
<p>兩位流著台灣DNA的阿北闖蕩歐美30年,回台後暢談世界各地的生活體驗、趣聞軼事、矽谷、華爾街工作經歷等 。 在相同與不同間讓你更了解想知道(與不想知道)的 阿北心聲。 <br /> <br/>Powered by <a href="https://firstory.me">Firstory Hosting</a></p>

大叔 (s) os: 感謝有你!

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy 從第一季開始,不知不覺謝伯伯時間也陪伴大家兩年的時間,很快地今天迎來最後一集。 本週大叔 (s)os的主題是「對伴侶的牢騷」,之後所有團隊成員將分享之後的短期目標、計畫。本週播出之後,謝伯伯時間就要暫時和大家說再見了,感謝大家兩年來的陪伴、收聽,之後也請繼續支持成員們! Images: 大家的畢業照⚡ Powered by Firstory Hosting


臺灣北部的彩繪發展、廟宇門神彩繪 / Taiwan Temple door gods, the northern perspective

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy 歡阿繪 is a cultural researcher who has done extensive work on the diety paintings on Taiwan temples. After TUX discussion on the Tainan (ancient capital) temple god paintings, 歡阿繪 shares her works on the Taipei (new capital) temple god paintings. Do you know your god paintings?! Find out how all of these connects with history and culture of Taiwan today. Information and image sources: - 「歡阿繪」粉絲頁: https://m.facebook.com/AA-110770118350578/ 左右對場: http://library.taiwanschoolnet.org/cyberfair2013/ssvsteam1/competition.htm 新莊慈祐宮 門神之謎 洪詩榮與陳壽彝: https://aquanick.pixnet.net/blog/post/109492154-%e6%96%b0%e8%8e%8a%e6%85%88%e7%a5%90%e5%ae%ae-02_%e9%96%80%e7%a5%9e%e4%b9%8b%e8%ac%8e-2_%e6%b4%aa%e8%a9%a9%e6%a6%ae%e8%88%87%e9%99%b3%e5%a3%bd%e5%bd%9d 北臺灣傳統彩繪 龍山寺門神: http://gymnoisland.blogspot.com/2021/08/1927.html?m=1 歡阿繪被專業訪問: https://dramatizestory.medium.com/ep28-%E8%81%BD%E9%96%80%E7%A5%9E-%E8%AA%AA%E9%96%80%E7%A5%9E-%E8%81%BD%E9%96%80%E7%A5%9E-%E8%AA%AA%E9%96%80%E7%A5%9E-zoom-in-zoom-out-%E4%BE%86%E8%B3%9E%E5%BB%9F-a4ddbda8aee1 #DoorGods #Temple #Taiwan #TUX #謝伯伯時間 #歡阿繪 #門神 #臺灣 #彩繪 Powered by Firstory Hosting


台灣第一位職棒啦啦隊隊長 / Untold stories of Taiwan's first professional cheerleaders

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy 本周邀請到了最初的台灣職棒啦啦隊四位成員之一的Jacquie,來和大家分享啦啦隊這份職業! -Jacquie是怎麼成為啦啦隊員的呢? -光彩奪目的啦啦隊員,有什麼樣的幕後故事呢? -從啦啦隊員退役之後,Jacquie是如何看待這份工作的? 如果你也想知道答案,別錯過本集謝伯伯時間! Jacquie was one of the four original members of the first cheerleading team in Taiwan's professional baseball. - How did she get into this job? - What are the behind-the-scene stories? - What does it mean to her now she is retired from cheerleading? Inquiring Uncles want to know! Information and image sources: - 嘉南勇士隊 Wiki: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%98%89%E5%8D%97%E5%8B%87%E5%A3%AB - 嘉南勇士隊 FB: https://zh-tw.facebook.com/people/%E5%98%89%E5%8D%97%E5%8B%87%E5%A3%AB%E9%9A%8A/100063973424384/ - 日本のプロ野球のマスコットガール・チアリーディングチーム一覧: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E3%81%AE%E3%83%97%E3%83%AD%E9%87%8E%E7%90%83%E3%81%AE%E3%83%9E%E3%82%B9%E3%82%B3%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E3%82%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BB%E3%83%81%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%87%E3%82%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%E3%83%81%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%E4%B8%80%E8%A6%A7 #Cheerleading #Baseball #Taiwan #Luka #TUX #謝伯伯時間 #嘉南勇士 #臺灣職業棒球大聯盟 #臺灣 #職棒 Powered by Firstory Hosting


