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Author: 英语老师瑶瑶

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1910 Episodes
【句子】Susan, why are you so eerily calm?   【Desperate Housewives S2E7】【发音】/suzn/ /waɪ/ /ɑː(r)/ /ju:/ /səʊ/ /ˈɪə.rɪ.li/ /kɑːm/【发音技巧】暂无;【翻译】苏珊,你怎么出奇地冷静?【适用场合】今天我们来学习一下英文中eerily的用法,可以理解成:“怪异地;恐怖地;神秘地”;in a strange, frightening, and mysterious way这个副词来源于形容词eerie /ˈɪə.ri/,表示“恐怖的;神秘的;怪异的” eg: Her voice was eerily similar to her dead grandmother's.她的声音与已故的祖母的声音惊人地相似。 eg: The airport at this early hour seemed eerily quiet.在早晨的这个时间,机场显得异样的安静。 eg: There was something eerily familiar about the house.这房子,让人有种奇怪的熟悉感。 eg: As the frogs die off, ponds and swamps are becoming eerily silent.当青蛙都死掉了,池塘和沼泽变得出奇地寂静。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】The scene was eerily reminiscent of another recent accident.  
【句子】And that's how Lynette finally got what she needed: time for herself and play dates for her dates she was determined to keep at all costs.   【Desperate Housewives S2E7】【发音】/ənd/ /ðæts/ /haʊ/ /ˌləˈnet/ /ˈfaɪ.nə.li/ /gɒt/ /gɑːt/ /wɒt/ /wɑːt/ /ʃiː/ /ˈniː.dɪd/ /taɪm/ /fə(r)/ /hɜː(r)ˈself/ /ənd/ /pleɪ/ /deɪts/ /fə(r)/ /hɜ:(r)/ /kɪdz/ /pleɪ/ /deɪts/ /ʃi:/ /wɒz/ /wɑːz/ /dɪˈtɜː(r).mɪnd/ /tʊ/ /kiːp/ /æt/ /ɔːl/ /ɑːl/ /kɒsts/ /kɑːsts/【发音技巧】And that's不完全爆破;Lynette finally不完全爆破;got what she类似不完全爆破+不完全爆破;and play失去爆破;determined to失去爆破;at all连读+闪音;【翻译】勒奈特总算得偿所愿:自己的时间,以及孩子们的互邀玩耍。她下决心不惜一切代价,一定要保住这个互邀玩耍的玩伴。【适用场合】今天我们来学习一下英文当中“不惜一切代价”的说法,可以说at all cost或者at all costs;可以理解成:in any way possible, regardless of risk or expense eg: You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.你一定要不惜一切代价,阻止媒体知道。 eg: She was determined to win at all costs.她下定决心一定要赢,不惜一切代价。 eg: Please, save my husband at all costs-I can't live without him!请不惜一切代价救我丈夫,我不能没有他! eg: I hope my foot heals quickly-I try to avoid going to the doctor at all costs.我希望我的脚快点好,我费尽一切努力,尽量不去看医生。 eg: I would avoid that restaurant at all costs—some of my friends got food poisoning there.无论如何我也不愿意去那家餐厅,我的一些朋友在那食物中毒了。 eg: I intend to have that car at all costs. 我打算不惜一切代价,买下那辆车。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Mary was going to get that job at any cost. 
【句子】The Scavo twins had become persona non grata, and Lynette's secret dream of being able to take an occasional nap on Saturdays was growing dimmer and dimmer.   【Desperate Housewives S2E7】【发音】/ðə/ /'skɑːvəʊ/ /twɪnz/ /hæd/ /bɪˈkʌm/ /pə(r)ˌsəʊ.nəˌnɒŋˈgrɑː.tə/ /ənd/ /ˌləˈnets/ /ˈsiː.krət/ /driːm/ /əv/ /ˈbiː.ɪŋ/ /ˈeɪ.bl/ /tʊ/ /teɪk/ /ən/ /əˈkeɪ.ʒən.əl/ /næp/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /ˈsæt.ə(r).deɪz/ /wɒz/ /wɑːz/ /ˈgrəʊ.ɪŋ/ /'dɪmə(r)/ /ənd/ /'dɪmə(r)/【发音技巧】had become失去爆破;and Lynette's不完全爆破;secret dream of失去爆破+连读;being able连读;take an occasional两处连读;nap on连读;and dimmer失去爆破;【翻译】斯加沃的双胞胎成了不受欢迎的人,因此勒奈特内心深处想在周六小睡一番的希望,也就愈发渺茫。【适用场合】今天我们来学习一下外来词persona non grata的用法,这个是拉丁语来的词,可以理解成是:“不受欢迎的人(尤其是不受某个国家/政府欢迎的)”;单数的话就是persona non grata /pə(r)ˌsəʊ.nəˌnɒŋˈgrɑː.tə/,复数应该是personae non gratae,来看看单数形式对应的英文解释:a person who is not wanted or welcome in a particular country, because they are unacceptable to its government这个词经常可以简写成non grata;其实有些词典还把它标注成形容词的用法,也能理解。 eg: Several embassy staff were declared persona non grata and asked to leave the country within 48 hours.几名大使馆职员被公布为不受欢迎人物,被勒令在48小时内离开该国。 eg: The leaked memo made the ambassador a persona non grata. 泄露的备忘录使大使成为不受欢迎的人。 eg: The Foreign Minister declared the envoy to be persona non grata. 外交部部长宣布该特使为不受欢迎的人。 eg: From the look on their faces, I was obviously persona non grata.从他们的表情上来看,我显然是不受欢迎的人。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 这位外交官在那个国家显然不受欢迎。
【句子】Can I rent one of these on a monthly basis?   【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/kən/ /aɪ/ /rent/ /wʌn/ /əv/ /ðiːz/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /ə/ /ˈmʌn.θli/ /ˈbeɪ.sɪs/【发音技巧】Can I连读;one of连读;on a连读;【翻译】我可以每个月租一次这个吗?【适用场合】今天我们来学习一下,on a monthly basis的用法,类似的用法其实我们也学过。之前我们在学习《绝望的主妇》第一季第22集的时候,学过on a daily basis的用法。大家可以点击一下超链接跳转复习一下。>>点我复习<<今天一起来复习一下。on a + adj. basis的意思是,the way that something happens, or the way that something is organized or done,“以……的方式”;所以on a monthly basis可以理解成every month“每个月”;而on a daily basis理解成every day“每一天”;on a weekly basis理解成every week“每一周”; eg: Safety equipment was checked on a daily basis.安全设备每天都得检查。 eg: The workers are paid on a daily basis.工人们的工资是每天发放。 eg: We're going to be meeting there on a regular basis.我们将会定期在那里见面。 eg: They want all groups to be treated on an equal basis.他们希望所有的团队都能被公平对待。 eg: Please make sure that the bathrooms are cleaned on a daily basis.请确保浴室每天都有人打扫。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I've been going for a run on a daily basis for nearly two years now.
【句子】How about you make an exception and strap him in there?   【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/haʊ/ /əˈbaʊt/ /ju:/ /meɪk/ /æn/ /ɪkˈsep.ʃən/ /ənd/ /stræp/ /hɪm/ /ɪn/ /ðeə(r)/【发音技巧】How about连读;make an exception两处连读;and strap him不完全爆破+击穿;【翻译】不如你们破个例,让他上去飞飞?【适用场合】今天我们来学习一下make an exception的用法,它可以表示“破例;使得某个人在某种场合下,不遵循平时的规则”这样的意思;to allow sb. not to follow the usual rule on one occasion eg: Children are not usually allowed in, but I'm prepared to make an exception in this case.这个地方通常孩子们不让进,但是我打算这次破个例。 eg: I don't usually lend people money, but in your case I'll make an exception.我一般不借钱给别人,但是是你的话,我破例。 eg: I usually don't let students hand in any assignments late, but considering the recent circumstances with your family, I'm willing to make an exception.我通常不让学生晚交作业,但是考虑到你家庭最近的情况,我愿意为你破例。 eg: We have to be firm with our rules for the kids—if we keep making exceptions like this, they won't take us seriously.我们在给孩子立规矩这事上得严格一点,如果我们一直像这样破例,他们不会把我们当回事儿的。 eg: Because it's your birthday, I'll make an exception and let you stay up as late as you want .因为今天是你生日,我就破例,让你晚上想几点睡就几点睡。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 The rule is a good one, and I will not make an exception for anyone.
【句子】I'm sorry. You just missed the cutoff.   【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/aɪm/ /ˈsɒr.i/ /ˈsɔːri/ /ju:/ /dʒʌst/ /mɪst/ /ðə/ /'kʌtˌɒf/ /'kʌtˌɑːf/【发音技巧】just missed the两处不完全爆破;cutoff连读+闪音;【翻译】抱歉,你们刚刚错过了截止时间。【适用场合】今天我们来学习一下cutoff的用法。先从它对应的动词短语cut off开始讲起。cut off可以表示“打断”的含义;to interrupt sb. when they are speaking;比如说:eg: We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.我们在说话的时候被打断了。 eg: My explanation was cut off by loud protests.我的解释被大声的抗议所打断。 再比如,cut off可以表示“切断供应;停止供应、服务;突然中断、停止”这样的意思;eg: Our water supply has been cut off.我们的水供应被切断了。 eg: They were cut off for not paying their phone bill.他们因为没有支付电话费,线路被切断了。 今天我们关键句出现的是对应的名词的形式,叫做cutoff,可以理解成:a designated limit or point of termination或者the point, date or period for a cutoff;“截止日期或者终结点”;eg: I don't know the cutoff date for applications.我不知道申请的截止日期。这里的cutoff date其实就相当于是deadline; eg: The cutoff for new applications is next Wednesday.新申请的截止日期是下周三。 eg: Have you applied to register to vote yet? The cutoff is coming up!你申请登记投票了吗?截止日期要到了! eg: I did plan to submit a poem to the contest, but then I got sick and missed the cutoff.我确实曾经计划着提交一首诗歌参加比赛,但是后来我生病了,错过了截止日期。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 你报名参加那个歌唱比赛了吗?明天就是截止日期了。 
【句子】I'm sorry. I didn't make the connection, okay?  【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/aɪm/ /ˈsɒr.i/ /ˈsɔːri/ /aɪ/ /ˈdɪd.ənt/ /meɪk/ /ðə/ /kəˈnek.ʃən/ /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/【发音技巧】didn't make the两处不完全爆破;【翻译】抱歉我之前没想到这一点,好吧。【适用场合】今天我们来学习一下make the connection的用法。这个短语可以理解成:realize that there was a connection between two facts that did not seem to be related“发现、意识到看似无关联的事物之间的联系”;这个动词短语后面也可以加上between...and...,强调两者之间的联系;eg: How did you make the connection?你是怎么发现这当中的联系的?eg: I knew they had the same last name but I didn't make the connection.我之前就知道他们姓氏一样,但是我没把这事儿联系起来。eg: It didn't take long for us to make the connection between the missing money and our partner's new car.我们没花多长时间,就看懂了丢失的钱和我们伙伴买的新车之间的联系。eg: To make the connection between agriculture and food may be a bit too daring.把农业和食物联系起来有可能有点太大胆了。【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】  I've never heard anyone make the connection before.
