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1001 Stories For The Road

Author: Host Jon Hagadorn

Subscribed: 1,096Played: 63,183


Hosted by Jon Hagadorn, 1001 Stories For The Road is bringing back adventure with stories like "Treasure Island", "The Secret Adversary" by Agatha Christie, "The Hound of the Baskervilles", "Tarzan of the Apes", "King Solomon's Mines", "The 39 Steps", "The Call of the Wild"- and many more. These stories are classic for a reason- they are great! And they are family friendly. We appreciate reviews-thank you!
378 Episodes
Markham and Vance narrow the suspects down to 4 men- but more imnportantly, Vance changes Markham's thinking about the nature of the suspect. Vance believes that robbery was not the motive- murder was the motive- and that the killer had planned this all out carefully for a long time. He also believes that Skein was present, hiding in the closet, and saw the murder through the keyhole.
Markham and Vance continue to question suspects but progress is slow. Finally, Vance suggests they go after Mannix- the only remaining love interest. Vance's theory places two men, unknown to each other, hiding in Ms.O'Dell's apartment the night of her murder.
A good lead directs Markheim to a neurologist who was seeing the Canary often at night, and, after beggining the interview in a haughty manner, he became extremely agitated nupon having to give the details of where he was the night of the murder.   Enjoy archives from all 12 1001 shows at
As the investigation continues, some breaks come to Markheim - notably, the man who dated Miss O'Dell on her last night comes forward and relates his story to the D.A., who knows him to be a reputable man.  Fingerprints come in showing that one man in the apartment that night had served time in at least 5 prisons- althouhg not for murder. 
Markham and his detective question the key witnesses while Vance observes, but still no answer as to how Ms. Odell's killer got in the apartment, unless he was hiding in there through the day- which the maid's testimony pretty well destroyed. 
The story of Buddy Holly's plane crash of 1959 and Don Mcleans' 1971 hit "American Pie", which described metaphorically how rock changed after the death of Buddy Holly. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Detectives scour thecrime scene where the young woman was murdered to try to determine what evidence was left and what exactly happened and why.  Philo Vance is asked to tag along and while there he brings up a number of very good suggestions- including dusting the inside handle of a closet door- the closet being the only area of the apartment that hasn't been turned upside by the perpetrators, who were searching for something. The search included a stell jewel box which had been forced open.   Looking for some great storioes & novel? Check out our new website at today!
Betsy Ross is credited as being the seamstress who stitched our first "Stars and Stripes", but some historians say that there is no proof of it. The story was handed down through her family and shared by her grandson William Canby at a Philadephia celebration of our Declaration of Independence in 1876. Betsy Ross suffered the fate of many wives during the American Revolution, losing two husbands to the war. Her can-do attitude and her willingness to help her country in any way she could is still honored today.  Music by our friend Dusty Roads. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
New York City, 1920's. Prohibition in full swing. Organized crime opening nightclubs all around Broadway. A beautiful performer popularly called "The Canary" is found strangled in her apartment and the D.A. calls in an old friend named Philo Vance to help solve a murder that looks impossible to solve. This was the second of S.S. Van Dine's murder mysteries and one of the best ever written, according to a number of critics.  Check out all 11 of our 1001 podcasts and over 2,500 episodes for your enjoyment at
Tarzan Otubo, Bertha Kircher, and Lt. Smith Oldwick are pursued into a desert gorge and attacked by the Xujians and their lions- only a miracle can save them this time.   Enjoy all 11 podcasts at    
Look for "Best of"specials on Friday mornings at 12:15 AM ET and enjoy our listener favorites in our archives. The hymn Amazing Grace, written by Englishman John Newton, is known and revered around the world, and stirs the heart in a way that few other pieces of music do. Subscribe FREE to 1001 Stories for the Road Here: Enjoy all our 1001 Shows Here: "Like" us at Amazing Grace by John Newton Guitar Arranged and Perfrmed by Dusty Strings Lyrics to Amazing Grace: Amazing grace, How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I am found, Was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come, 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home. The Lord has promised good to me His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures. Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease I shall possess within the veil, A life of joy and peace. When we've been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we've first begun. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tarzan, Lt. Smith-Oldwick, and Bertha Kirchner unite and Umbopo fight their way toward the gate of the walled city, receiving some powerful help along the way.   Explore lots of short stories, novels, history, and old radio shows at our new website today!
