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(whole)istically you

Author: Amanda

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A podcast about the ebbs and flows of life.
50 Episodes
48 duality

48 duality


Oh my darlings, it has been a minute. I'm so glad to be back today, talking about a topic that has been very present for me in the past month or so... Duality. The idea that two things, light and dark, good and bad, can coexist. Why can't they? Who would we be without recognizing that we can be in a space of pure light and a tinge of darkness all at the same time? I believe that it's in how we choose to combine them, and allow them to work with - instead of against - one another, that we can create harmony in our lives. And let's face facts: We are SO hard on ourselves. Let's stop for a moment. Take a breath. Breathe deep down into our belly. And... Give ourselves grace; grace, and the permission to be exactly where we are without the need to justify or explain ourselves to anyone, or make ourselves feel bad. Duality, friends. Here it goes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of me and this podcast. Love it? Don't be shy: Leave a 5-star rating! May the abundance always come back to you tenfold. Feel free to show my IG page some love by following here! Let's always stay humble and raise each other up xx
Y'allllll - This episode is jam packed with GOODNESS! High vibes live in this episode. This episode brings you story time with the (whole)istically you podcast and a full circle experience from some seeds planted this time last year. Sit back, enjoy, and I hope you feel GREAT after listening!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of me and this podcast. Love it? Don't be shy: Leave a 5-star rating! May the abundance always come back to you tenfold. Feel free to show my IG page some love by following here! Let's always stay humble and raise each other up xx
46 do you, boo

46 do you, boo


I recently had experiences that solidified quite a few things for me. I know that the work I do on myself never goes in vain, but at times, people don't understand it. Today, I'm here to tell you: F*CK THE NOISE! It doesn't matter what people think about what you're doing. All that matters is that you're happy with yourself, your growth, and your vibration. I am choosing to operate on a level that not a lot of people can get on, and you know what? That's okay. DO YOU, BOO. By being unapologetically you, you will continue to attract the same value as what you give out. Guaranteed.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of me and this podcast. Love it? Don't be shy: Leave a 5-star rating! May the abundance always come back to you tenfold. Feel free to show my IG page some love by following here! Let's always stay humble and raise each other up xx
Oh, don't we all love a Full Moon in Leo?! That fire, that buzz, that drive, that passion... And for me, the incredible need to share this message with you all! As part of a program I am currently a part of called The Sacred Bond, I did an exercise on confrontation in three levels: my experience with it, growth opportunities surrounding it, and what I'm most proud of when it comes to it. So many parts of past struggles and dependencies came to the surface as I wrote my pages, and I felt compelled to share this with you all. I hope that you are so proud of how far you've come, y'all. Every step, no matter how small or seemingly "insignificant", is a step in the right direction. Be gentle with yourselves! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of me and this podcast. Love it? Don't be shy: Leave a 5-star rating! May the abundance always come back to you tenfold.  Feel free to show my IG page some love by following here! Let's always stay humble and raise each other up xx
44 love it & leave it

44 love it & leave it


On this episode, I read you all a letter. It was a letter written on December 10, 2022, from me to me. On the last day of my visit to Dubai after being home for 3 years, I found myself in my best friend's backyard sobbing. Many people might just shed the tears and move on with their day. But I thought to myself, "capture this moment. Write about it. Never forget about how you feel right now." So I wrote. And today, I share this letter with you all.  Today, January 25, 2023 is the 8th year anniversary of when I attended an overseas recruitment fair to commit to a dream I had for many, many years. This dream was the scariest thing I had ever imagined, and it turns out that it was, and always will be, the best thing that I've ever done.  I hope you enjoy this vulnerable share, loves. Never be afraid of vulnerability; the world needs the beauty that comes from it.  Feel free to show my IG page some love by following here! Let's always stay humble and raise each other up xx
This episode was recorded on a Full Moon in Cancer, which is my sun sign! I definitely felt this Full Moon with more intensity than others, and I really felt that I needed to share some messages with you all.  Sometimes we forget... We forget that we have a right to be happy, to be free, to feel safe, to be abundant AF. It's our RIGHT, and since we are co-creating our lives and realities, we need to play FULL OUT in order to access all of it. No more giving without receiving equally. No more not sending boundaries. No more pouring from anything other than a cup that is overflowing.  I hope you all enjoy this episode; bite-sized but jam-packed with wisdom! My favorite line from the episode: "It is my right to forge my own path and be who I am meant to be versus who my lineage forecasts based on an outdated belief system." Feel free to show my IG page some love by following here! Let's always stay humble and raise each other up xx
42 NYE real talk