【句子】Uh, two hours of Mitchell's hard work going down the drain.   【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/ʌ/  /tuː/ /aʊə(r)z/ /əv/ /ˈmɪtʃəlz/ /hɑː(r)d/ /wɜː(r)k/ /ˈgəʊ.ɪŋ/ /daʊn/ /ðə/ /dreɪn/【发音技巧】hours of连读;hard work类似不完全爆破的处理;【翻译】米奇尔辛苦了两个小时的成果,就要化为乌有了。【适用场合】今天我们来学习一下短语(go) down the drain的用法。在英文中drain可以理解成:“下水道”或者“排水管”;那这个短语的字面的意思就是“进了下水道”,那自然引申义,可以理解成是“打了水漂;付之东流;前功尽弃”之类的意思了;to fail; to be ruined or destroyed; to get very much worse;这个短语当中的go有的时候也可以不要,当然此时词性上会有所变化。 eg: It's just money down the drain, you know. 就是这些钱全都打水漂了。 eg: Safety standards have gone down the drain.安全标准根本不管用了。安全标准付之东流。 eg: If the factory closes, that will be a million dollars' worth of investment down the drain.如果这家工厂关闭了,那就是价值一百万美元的投资打了水漂。 eg: I can't believe it's broken already. Well, there's seventy bucks down the drain.简直不敢相信它已经坏了。得,70美元打水漂了。 eg: My father's company is now going down the drain because of the incompetent new CEO.因为那个新来的无能的CEO,我爸爸的公司快倒闭了。 eg: All of our savings have gone down the drain ever since Jack had his little gambling spree in Las Vegas.自从杰克在拉斯维加斯参与赌博小小挥霍了一番以后,我们的所有的储蓄都打了水漂。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 We had big plans for our trip, but everything went down the drain when that storm rolled in.    
【句子】Yeah, I made a mistake today, but only because the three of you ganged up on me...    【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/jeə/ /aɪ/ /meɪd/ /ə/ /mɪˈsteɪk/ /təˈdeɪ/ /bʌt/ /ˈəʊ /bɪˈkɒz/ /bɪˈkɑːz/ /ðə/ /θriː/ /əv/ /ju:/ /gæŋd/ /ʌp/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /mi:/【发音技巧】made a连读;mistake today失去爆破;but only连读+闪音;three of连读;ganged up on两处连读;【翻译】是的,今天我错了,但那也是因为你们三个联合起来对付我……【适用场合】今天我们重点来学习,gang up这个短语的用法,这个短语后面可以加上on/against sb.;这个短语可以理解成:to unite as a group against someone,“联合起来对付/对抗某个人”; eg: They all ganged up to try and get him to change his decision.他们都联合起来,想让他改变决定。 eg: The whole class ganged up against/on her because she was the teacher's pet. 整个班级的人都联合起来对付她,因为她曾经是老师面前的红人。 eg: Harrison complained that his colleagues ganged up on him. 哈里森抱怨说他的同事们联合起来孤立他。 eg: All the other parties ganged up to keep them out of power. 另外那些党派都联合起来阻止他们掌权。 eg: The kids ganged up on me and convinced me to get pizza for dinner.那些孩子们合起伙来,说服我晚上买披萨吃。  eg: All the girls in my class seemed to gang up against me. 我们班里的所有女孩似乎都合起伙来对付我。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 A bunch of the bigger kids ganged up on me after school and stole my money.    
【句子】Well, we have bigger boats. But this is the best I could do on two hours' notice.   【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/wel/ /wi:/ /hæv/ /ˈbɪgə(r)/ /bəʊts/ /bʌt/ /ðɪs/ /ɪz/ /ðə/ /best/ /aɪ/ /kʊd/ /duː/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /tuː/ /ˈaʊə(r)z/ /ˈnəʊ.tɪs/ 【发音技巧】But this is不完全爆破+连读;could do失去爆破;notice闪音;【翻译】我们有大一点的船,但是你们提前两个小时才订,就只能选这艘船了。【适用场合】今天我们学习一下on two hours' notice的意思,可以理解成“提前2小时”;你可以换词,比如说on a few hours' notice,“提前几个小时”;on a moment's notice,“提前一小会儿”;再比如,on short notice就可以理解成:without much warning or time to prepare“在很短的时间内、不留多少准备时间地”;值得注意的是,这类短语中,介词on也可以换成at,一样的意思; eg: Finding a replacement could prove difficult on short notice.这么短的时间内,要找一个替代品,可能会很难。 eg: Lucy was ready to leave at a moment's notice.露西随时准备离开。 eg: Who do you think will be free to watch the dog on such short notice?这么短的时间内,你觉得谁有空去看着狗? eg: When you're on call, you need to be available to come in on short notice.你值班的时候,你得随叫随到。 eg: She called the meeting on such short notice that we had no time to prepare.她这么短的时间内召集会议,我们根本没时间准备。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 They told us to be ready to move out on one week's notice. 
