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The Brian Nichols Show

The Brian Nichols Show

Author: The Brian Nichols Show

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Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we’re teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to WIN in both the worlds of business and politics; teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about.

Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show.

893 Episodes
Are you struggling to close deals and create happy customers in your sales career? Want to learn the secrets to building trust and getting the sale without resorting to manipulative tactics? In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, sales expert Bob King reveals how you can find joy in the closing process while delivering real value to your clients. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Bob King, author of "The Joy of Closing: The Definitive Guide to Building Trust, Getting the Deal, and Creating Happy Customers," shares his journey from struggling salesperson to successful closer. He discusses the importance of developing a mindset focused on providing the best solution for your customer and how genuine curiosity and appreciation can help you build meaningful relationships. Discover the seven steps to closing a deal, from warmup to handling objections, and learn how to create intimacy with your customers by finding common ground and paying sincere compliments. Bob emphasizes the significance of trust over likability and offers techniques for dealing with the most common objections, such as "I need to think about it." Throughout the episode, Brian and Bob explore how the skills used in closing can transcend the world of sales and help you become a better person in all areas of life. They also discuss the importance of having a well-crafted pitch and knowing when to stop talking and listen to your customer's needs. If you're looking to improve your closing skills, create happier customers, and find more fulfillment in your sales career, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to discover how you can apply the principles of "The Joy of Closing" to your own life and business. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 860 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you tired of feeling like the government is constantly picking your pocket with taxes? Do you wonder how we went from a country that fought a Revolutionary War over a tax on tea to one where taxes seem to rule our lives? In this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show, tax policy expert Scott Hodge joins Brian to discuss his new book, "Taxocracy," and shed light on the startling ways taxes impact our daily lives without us even realizing it. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Scott shares fascinating stories and anecdotes that illustrate the unintended consequences of misguided tax policies throughout history, from the window tax in 18th and 19th century England that led to bricked-up windows and a "tax on light and air" for the poor, to the luxury tax of 1993 that devastated the U.S. yacht building industry. He explains how incentives matter and how taxes can distort markets, leading to skyrocketing healthcare costs and college tuition prices. But it's not all doom and gloom - Scott also offers hope for a better future. He outlines a vision for a simpler, more transparent tax system that is economically neutral and doesn't try to manipulate our behavior or pick winners and losers. By moving towards a tax code that rewards saving, investment, and economic growth, we can liberate ourselves from the clutches of the "taxocracy" and take back control of our financial lives. Whether you're a homeowner, a student, or just someone trying to make ends meet, this episode will open your eyes to the pervasive impact of taxes on your life and inspire you to join the fight for a fairer, more freedom-oriented tax system. So grab a cup of coffee (or maybe some untaxed tea) and get ready to have your mind blown by the true cost of taxation. Don't miss this compelling conversation about one of the most important issues of our time. Watch now and discover how we can break free from the "taxocracy" and build a brighter, more prosperous future for all. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 860 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you concerned about the state of education in America? Do you believe parents should have more control over their children's schooling options? In this thought-provoking episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian sits down with Halli Faulkner from Yes Every Kid to discuss the importance of school choice and how it can revolutionize the educational landscape. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Halli shares insights on how organizations like Yes Every Kid are working to expand options for families and empower parents to make the best choices for their children's education. She highlights the success stories of states like Florida and Arizona, where innovative policies have led to increased parent satisfaction and improved student learning outcomes. The conversation also delves into the common objections to school choice, such as concerns about funding and the impact on public schools. Halli addresses these issues head-on, explaining how policies like open enrollment can benefit students without diverting resources from public schools. She emphasizes the importance of creating a nonpartisan coalition to advocate for change and break down the traditional barriers to educational freedom. Throughout the episode, Brian and Halli explore the future of school choice and provide practical resources for parents who want to learn more about their options. They discuss the role of grassroots advocacy in shaping legislative change and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead as more states consider expanding school choice programs. If you're a parent, educator, or simply someone who cares about the future of education in America, this episode is a must-listen. Join Brian and Halli as they challenge the status quo and present a compelling case for empowering families through school choice. Visit Yes Every Kid's website to learn more about their mission and how you can get involved in the fight for educational freedom. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 855 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Why do libertarians keep failing to sell their ideas to the masses effectively? In this thought-provoking episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols dives deep into the reasons behind the Libertarian Party's struggle to connect with voters and make a significant impact on the political landscape.  Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Brian analyzes the recent Libertarian Party convention and the candidates who ran for the nomination, highlighting the lack of compelling and inspiring figures who can effectively communicate libertarian principles to a broader audience. He emphasizes the importance of choosing candidates who not only understand the core values of libertarianism, but also possess the charisma and ability to connect with voters outside of the libertarian echo chamber. Throughout the episode, Brian stresses the need for libertarians to learn from successful candidates like Vivek Ramaswamy, who has managed to articulate libertarian ideas in a way that resonates with people across the political spectrum. He argues that libertarians must focus on addressing the issues that matter most to voters, such as inflation, economics, and immigration, rather than getting bogged down in philosophical debates that fail to capture the attention of the average American. Brian also shares his personal experiences and frustrations with the Libertarian Party, revealing that he turned down opportunities to take on leadership roles within the party due to his concerns about its direction and the candidates running for office. He emphasizes the importance of adapting the approach to selling libertarian ideas, meeting people where they are, and focusing on the solutions that libertarianism can offer to the problems that voters face in their daily lives. If you're interested in learning more about the challenges facing the Libertarian Party and how libertarians can more effectively sell their ideas to the masses, this episode of The Brian Nichols Show is a must-listen. Brian's passionate and thought-provoking analysis will leave you questioning the current state of the libertarian movement and inspired to find new ways to promote liberty-based solutions to the issues that matter most to voters. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 855 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you curious about the hidden challenges veterans face when transitioning back to civilian life? In this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Marine Corps veteran Garret Biss shares his personal journey and sheds light on the unspoken trauma that plagues many veterans. Discover the three fundamental human needs that are often lost during this transition and how they contribute to the mental health struggles and addiction rates among the veteran population. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Garret reveals the three fundamental human needs that are often lost during major life transitions: connection, authenticity, and a sense of meaning. He discusses how losing these can create a challenging situation for veterans and anyone going through a significant change. However, there is hope! Garret provides actionable advice on regaining that vital sense of connection, finding joy and purpose, and taking responsibility for creating the life you want. In this episode, Brian also opens up about his own battle with alcohol addiction and the importance of seeking support and not facing these challenges alone. Garret emphasizes that no matter what you've gone through or experienced, you are still a lovable human being who deserves to know your worth. Don't miss this inspiring conversation that offers valuable tools and resources for veterans and anyone navigating life's transitions. Discover the power of the "Warrior Reset," a free 10-day program designed to help you get back to your best self, and learn how you can host a watch Garret's impactful TEDx talk, "The Unspoken Trauma All Veterans Face." If you or someone you know is struggling, remember that you are not alone. Reach out, share your story, and take the first steps towards creating the life you truly desire. Watch this episode now and begin your journey towards healing, connection, and purpose. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 855 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you curious about the true impact of America's foreign policy on your daily life? In this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols sits down with Kelley Vlahos, the editorial director of the Quincy Institute's online Foreign Policy magazine, to uncover the hidden costs of the military industrial complex and how it affects every American. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Discover the shocking truth about how your tax dollars are being spent overseas while our own country's infrastructure crumbles. Learn about the pervasive influence of foreign lobbying on our legislative system and how it shapes policies that may not always align with the best interests of the American people. Kelley Vlahos sheds light on the urgent need for a more diplomatically focused foreign policy, one that prioritizes the safety and prosperity of Americans at home. She exposes the corrupt system that allows defense contractors to monopolize weapons programs, leading to astronomical costs and subpar equipment for our military. Join Brian and Kelley as they discuss the importance of questioning the status quo and demanding accountability from our elected officials. Find out how you can become more informed about these critical issues and make your voice heard in the fight for a foreign policy that truly serves the American people. Don't miss this thought-provoking conversation that will change the way you view America's role in the world and inspire you to take action. Watch now and discover how you can help shape a brighter, more peaceful future for generations to come! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 855 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What if understanding the preamble of the U.S. Constitution could solve today's political problems? Join us in this riveting episode of The Brian Nichols Show as we dive deep into the historical and practical significance of the preamble with our returning guest, Christopher Nesbitt from Citizens Academy US. This isn't just another history lesson—it's a transformative guide that could change how you view American governance forever! Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": In this episode, Brian Nichols and Christopher Nesbitt explore the often-overlooked power of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. Christopher shares compelling success stories from individuals who have used the Citizens Academy guide to gain a profound understanding of the preamble's original meanings. Discover how this newfound knowledge has inspired people to reconnect with the foundational principles of America, even motivating some to pursue citizenship for the first time. Christopher addresses a critical objection: Can understanding the preamble really make a difference in today's world of governmental overreach and political disillusionment? His response is both insightful and inspiring, highlighting real-world testimonials that showcase the guide's impact. Learn how this educational tool is not just about reading history but about actively engaging with it to bring about meaningful change. Brian and Christopher also discuss the challenges of communicating complex historical concepts to a modern audience. They delve into the importance of meeting people where they are, using language and examples that resonate with their daily lives. This episode is a masterclass in effective communication, blending historical education with practical sales and marketing strategies. Don't miss this enlightening conversation that promises to change your perspective on the U.S. Constitution and its relevance today. Whether you're a history buff, a political enthusiast, or someone looking to make sense of the current political climate, this episode is packed with valuable insights and actionable advice. Hit play now and join the discussion! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 855 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you ready to uncover the shocking truth about government overreach and its devastating impact on small businesses? In this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we dive deep into the harrowing story of Steven Brown, a beekeeper from New Zealand, whose livelihood is under attack by the very authorities meant to protect him. Why is the New Zealand government destroying millions of dollars worth of beekeeping equipment and products, and then billing the victims for the destruction? Tune in to find out! Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Join host Brian Nichols as he sits down with Steven Brown, the owner of Spring Bank Honey, to discuss the critical role bees play in our ecosystem and the alarming actions taken by the New Zealand government against beekeepers. Steven shares his personal journey, from managing 3,000 hives and producing 100% organic honey to facing unprecedented challenges imposed by bureaucratic overreach. This episode is a must-watch for anyone concerned about government power and its impact on small businesses and individual freedoms. Throughout the conversation, Steven reveals the extent of the government's interference, including illegal searches, forced destruction of property, and the emotional toll on his family. He explains how the government's actions are not only destroying his business but also threatening the future of beekeeping in New Zealand. This gripping narrative will leave you questioning the balance of power and the rights of individuals in the face of government mandates. But it's not all doom and gloom. Steven also shares how you can support Spring Bank Honey and stand againnst tyranny. By purchasing their organic honey, you can help fund their legal battle and ensure the survival of their business. This episode is not just about raising awareness; it's a call to action for viewers to make a difference and support those fighting for their rights. Don't miss this compelling episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where we expose the harsh realities of government overreach and highlight the resilience of small business owners like Steven Brown. Subscribe, hit the notification bell, and join the conversation in the comments below. Your support can make a real difference in the fight for freedom and justice! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 850 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you tired of hearing the term "woke" thrown around without a clear definition? In this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols sits down with returning guest Joe Gulesserian to dissect the true meaning of "woke" and its far-reaching implications. What exactly does it mean to be "woke," and how is it affecting our society, economy, and businesses? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Joe Gulesserian breaks down his quintessential definition of "woke," describing it as a denial of rationalization, an abdication of empiricism, hysteria being passed off as virtue, and a perpetual emotional hallucination. Together, Brian and Joe explore how this mindset is infiltrating corporations, influencing hiring practices, and ultimately impacting America's competitive edge on the global stage. The conversation delves into the financial implications of "woke" policies, such as diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Joe explains how these practices can lead to reduced productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness, ultimately contributing to inflation and hurting consumers. Brian and Joe also discuss the role of government in promoting "woke" agendas and the dangers of corporations aligning with political narratives. Throughout the episode, Brian and Joe provide eye-opening examples of how "woke" ideology is manifesting in various industries, from the automotive sector to health and beauty care. They shed light on the strategies employed by those pushing the "woke" agenda, including the breakdown of family structures and the promotion of government dependence. As the conversation draws to a close, Brian and Joe offer practical advice for consumers looking to push back against the "woke" tide. They emphasize the importance of holding corporations accountable through shareholder activism and supporting local, merit-based businesses. This thought-provoking episode of The Brian Nichols Show is a must-listen for anyone seeking to understand the true nature of "woke" culture and its impact on our society! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 850 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Is the Libertarian Party ready for a game-changing 2024 election? Join us on this electrifying episode of The Brian Nichols Show as we dive deep into the political landscape with the ever-charismatic Larry Sharpe. Larry, a seasoned libertarian and three-time VP candidate, shares his bold vision for the future of the Libertarian Party alongside his running mate, Lars Mapstead. This episode is packed with insights, strategies, and a candid look at the challenges and opportunities facing libertarians today. Don't miss out on this compelling conversation that could redefine the party's trajectory! Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": In this episode, Brian Nichols and Larry Sharpe discuss the critical elements needed to transform the Libertarian Party's approach to elections. Larry opens up about his journey in libertarian politics, from his initial involvement in 2012 to his groundbreaking gubernatorial run in New York. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on smaller areas to build momentum and achieve significant victories, a strategy that has already proven successful in his past campaigns. Larry's passion and dedication to the cause are palpable, making this a must-watch for anyone interested in political strategy and libertarian ideals. Larry Sharpe doesn't hold back as he addresses the elephant in the room: the financial and strategic hurdles the Libertarian Party must overcome to be taken seriously on the national stage. He explains why Lars Mapstead's campaign is uniquely positioned to make a real impact, thanks to a combination of solid policy plans, pragmatic approaches, and substantial financial backing. Larry's candid discussion about the necessity of money in politics and how it can be leveraged to gain media attention and ballot access is both eye-opening and thought-provoking. As the conversation unfolds, Brian and Larry tackle the objections and criticisms often faced by libertarian candidates. They explore the misconceptions about Lars Mapstead's contributions to the party and highlight the tangible efforts he has made to support libertarian causes and candidates. Larry's insights into the importance of having a well-funded and strategically sound campaign are invaluable for understanding the complexities of running for office in today's political climate. Finally, Larry Sharpe shares his vision for the future of the Libertarian Party, emphasizing the need for a legacy that extends beyond individual campaigns. He outlines Lars Mapstead's plans to create lasting infrastructure, such as a dedicated fundraising platform and a polling company, to support libertarian candidates nationwide. This episode is not just a conversation; it's a call to action for libertarians to unite, strategize, and make a significant impact in the 2024 election and beyond. Tune in to be inspired and informed about the future of libertarian politics! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 850 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you tired of the same old political choices? What if there was a candidate who not only matched your values, but also had a real shot at winning? In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we dive deep into the world of state politics with Michael White, a "big-L" Libertarian running for State Legislature in Arkansas. Discover how Michael is breaking the mold and why his campaign could be a game-changer for libertarians across the country. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Join us as Michael White shares his journey from a successful business owner to a passionate advocate for liberty. Learn about his unique approach to politics, focusing on meeting voters where they're at and addressing the issues they care about most. Michael's candidacy isn't just about making a statement; it's about winning elections and making a real difference in people's lives. In this engaging conversation, Brian and Michael discuss the challenges and opportunities of running as a Libertarian in a predominantly Republican and Democratic landscape. They explore the importance of practical solutions over philosophical debates and how Michael plans to leverage his experience and values to win over voters in Arkansas' most competitive district. Michael's story is a testament to the power of grassroots campaigning and the potential for libertarians to make a significant impact in local and state elections. With no Republican challenger and a district that's a 50/50 split, Michael's race is one of the most winnable for libertarians in 2024. Don't miss this inspiring episode that could reshape your perspective on third-party politics. Tune in to hear Michael's insights on the current political climate, the role of government, and the future of the Libertarian movement. Whether you're a seasoned libertarian or just curious about alternative political solutions, this episode is packed with valuable takeaways and actionable advice. Subscribe, like, and share to support The Brian Nichols Show and stay updated on the latest in politics, sales, and marketing! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 850 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What if everything you thought you knew about the abortion debate was a lie? Joining me on The Brian Nichols Show is Dr. James Thorp, a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist with a powerful message that challenges the status quo. With 45 years of experience in obstetrics and a subspecialty in maternal-fetal medicine, Dr. Thorp has a unique perspective on the value of life and the rights of the unborn. But what drives someone with his expertise to speak out against the abortion industry, and what secrets has he uncovered that could change the way we think about this controversial topic? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": From the US Senate to the operating room, Dr. Thorp has been at the forefront of the fight for life. He's performed groundbreaking surgeries, testified before Congress, and now, he's taking on the lies and corruption that have led to the sacrifice of 70 million preborn lives since Roe v. Wade. But what is the truth behind the abortion industry, and how have we gone from "safe, legal, and rare" to a culture that devalues human life? Dr. Thorp pulls no punches as he exposes the government's role in promoting a culture of death and the medical system's complicity in perpetuating lies about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. He shares his personal story of being fired from a hospital for speaking out against the deadly narrative and reveals the shocking truth about the COVID-19 vaccine's impact on pregnant women. But what can we do to take back control of our health and our values in a world that seems determined to destroy them? As we delve into the world of cooperative care agreements, Big Pharma, and government corruption, Dr. Thorp offers a glimmer of hope. He introduces us to The Wellness Company, a revolutionary approach to healthcare that's disrupting the market and giving people a choice. But what makes The Wellness Company different, and how can it help us reclaim our health and our values in a world that's lost its way? Tune in to this powerful episode of The Brian Nichols Show as Dr. James Thorp takes us on a journey from the darkness of the abortion industry to the light of hope and redemption. With his expertise, passion, and commitment to truth, Dr. Thorp inspires us to take action and make a difference in a world that desperately needs it. Don't miss this episode - it could change everything you thought you knew about the abortion debate and the future of healthcare! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 850 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are your kids actually being educated in school or just being force-fed outdated information? In this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian sits down with Jonathan and Adriana Prescott, authors of the book "Kids Don't Need School," to discuss the power of homeschooling and why it might be the best choice for your family. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Discover how traditional schooling wastes time on classroom management rather than fostering real learning, and why a one-on-one approach is more efficient and effective. Jonathan and Adriana share their experiences homeschooling their daughter, who mastered middle school content in just two years and is now thriving in college at age 14. Learn how to break free from the limitations of the school system and give your children the freedom to become true free thinkers. The Prescotts reveal how homeschooling allows you to customize education to your child's interests and learning style, promoting motivation and a love for learning. Explore the socialization myth and find out why homeschooling actually provides better opportunities for children to develop social skills and strong family bonds. Brian, Jonathan, and Adriana also delve into the importance of critical thinking and how homeschooling fosters this essential skill. If you're considering homeschooling or just want to learn more about this increasingly popular educational choice, this episode is a must-watch. Don't miss out on this engaging conversation that will challenge your assumptions about education and inspire you to take control of your child's learning journey! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 845 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you ready to uncover the secrets behind societal evolution and the role of trauma in shaping our world? In this captivating episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we dive deep into the fascinating discussion with Elisha Daeva, a former neuroscientist turned author, who shares her unique insights on gender dynamics, historical trauma, and the quest for social equality. What if understanding our past could help us heal and create a more balanced future? Tune in to find out! Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Join us as Elisha Daeva takes us on a journey through time, exploring the origins of social inequality and the impact of historical trauma on modern society. With a background in neuroscience and a passion for uncovering the truth, Elisha sheds light on how ancient events have shaped our current world. From the Neolithic era to the present day, discover how climate change and cultural shifts have influenced gender roles and societal structures. In this episode, we also delve into Elisha's personal story of transformation and resilience. After leaving a successful career in neuroscience, she embarked on a path of self-discovery, becoming a computer programmer and eventually a writer. Her latest book, "Wild Thing in Captivity: On Travel, Trauma, and Tantra," offers a profound exploration of her own experiences with trauma and healing. Learn how Elisha's journey can inspire you to confront and overcome your own challenges. Brian Nichols and Elisha Daeva engage in a thought-provoking conversation about the relevance of trauma in today's world. They discuss the implications of trauma on individual behavior and societal norms, touching on contemporary issues such as the Black Lives Matter movement and the Israel-Hamas conflict. Elisha's insights into the biological and spiritual aspects of trauma provide a fresh perspective on how we can address and heal from these deep-seated wounds. Don't miss this enlightening episode that promises to challenge your perceptions and offer new ways of thinking about our collective past and future. Whether you're interested in history, psychology, or personal growth, this conversation with Elisha Daeva is sure to leave you with valuable insights and a renewed sense of hope. Subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest episodes! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 845 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you tired of stories that try to beat you over the head with a message? What if there was a better way to persuade people through storytelling? In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, libertarian author Devon Eriksen reveals how fiction can introduce new ideas and change minds without being preachy.  Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Devon Eriksen, author of the Prometheus Award-nominated novel "Theft of Fire", joins Brian to discuss the power of storytelling in spreading libertarian ideas. Rather than telling people what to think, Devon argues that effective fiction gives readers new things to think about, allowing them to consider possibilities they may not have encountered before. Throughout the conversation, Brian and Devon explore how empathy in storytelling helps people understand different perspectives, the importance of showing concrete visions of the future rather than abstract philosophies, and how technological advancements like the internet have democratized the publishing industry.  Devon also shares insights into the three fundamental types of stories in American politics, and how the libertarian story is uniquely focused on empowering individuals to make better choices and improve the world. If you're interested in learning how fiction can be a tool for spreading liberty without being heavy-handed, this episode is a must-listen. Discover the art of persuasion through storytelling with Devon Eriksen on The Brian Nichols Show. Click the link to watch now and don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more engaging content! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 845 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What is the delicate balance between protecting public safety and individual liberties when it comes to bail reform? In this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Jeff Clayton, Executive Director of the American Bail Coalition, dives deep into the complex world of bail bonds and bail reform. Discover the crucial role bail plays in our criminal justice system and why it's essential to strike the right balance between ensuring court appearances and preventing future crimes. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Jeff Clayton explains the original purpose of bail and how it has evolved over time, leading to unintended consequences that impact both the accused and society as a whole. He sheds light on how the current system disproportionately affects low-income individuals and discusses potential solutions to address this issue without compromising public safety. Throughout the episode, Brian and Jeff explore the intersection of mental health and the criminal justice system, highlighting the need for better treatment options and early intervention to prevent individuals from entering the system in the first place. They also discuss the role of technology in modernizing the bail process and improving efficiency. With bail reform being a hot topic in the upcoming elections, Jeff Clayton provides valuable insights into navigating the emotional narratives surrounding this issue. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the true meaning behind the labels and rhetoric used in the bail reform debate. Don't miss this thought-provoking conversation that challenges preconceived notions about bail bonds and bail reform. Gain a deeper understanding of this complex issue and discover how it impacts our society, our liberties, and our pursuit of justice. Watch now and join the discussion in the comments below! ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 845 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you tired of the constant bickering and division in today's political climate? Do you wish there was a way to have thoughtful, nuanced conversations about the issues that matter most? In this special episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian joins host Randy Wilinski for a deep dive into the art of having productive discussions in an age of polarization. Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Brian and Randy explore the dangers of attaching one's identity to political ideologies, or "isms," and how this can lead to echo chambers and a lack of personal growth. They discuss the importance of being curious, not judgmental, when engaging with those who hold different views, and how this approach can lead to a greater understanding of complex issues. The conversation also delves into the role of pain and discomfort in personal development, and how society's increasing aversion to these experiences may be contributing to a lack of resilience and adaptability. Brian and Randy examine the unintended consequences of well-intentioned policies, and the importance of focusing on root causes rather than symptoms when addressing societal problems. Throughout the episode, Brian and Randy emphasize the value of competition and the marketplace of ideas in fostering innovation and progress. They argue that by embracing disagreement and engaging in good-faith discussions, we can work towards finding solutions to the challenges we face as a society. Whether you're passionate about politics, business, or simply becoming a better communicator, this thought-provoking conversation is a must-listen. Join Brian and Randy as they navigate the complexities of modern discourse and offer insights on how we can all work towards a more understanding and productive future. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 845 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Is Colorado turning into a Democratic socialist stronghold? In this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show, guest Joe Dibiasio raises the alarm about the troubling political shift happening in the Centennial State. Could the growing influence of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) in Colorado's General Assembly spell trouble for individual liberties and freedoms? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Brian and Joe dive deep into the concerning trend of DSA members being appointed to fill vacancies left by Democrats in Colorado's legislature. They discuss how these far-left politicians are targeting individual rights and pushing their agenda through key committees. Joe also shares his perspective as the vice president of a metro district in Aurora, Colorado, where he has witnessed firsthand the populist mix of mindsets among Democrats and Republicans in his community. Despite the challenges, Joe remains optimistic about the potential for collaboration between libertarians, Democrats, and Republicans who share common ground on individual liberties. He highlights the importance of local involvement, such as running for positions on special district boards, to effect change from the ground up. Joe also shares his success story of being appointed to his local metro district board and working to lower property taxes for his community. Throughout the episode, Brian and Joe explore the root causes of political polarization and discuss potential solutions to bridge the divide. They emphasize the need for open dialogue, finding common ground, and focusing on issues that matter to people rather than political labels. Joe stresses the importance of getting involved in local politics and bringing fresh ideas to the table, even if it means taking risks and challenging the status quo. Don't miss this thought-provoking conversation about the future of Colorado politics and the role libertarians can play in protecting individual freedoms. Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show now and join the discussion in the comments below. Be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast platform and follow Brian and Joe on social media for more insights and updates. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 840 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you an entrepreneur struggling to achieve success without a college degree or startup capital? Brian Will, a self-made multimillionaire who has built seven highly successful companies in four different industries, shares his invaluable insights on The Brian Nichols Show. Discover the 37 business lessons that helped Will overcome the odds and build a real estate empire from the ground up.  Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": In this episode, Brian Nichols and Brian Will dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship, exploring the challenges and triumphs of starting a business with limited resources. Will shares his personal journey, from failing out of high school to building companies worth nearly a billion dollars at their peak. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance and learning from failures, stating that success is about pushing forward until you've learned all the necessary lessons. The conversation also touches on the crucial role of mentorship in entrepreneurship. Will explains how a mentor or coach can provide a 360-degree view of your business, helping you identify blind spots and untapped opportunities. He stresses the significance of finding a mentor who has achieved the success you aspire to and can guide you through the challenges you face. Throughout the episode, Nichols and Will discuss the importance of setting aside ego and being open to guidance from experienced professionals. They also delve into the value of niching down when seeking coaching, as different aspects of your business may require specialized expertise. Will shares examples of successful entrepreneurs who have coaches for various facets of their lives, from sleep to marketing. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from Brian Will's incredible journey and gain valuable insights into building a successful business without a college degree. Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show and discover the secrets to becoming a dropout multimillionaire. Subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast platform and visit Brian Will's website,, for more information on his books and coaching services. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 840 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are we living in the End Times prophesied in the Bible? Clay Clark and Aaron Antis return to join Brian Nichols on The Brian Nichols Show to discuss the signs that we may be rapidly approaching the Second Coming of Christ and the Battle of Armageddon. Is the world aligning with the predictions laid out in the Book of Revelation? Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "Unlock the secret to a healthier heart, increased energy levels, and transform your cardiovascular fitness like never before.": Clay and Aaron dive deep into Biblical prophecy, examining current events through the lens of scripture. They point to the drying up of the Euphrates River, the rise of the "False Prophet" Yuval Noah Harari, the development of AI and "beast" technology, and the growing alliance between China and Russia as potential fulfillments of End Times prophecy found in Revelation 16:12-14.  The discussion also touches on the formation of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) as a challenge to the US dollar, a development that may tie into the economic upheaval predicted in Revelation 6:6. Clay encourages listeners to read Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 to understand the signs Jesus gave about His return. Aaron brings up the intriguing connection between Israel and the "fig tree" parable in Matthew 24, suggesting that the generation that saw the rebirth of Israel as a nation in 1948 will see the fulfillment of End Times events. Could we be that generation? For more eye-opening content on Biblical prophecy and current events, visit You can also watch Clay Clark's "ReAwaken America" documentary featuring Gen. Flynn, Mike Lindell, and more for free on the website. The final ReAwaken America Tour event takes place June 7-8 in Detroit, MI with speakers including Rudy Giuliani, Eric Trump, and Kash Patel. ❤️ Order Cardio Miracle ( with code TBNS at checkout for 15% off and take a step towards better heart health and overall well-being! 🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 840 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs. 🔗Follow Brian on social media: ( & Facebook ( 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show for more captivating interviews and insights into libertarian solutions for local problems! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit