at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, and the mission's medical officer. Her three crewmates, two men and one woman, were monitored before, during and after the flight. They went through extensive testing and provided blood, saliva and other bodily materials.阿尔塞诺是田纳西州孟菲斯圣犹达儿童研究医院的医生助理,也是这次任务的医疗官。她的三名队友,两男一女,在飞行前、飞行中和飞行后都进行了监测。他们进行了广泛的测试,提供了血液、唾液和其他身体材料。The research also included information from 64 astronauts who had longer stays on the International Space Station (ISS) and other missions. Inspiration4 flew at about 590 kilometers above Earth, higher than the ISS. That means the crew faced higher radiation levels.研究还包括来自64名在国际空间站(ISS)和其他任务中长期逗留的宇航员的信息。Inspiration4在距地球约590公里的高度飞行,比国际空间站更高。这意味着船员面临更高的辐射水平。The beginning of a "second Space Age" led by private space travel companies has increased the demand to understand health risks, says Afshin Beheshti. He is with the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science in Seattle, Washington, and helped lead the research.华盛顿州西雅图蓝色大理石太空科学研究所的Afshin Beheshti说,私人太空旅行公司引领的“第二个太空时代”的开始增加了了解健康风险的需求。他帮助领导了这项研究。Researchers consider the amount of time in space to be an important factor in the health effects.研究人员认为,太空中的时间长度是健康影响的一个重要因素。The longer the time in space, “the greater the increase in health risks observed," Beheshti said.Beheshti说,太空时间越长,“观察到的健康风险增加越大”。Beheshti added the data detailed the major effect of spaceflight on mitochondrial and immune function.Beheshti补充说,数据详细描述了太空飞行对线粒体和免疫功能的主要影响。The “new findings indicate that microgravity and space radiation systematically affect the body, leading to dysfunction at the cellular level that impacts multiple organs, including muscles, kidneys, heart, skin, and (central nervous system) tissues," Beheshti said.Beheshti说,“新发现表明,微重力和太空辐射系统性地影响身体,导致细胞层面的功能障碍,影响多个器官,包括肌肉、肾脏、心脏、皮肤和(中枢神经系统)组织”。He added that spaceflight is known to quicken aging and many diseases. But, he said, the research is identifying major health risks that can be targeted for preventative treatment.他补充说,众所周知,太空飞行会加速衰老和许多疾病。但他说,研究正在识别可以针对性预防的主要健康风险。The scientists are looking forward in their work.科学家们对他们的工作充满期待。"If humans are going to be living and working in space, or living on the moon and Mars,” scientists need a basic understanding of how the body responds to space, Mason said.梅森说:“如果人类要在太空生活和工作,或者在月球和火星上生活,科学家们需要基本了解身体对太空的反应。”
A new study suggests that people infected with COVID-19 in the past may receive protection against some kinds of common colds.一项新的研究表明,以前感染过COVID-19的人可能会对某些类型的普通感冒产生保护作用。COVID-19 is one of several coronaviruses known to affect humans. The new research found that past COVID-19 infections can lower the risk of getting colds caused by other coronaviruses. Studies have shown coronaviruses account for about one in five colds.COVID-19是已知会影响人类的几种冠状病毒之一。新的研究发现,过去感染过COVID-19的人患其他冠状病毒引起的感冒的风险较低。研究表明,冠状病毒占了大约五分之一的感冒病例。Researchers involved in the study say their results could support future efforts to improve COVID-19 vaccines or develop new ones.参与这项研究的研究人员表示,他们的结果可能会支持未来改进COVID-19疫苗或开发新疫苗的努力。The study examined COVID-19 tests from more than 4,900 people who sought medical care between November 2020 and October 2021.这项研究检查了2020年11月至2021年10月期间寻求医疗护理的超过4900人的COVID-19检测结果。It showed that people previously infected with COVID-19 had a 50 percent lower chance of having a coronavirus-caused cold than those who were fully vaccinated and had not gotten COVID-19.研究显示,以前感染过COVID-19的人患冠状病毒引起的感冒的几率比那些完全接种疫苗但没有感染过COVID-19的人低50%。The research recently appeared in the publication Science Translational Medicine. The lead writer of the study was Dr. Manish Sagar. He is an infectious disease specialist at Boston Medical Center and a professor at Boston University in Massachusetts.这项研究最近发表在《科学转化医学》杂志上。研究的主要作者是马尼什·萨加尔博士。他是波士顿医疗中心的传染病专家,也是马萨诸塞州波士顿大学的教授。Sagar told the Associated Press, “We think there’s going to be a future outbreak of a coronavirus.” He said current coronavirus vaccines might be improved if researchers could copy some of the immune reactions “provided by natural infection.”萨加尔告诉美联社,“我们认为未来会爆发另一种冠状病毒。”他说,如果研究人员能够复制“自然感染提供的”某些免疫反应,目前的冠状病毒疫苗可能会得到改进。Researchers linked the protection against coronavirus-caused colds to virus-killing cell reactions for two viral proteins. These proteins are not currently used in most vaccines. But the researchers have proposed adding them in the future.研究人员将对冠状病毒引起的感冒的保护作用与两种病毒蛋白的杀病毒细胞反应联系起来。目前大多数疫苗中并未使用这些蛋白质。但研究人员提出将来可以添加这些蛋白质。Sagar said this development may lead to future vaccines that could target not only current coronaviruses, but also new ones that might appear.萨加尔表示,这一发展可能会导致未来的疫苗不仅能针对当前的冠状病毒,还能针对可能出现的新冠状病毒。Dr. Wesley Long is a pathologist at Houston Methodist in Texas. He was not involved in the study. Long noted that the findings should not be seen as a weakness of current vaccines. These vaccines target a so-called “spike protein” contained in the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.韦斯利·朗博士是德克萨斯州休斯顿卫理公会医院的一名病理学家。他没有参与这项研究。朗指出,这些发现不应被视为当前疫苗的弱点。这些疫苗针对的是导致COVID-19的SARS-CoV-2病毒中所谓的“刺突蛋白”。Long said those vaccines are “still your best defense against severe COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and death.”朗说,这些疫苗“仍然是防止严重COVID-19感染、住院和死亡的最佳防御措施。”But Long added that new targets could be added to existing vaccines in an effort to “cross-protect against multiple viruses.” This process, he said, could result in wider immunity from a single vaccine.但朗补充说,可以在现有疫苗中添加新的目标,以“交叉保护多种病毒”。他说,这一过程可能会使单一疫苗产生更广泛的免疫力。
Millions of years ago, a huge and powerful hunter flew in the skies above a former sea in what is now Australia. Its large mouth and long, pointed teeth captured fish and other sea life.几百万年前,一种巨大的强大猎手在如今的澳大利亚上空的一个古老海洋上空飞行。它的大嘴和长而尖的牙齿捕捉鱼类和其他海洋生物。Scientists in Australia recently announced the discovery of fossil remains of the animal, named Haliskia peterseni. They said the fossils are the most complete remains of any pterosaur ever unearthed in Australia. The creature lived alongside dinosaurs during the Cretaceous Period, the researchers said.澳大利亚的科学家最近宣布发现了这种被命名为Haliskia peterseni的动物的化石遗骸。他们表示,这些化石是澳大利亚迄今为止发现的最完整的翼龙遗骸。研究人员说,这种生物生活在白垩纪时期,与恐龙共存。Haliskia means "sea phantom." The researchers said Haliskia’s wings measured 4.6 meters across from end to end. The animal lived about 100 million years ago.Haliskia的意思是“海洋幽灵”。研究人员表示,Haliskia的翅膀从一端到另一端长4.6米。这种动物生活在大约一亿年前。"The Eromanga Sea was a massive inland sea covering large parts of Australia when this pterosaur was alive," said Adele Pentland, a doctoral student in paleontology at Curtin University in Australia. Pentland was the lead writer of a study, which appeared recently in the publication Scientific Reports.“埃罗曼加海是一个覆盖澳大利亚大部分地区的巨大内陆海洋,当时这种翼龙生活在这个海洋上空,”澳大利亚科廷大学古生物学博士生阿黛尔·彭特兰德说。彭特兰德是最近在《科学报告》期刊上发表的一项研究的主要作者。The thin bones of pterosaurs do not easily turn into fossils. For Haliskia, only 22 percent of the skeleton was unearthed. The bones included complete lower jaws, part of the upper jaw, throat bones, 43 teeth, vertebrae, ribs, bones from both wings and part of one leg.翼龙的薄骨头不容易变成化石。对于Haliskia,只挖掘出了22%的骨架。这些骨头包括完整的下颌骨、部分上颌骨、喉骨、43颗牙齿、椎骨、肋骨、两翼的骨头和一条腿的部分骨头。Pentland said the researchers believe the muscle in the animal’s mouth, called the tongue, was very strong, based on the length of its throat bones.彭特兰德说,研究人员根据其喉骨的长度认为这种动物嘴里的肌肉,也就是舌头,非常强壮。"In many other pterosaurs, the throat bones are 30 percent or 60 percent the length of the lower jaw, whereas in Haliskia the throat bones are 70 percent the length of the lower jaw,” Pentland said.