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Tea with Natalie
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Tea with Natalie

Author: Natalie

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Millenial. Expat. Dreamer. Writer. Boarder. And lots of other things. Living my life, writing my book and talking about it on air. Have a listen!
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233 Episodes
Not an easy task, for sure. But life will always be bad and good simultaneously. 😌🙏 yeap, i was trying to speak with a british accent. 😂🤗
Sing 🎶 me a song, lover. Take me to church and let’s get married))
Episode 232: home

Episode 232: home


Happy and peaceful, mostly haha
Listen and find out 😌
The daily stoic
Just imagine it for a second. Find the solution and let it all go
Y me he dado cuenta de que hay alguien a quien odio... aún más que a ti. A mi. No me soporto. Me doy asco
I believe strongly in this “concept”. Maybe it’s because I believe in fate or maybe it’s because I’m a hopeless romantic. 😌 Quein sabes?)
My 6-days-old article from Thought Catalog ♥️😌🙏
I’m just so fascinated by the language. 💖💖💖
Cuando la verdad se impone y es demasiado dolorosa para afrontarla...
Another Spanish episode..just posting the quotes I like ♥️🙏😌
Episode 222: Quote

Episode 222: Quote


Some Spanish in the feed. Love ♥️
Love Switzerland 🇨🇭 have I said it enough times?? Can it please love me back??? 😣🤪😌
On a trip somewhere special. Thank you for listening 👂
My life, my upcoming birthday 🎁 and my “I don’t want a lover, I want a real-ass friend” originally published in Thought Catalog
My new article that was originally published on Thought Catalog. But you can also find it on my Thrive Global Page. I’m glad to announce that I am also a contributing writer for Thrive Global now ♥️😌
Some new articles, exciting news, some bickering
I’m trying to enjoy my life while struggling with it 🤔🤔🤔 how is that?))
It’s as always about me and a lesson I take out of the whole thing. I hope it helps