Vivian留學英國生活三兩事 / A Thing or Two about Vivian’s Life as a Foreign Student in the UK

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy 隨著疫情趨緩,台灣學生申請出國留學的人數也慢慢回升。本周謝伯伯時間邀請到至英國留學超過一年的Vivian,來和大家分享她的留學經驗: -現在英國通貨膨脹的情形有多嚴重? -在外國生活時有哪些驚奇有趣的事情? -學校食堂裡Vivian最喜歡的食物是什麼呢? -總是在響的消防警報也是要注意! Today Vivian shares with us her student life in the UK. -How rampant is inflation in the UK nowadays? -What are some surprises for Vivian as a foreign student? -What are her favorite dishes at the campus cafeteria? -Watch out for those fire drills! Let’s take a listen. Show note: -University of Warwick (wiki: https://cutt.ly/LNWopYV ) Image source: -Vivian’s personal archives #TUX #StudyingInUK #謝伯伯時間 #英國留學 Powered by Firstory Hosting


大叔 (s) os:吃飯社交,禮儀知多少?

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy 又到了紓壓輕鬆的大叔 (s) os系列囉!這次的主題從上周的職場來到飯桌上,聚餐時主客雙方可以注意什麼東西呢?大叔最害怕遇到什麼樣的客人?年輕人在飯桌上又會在意那些東西?有遇過什麼烏龍事件嗎? 更多有趣的內容,趕緊收聽本周的謝伯伯時間! 聽眾朋友有哪些共鳴之處,或是不一樣的觀察,一樣都可以和我們分享唷✨ Image source: https://www.ghibli.jp/info/013409/ 聚餐時希望大家都可以吃得開心,也聊得開心! #謝伯伯時間 #podcast #TUX #大叔心內音 Powered by Firstory Hosting


台灣重金屬音樂這條路 / Heavy Metal, a Taiwan historic perspective

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy We invite Vic, the band leader of the TUX season one music collaboration band Bazooka, to share the story of how Heavy Metal music came to its own in Taiwan. In addition to sharing his own research, he also speculated on the next step of metal music as it relates to the mainstream music. Listen to how Heavy Metal weaves into the social and economic growth of Taiwan. TUX also shares some clips of live performance by Bazooka in this year's Metal United World Wide 佛性金屬:小金屬時代 Rock on, dude!! Information and image sources: - Bazooka performance (by Uncle Sa'an) - Metal United World Wide 佛性金屬:小金屬時代 https://www.facebook.com/events/759134082020353/?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%2252%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22[%7B%5C%22surface%5C%22%3A%5C%22share_link%5C%22%2C%5C%22mechanism%5C%22%3A%5C%22share_link%5C%22%2C%5C%22extra_data%5C%22%3A%7B%5C%22invite_link_id%5C%22%3A554413839796077%7D%7D]%22%7D #Bazooka #MetalUnitedWorldWide #Podcast #TUX #謝伯伯時間 #重金屬音樂 #佛性金屬 #小金屬時代 Powered by Firstory Hosting


如何有效運用與挑選外部律師 / How Do Companies Effectively Work with and Choose Law Firms

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy Today Jimmy returns to us to share with us how Taiwanese companies can most effectively work with and choose law firms. While making sure everything is “legal” is a good start, good law firms should be able to add additional value for their clients. -How can a good law firm add more value? -How to look for a law firm with specific country knowledge? -Why is paying for good legal service like paying for insurance? -How to pick a good law firm? -Why do international law firms cost so much? Let’s take a listen. Image sources: -“Partner Track” (Udn: https://cutt.ly/nVGRLSs ) -“Extraordinary Attorney Woo” (CNA: https://cutt.ly/aVGR3Ws ) -“Best Law Firms Ranking” (US News: https://cutt.ly/rVGTR1J )   Nobel Prize in Economics/諾貝爾經濟學獎 - https://youtu.be/Gvz_77XPZLU - https://news.uchicago.edu/story/douglas-diamond-2022-nobel-prize-economics #TUX #謝伯伯時間 Powered by Firstory Hosting