“在许多其他翼龙中,喉骨的长度是下颌骨长度的30%或60%,而在Haliskia中,喉骨长度是下颌骨长度的70%。”彭特兰德说。Haliskia is a little larger and older, by about 5 million years, than the closely related Australian pterosaur Ferrodraco. Scientists announced its discovery in 2019. Haliskia's remains are more complete than those of Ferrodraco.Haliskia比密切相关的澳大利亚翼龙Ferrodraco大一些,年龄也大了大约500万年。科学家们在2019年宣布了Ferrodraco的发现。Haliskia的遗骸比Ferrodraco的更完整。Both animals belong to a pterosaur group called anhanguerians known from remains found in China, the United States, Brazil, Britain, Spain and Morocco. The three other named Australian pterosaurs are known only from partial jaw bones, Pentland said.这两种动物都属于一种叫做anhanguerians的翼龙类群,已在中国、美国、巴西、英国、西班牙和摩洛哥发现了它们的遗骸。彭特兰德说,另外三种命名的澳大利亚翼龙仅从部分颌骨中得知。The Haliskia individual's body ended up buried under sediment at the bottom of the Eromanga Sea.这只Haliskia的身体最终被埋在埃罗曼加海底的沉积物下。Pterosaurs were the first of three vertebrate groups to fly, appearing about 230 million years ago. Birds appeared about 150 million years ago and bats appeared around 50 million years ago.翼龙是三大飞行脊椎动物群中最早出现的,出现在大约2.3亿年前。鸟类出现在大约1.5亿年前,而蝙蝠则出现在大约5000万年前。Pentland said the Haliskia discovery is also important because for many years experts believed Australia had very few fossils from the age of dinosaurs.彭特兰德说,Haliskia的发现也很重要,因为多年来专家们认为澳大利亚的恐龙时代化石非常少。
Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease. One part of the immune system, called macrophages, is highly implicated. 克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎是最常见的炎症性肠病。人体免疫系统中巨噬细胞与病因密切相关。The researchers at the Francis Crick Institute discovered the macrophages master regulator of inflammation is a section of DNA that controls the whole suite of inflammatory chemicals that the cells release, and some people are born with a version that makes their body respond excessively.弗朗西斯·克里克研究所的研究人员发现,巨噬细胞作为炎症的主调节器,也是一段脱氧核糖核酸(DNA),该段 DNA 控制着细胞释放的一整套炎症化学物质,而有些人天生就有一种不同的 DNA “版本”,会让身体反应过度。The researchers use this knowledge to test drugs that are already approved for other conditions. These could calm inflammation in samples of bowel tissue from IBD patients.研究人员利用这些知识来测试已获批用于治疗其它疾病的药物。这些药物应该可以缓解在炎症性肠病患者肠道组织样本中已发现的炎症。词汇表ulcerative colitis 溃疡性结肠炎inflammatory bowel disease 炎症性肠病immune system 免疫系统macrophages 巨噬细胞implicated 密切相关的,有关联的regulator 调节器,管理者DNA 脱氧核糖核酸suite 一套、一整套inflammatory 引起炎症的,发炎的excessively 过度的tissue (细胞)组织IBD 炎症性肠病
If you could time travel, would you visit the past or the future? You could find your ancestors, descendants, or experience life when dinosaurs roamed your back garden. It sounds otherworldly, but scientists have looked into whether time travel is actually possible.如果你可以穿越,你会去过去还是未来? 您可以找到您的祖先、后代,或者体验恐龙在您的后花园漫步时的生活。 这听起来很超凡脱俗,但科学家们已经研究了时间旅行是否真的可能。Albert Einstein's theory of relativity revolutionised understanding of space, time, mass and gravity. The key element of this theory is that time and space are linked together, and time doesn't flow at a constant rate, meaning it speeds up or slows down, depending on where you are. For example, when you travel at high speeds, time decreases, which means, according to NASA, astronauts in space age more slowly than those on Earth! So, if you wanted to travel to the future, you would need to move close to the speed of light. Then, while centuries pass on Earth, you'd experience a relatively short amount of time and could hypothetically return home, where it would be the future!阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的相对论彻底改变了对空间、时间、质量和重力的理解。 该理论的关键要素是时间和空间是联系在一起的,并且时间不会以恒定的速度流动,这意味着它会加速或减慢,具体取决于您所在的位置。 例如,当你高速旅行时,时间会减少,这意味着,根据美国宇航局的说法,太空中的宇航员比地球上的宇航员更慢! 所以,如果你想旅行到未来,你需要接近光速。 然后,当地球上几个世纪过去时,你会经历相对较短的时间,并且假设可以返回家园,那里将是未来!Travelling backwards in time seems much more difficult. Theoretically, one way of going back is via a wormhole. That means, if space and time can be folded like paper, we could create a tunnel – a shortcut between points in time. The problem is that there is no evidence that wormholes exist. "It's been shown mathematically that they can exist, but whether they exist physically is something else," says Emma Osborne, an astrophysicist at the University of York. Also, theories show that wormholes would be so small that a person definitely couldn't fit through one, and they would have such an intense gravitational field that they would collapse very quickly.时光倒流似乎要困难得多。 从理论上讲,返回的一种方法是通过虫洞。 这意味着,如果空间和时间可以像纸一样折叠,我们就可以创建一条隧道——时间点之间的捷径。 问题是没有证据表明虫洞存在。 约克大学天体物理学家艾玛·奥斯本 (Emma Osborne) 表示:“数学上证明它们可以存在,但它们在物理上是否存在则是另一回事。” 此外,理论表明,虫洞非常小,人绝对无法穿过,而且虫洞的引力场非常强,很快就会塌陷。For now, it seems we'll have to be content with science fiction and using telescopes to look back in time rather than travelling through it.目前,我们似乎只能满足于科幻小说和使用望远镜回顾过去,而不是穿越过去。词汇表ancestor 祖先descendant 后代otherworldly 超脱尘俗的,非现实世界的theory of relativity 相对论mass 质量gravity 重力,引力flow (时间)流动,流逝speed up 加速slow down 减速age 变老the speed of light 光速century 一百年,世纪wormhole 蠕虫洞shortcut 捷径,近路astrophysicist 天体物理学家gravitational field 引力场collapse 崩塌,坍塌science fiction 科幻小说telescope 望远镜
Once a year, millions of Muslims from all over the world travel to Saudi Arabia, to complete an important religious duty called Hajj. The travelers gather in the city of Mecca, carrying out holy acts over several days.每年一次,数百万穆斯林从世界各地前往沙特阿拉伯,完成一种称为哈吉的重要宗教义务。朝圣者们聚集在麦加市,进行数天的神圣活动。Hajj is one of the five pillars, or bases, of Islamic belief.哈吉是伊斯兰信仰的五大支柱之一。Here is a look at the religious event and its meaning to Muslims: Every Muslim who is financially and physically able is expected to complete at least one Hajj. Hajj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The others are declaration of belief, daily prayers, giving to those in need, and fasting. These acts are required.以下是关于这一宗教活动及其对穆斯林意义的介绍:每个在经济和身体上有能力的穆斯林都应完成至少一次哈吉。哈吉是伊斯兰五大支柱之一。其他支柱是信仰宣言、每日祷告、施舍和斋戒。这些行为是必需的。The Hajj takes place once a year during the Islamic lunar month of Dhul-Hijja. It is the 12th and final month of the Islamic year. The Hajj begins on June 14 this year and ends on June 19.哈吉每年在伊斯兰阴历月的杜尔·哈吉月举行。它是伊斯兰年历的第十二个月也是最后一个月。今年的哈吉从6月14日开始,6月19日结束。Performing Hajj meets a religious requirement for Muslims. The pilgrims are to seek God’s forgiveness for their wrongdoings. They believe the act brings them closer to God.进行哈吉满足了穆斯林的宗教要求。朝圣者们寻求上帝的宽恕,赦免他们的过错。他们相信这一行为能使他们更接近上帝。Many pilgrims bring with them prayer requests from family and friends that they would like to be said for them.许多朝圣者会带着来自家人和朋友的祈祷请求,希望在哈吉期间为他们祈祷。Some Muslims spend years saving money and making preparations to make the pilgrimage. And other barriers can get in the way.有些穆斯林花费数年时间储蓄资金并做准备来进行朝圣。而其他障碍也可能阻碍他们。In 2019, almost 2.5 million Muslims traveled to Mecca for Hajj. But the next year saw worldwide pandemic restrictions. Saudi officials restricted the event in 2020 to Muslims who lived in the country. Last year’s Hajj was the first to be held without COVID-19 restrictions since 2020. Close to 1.9 million people took part.2019年,近250万穆斯林前往麦加进行哈吉。但次年由于全球疫情限制,沙特官员将2020年的哈吉限制在境内的穆斯林。今年的哈吉是自2020年以来首次没有COVID-19限制的哈吉,约有190万人参与。Pilgrims declare the will to perform Hajj and they enter a state of “ihram.” Rules of ihram include the wearing of special clothes by men. The aim is to prepare oneself to be humble and a follower of God.朝圣者们宣告进行哈吉的意愿,并进入“戒律”状态。戒律规则包括男性穿戴特殊服装。其目的是使自己准备好谦卑并成为上帝的追随者。A spiritual high point of Hajj for many is to stand on the plain of Arafat. Pilgrims pray at the site, praising God and asking for God’s forgiveness.对许多人来说,哈吉的精神高潮是站在阿拉法特平原上。朝圣者们在此祈祷,赞美上帝并请求上帝的宽恕。