【句子】Is this what you've been teaching our son?... that women are some kind of unclean lepers that should be hidden away under sheets for a week?   【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/ɪz/ /ðɪs/ /wɒt/ /wɑːt/ /juːv/ /biːn/ /ˈtiː.tʃɪŋ/ /aʊə(r)/ /sʌn/ /ðæt/ /ˈwɪmɪn/ /ɑː(r)/ /sʌm/ /kaɪnd/ /əv/ /ʌnˈkliːn/ /ˈlep.ə(r)z/ /ðæt/ /ʃʊd/ /biː/ /ˈhɪdn/ /əˈweɪ/ /ˈʌn.də(r)/ /ʃiːts/ /fə(r)/ /ə/ /wiːk/【发音技巧】what you've音的同化;that women类似不完全爆破的处理;women are连读;kind of连读;that should be不完全爆破+失去爆破;hidden away连读;for a连读;【翻译】你就是这样教儿子的吗?女人都是不干净的麻风病人,得在床单下隔离一周吗?【适用场合】今天我们学习一下hide away的用法,可以理解成:to keep oneself, someone or something out of sight“把某个人/某个东西/自己藏起来,不被人看到”; eg: The cops are getting closer—you guys really need to find a place to hide away.警察越来越近了。你们真得找个地方躲躲。 eg: Hide the Christmas presents away in the attic so that the kids don't see them.把圣诞节礼物藏到阁楼去,这样孩子们就不会看到了。 eg: Please hide Randy away where no one can find him. 请把兰迪藏起来,藏到一个没人能找到的地方。 eg: Rachel hid the cake away, hoping to save it for dessert. 瑞秋把那个蛋糕藏起来了,希望能把它留着当甜品。 eg: Mary hid away the candy so the kids wouldn't eat it all.玛丽把糖果藏起来了,这样孩子们就不会都吃完了。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 我把那钱藏到了我书房的抽屉里。 
【句子】Dad staged the whole thing, so we could go on the trapeze without you three. 【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/dæd/ /steɪdʒd/ /ðə/ /həʊl/ /θɪŋ/ /səʊ/ /wi:/ /kʊd/ /gəʊ/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /ðə/ /trəˈpiːz/ /wɪˈðaʊt/ /juː/ /θriː/【发音技巧】Dad staged不完全爆破;staged the不完全爆破;could go on失去爆破+连读;without you音的同化;【翻译】这一切都是老爸策划的,这样我们就可以去玩空中飞人,不带你们三个。【适用场合】今天我们来学习一下stage当做动词的用法。这个其实我们在新概念第二册的视频直播课里都有讲过。大家比较熟悉的是stage当作名词的用法,可以表示“台子、舞台”,但是当动词去使用,这个单词可以表示“策划、组织、安排”的意思;to arrange and perform a play or show或者to organize an event;eg: The local drama group is staging a production of the musical "Grease".当地的戏剧团队正在演出这个音乐剧《油脂》。eg: Barcelona staged the Olympic Games in 1992.巴塞罗那在1992年的时候承办了奥林匹克运动会。eg: The protest was a well-planned and carefully staged affair.这次抗议是精心组织、精心策划的。eg: They successfully staged a boxing match.他们成功地举办了一次拳击比赛。【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Birmingham has bid to stage the next national athletics championships.
【句子】But to be safe, I'll run him by the doctor.【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/bʌt/ /tʊ/ /biː/ /seɪf/ /aɪl/ /rʌn/ /hɪm/ /baɪ/ /ðə/ /ˈdɒk.tə/ /ˈdɑːk.tər/【发音技巧】But to失去爆破;【翻译】不过保险起见,我得带他去看看医生。【适用场合】今天我们来学习一个短语,叫做to be safe;可以理解成“保险起见”;as a precaution或者in order to avoid potential problems, challenges, or risks;eg: I'm sure we'd have enough time to catch our flight if we got the 11 AM shuttle to the airport, but let's take the 10 AM one just to be safe.如果我们能坐上早晨11点的那趟机场大巴,我们就有充裕的时间赶我们那趟飞机,但是保险起见,最好还是坐早晨10点那趟吧。eg: I know you've got food with you, but it's going to be a really long trip, so I packed some extra snacks to be safe.我知道你准备了一些食物带着,但是路途确实很遥远,所以以防万一,我又多带了一些零食。eg: I set the alarm clock in our hotel room, but, just to be safe, let's have the front desk give us a wake-up call too.我在酒店房间里设置好了闹钟,但是,以防万一,我们也让前台到点电话叫醒我们一下。【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】我已经把这篇文章背下来了。保险起见,明天上课前我再复习一遍。
【句子】The cap fell off. I decided to just go with it. 【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/ðə/ /kæp/ /fel/ /ɒf/ /ɑːf/ /aɪ/ /dɪˈsaɪ.dɪd/ /tʊ/ /dʒʌst/ /gəʊ/ /wɪð/ /ɪt/【发音技巧】cap fell off不完全爆破+连读;decided to失去爆破;just go失去爆破;with it连读;【翻译】盖子掉了,然后我就决定将计就计。【适用场合】今天我们来学习一个短语,叫做go with it。这个短语的用法和意义其实非常多,我们今天重点只讲视频中的用法。此时,go with it可以理解成:to follow along with someone or something或者 to act in accordance with another's actions, especially when their motive or goal is unknown“随着某个人或者某个事物;效仿、跟随别人的行为、尤其是动机或者目的未知的情况下”;按照今天上下文的理解,这里的go with it就有点像“随机应变;将计就计”这个意思;eg: I could tell Tom was making up the story on the spot to convince his parents, so I just went with it.我能看得出来汤姆是现编了一个故事来骗他爸妈,所以我就配合着他的说法。eg: The key to improvisation is learning to go with whatever your partner comes up with.即兴演出的关键是,你得学着去配合你的伙伴,他演奏什么,你就配合什么。eg: If you just go with whatever I say, Mom and Dad won't suspect a thing.如果我说啥,你就配合着我说,爸爸妈妈根本不会有所怀疑的。eg: If the cops show up at the house because the party's too loud, I'll come up with some logical excuse, and you just go with it.如果派对声音太大了警察来了,我会想出一些合理的借口,你到时候就配合着我说就行。【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I'm going to play a prank on Jenny when she walks in. Just go with it, OK?
【句子】Hate to see the whole team on the D.L. 【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/heɪt/ /tʊ/ /siː/ /ðə/ /həʊl/ /tiːm/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /ðə/ /ˈdiː el/【发音技巧】Hate to失去爆破;【翻译】真不愿意看到我家姑娘们都“负伤无法上场”。【适用场合】今天节目中,我们要学习的是这个短语on the D.L.的用法和意思。 这个用法其实是体育界的一种说法。If you say one is on the D.L., that means one cannot currently play a sport because of an injury. 所以on the D.L. 可以理解成:“因为受伤或者身体不适而没办法参加某一项体育运动。In this usage, "DL" is a shortening of "disabled list," which, in sports, is a list of injured Well, our two best players are on the DL, so I'd say our playoff chances are looking grim.咳,我们两个最好的运动员都因伤没有上场,所以我觉得我们附加赛胜出的几率非常小。eg: Who is going to pitch tonight if Sam is on the DL?如果山姆今天因伤不能上场,谁来投球啊?eg: A: "But I thought her knee was getting better." B: "It is, but I hear she's still on the DL."A:“但是我原本以为她的膝盖有好转。”B:“确实是,但是我听说她还是在因伤不能上场的名单里。”感兴趣的同学还可以看看,在口语中on the D.L. 还有其他的意思。比如说可以指:secretly或者being known only by a few people “秘密地;私下地;不为大家所知道的”;eg: Keep this on the DL, but Janet is planning to break up with Kevin next week.保密啊,我跟你说,珍妮特下周打算和凯文分手了。【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 这位优秀的球员已经一个多月因伤没有上场比赛了。
