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Impostors by Nate Punzalan
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Impostors by Nate Punzalan

Author: Nate Punzalan

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Listen in as a fly on the wall during authentic conversations between Nate and people he looks up to.
83 Episodes
JOB HUNTING CHECKLIST: CV vs. Resume: Writing a killer cover letter:  Phone interview tips:  It can be a struggle to apply for a job. First off, what kind of job should you apply for? And what are the steps to take? How do you write a resume or a CV? What’s the difference? This video will help you navigate the whole job hunting thing in the Philippines. We list down practical tips for choosing which jobs to apply for, and how to overcome the fear of making the wrong choice.  Justine tells us to look inward and take inventory of our interests, our passions, and our skill set. Also, we need to look at what career paths will prove sustainable in the long run (if that’s what you’re going for). Passion, proficiency, and profit. We also give a rundown of a few places to look for jobs online, as in websites like And once you have a list of job openings you’d like to apply for, this video gives steps on how to email companies and land interviews. Keep going. J.K. Rowling was rejected 13 times before Harry Potter was published. George Lucas was also rejected multiple times before Star Wars came into fruition. You have the makings of greatness inside of you. All you need to do is never stop pursuing your goals. Jeremiah 29:11 — “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans to prosper you, not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future.” Check out (unless it's already been changed to for more content on internships, job hunting, and figuring out how to start a career.
JOB HUNTING CHECKLIST: INTERNING AFTER GRADUATION: Justine from The Border Collective (aka The Bumpy Career) is an expert on internships, job hunting after graduation, and helping others nail their job interviews. This little video series is here to help all Filipino graduates find their footing in "the real world". I asked my followers on Twitter what they worried about the most when it came to graduation, and the most frequent response was about uncertainty. Justine and I address this, and talk about why it's absolutely okay to take a step in the wrong direction. Much better than not moving at all. It's absolutely okay to fail. And once you get back up, we've laid out three practical tips to remember when searching for your place in this world. Firstly, there's the Tarzan Principle, which I picked up from Casey Neistat. Secondly, there's the Possible Future Matrix, which is a great method invented by Justine to figure out what specific jobs might be a good fit for you. Thirdly, there are informational interviews with people who are already at a point in life where you would like to be. Check out (unless it's already been changed to for more content on internships, job hunting, and figuring out how to start a career. If you made it this far, tweet me @natepunzalan6. Password: "yah yeet"
This is the audio of a YouTube video I put up on my channel! In this video/podcast, I touch on Lance de Ocampo's recent statement on influencers, and talk about what it means to be an influencer in my opinion. -->
Spiritual Warfare 2

Spiritual Warfare 2


Been a while, but after a long break, here's the sequel to Spiritual Warfare 1! Tweet me @natepunzalan6
Spiritual Warfare 1

Spiritual Warfare 1


So I've been thinking a LOT about spiritual warfare. I'm not an expert, but I wanted to share my thoughts with you. Tweet me @natepunzalan6
Here's a much longer episode where I answer some of your questions on faith and God! Tweet me @natepunzalan6 Again, I am no expert or Bible scholar. The only experience I have is my lifetime as a pastor's kid growing up in a Christian home. So take everything with a grain of salt!
Today I'll tell you my story of how I learned to say no to something great, just not something for me. Tweet me @natepunzalan6 Here's the second part of this episode with Joe Bonifacio! We discuss past hurts and traumas transforming us, asking why we are the way we are, and acknowledging our anxiety. One of my favorite parts is when we talked about how God's unlimited grace lets us dive deep into how ugly our darkest sides really are. Joe Bonifacio is a pastor and content creator who pastors people and creates content. He's not only a good friend of mine, but has been a mentor to me ever since I was a kid. He also married me and Pauline, and since then, he and his wife have been one of our anchors in life. In this next installment, Joe and I talk about his content creation journey, ministry and social media, his podcast as a place to be silly, his new endeavors on YouTube, and opening up on camera. Joe Bonifacio is a pastor and content creator who pastors people and creates content. He's not only a good friend of mine, but has been a mentor to me ever since I was a kid. He also married me and Pauline, and since then, he and his wife have been one of our anchors in life. This podcast is a must-listen for anyone who is freelancing or planning to do so in the future! In this episode, Alexis, a design founder, coach, and content creator, drops some serious knowledge on the topic. Alexis is the co-founder of Swarm, a startup that aims to make freelancing more secure and fun than a typical corporate job. He's also the host of Roots, a podcast featuring 90+ episodes with world-class Filipino designers, and a co-founder of UX+, the biggest conference on user experience and design in Southeast Asia. In the podcast, Alexis discusses the importance of building a support system when freelancing and provides tips on how to do so. He also shares strategies on how to succeed at networking events, even if you're shy or introverted. Additionally, Alexis dives into how to gain healthy confidence about your own skills, especially if you're struggling with impostor syndrome. Throughout the podcast, Alexis provides valuable insights on various aspects of freelancing and entrepreneurship. He also shares his personal experiences, which makes the episode both relatable and informative. If you're an aspiring freelancer or looking to level up your freelancing game, this podcast is definitely worth a listen! This podcast is a must-listen for anyone who is freelancing or planning to do so in the future! In this episode, Alexis, a design founder, coach, and content creator, drops some serious knowledge on the topic. Alexis is the co-founder of Swarm, a startup that aims to make freelancing more secure and fun than a typical corporate job. He's also the host of Roots, a podcast featuring 90+ episodes with world-class Filipino designers, and a co-founder of UX+, the biggest conference on user experience and design in Southeast Asia. In the podcast, Alexis discusses the importance of building a support system when freelancing and provides tips on how to do so. He also shares strategies on how to succeed at networking events, even if you're shy or introverted. Additionally, Alexis dives into how to gain healthy confidence about your own skills, especially if you're struggling with impostor syndrome. Throughout the podcast, Alexis provides valuable insights on various aspects of freelancing and entrepreneurship. He also shares his personal experiences, which makes the episode both relatable and informative. If you're an aspiring freelancer or looking to level up your freelancing game, this podcast is definitely worth a listen!
Telegram group: This is the second part of a conversation between Jik and I where we talk about "naniniwala" vs. "nagtitiwala", how to surrender your anxieties, how theology can't save you, and why the moment you're at rock bottom is the moment you're spiritually strongest.
This is the first part of a conversation where Jik and I talk about why he stopped creating content on YouTube, how he realized he was burning out, and how to deal with creating content freely under the pressure of a large audience. TELEGRAM GROUP:
1: Impostor Syndrome