Other religious acts include performing “tawaf” or circling the Kaaba structure in Mecca seven times.其他宗教行为包括进行“绕行”,即围绕麦加的克尔白结构绕行七圈。The Kaaba is a structure that represents the house of God. Muslims pray toward the Kaaba wherever they are in the world.克尔白是一座象征上帝之家的建筑。无论身处世界何地,穆斯林都向克尔白祈祷。Pilgrims also follow the path of Hagar, or Hajar. She is the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim, or Abraham to Jews and Christians. Muslims believe she ran between two hills seven times searching for water for her son.朝圣者们还会沿着哈杰尔的路径前进。她是先知易卜拉欣的妻子,即犹太人和基督徒所称的亚伯拉罕。穆斯林相信她曾在两座山之间奔跑七次,为她的儿子寻找水源。Among other religious acts, pilgrims throw small stones at structures that represent evil.在其他宗教行为中,朝圣者们向象征邪恶的结构投掷小石子。Eid al-Adha, or the “Feast of Sacrifice,” is a holiday that begins on the 10th day of Dhul-Hijja, during Hajj.宰牲节或“牺牲节”是在哈吉期间从杜尔·哈吉月的第十天开始的节日。It is celebrated by Muslims around the world. It marks Prophet Ibrahim’s demonstration of religious belief by offering his son’s life to honor God. During the holiday, Muslims kill animals like sheep or cattle and give some meat to the poor.全球的穆斯林都会庆祝这个节日。它标志着先知易卜拉欣通过奉献自己儿子的生命来尊敬上帝的宗教信仰。在节日期间,穆斯林会宰杀羊或牛等动物,并将部分肉分给贫困的人。
Cameroon has one of the world's lowest amounts of health care workers per capita. About a third of trained doctors who completed medical school last year left the West African country. Many doctors and nurses are leaving for more well-paying jobs in Europe and North America, including Canada.喀麦隆是世界上人均医疗工作者数量最低的国家之一。去年完成医学院学业的受训医生中约有三分之一离开了这个西非国家。许多医生和护士前往欧洲和北美洲(包括加拿大)寻找薪资更高的工作。Canada, like Cameroon, has official languages of English and French.加拿大和喀麦隆一样,官方语言是英语和法语。After training as a nurse, Nevielle Leinyuy spent almost 10 years in Cameroon working as a front desk worker. He was unable to find a well-paying job in the medical field. Last year, he applied for a nursing program in Canada. He now lives there with his wife and children.经过护士培训后,内维尔·莱尼尤在喀麦隆做了近十年的前台工作人员。他无法在医疗领域找到一份高薪工作。去年,他申请了加拿大的一个护理项目。现在他和妻子及孩子们住在加拿大。“They are stealing us from Cameroon. We want to work in Cameroon but there is no pay,” the 39-year-old Leinyuy said.39岁的莱尼尤说:“他们在从喀麦隆抢走我们。我们想在喀麦隆工作,但没有报酬。”He said he would have earned less than $100 a month working as a nurse in Cameroon.他说,如果在喀麦隆当护士,他每月的收入不会超过100美元。Cameroon is not the only sub-Saharan African country where low pay is causing health workers to leave.喀麦隆并不是唯一一个因低薪导致医务人员离开的撒哈拉以南非洲国家。The number of health workers increased in several countries after the COVID-19 pandemic. But almost 75 percent of African nations still experience medical worker shortages and high rates of healthcare workers leaving to work overseas. That information comes from a 2023 report from the World Health Organization (WHO).在新冠疫情之后,几个国家的医务人员数量有所增加。但近75%的非洲国家仍面临医务人员短缺和高比例的医务人员外流。这些信息来自世界卫生组织(WHO)2023年的报告。The lack of health workers makes it difficult to deal with infant mortality and infectious diseases. It also makes it hard to provide services like vaccinations, said Matshidiso Moeti. He is the WHO regional director for Africa.WHO非洲区域主任玛茜迪索·莫伊提表示,医务人员的缺乏使得处理婴儿死亡率和传染病变得困难,也使得提供疫苗接种等服务变得困难。Cameroon has fewer than seven nurses per 10,000 people, the latest WHO data found. Neighboring Nigeria has more than double that amount. Canada has more than 14 times that number.最新的WHO数据显示,喀麦隆每一万人中不到七名护士。邻国尼日利亚的护士数量是喀麦隆的两倍多。加拿大的护士数量是喀麦隆的十四倍以上。Marie-Pier Burelle is a spokesperson for Health Canada. She told The Associated Press that Canada is facing its own health workforce shortages. The country has 30,000 nursing positions it needs to fill, says Statistics Canada.加拿大卫生部发言人玛丽·皮尔·布雷尔告诉美联社,加拿大也面临着医疗工作者短缺的问题。据加拿大统计局称,加拿大有3万个护理岗位需要填补。Burelle said Canada follows the WHO’s code of practice to make sure its recruitment of workers internationally is ethical. Ethical recruitment includes strengthening the health systems of developing countries dealing with medical worker shortages.布雷尔表示,加拿大遵循WHO的行为准则,确保其国际招聘符合伦理。伦理招聘包括加强应对医务人员短缺的发展中国家的卫生系统。Late last year, the Canadian government donated around $2.2 million to Cameroon's health ministry. It also delivered medical and monitoring equipment as part of Canada's Global Initiative for Vaccine Equity.去年年底,加拿大政府向喀麦隆卫生部捐赠了约220万美元,并作为加拿大全球疫苗公平倡议的一部分,提供了医疗和监测设备。But such support falls short of Cameroon’s needs.但这种支持无法满足喀麦隆的需求。Cameroon’s government employs around 100 doctors each year for a population of around 28 million people, said Dr. Peter Louis Ndifor. He is the vice president of the Cameroon Medical Council, a doctors association.喀麦隆医学会(一个医生协会)的副主席彼得·路易斯·恩迪福尔博士表示,喀麦隆政府每年雇佣大约100名医生,而喀麦隆的人口约为2800万。The Canadian province of Nova Scotia, by comparison, has a population of under a million people. It recruited around 155 doctors last year, health officials say.相比之下,加拿大的新斯科舍省人口不到一百万。据卫生官员称,该省去年招募了大约155名医生。The shortage of health workers is just part of Cameroon's current health crisis.医务人员短缺只是喀麦隆当前健康危机的一部分。More than 210 health centers closed because of destruction or abandonment during a conflict in the country's west, the United Nations says. The conflict has killed thousands of people over the past several years.联合国表示,西部冲突期间,由于破坏或遗弃,超过210个卫生中心关闭。该冲突在过去几年中导致了数千人死亡。Tumenta Kennedy is a Cameroon-based migration expert. He says Canada has become an attractive place because Canadian agencies target local doctors and nurses. Family ties overseas also play a part.图门塔·肯尼迪是一位驻喀麦隆的移民专家。他说,加拿大成为一个有吸引力的地方,因为加拿大的机构针对当地的医生和护士。海外的家庭联系也起到了一定作用。Canadian government immigration programs like the Federal Skilled Worker Program or Express Entry are gaining in popularity. Cameroonians are among the top nationalities applying for Express Entry, the program's latest report found.加拿大政府的移民项目,如联邦技术工人计划或快速通道,越来越受欢迎。该项目的最新报告发现,喀麦隆人是申请快速通道的主要国籍之一。
African elephants call each other by and answer to individual names, a new study finds. Such communication is rare in the animal world.一项新的研究发现,非洲象会用名字互相呼唤,并对名字作出回应。这种交流在动物界非常罕见。African elephants are among the largest animals that live on land.非洲象是陆地上最大的动物之一。The names are one part of the low sounds, or rumbles, elephants make. They can hear these sounds over long distances where they live in the savannah – large grassy areas of land mixed with woodlands.名字是大象发出的低沉声音或轰鸣的一部分。它们可以在居住的稀树草原上听到这些声音,这些地方是大片草地和林地的混合区域。Scientists believe that animals with complex social structures may be more likely to use individual names.科学家认为,具有复杂社会结构的动物更有可能使用个人名字。Stuart Pimm of Duke University is an ecologist who was not involved with the study. He said, “If you’re looking after a large family, you’ve got to be able to say, ‘Hey, Virginia, get over here!’”杜克大学的生态学家斯图尔特·皮姆没有参与这项研究。他说:“如果你在照顾一个大家庭,你必须能够说,‘嘿,弗吉尼亚,过来!’”It is extremely rare for animals to call each other by individual names. Humans have names, of course, and dogs and cats may react when their names are called.动物用名字互相称呼是极其罕见的。人类当然有名字,狗和猫在听到名字时也可能会有反应。Some ocean animals, including the dolphin, invent their own names when they are very young. And the birds called parrots may also use names.一些海洋动物,包括海豚,在很小的时候就会创造自己的名字。被称为鹦鹉的鸟类也可能使用名字。Each of these naming animals also have the ability to learn and say individual new sounds throughout their lives, as does the African elephant, the research shows.研究表明,这些起名字的动物也有能力在其一生中学习和发出新的独特声音,非洲象也是如此。The study was released in the publication Nature Ecology & Evolution. In the study, biologists used machine learning to find the use of names in recordings of savanna elephant sounds. The sounds were recorded at Kenya’s Samburu National Reserve and Amboseli National Park.这项研究发表在《自然生态与进化》杂志上。在研究中,生物学家使用机器学习在记录的稀树草原象的声音中找到名字的使用。