「領袖 100 | 職涯貴人引路計畫」 創辦人 Judy(石恬華)討論台灣專業經理人的路

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy 從擔任公司的經理人到投入創業活動,Judy於2019年發起的  「領袖 100 | 職涯貴人引路計畫」,以她的方式回饋社會,並以職涯導師的身分培育下一代的領導人才。 收聽本集謝伯伯時間,成為專業經理人的路從今天開始! From the country manager of a major global firm to starting her own business, what Judy relies on are her skills as a professional manager. She started Leaders100 (領袖100) as a way to give back and mentor the next generation of professional managers. Learn how you can be a part of this elite group of business managers. Information and image sources: - Judy's personal archive - website: https://leaders100.world/ - FB:領袖100 - 大叔討論工作的複雜度: https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02yUMAVhb4inc2WkRJD5eU4XdVcN3Rxd3VwJTS81uvKyAaTez6Q26vKd3CvmRJkh3Tl&id=100064110877415 #Podcast #TUX #Leaders100 #謝伯伯時間 #領袖100 Powered by Firstory Hosting


大叔 (s) os:工作牢騷一卡車!

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy 本週的節目是第八季新系列──大叔 (s) os!前幾季的叔在想知道,大叔很用心為年輕人解答各式各樣的疑問,本季將從大叔的角度出發,聽聽他們內心的os~ 第一集就來聽聽馳騁江湖多年的大叔們對於工作有哪些話想說吧! 聽眾朋友有哪些共鳴之處,或是不一樣的觀察,都可以和我們分享~🧐 Image source: #謝伯伯時間 #podcast #TUX #大叔心內音 Powered by Firstory Hosting


美籍台灣老手 (Jerome Keating) 談台灣 / Jerome's Taiwan experience

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy 延續台灣話題,本周邀請到Jerome Keating,回顧他自1998年到台灣後,將近三十年來對於台灣的觀察。Jerome Keating曾接觸過的台灣人相當廣泛,從台灣歷任總統,到自己家族裡的台灣年輕人都有,也因此能夠以獨特的視角,觀察不同世代的台灣人如何理解、表達自己。 Jerome Keating has been in Taiwan since 1988. Interacting with a wide spectrum of Taiwan society from  presidents (Lee, Chen, Ma, and Tsai) to young kids of his Taiwan extended family (家族) gives him unique insight on how generations in Taiwan see and express themselves. Information and image sources: - Jerome's personal archive - Website: https://www.jeromekeating.com/ #Podcast #TUX #TaiwanIdentity #JeromeKeating #謝伯伯時間 #台灣老手 #台灣 Powered by Firstory Hosting


從德國看台灣安全 / Taiwan Security: A German Perspective

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy Today Xiaowei, having just returned to Taiwan from a summer visit to Germany, shares with us how Germany looks at issues related to Taiwan security. -Historically, why does Germany tend to shun military and security issues in general? -What’s the general German conception of Taiwan? -How does the Ukrainian War put Germany in a dilemma? What does that say about Germany in a potential conflict over Taiwan? -“Can’t we all just get along?” Let’s take a listen. Show note: -“German Chancellor Hesitates No More” (DW: https://cutt.ly/IC3KojQ ) Image sources: -Olaf Scholz ((DW: https://cutt.ly/IC3KojQ ) -“EU Proposes Chip Legislation” (CNA: https://cutt.ly/vC3DWhl ) -2016 Economist democracy index map (Wiki: https://cutt.ly/JC3GuGb ) #TUX #謝伯伯時間 Powered by Firstory Hosting


裴洛西訪台改如何改變台海現狀與影響區域穩定? /How Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit Changes the Status Quo in the Taiwan Strait and Impacts the Regional Stability?