【句子】I say I need to run you by the doctor. 【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/aɪ/ /seɪ/ /aɪ/ /niːd/ /tʊ/ /rʌn/ /juː/ /baɪ/ /ðə/ /ˈdɒk.tə/ /ˈdɑːk.tər/【发音技巧】need to失去爆破;【翻译】我说我得带你去看下医生。【适用场合】今天节目中,我们要学习的是run by的用法和意思。 此时的用法,可以理解成:to briefly visit or stop at some location, especially so one can collect something“短暂地去某个地方,尤其是为了取某个东西”; eg: I just need to run by the office and get my phone charger.我得去一下办公室,拿一下我的手机充电器。eg: Do you mind if we run by the grocery store to pick up some milk on the way home?咱们可以在回家路上,顺便去一下食品杂货铺买点牛奶吗?eg: I ran by the store after work to pick up some milk.我下班后去了趟商店,买了点牛奶。而像今天视频中的run sb. by the doctor,大家就可以理解成take sb. to see the doctor,“带某个人去看医生”;我们之前节目中还学习过run sth. by sb.的用法。可以表示“对某个人说某事,以听取对方的意见”;eg: Would you run your idea by me one more time? 你能不能再跟我说一遍你的想法?【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】咱们能不能下班路上去一下新开的那家超市?
【句子】Put a dab on your finger, say you cut it. 【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/pʊt/ /ə/ /dæb/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /jə(r)/ /ˈfɪŋ.gə(r)/ /seɪ/ /ju:/ /kʌt/ /ɪt/【发音技巧】Put a连读+闪音;dab on连读;cut it连读+闪音;【翻译】在手指上抹一点假血,然后说你割到手指头了。【适用场合】今天节目中,我们要学习的是dab的用法。dab当名词用可以指:“一小点儿;一小点儿的量”;a small amount of a substance, or a light touch或者有的时候也可以指:“力道很轻的擦拭;轻轻涂”;eg: I just ate a dab of jelly.我刚刚吃了一点点果冻。eg: Can't you just put a dab of paint over the mark and cover it up?难道你就不能在那个印子上涂一点点颜料,把它盖住吗?eg: I'll give that stain a quick dab with a wet cloth.我将快速用湿抹布把那个污渍擦一下。eg: She put a dab of perfume behind her ears.她擦了一点点香水在耳后。eg: She wore no make-up, not even a dab of lipstick. 她完全没有化妆,一点点口红都没有涂。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 You can have a dab of ketchup if you like.
【句子】 know, I had my share of fights in my time. 【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/kɔːz/ /kɑːz/ /ju:/ /nəʊ/ /aɪ/ /hæd/ /maɪ/ /ʃeə(r)/ /əv/ / faɪts/ /ɪn/ /maɪ/ /taɪm/【发音技巧】had my不完全爆破;share of连读;fights in连读;【翻译】跟你讲,我年轻的时候,可是打了不少架。【适用场合】今天节目中,我们要学习的表达是share of sth. 在英文中,share当做名词可以理解成“份额”;an amount of sth. that is thought to be normal or acceptable for one person“对于一个人来说可以接受的某个东西的量”;eg: I've had my share of luck in the past.过去我可算是很幸运了。 eg: I've done my share of worrying for one day!我已经操够了这一天的心!eg: Women must receive their fair share of training for good-paying jobs.女人们必须享受公平的培训待遇,从而找到薪资丰厚的工作。女人们必须公平地接受高收入工作所对应的培训。eg: I have had more than my full share of adventures.我已经有了太多丰富的冒险经历。eg: He has suffered more than his fair share of disappointments.他已经承受了他本不应该承担的失望。【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 We certainly had our share of good fortune.
【句子】I don't know what to make of her today. She got into it with this guy. 【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/aɪ/ /dəʊnt/ /nəʊ/ /wɒt/ /wɑːt/ /tʊ/ /meɪk/ /əv/ /hɜː(r)/ /təˈdeɪ/ /ʃiː/ /gɒt/ /gɑːt/ /ˈɪn.tuː/ /ɪt/ /wɪð/ /ðɪs/ /gaɪ/【发音技巧】don't know不完全爆破;what to失去爆破;make of连读;of her击穿;got into it两处连读+一处闪音;【翻译】我不知道她今天是怎么了。她和一个男的杠上了。【适用场合】今天节目中,我们要学习的表达有两个,第一个是:make sth. of sb./sth.,这里可以把这个短语理解成:to understand the meaning or character of sb./sth.“理解某个人/某个东西的意义和特性”;eg: I don't know what to make of the decision.我不知道该怎么做这个决定。eg: I don't know what to make of it.我不知道它是怎么回事。我不知道它是什么意思。eg: I can't make anything of this note.我根本看不懂这张便条什么意思。eg: I don't know what to make of our new teacher.我不知道该怎么评价我们的新老师。eg: I don't know what to make of (=think of) the manager.我不知道该怎么评价这位经理。今天我们要来学习的第二个短语是:get into sth. with sb. “跟某个人口角、争吵、打斗”to engage in a verbal or physical altercation with someoneeg: I can't believe you got into it with the biggest kid in your class.我不敢相信你会和你们班上最大块头的孩子打起来。eg: Oh, the florist quit after he got into it with the mother of the bride over the price of flowers.哦,那个花艺师和新娘妈妈因为花的价格吵起来了,然后他就走人不干了。eg: Why would you get into it with the ump about balls and strikes? Are you trying to get thrown out of the game?你为什么要和裁判去争论对错?你是想被罚下场吗?【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 不知道怎么回事,海伦和经理吵起来了。
【句子】Didn't happen, and common decency prevents me from telling you why. 【Modern Family S3E17】【发音】/ˈdɪd.ənt/ /ˈhæp.ən/ /ənd/ /ˈkɒm.ən/ /ˈkɑː.mən/ /ˈdiː.sə /prɪˈvents/ /mi:/ /frɒm/ /frɑːm/ /ˈtel.ɪŋ/ /ju:/ /waɪ/【发音技巧】Didn't happen不完全爆破;and common失去爆破;【翻译】我没去成,而且考虑到起码的礼貌,我还是不说原因了。【适用场合】今天节目中,我们学习的短语是common decency,大家看到common应该都觉得很熟悉,可以表示“共同的;常见的”这样的意思;而decency和decent是同根词,decent是一个形容词,“体面的,得体的”,decency是对应的名词,可以表示“得体,宽容,礼貌”。连起来的common decency可以理解成:Common, everyday courtesy, respect, and politeness that is expected and assumed by social convention“社会习俗所期望的日常礼貌、礼节、尊重等等”,或者简单点直接理解成“基本的社交礼仪”;eg: Please have the common decency to at least consult me before you make some extravagant purchase.在你买一些奢侈的东西之前,至少先问问我的意见吧,这是最基础的礼貌。eg: It is just common decency that you should help someone if they are in distress.当别人压力很大的时候,你帮帮他,这只是基本的社交礼仪而已。eg: I can't believe she came to the gala when she wasn't even invited. Has she got no common decency?我简直不敢相信,她都没有被邀请,却来参加晚会了。她是完全没有任何社交礼仪吗?eg: Her behaviour showed a total lack of common decency.她的举止行为,能看出她完全没有基本的社交礼貌。从她的行为能看出,她连最起码的礼节都不懂。eg: It would have been only common decency to call and say you'd be late.打个电话来,提前说一声你要迟点到,这只是基本的社交礼貌而已。【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 去别人家拜访前,先电话预约一下,这是基本的社交礼仪。