这些声音是在肯尼亚的桑布鲁国家保护区和安博塞利国家公园录制的。The researchers followed the elephants as they traveled to observe which one called out and which one appeared to answer.研究人员在跟踪大象旅行时观察哪只大象在呼唤,哪只大象似乎在回应。By examining only the audio data, the computer model predicted which elephant was being called 28 percent of the time, likely due to the inclusion of its name. When fed meaningless data, the model only correctly predicted eight percent of calls.通过仅检查音频数据,计算机模型在28%的时间内预测出了哪只大象被叫到,这很可能是由于包含了它的名字。当输入无意义的数据时,模型只正确预测了8%的呼叫。Biologist Mickey Pardo of Cornell University wrote the study. He said, “Just like humans, elephants use names, but probably don’t use names in the majority” of their communications.康奈尔大学的生物学家米奇·帕尔多撰写了这项研究。他说,“就像人类一样,大象使用名字,但可能在大多数交流中并不使用名字。”The low rumbles elephants make also may include sounds that are below the range of human hearing. The scientists still do not know which sounds make up a name.大象发出的低沉轰鸣声也可能包括低于人类听觉范围的声音。科学家们仍然不知道哪些声音组成了名字。Researchers tested their results by playing recordings to individual elephants. The elephants reacted more energetically, moving their ears and lifting their trunks, to recordings that contained their names. Sometimes elephants did not react in any way to the sounds of elephant names other than their own.研究人员通过播放录音给单独的大象来测试他们的结果。大象对包含它们名字的录音反应更加积极,移动耳朵并抬起象鼻。有时大象对除了自己名字以外的大象名字的声音没有任何反应。Ecologist George Wittemyer of Colorado State University helped write the study. He also is a scientific adviser for the nonprofit Save the Elephants, which aims to protect the animal.科罗拉多州立大学的生态学家乔治·威特马尔帮助撰写了这项研究。他还是旨在保护大象的非营利组织“拯救大象”的科学顾问。He said, “Elephants are incredibly social, always talking and touching each other — this naming is probably one of the things that underpins their ability to communicate to individuals.”他说:“大象是非常社会化的动物,总是在交流和触摸彼此——这种命名可能是支持它们与个体交流能力的因素之一。”Wittemyer added, “We just cracked open the door a bit to the elephant mind.”威特马尔补充道:“我们只是稍微打开了一扇了解大象思维的门。”
A team of international researchers says that climate change made recent flooding in southern Brazil twice as likely to happen.一个国际研究团队表示,气候变化使巴西南部最近发生的洪水发生的可能性增加了一倍。It also said that the El Niño Pacific Ocean current made the rains in Brazil more severe.他们还表示,厄尔尼诺太平洋洋流使巴西的降雨更加严重。Last month, flooding killed more than 170 people and displaced nearly 580,000 in Brazil's southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. Local officials said it was the worst disaster in the area's history.上个月,洪水在巴西南部的南大河州造成170多人死亡,近58万人流离失所。当地官员称这是该地区历史上最严重的灾难。A network of experts called World Weather Attribution said that the heavy rainfall in Rio Grande do Sul was an “extremely rare” event. The group said it expects such an event to happen only once every 100 to 250 years. However, the group added, it would have been even rarer without the effects of burning fossil fuel.一个名为世界天气归因的专家网络表示,南大河州的强降雨是一个“极其罕见”的事件。该组织称,这种事件预计每100到250年才会发生一次。然而,该组织补充说,如果没有燃烧化石燃料的影响,这种事件会更为罕见。The experts at World Weather Attribution also said the flooding was six to nine percent more severe than it would have been without climate change. The experts combined weather observations with results from climate models to make their estimates.世界天气归因的专家还表示,洪水比没有气候变化的情况下严重了六到九个百分点。专家们结合天气观测和气候模型的结果进行了估算。Lincoln Alves is with Brazil’s space research center INPE. Alves said, "The climate in Brazil has already changed." He said that the study "confirms that human activities have contributed to more intense and frequent extreme events…” He added that the flooding showed Brazil's vulnerability to climate change.林肯·阿尔维斯(Lincoln Alves)在巴西空间研究中心(INPE)工作。阿尔维斯说,“巴西的气候已经发生了变化。”他表示,这项研究“证实了人类活动对更强烈和更频繁的极端事件有所贡献……”他补充说,这次洪水显示了巴西对气候变化的脆弱性。The researchers said that the El Niño Pacific Ocean current also played a part in the flooding in Brazil. Experts say the El Niño phenomenon contributes to higher temperatures in many parts of the world. It also brings increased rainfall and flood risk to parts of the Americas.研究人员表示,厄尔尼诺太平洋洋流也在巴西的洪水中起了作用。专家说,厄尔尼诺现象导致世界许多地方气温升高,还给美洲部分地区带来了更多的降雨和洪水风险。The scientists added that failure of important infrastructure, deforestation, and the fast growth of cities helped to increase the effects of the disaster. The flooding affected Porto Alegre, the capital of Rio Grande do Sul. The city is home to 1.3 million people.科学家们补充说,重要基础设施的失效、森林砍伐和城市的快速增长加剧了灾害的影响。洪水影响了南大河州的首府阿雷格里港。该市有130万人口。Regina Rodrigues is a researcher at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She said that good flood protection infrastructure and the right urban planning are needed to reduce the effect of "such extreme events.”雷吉娜·罗德里格斯(Regina Rodrigues)是圣卡塔琳娜联邦大学的研究员。她表示,需要良好的防洪基础设施和正确的城市规划来减少“此类极端事件”的影响。
Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda and Morrisons are now offering members of their loyalty schemes bonus points if they hit spending targets.特易购(Tesco)、桑斯伯里(Sainsbury's)、阿斯达(Asda)和莫里斯(Morrisons)目前为其顾客忠诚计划的会员提供奖励积分,只要会员达到消费目标即可。The challenges vary between supermarkets, but some involve shopping more frequently, while others are about hitting a spending target on specific products before a deadline. 不同超市对会员提出的挑战各不相同,有些需要会员更频繁地购物,而另外一些则需要会员在某个截止日期之前完成消费特定商品。Supermarkets say these schemes offer better value and more personalised savings, but the consumer group Which? and the debt charity StepChange have warned that setting shopping challenges could encourage people to spend more than they can afford.超市说这些会员项目为会员提供更物有所值的产品和更具个性化的省钱方案。但英国消费者组织 Which? 和债务慈善机构 StepChange 则警告称,给顾客设置购物挑战可能会鼓励公众超过自己的消费能力购物。Retail experts have told the BBC personalised prices and challenges are simply a way for supermarkets to get customers to spend more with them instead of their rivals. New data from the research firm Kantar suggest the average person has loyalty cards for three different supermarkets.一些零售业专家告诉 BBC,个性化价格和消费挑战只不过是超市想让顾客在自家多消费而不在竞争对手那里消费的一个方法。市场调研公司 Kantar(凯度)的新数据显示,一个普通顾客会拥有三家不同超市的忠诚会员卡。词汇表loyalty schemes 顾客忠诚计划spending targets 消费目标deadline 截止日期value 价值、物有所值debt 债务afford 能消费得起retail experts 零售业专家rivals 竞争对手loyalty cards 忠诚会员卡
Devastating floods are becoming more and more common around the world. The warming climate is leading to heavier rainfall, but could the way that cities are growing be making things worse? Could we design cities in a different way to reduce the risk of flooding?毁灭性的洪水在世界各地变得越来越普遍。 气候变暖导致降雨量增加,但城市的发展方式是否会让情况变得更糟? 我们能否以不同的方式设计城市来降低洪水风险?As cities expand, and more and more land is underneath concrete or paving, less water is absorbed and more needs to be channelled away by storm drains and sewerage systems. As they become overwhelmed by the volume of water, the risk of flash flooding increases.随着城市的扩张,越来越多的土地被混凝土或路面覆盖,吸收的水越来越少,更多的水需要通过雨水渠和污水处理系统排出。 当它们被大量的水淹没时,山洪爆发的风险就会增加。Could it be that we've been taking the wrong approach? Chinese landscape architect Yu Kongjian certainly thinks so. In 2013, he proposed the concept of 'sponge cities', which are designed to soak up water – like a sponge – reducing the risk of sudden floods. Natural solutions are encouraged, using riverside parks and ponds to absorb floodwater. Approaches inspired by this have been taken by cities across the world. Auckland, in New Zealand, was named the spongiest city in one study. It has replaced the concrete culverts around the Oakley creek stream with green banks and connected parks. This has reduced flooding in the nearby residential areas as well as the amount of associated contamination which used to be washed into the sea.难道我们一直采取了错误的方法吗? 中国景观设计师俞孔坚当然这么认为。 2013年,他提出了“海绵城市”的概念,其设计目的是像海绵一样吸水,从而降低突发洪水的风险。 