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1 Pres Pod

Author: First Presbyterian Church of Fort Smith

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The 1 Pres Pod features weekly conversations about life and faith. Bringing our unique and local perspective to these conversations, we seek to expand understanding of and engagement with the life of faith. Episodes include "Rham Asks a Question," "You're Using it Wrong," and more.
734 Episodes
This week, Phil and Stephen discuss souls. Does everyone have one? What happens to them? Where do we go from here? Join us.
This week, Phil and Tasha talk about preaching hard texts and topics. Wha t should be covered in a sermon? How should we approach challenging issues? What's it like for a pastor to approach hard subjects with their congregation? We discuss this and more this week. Join us!
As Rham nears his 4th year of sobriety, Tasha asks him what he’s learned about himself and about his faith.
Tasha has a conversation with Michael Mings, the mobility coordinator of Fort Smith. Michael shares details of a new children’s bike program here in town.
This week Phil is joined by his good friend Kate Davis of the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. Together they will talk about the unique challenges facing clergy in modern America, as well as how congregations can best support pastors in this challenging time.
This week Phil and Tasha talk about marriage and pre-marital counseling. What have they learned over the years? How does one apply their faith to their marriage? What happens in a pre-marital counseling session? These questions and more, this week!
Tasha and Rham discuss hell: What is it? Where is it? How do I stay out of it?
Tasha gets a good news story from the head of the Fort Smith United Way Shae Foldvary. His story focuses on the work of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Get ready to be surprised by its reach in our area!
Tasha asks Phil to share an update on his work with rural congregations: what he’s learned, what has surprised him, and what exciting opportunities are up next.
Tasha and Rham talk about the journey of faith. Are you ever “finished” or an expert? When are you strong enough in your faith to, say…teach children’s Sunday School?
We are ending each month with some good news from our region. This month the good news comes from our own Maria Martinez, the emotional wellness coordinator at the church. Maria shares updates of what she’s been doing, what she’s learned, and a story of good news.
When someone says, "Let me tell you what the Bible says," what do they actually mean? This week, Stephen and Phil talk Bible translations and translation in general. Why are there so many translations of the Bible? Is there one that is "more right" than the others? How can we even begin to choose which one to read? Can we even know what the "Bible says?"
Lent has arrived once more. This week, Phil and Tasha talk about the significance of the season of Lent, what it means, and how it can shape us as followers of Jesus.
Why don’t women seem more upset at Eve? Or are they? Should they be? Rham and Tasha discuss the first woman and all the flack she gets.
Christmas and 2024

Christmas and 2024


In this episode, Phil and Tasha take a look ahead to 2024 and what is in store for the 1 Pres Pod. Then they discuss Christmas and the Christmas season.
God is Not...Religious

God is Not...Religious


Wait, what?!?!?! Yes, that's right, God is not religious, so if you are someone who is saying, "I am not religious," congratulations, God is with you on this one.
Did you think God was a capitalist? Probably not. So, why do we need to talk about it? Well, it's more insidious than you might imagine. Check it out.
God is Not...American

God is Not...American


This week Phil and Tasha continue their look at things God is not, with a conversation about God NOT having a nationality. What does that mean? How does it affect our discipleship? What hard choices does it mean for us?
God is not...Nice

God is not...Nice


Wait, what? God isn't nice? What are we even doing here? IDK
God is not...One of Us

God is not...One of Us


This week Phil and Tasha talk about the risks we take when we imagine ourselves to be too similar to God. Building off the lyrics from the famous Joan Osborne song, they will talk about the perils of domestication, and the importance of awe and wonder.
Comments (4)

Charlotte Scott

Ouch! That’s the last time I buy a book for you, friend! 😀. For more information about Pavlovitz’s idea of how a church community should work, I would encourage you to check out “A Bigger Table.” But you’re gonna have to buy your own copy!!!!! “A Bigger Table invites readers to envision a church that is big enough for everyone, by holding up a mirror to the modern church and speaking clearly on issues at the heart of the Christian community: LGBT inclusion, gender equality, racial tensions, global concerns, and theological shifts. John Pavlovitz shares moving personal stories, his careful observations as a pastor, and his understanding of the ancient stories of Jesus to set the table for a new, positive, more loving conversation on these and other important matters of faith. Though there are many who would remove chairs and whittle down the guest list, we can build the bigger table Jesus imagined, practicing radical hospitality, total authenticity, messy diversity, and agenda-free co

Jun 1st

Betty Bateman

Enjoyed so much. Thank you for sharing.

Mar 31st
Reply (1)

Charlotte Scott

I think we all needed to hear the answers to these questions. Thanks, Rham!

Oct 20th