雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast

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(4596期)觉得学习外语重要吗 Do you think it important to learn a foreign language

学点外语 learn something one or two on foreign language, like Japanese, like Spanish, like Germany for example找好工作给会外语 if a young adult wants a great career, the foreign language would be the most important thing必须的  it's the basic as well or it is required 当老板 just to be the boss or employer


(4595期)你获取新闻的途径是哪些 How do you find the news

各种新闻 some gossip, some entertainment news, and some news about education and everyday life真假消息分不清楚 but one problem, I couldn't figure out it is true or not我认为 互联网和各种app好用  For my part, the Internet and it's related apps could be my favorite ways to find the news更靠谱 that could be more reliable


(4594期)为什么人们不喜欢学历史 People do not like history and why

两个理由 挺难学的 Two reasons can be identified首先 难学 number one, it's not very easy for us to learn about history很难学的全面 it's very tough for us to have a better understanding of the whole history其次 很多人没兴趣 天生的 Number two, a lot of people are not interested in history at all, you know it is born with, a natural reason


(4593期)你擅长记数字吗 Are you good at remembering numbers

不行啊 记不住啊 No way I'm not good at doing so记事儿都够呛呢别说数字了 actually I'm not kind of person who usually likes to remember things very clearly, especially the numbers对数字不敏感 不熟悉 because I'm not familiar with it or maybe it’s born with, you know it's a natural reason不可能完成的任务 it's like the impossible mission


(4592期)你认为快餐怎么样 What do you think of fast food

举足轻重 it is playing an important role in our life too没有快餐 生活效率下降 Without the fast food, our efficiency at work and study would be negatively influenced不能适应快节奏 we couldn’t live in a such fast pace of life问题不能忽略 热量高 But one problem cannot be ignored, it is not that healthy enough you know, too much fat and calories in it


(4591期)你经常去图书馆吗 Do you often go the library, why or why not

想好好学习的时候要找个安静的地儿 when I'm trying to stay focused on my study, I’ll certainly find a quiet place咖啡厅最适合了 I mean the coffee shop would be the best shot for me安静的实体环境和免费的网络 the free wifi and quiet physical environment, that could be very important to me搞点黑咖啡 提神醒脑 I would grab a cup of coffee, that could be my favorite, the black coffee, quite refreshing


(4590期)你周末需要学习或者工作吗 Do you need to work or study on weekends

不需要周末上班上学 Not really nope, I don't have to work or study on weekends因为周末业余时间多 because I usually have plenty of freedom on weekends周末全天放空  I could totally rest my mind from the Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon啥也不合计 without thinking anything


(4589期)你喜欢分享吗 Do you like to share things

分享私人物品share some of my personal belongings or even properties比如工作学习机会 like some working or study opportunities for example我也会帮助陌生人 some strangers come to me and need my help, I would do something one or two that I can这样做让我开心 because by doing so, I'll certainly put a smile of joy on my face


(4588期)小时候什么事儿让你快乐 What made you happy when you were a child

小时候两件事让我开心 two things would certainly make me feel happy when I was a kid小时候就想要钱 when I was at my young age, I needed money the most需要自由  it was about the freedom you know, my parents didn't let me do lots of things actually同样重要 the free time and money could be equally important to me





(4587期)年轻人需要一个时代楷模吗 Do young people need a role model

不好说 Well it's very hard to say向偶像学习 they had to learn something one or two from the role model做自己 I mean everyone should be what they are and who they are you know可能年轻人需要职业规划的导师 My point is that you know, maybe a young adult need a role model for their career


(4586期)你很宅吗 Are you a person who likes to stay at home

为了避免疲倦 我在家呆着 to avoid the fatigues, I would certainly spend most of my leisure time at home without doing anything放空 I would just rest my mind万事大吉 and then everything will be fine讲真 我喜欢独处 gotta be honest, I love being alone


(4585期)人们为什么会迟到 What is the reason of being late

有两个理由 Two reasons could be identified和生活有关系 it has got to do something with our regular life超级卷 a lot of people are suffering, they are suffering from heavy workload and pressure另一个理由显而易见  another reason is quite apparent


(4584期)想要换掉的东西 Describe something you own that you want to replace

想换个电脑但是需要等等 The laptop is the thing that I want to replace but you know, I couldn't make it very soon陪伴我很久啦 就像老朋友一样 because it has been with me more than five years, and it is an old friend to me工作效率大大提升 My efficiency at work has been totally improved for sure电脑有点过时啦 But in fact it's becoming old fashioned, too. Five more years ago, it was brand new but now it's been out of fashion


(4583期)你觉得吃早餐重要吗 Do you think breakfast is important

我不信 I didn't think so at all忽视早餐  I usually ignored the importance of having breakfast现在长大了  but now I grew up, and I already have become an adult之前一天要早睡 that means I have to sleep well the day before


(4582期)爱吃巧克力吗你 Do you like eating chocolates and why or why not

我是一个白巧克力迷 and I am a white chocolate lover太多热量 吃完不减肥 too much calories and fat in chocolates, after eating too much of it, I mean I wouldn't lose some weight心情不好的时候 整点巧克力 But when I'm not in a good mood or when I'm suffering, some chocolates would come to me


(4581期)你经常用笔写东西吗 Do you usually use a pen or a pencil

偶尔 Sometimes but not that often in life电脑或者手机打字 because most of the time I'll go with typing with my laptop or smartphone处理工作或者学习的时候选择打字  I'll try to text some emails when I'm coping with my regular work or when I'm trying to study something我的职业生涯里最喜欢用键盘啦 certainly I like to use my keyboard more often in my career对我来说有点过时了 that has been old fashioned to me


(4580期)你经常和朋友聊新闻事件吗 Do you often talk with friends about the news

劳资没兴趣  I have no interests because I'm not interested in the news about finance or economics共同话题多 because we have a lot in common有时候背后说人坏话 or sometimes we talk about something behind someone这就是日常  that's the everyday routine


(4579期)你将来会在网上读更多的书吗 Will you read more online in the future

必须的 Yes sure, of course, I certainly will生活一部分 it has been a part of my life下载一百多本书 全整电子书里头 I can download more than one hundred books at a time, I mean I can put one hundred more in the e-book不用花钱 最多几块钱 and I don't have to pay for it, or even sometimes, I need to pay for it, just several bucks


(4578期)学习的地方 Describe somewhere that is easy for you to study

喜欢在xbk学习 The indoor place that I think is very easy for me to study, I must say, it's in the Starbucks , just a coffee shopwanxiang城一楼那家 I mean it is on the first floor of wanxiangcheng, English name is Mix City位置可好啦  I think it has a perfect location, I can get to that place by subways or sometimes take a cab, or sometimes I can drive to that place because it has a super large parking area and I don't have to pay for it氛围很好 you would find everyone who works in the area could put a smile on face almost everyday


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