鼓励自然解决方案,利用河滨公园和池塘吸收洪水。 世界各地的城市都采取了受此启发的方法。 新西兰奥克兰在一项研究中被评为海绵最丰富的城市。 它用绿色河岸和相连的公园取代了奥克利溪流周围的混凝土涵洞。 这减少了附近居民区的洪水以及过去被冲入大海的相关污染物的数量。Auckland has taken a natural approach, but a much more high-tech method can be seen in Amsterdam. The Dutch city has installed blue-green roofs on a number of buildings. These roofs have a layer of plants on the outside, and then layers underneath which collect and store rainwater. This water can be used by people in the building below to water plants or flush toilets. Sophisticated software can even tell the roofs to release water ahead of upcoming storms to maximise the system's ability to soak up rainwater. It can even identify which areas of the city are at most risk and tailor the response accordingly.奥克兰采取了一种自然的方法,但在阿姆斯特丹可以看到一种更加高科技的方法。 荷兰城市在许多建筑物上安装了蓝绿色屋顶。 这些屋顶外面有一层植物,下面有一层收集和储存雨水的植物。 楼下的人们可以用这些水来浇灌植物或冲厕所。 复杂的软件甚至可以告诉屋顶在即将到来的暴风雨之前释放水,以最大限度地提高系统吸收雨水的能力。 它甚至可以识别城市的哪些区域风险最大,并相应地调整应对措施。Yu Kongjian describes the sponge city approach as using Tai Chi with nature instead of boxing. Questions have been raised as to whether a natural approach is sufficient when faced with increased rain fall globally. What remains to be seen is whether increased scale and combination with modern technology can help natural methods save many more people from flooding.俞孔坚将海绵城市的做法描述为用自然太极而不是拳击。 有人质疑,面对全球降雨量增加,自然方法是否足够。 还有待观察的是,扩大规模并与现代技术相结合是否可以帮助自然方法拯救更多人免遭洪水之害。词汇表concrete 混凝土paving 铺路的材料channel away 疏导,排出storm drain 雨水渠sewerage system 下水道系统overwhelmed 被淹没的flash flooding 突发性洪水landscape architect 景观设计师soak up 吸收,吸掉(液体)absorb (逐渐)吸收floodwater 内涝积水,洪水culvert 地下排水管道bank 堤岸wash into 冲入blue-green roof 种有绿色植物、有助于管理雨水的 “蓝绿色屋顶”
The 2024 Olympic Games open in Paris late next month and experts say especially hot summer weather is likely to return. Temperatures set record highs in Europe last summer and France’s national weather agency says it expects warmer than normal conditions this year.2024年奥运会将于下个月末在巴黎开幕,专家们表示,炎热的夏季天气可能会再次到来。去年夏天欧洲的气温创下了历史新高,法国国家气象局表示,今年预计气温将高于正常水平。Such weather brings additional difficulty to the already punishing climate of physical competition. The Olympic athletes will have to pay more attention to their body temperatures as they train, recover and compete.这种天气给本已严酷的体能竞争环境带来了额外的难度。奥运选手在训练、恢复和比赛时必须更加注意自己的体温。And the buildings in which athletes will stay during the event will not be equipped with air conditioning.运动员在比赛期间居住的建筑物将不配备空调。Craig Heller of Stanford University is an expert in body temperature regulation. Heller told the Reuters news agency, "It can be very hot and miserable (in Paris), as it was in Tokyo during the last Olympics...And that increase in environmental temperature has lots of effects on performance."斯坦福大学的Craig Heller是体温调节方面的专家。Heller告诉路透社:“巴黎可能会非常炎热和难受,就像上届奥运会的东京一样……环境温度的上升对表现有很大的影响。”Stanford University, in California's Bay Area, is well known for Olympic athletes. At least one medalist at every Games since 1912 has been linked with the school.位于加州湾区的斯坦福大学以奥运选手闻名。自1912年以来,每届奥运会都有至少一名与该校有关的奖牌得主。Stanford-connected athletes won 26 Olympic medals in the 2020 games in Tokyo and 27 in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.在2020年东京奥运会上,与斯坦福大学有关的选手赢得了26枚奥运奖牌,而在2016年里约热内卢奥运会上则赢得了27枚奖牌。As a result, Heller and other researchers at the school have had the chance to study body temperature regulation. And the school's closeness to Silicon Valley helped the tech industry enter the playing field.因此,Heller和该校的其他研究人员有机会研究体温调节。该校靠近硅谷也帮助了科技行业进入竞技场。Heller co-invented CoolMitt, a device worn like a glove on the hand. The device helps take out heat while cooling the blood. The cooled blood is sent back to the heart and to the athlete's muscles.Heller共同发明了CoolMitt,这是一种像手套一样戴在手上的装置。该装置帮助散热并冷却血液。冷却的血液被送回心脏并传送到运动员的肌肉。It is designed to be used during timeouts in games, in between sets and reps in the gym, or any short break in training or competition.它设计用于比赛暂停期间、健身房中间组和重复之间,或训练或比赛中的任何短暂休息期间。"If you take heat out of the core of the body, that prevents heat from building up in the active muscles, and they keep on working," Heller said.Heller说:“如果你把热量从身体核心带走,就能防止热量在活跃的肌肉中积聚,它们就能继续工作。”"So what CoolMitt does is prevents hyperthermia, rise in body temperature to a dangerous level. And therefore it enables you to have a higher work volume. And if you have a higher work volume, you get a bigger conditioning effect."“CoolMitt的作用是防止体温过高,防止体温上升到危险水平。因此,它使你能够进行更高的工作量。而如果你有更高的工作量,你会得到更大的调节效果。”The CoolMitt targets the non-hairy parts of the skin that "contain specialized vascular structures” that ease heat loss, a study says.研究表明,CoolMitt针对皮肤上不长毛的部位,这些部位“含有专门的血管结构”有助于散热。Once inside the glove, the palm rests on a special pad set to 10 to 12 degrees Celsius.手掌一旦进入手套,就会放在一个设定为10到12摄氏度的特殊垫子上。The pad draws the heat out while cooling the athlete's blood before it reaches the level of vasoconstriction, slowing the blood flow.垫子在血管收缩减缓血流之前将热量抽出,同时冷却运动员的血液。Tyler Friedrich of Stanford University works with athletes there, including some who went to Tokyo and are likely to go to Paris.斯坦福大学的Tyler Friedrich与那里的运动员合作,包括一些参加了东京奥运会并可能前往巴黎的运动员。"We know if we are overheating, we will not be performing at the level that we want or that we should be. And so regulating heat and regulating core temperature in some instances can be critical” to performance, Friedrich said.Friedrich说:“我们知道,如果我们过热,我们就无法达到我们想要或应该达到的水平。因此,在某些情况下,调节热量和核心温度对表现至关重要。”He said ice baths and cold cloths are often used by athletes but are not necessarily effective.他说,运动员经常使用冰浴和冷毛巾,但不一定有效。A recent study suggested further research was required to prove the efficacy of cold-water immersion practices.最近的一项研究表明,需要进一步研究来证明冷水浸泡实践的效果。Friedrich said the CoolMitt had made a difference.Friedrich说,CoolMitt确实产生了效果。"They (the athletes) notice themselves feeling like at the end of the game they have as much juice or jump in their legs as they did at the beginning," he said.他说:“他们(运动员)注意到自己在比赛结束时感觉腿部的力量和弹跳力与开始时一样多。”
Once a year, millions of Muslims from all over the world travel to Saudi Arabia, to complete an important religious duty called Hajj. The travelers gather in the city of Mecca, carrying out holy acts over several days.每年一次,数百万来自世界各地的穆斯林前往沙特阿拉伯,完成一个重要的宗教义务,称为朝觐。朝圣者聚集在麦加市,进行数天的神圣仪式。Hajj is one of the five pillars, or bases, of Islamic belief.朝觐是伊斯兰信仰的五大支柱之一。Here is a look at the religious event and its meaning to Muslims: Every Muslim who is financially and physically able is expected to complete at least one Hajj. Hajj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The others are declaration of belief, daily prayers, giving to those in need, and fasting. These acts are required.以下是关于这一宗教活动及其对穆斯林意义的介绍:每个在经济上和身体上有能力的穆斯林都应该至少完成一次朝觐。朝觐是伊斯兰五大支柱之一。其他的支柱是信仰宣言、每日祈祷、施舍穷人和斋戒。这些行为都是必须的。The Hajj takes place once a year during the Islamic lunar month of Dhul-Hijja. It is the 12th and final month of the Islamic year. The Hajj begins on June 14 this year and ends on June 19.朝觐每年在伊斯兰阴历的月末月——祖·哈志月举行。这是伊斯兰年历的第十二个月,也是最后一个月。今年的朝觐从6月14日开始,到6月19日结束。Performing Hajj meets a religious requirement for Muslims. The pilgrims are to seek God’s forgiveness for their wrongdoings. They believe the act brings them closer to God.完成朝觐符合穆斯林的宗教要求。朝圣者会寻求上帝的宽恕,以赦免他们的过错。他们相信这一行为能使他们更接近上帝。Many pilgrims bring with them prayer requests from family and friends that they would like to be said for them.许多朝圣者带着家人和朋友的祈祷请求,希望能为他们祈祷。Some Muslims spend years saving money and making preparations to make the pilgrimage. And other barriers can get in the way.一些穆斯林花费多年时间积攒钱财和做准备来完成朝觐。还有其他障碍可能会阻碍他们。