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy Today Sean King of Park Strategies, a New York-based global consulting firm, talks to us about the implications of recent live-fire drills surrounding Taiwan conducted by the PLA following the US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan visit in early August. -What message is China sending to Taiwan? -Why do China’s alternative facts, history and propaganda worry Sean? -Why does South Korea President’s lukewarm reception of Pelosi worry Sean? -What’s the sentiment in the US? What’s going on in Congress? Let’s take a listen. Show notes: -“US Senate's Taiwan Policy Act stuck in Review Limbo”: https://cutt.ly/aCx9cbY -“US Senator Seeks to Bolster Taiwan's Asymmetric Defense with New Bill”: https://cutt.ly/oCx4p7Q Image source: -Sean’s personal archive #TUX #TaiwanRelationsAct #TaiwanPolicyAct #謝伯伯時間 #台灣關係法 #台灣政策法 Powered by Firstory Hosting


Wind Instruments in the Time of COVID

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy Clarinet (單簧管) musician George (陳昭志) shares his experience performing during COVID. How is it done with mask (you can see pictures) as a solo performer? How about ensemble setting where multiple performers are present? Learn how musicianship overcomes the limitations of COVID and let music flows. George finished his master degree at the Manhattan School of Music (MSM) during the time of COVID. How is performance arts education done when it is all remote? Information and image sources: - George's personal archive - IG: georgechen_clarinet - YT (Three Fantasias for Solo Clarinet 陳昭志演出): https://youtu.be/7kD8iplJCCs #Podcast #TUX #Clarinet #GeorgeChen #COVID #ManhattanSchoolMusic #MSM #謝伯伯時間 #單簧管 #陳昭志 #曼哈頓音樂院 Powered by Firstory Hosting


2022-09-05 閒聊用新聞: 無妝英國小姐 + 大理石的濕布傳統 + 運動照相的那一霎那 / 2022-09-05 News for Chitchat: Bareface Miss England + Wet Drapery Marble + Sports Photography Awards 2022

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfyInformation and images sources: 無妝英國小姐 /Bareface Miss England - https://mymodernmet.com/melisa-raouf-miss-england-finalist/ 大理石的濕布傳統 /Wet Drapery Marble - https://mymodernmet.com/the-veiled-virgin-sculpture/ 運動照相的那一霎那 / Sports Photography Awards 2022 - https://mymodernmet.com/world-sports-photography-awards/ #Podcast #TUX #ChiChatNews #Bareface #MissEngland #WetDrapery #Marble #Sports #Photography #謝伯伯時間 #閒聊用新聞 #無妝 #英國小姐 #大理石 #濕布傳統 #運動照相 Powered by Firstory Hosting


宋瓷與吳囿瑩 / Alex and Song Dynasty ceramics

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy Alex Wu (吳囿瑩), director of Current Art Space (川藝術主理人), shares his passion about the Song Dynasty Ceramics. We explores its significance in the Chinese artistic development, its influences on surrounding regions beyond Song Dynasty China, and of course what it means in today's auction markets. 1. 宋瓷在陶瓷史上的位置 2. 宋瓷對後續陶瓷發展的影響 3. 宋瓷對周邊國家的影響 4. 辨偽的經驗 5. 古董在藝術市場的一些想法 Information and image sources: 川藝術 Current Art Space 粉專 https://www.facebook.com/Current-Art-Space-106854931896998 IG: instagram.com/current_artgallery 官網: https://my-art-space.com/ 大阪東洋陶瓷美術館 https://www.moco.or.jp 韓國中央博物館 https://www.museum.go.kr/site/chn/home #Podcast #TUX #SongDynasty #Ceramics #ChineseArts #antique #fakes #謝伯伯時間 #宋瓷 #陶瓷史 #辨偽 #古董 #吳囿瑩 Powered by Firstory Hosting


2022-08-29 閒聊用新聞: 香檳老家在英國! + 希臘千年名釀 + 解碼百年南極威士忌 / 2022-08-29 News for Chitchat: Champagne is English, blimey! + Mastiha + Shackleton's Whisky

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy Information and images sources: 香檳老家在英國! / Champagne is English, blimey! - https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/history-of-champagne 希臘千年名釀/ Mastiha - https://www.atlasobscura.com/foods/chios-masticha 解碼百年南極威士忌 / Shackleton's Whisky - https://theworld.org/stories/2011-04-05/shackleton-s-whisky-deemed-delicious #Podcast #TUX #ChiChatNews #Champagne #English #Mastiha #Shackleton #Whisky #謝伯伯時間 #閒聊用新聞 #香檳 #英國 #希臘 #名釀 #南極威士忌 Powered by Firstory Hosting


叔在想知道#3 疫情後出國去哪裡?