42 NYE real talk


DISCLAIMER: In true Mercury Retrograde fashion, the audio quality on this episode is sub-par for my taste but hey, it's ALL good! You can still enjoy my lessons and reflections from 2022; content over perfect audio quality, right?!  Alright... PEACE OUT 2022, and soon to be welcoming 2023; today's episode on December 31, 2022 brings you some real talk around the past 365 days of my life and all of the ebbs and flows that washed me up to shore to begin my next chapter. I wrote these lessons down on my llama notepad, and they include:  Saying NO! (It's MORE than okay.)  Walking away makes you strong AF! We have ZERO control over anything, so chill TF out.  Triggers belong to us; work with them and love yourself anyway.   And my personal favorite... Men ain't sh*t, LOL! Seems harsh, but listen and you'll understand.  I love you all! Be safe, Happy New Year, and may 2023 bring you only the finest offerings from the Universe. 
41 guess who's back!

41 guess who's back!


Wow, wow, wow! What has it been, like, a year...? Actually, YUP! 365 days have passed and this little gal has missed you all (and podcasting) immensely! (whole)istically you is taking on a new structure: Bite-sized and super digestible episodes chock-full of wisdom in 20 minutes or under. We are putting perfectionism to the side and running on inspiration; no set schedule, no pressure, just pure goodness from my microphone to your ears. Can't wait to (re)embark on this journey with you all! Feel free to show my IG page some love by following here! Let's always stay humble and raise each other up xx 
season one finale

season one finale


From January 2021 to now, this episode is a highlight reel of everything I'm taking from this year into 2022. Fighting through a few tears, I openly speak about the tough lessons from the year, some major realizations, and even wishes I have for each and every one of you. I always ask the incredible guests on my show, "if you had to put a title to this chapter or season of your life, what would it be and why?" I answer that question myself today, and it's all about home... Coming home to myself, and creating a version of this life that I want to continue being proud of.  I cannot believe we are 41 episodes in, and season 1 is wrapped! Stay tuned for season 2 coming soon in the new year, bringing you more exciting guests, and hopefully continuing to add value, reflections and maybe even a little bit of laughter to your podcast listening experience!  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all. Stay humble, friends. Catch you in twenty twenty-two.  Thank you for your continued support; to say it means the world to me would be an understatement. Feel free to show my podcast IG page some love by following here! If you feel compelled to share, rate or review this podcast, I am forever grateful! 
We are very lucky to have Jen Rose on the podcast today! Jen, a mindset and behaviour change specialist, talks to us about the ways in which we tend to be stuck in our lives. She gives us some great tips and tricks on getting UN-stuck, out of our own away, and moving from IN-action to ACTION! (Yes... Grab a notebook for these!) We discuss our personal experiences with some of these tribulations, as well as how sitting in discomfort is, at times, the catalyst for moving forward. Welcome, Jen, to the (whole)istically you podcast!  Want to get in touch with Jen? Click here for her Instagram page, and check out her gorgeous website here!  Season 1 of (whole)istically you is soon coming to a close after 40 episodes! Can you believe it?! I hardly can. Stay tuned for a "housekeeping" episode with some personal updates, as well as what's to come for season 2 of the podcast. THANK YOU ALL for your continued support of my passion project, and I hope that it continues to add value to your life as it does to mine. Big love to you all! 
39 transform