In 2019, almost 2.5 million Muslims traveled to Mecca for Hajj. But the next year saw worldwide pandemic restrictions. Saudi officials restricted the event in 2020 to Muslims who lived in the country. Last year’s Hajj was the first to be held without COVID-19 restrictions since 2020. Close to 1.9 million people took part.2019年,几乎有250万穆斯林前往麦加进行朝觐。但次年因全球疫情限制,沙特官员在2020年限制了只允许居住在该国的穆斯林参加朝觐。去年的朝觐是自2020年以来首次没有COVID-19限制的朝觐。约有190万人参加。Pilgrims declare the will to perform Hajj and they enter a state of “ihram.” Rules of ihram include the wearing of special clothes by men. The aim is to prepare oneself to be humble and a follower of God.朝圣者宣告愿意进行朝觐,并进入一种称为“戒礼”的状态。戒礼的规则包括男性穿着特定的衣服。目的是使自己准备好谦卑并成为上帝的追随者。A spiritual high point of Hajj for many is to stand on the plain of Arafat. Pilgrims pray at the site, praising God and asking for God’s forgiveness.对许多人来说,朝觐的精神高潮是在阿拉法特平原上站立。朝圣者在此地祈祷,赞美上帝并请求上帝的宽恕。Other religious acts include performing “tawaf” or circling the Kaaba structure in Mecca seven times.其他宗教活动包括进行“塔瓦夫”或在麦加围绕卡巴结构七圈。The Kaaba is a structure that represents the house of God. Muslims pray toward the Kaaba wherever they are in the world.卡巴是一种代表上帝之家的结构。穆斯林无论身处世界何处都朝向卡巴祈祷。Pilgrims also follow the path of Hagar, or Hajar. She is the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim, or Abraham to Jews and Christians. Muslims believe she ran between two hills seven times searching for water for her son.朝圣者还遵循哈加尔(Hajar)的道路。她是先知易卜拉欣(Ibrahim)的妻子,对犹太人和基督徒来说,她是亚伯拉罕的妻子。穆斯林相信她曾在两座山之间跑了七次,为她的儿子寻找水源。Among other religious acts, pilgrims throw small stones at structures that represent evil.在其他宗教行为中,朝圣者向代表邪恶的结构投掷小石子。Eid al-Adha, or the “Feast of Sacrifice,” is a holiday that begins on the 10th day of Dhul-Hijja, during Hajj.古尔邦节,也叫“宰牲节”,是在祖·哈志月第10天的朝觐期间开始的节日。It is celebrated by Muslims around the world. It marks Prophet Ibrahim’s demonstration of religious belief by offering his son’s life to honor God. During the holiday, Muslims kill animals like sheep or cattle and give some meat to the poor.全球的穆斯林都庆祝这个节日。它标志着先知易卜拉欣通过献祭儿子来表达宗教信仰。在节日期间,穆斯林屠宰绵羊或牛等动物,并将部分肉分给穷人。
Hafsa Omer wears the red, white, and green flag of Somaliland while playing basketball.哈芙萨·奥马在打篮球时穿着索马里兰的红白绿三色旗。The 21-year-old is the captain of the team. Her dream is to one day play for her nation. But there is a problem: Somaliland is not a recognized country.这位21岁的女孩是球队的队长。她的梦想是有一天能为她的国家效力。但有一个问题:索马里兰并不是一个被承认的国家。The breakaway territory in the Horn of Africa has struggled to gain international recognition from any foreign government. The territory has been governing itself and enjoying comparative peace and stability since declaring independence in 1991.位于非洲之角的这个分离地区一直在努力获得任何外国政府的国际承认。自1991年宣布独立以来,这个地区一直在自我治理,并享有相对的和平与稳定。Omer and her two sisters play for Hargeisa Girls Basketball. It is the first all-girls team in the territory. She and her sisters aim to put Somaliland on the map. They plan on doing so by using their more than 10,000 followers on social media.奥马和她的两个姐妹为哈尔格萨女子篮球队效力。这是该地区的第一支全女子球队。她和她的姐妹们的目标是让索马里兰出现在地图上。她们计划通过利用她们在社交媒体上超过一万的粉丝来实现这一目标。She said, “Somaliland is looking for their recognition and we believe that we could be part of bringing the recognition...”她说:“索马里兰正在寻求认可,我们相信我们可以成为带来认可的一部分……”She said they could do that “by wearing the flags, by talking about our country, by promoting it through the short video TikToks or Instagram pictures,” she said. TikTok and Instagram are two popular social media sites.她说,她们可以通过“穿着国旗、谈论我们的国家、通过抖音短视频或Instagram图片来推广它”来做到这一点。抖音和Instagram是两个流行的社交媒体平台。Somaliland’s sovereignty came into question in January. That was when local officials said they would give landlocked neighboring country Ethiopia access to the Red Sea.索马里兰的主权在一月份受到质疑。当地官员当时表示,他们将允许内陆邻国埃塞俄比亚通往红海。The territory said it would do that in return for recognition as an independent country. That caused diplomatic conflict with Somalia’s federal government.该地区表示,他们这样做是为了换取对其作为独立国家的承认。这引起了与索马里联邦政府的外交冲突。Somalia considers Somaliland part of its territory. It rejected the deal permitting Ethiopia to lease 20 kilometers around the port of Berbera. It would have given Ethiopia access to the Red Sea for 50 years for its navy and large shipping boats.索马里认为索马里兰是其领土的一部分。它拒绝了允许埃塞俄比亚租赁贝尔贝拉港周围20公里的协议。该协议本可以让埃塞俄比亚在50年内通过该港口进入红海,用于其海军和大型货船。Somaliland officials say they have a strong case to become Africa’s 55th nation.索马里兰官员表示,他们有充分的理由成为非洲的第55个国家。Once under British control, the territory now has its own police force, coast guard, passports, and money. It also has a government and a working democratic political system.曾经在英国统治下的这个地区现在有自己的警察部队、海岸警卫队、护照和货币。它还有一个政府和一个运作良好的民主政治系统。That record is very different than the situation in Somalia. In Somalia, government forces have been fighting the militant group al Shabaab. The group has links to the terrorist group al Qaeda.这种记录与索马里的情况截然不同。在索马里,政府军一直在与激进组织青年党作战。该组织与恐怖组织基地组织有联系。Omer sees her support of Somaliland’s independence as part of her father and uncles’ armed struggle in the 1980s against the dictator Siad Barre.奥马将她对索马里兰独立的支持视为她父亲和叔叔们在1980年代反对独裁者西亚德·巴雷的武装斗争的一部分。"My dad talks about it every day, what he and his friends had been through, while he watched his cousins dying in front of him," she said.“我爸爸每天都在谈论这件事,他和他的朋友们经历了什么,同时他看着他的堂兄弟们在他面前死去,”她说。While the territory of around 3.5 million people may not gain international recognition soon, Omer has made progress in supporting women’s rights in the conservative territory.尽管这个约350万人口的地区可能不会很快获得国际承认,但奥马在支持这个保守地区的女性权利方面已经取得了进展。Since she founded Hargeisa Girls Basketball in 2018, other female teams have come together for an all-girls league.自从她在2018年创办了哈尔格萨女子篮球队以来,其他女子球队也组成了一个全女子联赛。For her sister Fatima Omer, basketball serves both goals.对她的妹妹法蒂玛·奥马来说,篮球实现了两个目标。She said, “We just want the world to see us.”她说:“我们只想让世界看到我们。”
The East African country of Uganda has begun a nationwide yellow fever vaccination campaign.东非国家乌干达已开始全国范围的黄热病疫苗接种活动。The aim is for the country to protect its population against the viral disease. Yellow fever is spread by insects called mosquitoes.该国的目标是保护其人口免受这种病毒性疾病的侵害。黄热病通过一种叫蚊子的昆虫传播。Dr. Michael Baganizi is an official in charge of immunization at the health ministry. By the end of April, Ugandan officials had vaccinated 12.2 of the 14 million people targeted, he said.Michael Baganizi博士是卫生部负责免疫接种的官员。他说,截至四月底,乌干达官员已为1400万人中的1220万人接种了疫苗。Baganizi added that Uganda will now require everyone traveling to and from the country to have a yellow fever vaccination card.Baganizi补充说,乌干达现在要求所有往返该国的人员持有黄热病疫苗接种卡。Ugandan officials hope the requirement will push more people to get the yellow fever shot. Many people in Uganda have concerns about getting the vaccine. That worries health care providers.乌干达官员希望这一要求能推动更多人接种黄热病疫苗。乌干达的许多人对接种疫苗存在担忧,这让医疗保健提供者感到担忧。The vaccine involves one injection. It is available at no cost to Ugandans between the ages of one and 60. There are vaccination centers in the capital, Kampala. Places offering the vaccine include schools, universities, hospitals, and local government buildings.这种疫苗只需注射一次。对年龄在1到60岁之间的乌干达人免费提供。首都坎帕拉设有疫苗接种中心。提供疫苗的地方包括学校、大学、医院和地方政府大楼。The Associated Press (AP) reports that, before the current campaign, Ugandans usually paid $27 to get the yellow fever vaccination at private health centers.美联社(AP)报道说,在目前的活动之前,乌干达人通常在私人医疗中心接种黄热病疫苗需支付27美元。Uganda has more than 45 million people. It is one of 27 countries in Africa that is considered at “high risk” for yellow fever outbreaks. The World Health Organization (WHO) says there are about 200,000 cases and 30,000 deaths around the world from the disease.