還可中文 Haike Mandarin

聽「還可中文」學中文,讓你的中文不只是「還可」。 還可中文是由李伊、仙仙和小雨主持的中文學習podcast,李伊和仙仙是生活中的好朋友,李伊和小雨是姊妹。他們會在節目教你日常會話、分享他們的故事,他們還會罵髒話、用一些流行語,讓你的中文聽起來更自然,讓還可中文負責你的日常中文,但不負責你的考試中文。 Haike Mandarin is hosted by two best friends, Liyi and Xianxian. Sometimes, Liyi's sister, Xiaoyu, also hosts the show with Liyi. We discuss practical day-to-day topics in Mandarin and share stories from our lives.

174. 仙仙對水餃有陰影!聊聊「陰影」 Xian Has a Trauma from Dumplings. Talking about Trauma

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/174-xian-has-trauma-dumplings-talking-trauma *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/174-3024360 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


173. 熱鬧、看熱鬧、湊熱鬧  Lively, Being A Bystander, and Getting Involved In Something

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-173 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/173-3002383


172. 好巧喔!聊聊「很巧」與「巧合」 What A Coincidence! Talking about Coincidence

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-172 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/172-2977628 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


171. 臺灣十大飲料店與熱門品項、推薦我們愛喝的飲料 Taiwan's Top 10 Beverage Shops and Popular Drinks: Our Favorite Recommendations

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-171 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/171-2958441 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:)))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


170. 聊聊「社區」和「鄰居」、閒聊:演唱會心得 “Neighborhood” and “Neighbors”, Recent Concert Experiences

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-170 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/170-2934005 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


169. 仙仙喜歡透過整理房間來整理心情!聊聊「整理」 Talking About "Organizing" and “Tidying Up”

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/169-2912027 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/169-2912021 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website.


168. 聊聊台鐵、跟火車有關的用法和我們搭火車的經驗 Talking about TW Railways: Related Usage and Our Train Experiences

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-168 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/168-2891562 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


167. 聊聊暑假和中暑 Talking about Summer Vacation and Heatstroke

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-167 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/167-2871745 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


166. 「洗腦」的兩種用法 Talking about Brainwashing and Catchy

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-166 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/166-2851001 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


165. 超實用!電話用語與各種情境 Extremely Useful! Phone Phrases and Various Situations

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-165 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/165-2829669 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


164. 「對了」和「講到這個」的用法 Talking about BY THE WAY and SPEAKING OF WHICH

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-164 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/164-2804690 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


163. 等我一下,我要擦防曬!聊聊「防曬」 Wait a Moment, I Need to Apply Sunscreen! Let's Talk About "SUNSCREEN"

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-163 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/163-2780299 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


162. 聊聊「補習」與「補習班」 Talking about Cram Schools

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-162 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/162-2734955 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


161. 仙仙想要復甦過時的流行語;聊聊「月經」的各種用法 Xian Wanting to Revive Outdated Slang, Discussing Various Uses of Period

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-161 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/161-2728092 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


160. 你去唱歌怎麼沒揪我?聊聊「揪」與「不揪」 Why Don’T You Invite Me To Sing? Talking About “Jiū” And “Bù Jiū”

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-160 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/160-2719577 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


159. 我的IG被盜了!聊聊「被盜」 My IG Was Hacked! Let's Talk About “Being Hacked”

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-159-ig *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/159-ig 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


158. 他真的很垃圾!聊聊跟垃圾有關的詞 He’s Really A TRASH! Words Related to “Trash”

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-158 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/158-2674942 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


157. 閒聊:李伊的衝浪小旅行;你很「盤」欸!聊聊「盤子」 Yi's Surfing Trip; You Really Overpaid! Let's Talk About "Pán Zi"

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-157 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/157-2648276 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


156. 聊聊「奧客」常見的行為 Talking about Common Behaviors of Difficult Customers

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-156 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/156-2622983 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


155. 閒聊:淚之女王無雷心得、什麼是「喬」一下? Small Talk: Non-spoiler Thoughts on Queen of Tears and What Does “喬” Mean

超實用筆記 Super useful notes for each episode *試閱版 (Trial Version) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/trial-155 *完整的重點整理 (Full Access) https://buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/155-2600075 你可以到Buy Me A Coffee 支持我們或成為我們的會員:))))) To support us or become a member, please go to our BMC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin


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