1: Impostor Syndrome


TELEGRAM GROUP: Welcome to the first episode of Impostors! In this episode, I reflect on my journey of content creation over the past six years and the amazing people who have been a part of it. I talk about my personal experience with impostor syndrome, a phenomenon where one doubts their accomplishments and fears being exposed as a fraud. I share my story of feeling like an impostor in 2020 despite having a solid following and how I took a break from my content creation journey. My goals for the podcast include centering my thoughts, reaching out to my audience, and turning this into a solid revenue stream. I delve into the definition of impostor syndrome, its negative effects, and ways to overcome it. I share my own strategies for overcoming impostor syndrome and emphasize the importance of seeking support.
Hey! I’m Nate Punzalan, I love coffee, film photography, indie music, and my wife Pauline. 🤍  On this YouTube channel, I aim to make inspirational and faith-based content about marriage, career, adulting, love, and life. My goal is for every video I post to add real value to your life, whether you’re a student or a young professional. Subscribe for more vlogs and how-tos!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  TELEGRAM GROUP:   FOLLOW ME: Podcast:  Twitter:  Instagram:  Facebook: 
Instagram has a new feature where you can turn off your like counts, both on your feed and on your posts as a creator. Pauline and i talk about our thoughts on the possible implications of this feature, and evolve the conversation toward the topic of online validation.
I got an email about how the development of the vaccine had something to do with aborted fetuses. In this episode, i respond and share my thoughts on the ethics and morality of this new finding, from a Christian perspective.
In this episode of #CoffeeConversations, Pauline and I talk about a question that’s being asked around some Christian communities. Should a Christian take the COVID-19 vaccine? This discussion is full of our opinions, so I’m just throwing out a disclaimer that (1) our opinions are subject to change based on the information we receive, and that (2) you’re free to respectfully disagree in the comments below! Dialogue is essential to progress.    *I just realized that as we talk in this episode, the assumption is already that vaccines in general are scientifically sound ways to significantly increase immunity against certain viruses, and that the COVID-19 vaccine is no different. Yes, we recognize that there have been a small amount of cases where vaccine takers experienced negative side effects. But in general, we still believe that the vaccine does more good than harm all in all.  If you'd like us to talk more about the science behind the vaccine, and the possible negative side effects, we can do that in a future video. Just letting you know that that was not the scope of this one. :)   ADDITIONAL RESOURCE:
If you’re constantly telling yourself, “I’m tired of being tired,” and experience things like unwillingness to get out of bed, lack of motivation to do simple tasks, regretful or sorrowful comparison to others living “better” lives, pining for how it used to be, panicking because of all the uncertainty, or unjustly channeling your anger onto others.. then you may be going through pandemic anxiety. That’s all normal. We’re experiencing a traumatic global event. And I’m not just saying this, I also go through all of these things, quite often actually. Now, I’m gonna share tips with you for dealing with pandemic anxiety, but I need you to promise me one thing. Please do something after this podcast. Take one of these tips and actually do it.
If you’ve been a subscriber for a long time, you’ll know that in 2019, I lost my drive to create content. I wasn’t so proud of the content I was creating, and in some ways felt like a slave to my subscribers, because I felt like I only got views and likes when the video was about certain mainstream topics, even though I wasn’t in the mood to make content like that. I lost sight of myself, I lost sight of my goals, and I kept comparing myself to other content creators who were doing sooooo much better than I was. I had to battle a very real depressive attack, where I felt like I had no purpose when I got out of bed, and was never happy with my work day as I went to sleep. You’re here because you’re experiencing burnout in some way, shape, or form. It might be severe burnout, it might be mild burnout. Whatever the case, you’re welcome here. Let me share with you a few things I’ve learned about burnout.