乌干达人口超过4500万。乌干达是非洲27个被认为黄热病爆发“高风险”的国家之一。世界卫生组织(WHO)表示,全球每年约有20万例黄热病病例和3万例死亡。Uganda’s most recent outbreak was reported earlier this year in the central areas of Buikwe and Buvuma.乌干达最近一次的黄热病爆发是在今年早些时候在Buikwe和Buvuma中部地区报告的。Yellow fever is caused by a virus spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Most infections do not have symptoms. The WHO says symptoms can include a high body temperature, muscle pain, head pain, loss of willingness to eat, upset stomach, and vomiting.黄热病是由病毒引起的,通过被感染蚊子的叮咬传播。大多数感染没有症状。世卫组织表示,症状可能包括高烧、肌肉疼痛、头痛、食欲不振、胃部不适和呕吐。Uganda’s vaccination program is part of a worldwide effort launched in 2017 to eliminate yellow fever by 2026. That goal was set by the WHO and its partners such as the U.N. children’s agency. The aim is to protect almost one billion people in Africa and in North and South America.乌干达的疫苗接种计划是2017年启动的全球努力的一部分,目标是在2026年前消除黄热病。这个目标是由世卫组织及其合作伙伴如联合国儿童基金会设定的。目的是保护非洲和南北美洲近10亿人。Last year, a study said that 185 million people in high-risk African countries had been vaccinated by August 2022.去年,一项研究指出,到2022年8月,非洲高风险国家的1.85亿人已接种了疫苗。In Uganda, most people get the yellow fever vaccination when they are traveling to countries such as South Africa. South Africa requires proof of vaccination upon arrival in the country.在乌干达,大多数人是在前往南非等国家时接种黄热病疫苗的。南非要求入境时提供接种证明。James Odite is a nurse working at a private hospital, which also is a vaccination center in an area of Kampala. He told the AP that hundreds of shots remained unused after the yellow fever vaccination campaign closed. They might be used in a future mass campaign.James Odite是一名在私立医院工作的护士,该医院也是坎帕拉地区的疫苗接种中心。他告诉美联社,在黄热病疫苗接种活动结束后,数百支疫苗仍未使用。这些疫苗可能会在未来的大规模接种活动中使用。Some people wonder if “the government wants to give them expired vaccines,” Odite said.Odite说,有些人怀疑“政府是否想给他们注射过期疫苗”。Baganizi said Uganda’s government has spent money on community “sensitization” programs. In these programs, officials tell people that vaccines save lives.Baganizi说,乌干达政府在社区“宣传”项目上花了钱。在这些项目中,官员们告诉人们疫苗可以拯救生命。
Agriculture companies are using new methods to change the genes of plants to produce more productive crops.农业公司正在使用新方法改变植物的基因,以生产出更高产的作物。The process of gene-editing is gaining attention from people interested in agriculture. It makes changes to the existing genes of a plant, such as wheat. That is different from genetic modification, which produces what are known as genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. That process introduces completely new DNA to a plant’s genetic information.基因编辑过程正在引起对农业感兴趣的人的关注。它对植物现有基因进行改变,例如小麦。这与基因改造不同,基因改造会产生所谓的转基因生物(GMOs)。基因改造是将全新的DNA引入植物的基因信息中。Regulators and scientists believe gene-editing is less risky than genetic modification. They say it is closer to traditional methods of plant breeding. The process permits scientists to target several genes for editing.监管机构和科学家认为基因编辑比基因改造风险更小。他们表示,基因编辑更接近传统的植物育种方法。这个过程允许科学家针对多个基因进行编辑。A state-run company in Australia is preparing for a major trial of gene-edited wheat. Australian seed breeder InterGrain recently imported thousands of wheat seeds created by the American agricultural technology company Inari.澳大利亚的一家国营公司正在准备一项基因编辑小麦的重大试验。澳大利亚种子育种公司InterGrain最近从美国农业技术公司Inari进口了数千粒小麦种子。InterGrain chief Tress Walmsely said the wheat imports included hundreds of new genetic variations. Walmsley said the seeds are growing in a testing greenhouse in the state of Queensland. The plan is to create more seeds which can be planted across Australia in 2025.InterGrain的主管Tress Walmsely表示,这些进口的小麦包含数百种新的基因变异。Walmsley说,这些种子正在昆士兰州的一个测试温室中生长。计划是到2025年生产出更多可以在澳大利亚各地种植的种子。"Our job is to work out which gene combination gives the best results. Our goal is at least 10 percent yield improvement. These seeds have the potential to achieve that," she said.“我们的工作是找出哪种基因组合能带来最佳结果。我们的目标是至少提高10%的产量。这些种子有潜力实现这一目标,”她说。The company believes it could be selling seeds to Australian farmers starting in 2028.该公司认为,到2028年可以开始向澳大利亚农民出售种子。Inari uses artificial intelligence (AI) to consider a huge number of possible edits and then uses the CRISPR gene-editing tool to change more than one gene at a time.Inari使用人工智能(AI)考虑大量可能的编辑,然后使用CRISPR基因编辑工具一次性改变多个基因。InterGrain and Inari believe the program could result in stronger wheat and bigger crops with a process 10 to 15 times faster than traditional plant breeding. Plant breeding happens when scientists mate two plants with desirable characteristics. It can take years for the best version of a plant to arrive.InterGrain和Inari相信,这个项目可以产生更强壮的小麦和更大的作物,其过程比传统植物育种快10到15倍。植物育种是指科学家将两株具有理想特性的植物交配,可能需要多年才能培育出最佳版本的植物。Some gene-edited crops already exist. Most of them offer small nutritional improvements or have an increased ability to resist disease. The new wheat plants in Australia will have many of those qualities.一些基因编辑作物已经存在。它们大多数提供了小幅的营养改善或增强了抗病能力。澳大利亚的新小麦将具备这些特性中的许多。"We want to solve food security, climate change and farm profitability at the same time," said Inari’s chief Ponsi Trivisvavet.Inari的主管Ponsi Trivisvavet说:“我们希望同时解决食品安全、气候变化和农场盈利问题。”Australia is working to ensure that it can export the gene-edited wheat. Some countries, such as the U.S. and Japan, have already said they believe gene-editing is not very different from plant breeding. Officials in those countries will be more likely to approve the Australian wheat.澳大利亚正在努力确保能够出口基因编辑小麦。一些国家,如美国和日本,已经表示他们认为基因编辑与植物育种没有太大区别。这些国家的官员更有可能批准澳大利亚的小麦。The European Union is expected to make a similar decision and China approved a gene-edited wheat plant in May.预计欧盟也会作出类似的决定,中国在五月批准了一种基因编辑小麦。Inari said it is working with agriculture companies in the U.S. on a gene-edited soybean that will produce larger crop yields.Inari表示,它正在与美国的农业公司合作开发一种基因编辑大豆,这种大豆将带来更高的作物产量。Many countries have already accepted genetically modified soybeans because they are mostly used to feed animals. Officials, however, have been slower to approve the modification of wheat because much of it is used in products made for humans.许多国家已经接受了转基因大豆,因为它们主要用于喂养动物。然而,官员们在批准小麦的改造方面一直较慢,因为小麦大多用于生产人类食用的产品。
Reduced treatment for three kinds of cancer can make life easier for patients without hurting results, doctors reported recently at the world’s largest cancer conference.减少三种癌症的治疗可以让患者的生活更轻松,而不影响治疗效果,医生们最近在世界上最大的癌症会议上报告。The findings are part of a long-term move toward studying whether doing less surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation can help patients live longer and feel better. The latest studies involved ovarian and esophageal cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma.这些发现是长期研究的一部分,研究是否减少手术、化疗或放疗可以帮助患者活得更久,感觉更好。最新的研究涉及卵巢癌、食道癌和霍奇金淋巴瘤。Thirty years ago, cancer research was about doing more, not less. In one example, women with advanced breast cancer were pushed to the edge of death with large doses of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants. The treatment did not work any better than chemotherapy and patients suffered.三十年前,癌症研究注重的是多做而不是少做。举一个例子,患有晚期乳腺癌的女性被大剂量的化疗和骨髓移植推到了死亡的边缘。结果这种治疗效果并不比单纯化疗好,患者也承受了更多痛苦。Now, in an effort to improve cancer care, researchers are asking: “Do we need all that treatment that we have used in the past?”现在,为了改善癌症护理,研究人员在问:“我们是否需要过去使用的所有治疗?”It is a question, “that should be asked over and over again,” said Dr. Tatjana Kolevska of the Kaiser Permanente National Cancer Excellence Program. Kolevska was not involved in the new research.这是一个“应该一遍又一遍地问”的问题,凯撒永久国家癌症卓越项目的Tatjana Kolevska博士说。Kolevska并未参与新的研究。Often, doing less works because of improved drugs.通常,减少治疗有效是因为药物的改进。