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy 隨著入境後檢疫天數的縮短,跨國旅遊想必就要重新興起了,那麼謝伯伯團隊的成員們各自有什麼樣的規劃呢?本集叔在想知道,成員們將分享自己對於未來旅遊的安排! 如果聽眾們有什麼有趣的規劃,都歡迎分享給我們!也期待之後謝伯伯特派員來自各地的旅遊分享✈️ Powered by Firstory Hosting


2022-08-22 閒聊用新聞: 克萊本國際鋼琴比賽最年輕的金牌得者 + 插畫家桑貝過世 + 密碼演算法與量子電腦的攻防 / 2022-08-22 News for Chitchat: Cliburn Competition's youngest winner + Jean-Jacques Sempé in Taiwan + NIST's PQC standards

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy Information and images sources: 克萊本國際鋼琴比賽最年輕的金牌得者/Cliburn Competition's youngest winner - https://cliburn.org/?performer=yunchan-lim - https://youtu.be/DPJL488cfRw - https://www.dallasnews.com/arts-entertainment/performing-arts/2022/06/18/south-korean-pianist-yunchan-lim-18-wins-the-2022-van-cliburn-international-competition/ 插畫家桑貝過世/ Jean-Jacques Sempé in Taiwan - https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/french-cartoonist-sempe-famous-new-yorker-covers-dies-age-89-2022-08-12/ 密碼演算法與量子電腦的攻防 / NIST's PQC standards - https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2022/07/nist-announces-first-four-quantum-resistant-cryptographic-algorithms #Podcast #TUX #ChiChatNews #Yunchan Lim #CliburnCompetition #Sempé #NIST #PQC #謝伯伯時間 #閒聊用新聞 #克萊本國際鋼琴比賽 #金牌得者 #任奫燦 #插畫家 #桑貝 #密碼演算法 #量子電腦 Powered by Firstory Hosting


「舌尖記事」館主 Lalisa 如是說 / Gourmet Report's Lalisa

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy 「舌尖記事/Gourmet Report」館主 Lalisa shares how she starts this personal journal about food and memory. As a foodie, Lalisa shares her ideas on how to find the right place for the occasion. Equally important, how does a foodie find trusted recommendations. We also touched on a recent controversial practice of 熟客制/members-only in Taiwan fine dining. Information and image sources: 「舌尖記事/Gourmet Report」 https://www.facebook.com/tpegourmetreport #Podcast #TUX #GourmetReport #謝伯伯時間 #舌尖記事 #熟客制 Powered by Firstory Hosting


2022-08-15 閒聊用新聞: 托雷多美術館拍賣三幅映象派作品 + 披頭四成員吃一半的吐司 + 日本建築師黑川紀章的代謝運動謝幕 / 2022-08-15 News for Chitchat: Toledo Museum of Art deaccessions three impressionist work + George Harrison's half eaten toast + Kurokawa Kisho's Nakagin Capsule Tower exit stage left

小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy Information and images sources: 托雷多美術館拍賣三幅映象派作品 / Toledo Museum of Art deaccessions three impressionist work - https://news.artnet.com/market/toledo-museum-deaccessioning-at-auction-2098238 - https://www.toledoblade.com/a-e/art/2022/05/17/toledo-museum-art-painting-sells-36m/stories/20220517123 披頭四成員吃一半的吐司 / George Harrison's half eaten toast - https://georgeharrisonsaccent.tumblr.com/post/173726317097/hello-ive-seen-a-lot-of-memes-related-to-george - https://www.nytimes.com/1991/08/16/arts/auctions.html 日本建築師黑川紀章的代謝運動謝幕 / Kurokawa Kisho's Nakagin Capsule Tower exit stage left - https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BB%A3%E8%AC%9D%E9%81%8B%E5%8B%95 - https://www.dezeen.com/2022/04/29/nakagin-capsule-tower-demolition-video-tokyo-japan/ #Podcast #TUX #ChiChatNews #ToledoMuseumArt #Deaccession #Impressionist #GeorgeHarrison #Toast #Auction #KurokawaKisho #NakaginCapsuleTower #謝伯伯時間 #閒聊用新聞 #托雷多美術館 #映象派 #披頭四 #吐司 #日本建築師 #黑川紀章 #代謝運動 Powered by Firstory Hosting


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