Tarzan, Lt, Percy Smith Oldwick, and Bertha Kircher each struggle for the their lives while inside the insane city   Check out our new website at and catch some 1001 shows you might have missed!
Inside the walled city, Bertha Kircher is escorted into the main palace, where she meets a very unexpected captive.  Looking for more great stories? Try our new website at and browse 11 1001 shows- you are guaranteed to find great quality stories and interviews.
Tarzan sets out upon the trail left by Bertha, the lieutenant, and their captors, and finds himself in a very unsual jungle in the middle of a desert.  Just beyond the jungle, a walled ancient city, one in which he is sure he will find Lt. Smith Oldwick and Bertha Kircher. But he has to survive a hungry lion before he can reach them. Check out our new website at!  Lots of shows and lots of good stories to enjoy. 
Tarzan heads in the direction to which he believes the downed plane is located. Later, he encounters the black lion again in a desperate struggle for survival. Check out our new website (July 2024) at   Join our mailing list for a monthly newsletter so you can keep up with events here!
Tarzan arrives on the scene just as Usanga is taking off with Bertha Kircher captive in the rear seat. Soon after he frees a rare black lion from a pit trap.
Tarzan the British Flyer, and Berha Kircher return from their close call to their boma, but not before Sheeta tries to attack the pilot and bertha but is thwarted by Tarzan. When Tarzan goes off on a hunting trip, the Englishman convinces Bertha that they must leave together to search for a safe white town, and that Tarzan haes her- so why stay. She agrees, and they leave heading for his abandoned plane.
Tarzan takes a break from hunting a dinner for Bertha and stops by the native village from which she had recently escaped to find them preparing a cannibal feast for a captive. A branch breaks under him as he is watching, he falls, and soon becomes their intended second course.   Meanwhile, one of the smartest and strongest of the yuong apes guarding Bertha Kircher returns from his forays excited and wanting to tell her something- finally she understands he wants her to accompany him and 8 other apes on a mission to save Tarzan.
A British spotter pilot is forced to land his plane in a open area surrounded cby jungle and is soon captured by unfriendly natives. At the same time, not far away, Tarzan and Bertha Kircher are building a protective boma in the jungle in order to get a peaceful night's sleepm while traveling back to British HQ where Tarzan hopes to turn her in as a spy.  They both discover the other can speak English, and so begin to converse with each other.  She is soon confronted by Kublat.
Comments (3)

Simon Penney

Surprised by how much I have enjoyed this book. Loved the previous books like Robinson Crusoe and the 39 steps. Narrator is fantastically well paced and clear...couple of places in this episode where the playback speed has been sped up but no detracting from the story itself

Oct 24th

Cole Zentner

I love listening to the 1001 Stories for the Road. I farm and there is no better way to spend the day then listening to these classics while in the tractor.

Apr 16th

Jonathan Stephenson

Review: 5 Stars: A superb family of podcasts, made with real passion for storytelling. The 1001 podcasts have recently become firm favourites of mine. The material used has a wide range and is of consistently high quality. There really is something to interest everyone. The storytelling and narration are excellent, leaning away from over-production and from over-editorialising and instead keeping things pared down and simple, reading the story off the page with a relaxed, engaging tone. The words are allowed room to breath and as a result the authors and the stories can speak for themselves. This enriches the listening experience and it's an approach I have grown to enjoy enormously. I would heartily recommend these podcasts to anyone who likes a good story told well. Anyone looking for a good place to start: 1001 Classic Short Stories and Tales episode... The Wendigo. It's a great story and to my mind Mr Hagadorn captures the suspense and the atmosphere of the wilderness perfectly. PS

Mar 4th