Dr. William G. Nelson of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine was also not involved in the new research. He said, “The good news is that cancer treatment is not only becoming more effective, it’s becoming easier to tolerate and associated with less short-term and long-term complications.”约翰霍普金斯医学院的William G. Nelson博士也没有参与新的研究。他说:“好消息是,癌症治疗不仅变得更有效,而且更容易耐受,并且与更少的短期和长期并发症相关。”The term complications means to make a medical problem worse or to cause new medical problems to appear.并发症一词意味着使医疗问题恶化或导致出现新的医疗问题。Studies showing the effects of reduced treatments were discussed recently at an American Society of Clinical Oncology conference in Chicago.显示减少治疗效果的研究最近在芝加哥的美国临床肿瘤学会会议上进行了讨论。Here are a few key points:以下是一些要点:French researchers found that it is safe to avoid removing lymph nodes that appear healthy during surgery for advanced ovarian cancer. The study compared the results for 379 patients.法国研究人员发现,在晚期卵巢癌手术中避免切除看起来健康的淋巴结是安全的。该研究比较了379名患者的结果。Half had their lymph nodes removed and half did not. After nine years, there was no difference in how long the patients lived.一半患者切除了淋巴结,一半没有。九年后,患者的生存时间没有差异。Those with less-extreme surgery had fewer complications, such as the need for blood transfusions. The research was financed by the National Institute of Cancer in France.那些接受较少激烈手术的患者并发症更少,比如需要输血的情况。该研究由法国国家癌症研究所资助。A German study looked at 438 people with a kind of cancer of the esophagus that can be treated with surgery. Half received a common treatment plan that included chemotherapy and surgery on the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach. Half got another treatment that includes radiation, too. Both techniques are considered standard. Which one patients get can depends on where they get treatment.一项德国研究调查了438名患有一种可以通过手术治疗的食道癌患者。一半患者接受了一种包括化疗和食道手术的常规治疗方案,食道是从喉咙到胃的食物通道。另一半患者接受了包括放疗在内的另一种治疗。这两种技术都被认为是标准的。患者接受哪种治疗取决于他们在哪里接受治疗。After three years, 57 percent of those who got chemo and surgery were alive, compared to 51 percent of those who got chemo, surgery and radiation. The German Research Foundation financed the study.三年后,接受化疗和手术的患者中有57%存活,相比之下,接受化疗、手术和放疗的患者中有51%存活。该研究由德国研究基金会资助。A comparison of two chemotherapy treatments for advanced Hodgkin lymphoma found the gentler treatment was more effective for the blood cancer and caused fewer side effects.对两种晚期霍奇金淋巴瘤化疗治疗的比较发现,较温和的治疗对这种血癌更有效,并且引起的副作用更少。After four years, the gentler chemo kept the disease in control in 94 percent of people, compared to 91 percent of those who had the more powerful treatment. The trial included 1,482 people in nine countries — Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Australia and New Zealand.四年后,较温和的化疗在94%的人群中控制了疾病,而更强的治疗在91%的人群中控制了疾病。该试验包括了来自九个国家的1482人——德国、奥地利、瑞士、荷兰、丹麦、瑞典、挪威、澳大利亚和新西兰。The study was financed by Takeda Oncology, the maker of one of the drugs used in the gentler chemo that was studied.该研究由武田肿瘤公司资助,武田肿瘤公司是研究中使用的较温和化疗药物之一的制造商。 
The huge solar storm that hit Earth this month was described as the biggest in two decades. The Sun blasted intense radiation, billions of tonnes of matter and strong magnetic fields at our planet. 本月袭击地球的大型太阳风暴堪称近二十年来最大的一次。太阳向地球发射出强烈的辐射,释放出数十亿吨的物质和强磁场。The coloured lights in the sky were spectacular, but the effects could've been much worse. Such storms can interrupt radio communications and even damage power grids, which is why the UK has been pushing its partners in the European Space Agency to build a new satellite to give earlier warnings.这让天空中的色彩看上去十分壮观,但后果可能比想象的更严重。这种规模的太阳风暴可能会中断无线电通信,甚至会破坏电网。这就是为什么英国一直在敦促其在欧洲航天局的合作伙伴建造一颗新卫星以发出早期预警。This spacecraft called 'Vigil' has now been ordered from Airbus UK. It'll be sent millions of miles away so it can see the side of the Sun that's about to rotate into view of the Earth. This'll give forecasters a further three to four days' notice of trouble that could be coming our way.这艘名为 “Vigil(警戒)” 的航天器现已由空中客车英国公司接单制造。它将被送往数百万英里之外,以便能够看到太阳即将旋转面对地球的那一面。这将使天文预报人员能提前三到四天预知可能要发生的麻烦。词汇表solar storm 太阳风暴blasted (爆炸)发射出radiation 辐射matter 物质magnetic fields 磁场interrupt 中断、干扰power grids 电网spacecraft 航天器rotate 旋转forecasters 预报人员
"Take your brolly, it's chucking it down!" The UK is famous for its rainy weather, and Brits LOVE to complain about it – particularly when the arrival of spring teases us with warmth and light, but with them come the 'April showers', lovingly shared by Britain, Ireland and some of coastal northern Europe. What exactly are they, and why do they insist on coming every year?“拿起你的雨伞,它正在把它扔下来!” 英国以多雨的天气而闻名,英国人喜欢抱怨它——尤其是当春天的到来给我们带来温暖和光明的时候,但随之而来的是“四月阵雨”,英国、爱尔兰和一些沿海国家都喜欢分享这种天气。 北欧。 他们到底是什么人,为什么每年都坚持要来?Meteorologists differentiate between rain and showers. The UK's national weather service, the Met Office, says that rain is precipitation brought by a weather front, is usually long-lasting, and stretches over large areas, whereas showers fall from individual clouds and are characterised by intermittent patterns. So, it can be sunny one minute, and the next you're getting caught in a large downpour, but then ten minutes later, you can put away your waterproof jacket and get your sunnies out!气象学家区分雨和阵雨。 英国国家气象局英国气象局表示,降雨是锋面带来的降水,通常持续时间较长,覆盖大片区域,而阵雨则是从个别云层中落下,具有间歇性模式。 所以,可能前一分钟还是阳光明媚,下一分钟就下起了倾盆大雨,但十分钟后,你就可以收起你的防水外套,拿出你的太阳镜了!So, what's responsible? Rob Thompson, meteorologist at the University of Reading, says that as the hot air rises, it forms the cumulus clouds that produce showers. These are then driven by the jet stream – strong winds that move northwards during spring – creating rather unsettled and unpredictable weather. Besides the drizzle, we're just as likely to experience snow as we are to feel sun as strong as that in late August!那么,责任是什么? 雷丁大学气象学家罗布·汤普森表示,随着热空气上升,它会形成积云,从而产生阵雨。 然后,它们受到急流(春季期间向北移动的强风)的驱动,造成相当不稳定和不可预测的天气。 除了毛毛雨之外,我们也可能会遇到雪,就像八月底那样强烈的阳光一样!With all this in mind, would it surprise you to hear that April is actually one of the driest months of the whole year? In 2021, data company Statista recorded 137.6mm of rainfall in January, compared to just 20.1mm in April, with similar results for the last four years. That's because while there are lots of rainy days in April, the showers are scattered, and there aren't as many of the long downpours we see in the winter months. But, this is likely to change as the world warms up. Weather that causes flash floods is predicted to be four times as frequent in Britain by the 2070s, according to a study by Elizabeth Kendon and colleagues, published in Nature Communications.考虑到这一切,当您听到四月实际上是全年最干燥的月份之一时,您会感到惊讶吗? 2021 年,数据公司 Statista 记录的 1 月份降雨量为 137.6 毫米,而 4 月份仅为 20.1 毫米,过去四年的结果相似。 这是因为虽然四月有很多雨天,但阵雨分散,而且没有冬季那样多的长时间倾盆大雨。 但是,随着世界变暖,这种情况可能会发生变化。 根据伊丽莎白·肯登 (Elizabeth Kendon) 及其同事在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications) 上发表的一项研究,预计到 2070 年代,英国引发山洪的天气频率将增加四倍。There is a British proverb that goes "March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers". It is a reminder that, despite our complaints, April showers can be a symbol for renewal and new beginnings. So Brits, instead of complaining about the drizzly days, why not romanticise that pitter-patter sound that brings us the colourful spring bloom?英国有句谚语:“三月风,四月雨,生五月花”。 这提醒我们,尽管我们有抱怨,四月的阵雨仍然可以成为更新和新开始的象征。 那么英国人,与其抱怨毛毛细雨,不如将那为我们带来色彩缤纷的春天花朵的淅淅沥沥的声音浪漫化呢?词汇表brolly 雨伞chuck it down 下瓢泼大雨shower 阵雨meteorologist 气象学家precipitation 降水weather front 气象 “锋”intermittent 断断续续的downpour 暴雨,骤雨waterproof 防水的sunnies 太阳镜,墨镜cumulus 积云jet stream 急流,喷射气流unsettled 变幻莫测的drizzle 毛毛雨rainfall 降雨(量)scattered 分散的,疏疏落落的flash flood 突发性洪水drizzly 下毛毛雨的pitter-patter (下雨的)啪嗒啪嗒声