39 transform


Today I am sitting down to update you, my beautiful listeners, on some recent life changes and my road to transformation. It's Scorpio season and it has brought about some intense emotions for me! It has also been a time for me to pause, rest and reflect on what has transgressed in my life over the past few months. I talk about my business (YAY!), my love life, and even how I've been working to integrate my shadow self to my healing journey; this has proved to be imperative in order to show myself constant compassion and bring everything from the dark into the light.  Some housekeeping points include: An impending break as season 1 of (whole)istically you soon wraps up, a big THANK YOU to everyone who continues to support this passion project of mine, and a call to check out a podcast that I was featured on this past week. Click here to listen to the podcast on Spotify, or search "Run With Purpose" anywhere podcasts can be found!  Thank you for your continued support; to say it means the world to me would be an understatement. Feel free to show my podcast IG page some love by following here! If you feel compelled to share, rate or review this podcast, I am forever grateful! Stay humble, friends.
I've spoken countless times about my experience in the Middle East, but today I have the esteemed pleasure of bringing you one of the people I have to thank for my survival for 4 years: Ms. Whitney Horsham! In 2015 I had no idea what I was even getting myself into. Now, in 2021, I don't even see how my life could not include people like Whitney, and many others that I have been blessed to call friends since then. Sit back and relax to this hilarious, eye opening and raw conversation between two individuals who are SO different in many ways, yet so connected because of our shared experiences. If you ever wanted an outsider's perspective on my time away, this is it!  Welcome, Whitney, to the (whole)istically you podcast. And moreover, thank you for your friendship, laughter, energy and big love.  Thank you for your continued support; to say it means the world to me would be an understatement. Feel free to show my podcast IG page some love by following here! If you feel compelled to share, rate or review this podcast, I am forever grateful! Stay humble, friends.
Today on the (whole)istically you podcast, we welcome the beautiful Neeyaz; holistic nutritionist, yoga teacher and all around inspirational force. Neeyaz's journey with autoimmune diseases (Graves and Thyroid Eye Disease) have been the driving force behind her career in holistic nutrition. Her story touched me deeply, and the ways in which she has grown from adversity and struggles with her health is nothing short of remarkable. Neeyaz and I chat about all things health: specifics of the thyroid, the mind-body-soul connection, holistic practices, and so much more. Welcome, Neeyaz, to the (whole)istically you podcast!  Want to get in touch with Neeyaz?  Click here for her Instagram page, and here for her website. (I highly recommend reading her blog posts!)  Interested in joining The Unfolding healing circle? Book here! Your discount code when booking is: UNFOLDINGVIP Thank you for your continued support; to say it means the world to me would be an understatement. Feel free to show my podcast IG page some love by following here! If you feel compelled to share, rate or review this podcast, I am forever grateful! Stay humble, friends. 
Annnnd... she's back! The one and only Ms. Dunia Darwiche is here today to chat with us about all things travel, intuition, control, surrender, and even numerology! Part 1 of this conversation took place back in May (episode 20) after an afternoon of drinks on the patio, and a realization that we should totally be recording the things that we talk about to one another. And guess what? WE DID! Today, Dunia dives into her 7-week backpacking journey and the transformational experience that was the trip as well as what came after it. This episode is full of laughs, "AHA!" moments, and so much wisdom. Welcome back, Dunia, to the (whole)istically podcast!  If you want to get in touch with Dunia (and I totally suggest that you do), click here for her Instagram page! Thank you for your continued support; to say it means the world to me would be an understatement. Feel free to show my podcast IG page some love by following here! If you feel compelled to share, rate or review this podcast, I am forever grateful! Stay humble, friends.
35 surrender

35 surrender


I am a work in progress. Aren't we all? I wondered what I wanted to speak to you all about today, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It's something I've been revisiting for ages now, and a notion that I continue to work through and with every single day: surrender. Since December 16, 2020, when I wrote this blog post, I have been grappling with the notion of surrender. It seems as though with many circumstances in my life, I am faced with the need to surrender instead of giving into my desire to control. Today, I speak to you about what I thought about it then, and what I think about it now.  Small announcement: You all know that my priority is to show up as authentically and unapologetically myself in each episode that I record. For this reason, I am happy to continue bringing you quality content but on a bi-weekly, instead of weekly, basis. (whole)islitically you is its most powerful with inspiration, incredible guests and relevant topics. I love you all, I love this podcast, and I am so excited to continue this experience with you! Thank you for your continued support; to say it means the world to me would be an understatement. Feel free to show my podcast IG page some love by following here! If you feel compelled to share, rate or review this podcast, I am forever grateful! Stay humble, friends.
Practicing gratitude for things that make us "bend" - the difficult times, the challenges, the turbulence in our lives - is no easy feat. I come to you all today with a humble heart, a heart that is hurting, with the news that whatever challenge you're facing in life may force you to bend, but I promise it won't break you. I hope today's episode gives you the strength to move forward, stronger than ever, and make sure to nurture the power within you to keep going.  Thank you for your continued support; to say it means the world to me would be an understatement. I am "whole" because of this platform and the opportunity to show up as my authentic self in every episode and with everyone I meet. Feel free to show my podcast IG page some love by following here! If you feel compelled to share, rate or review this podcast, I am forever grateful! Stay humble, friends.
Today, I interview Sarah Michaud, licensed social worker, psychotherapist and EMDR provider. I asked her to define trauma, and her definition hit me right in the feels: "Anything that threatens your safety and shakes up your nervous system." In this incredible episode, Sarah goes through trauma, different types and therapies, how it can manifest in our bodies, and even describes the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy in which she specializes. Buckle up, friends, because this is one informative and eye opening episode! Welcome, Sarah, to the (whole)istically you podcast!  Want to get in touch with Sarah? Check out her website, and her Instagram page! Thank you for your continued support; to say it means the world to me would be an understatement. I am "whole" because of this platform and the opportunity to show up as my authentic self in every episode and with everyone I meet. Feel free to show my podcast IG page some love by following here! If you feel compelled to share, rate or review this podcast, I am forever grateful! Stay humble, friends.
32 intuition

32 intuition


The dictionary definition of intuition is: "the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning." In my experience, intuition is about feeling versus knowing. It's present every single time I've said, "I don't know why, but I just feel it..." That's my intuition gently nudging me and sending me small - but mighty - messages. In today's episode, I speak about my experiences with intuition as well as different forms it has taken on throughout the years. I even go into why I believe my grandmother was a witch! Yup, it all comes down to one thing: INTUITION. Sit back and have a listen to my understanding of this notion, and who knows; maybe you can even find a few things to relate to!  Thank you for your continued support; to say it means the world to me would be an understatement. I am "whole" because of this platform and the opportunity to show up as my authentic self in every episode and with everyone I meet. Feel free to show my podcast IG page some love by following here! If you feel compelled to share, rate or review this podcast, I am forever grateful! Stay humble, friends. 
"Vulnerability is not winning or losing. It's having the courage to show up when you can't control the outcome." - Brené Brown In today's episode, we get into the nitty gritty of vulnerability and with a fresh perspective on how it should be considered a strength as opposed to a weakness; the male perspective. Vulnerability is something that many people struggle with, but it was a pleasure to hear about the ups and downs of it from my guest, Sylvester W. Long Jr., as males are so often taught that "showing emotion" is associated to weakness and even fear. I am so glad to have had this beautiful discussion with Sylvester as we take a deep dive into some of our experiences with vulnerability, the individuals who have guided us along our journeys, and the practices we use to stay grounded daily. Welcome, Sylvester, to the (whole)istically you podcast!  Want to get in touch with Sylvester? Click here for his Instagram page! And click here to get to his Linktree page.  Thank you for your continued support; to say it means the world to me would be an understatement. I am "whole" because of this platform and the opportunity to show up as my authentic self in every episode and with everyone I meet. Feel free to show my podcast IG page some love by following here! If you feel compelled to share, rate or review this podcast, I am forever grateful! Stay humble, friends.
Today we welcome Mimi Truong back to the (whole)istically you podcast for a particularly juicy conversation about some pretty great topics. This episode was recorded on 08-08-2021, which marked 2 events: A New Moon in Leo as well as the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal. Mimi goes through these cosmic events for us, as well as explains our Saturn Returns and so many other golden nuggets of wisdom and knowledge! If you’re between the ages of 28-30… Hold on, folks! You’re almost on the other end and working towards some monumental realizations and lessons. Thank you for your continued support; to say it means the world to me would be an understatement. I am "whole" because of this platform and the opportunity to show up as my authentic self in every episode and with everyone I meet. Feel free to show my podcast IG page some love by following here! If you feel compelled to share, rate or review this podcast, I am forever grateful! Stay humble, friends. Click here to get to Mimi's Instagram page  Click here to get to Mimi's website, and sign up for her newsletter if you feel so compelled! 
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