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Take a listen as journey's unfold with my guests as they share their knowledge, experiences, insights, inspiration, tips and tricks to live and own your story. I will also share solo episodes sharing my life experiences and all the things I learn along the way of this crazy beautiful life.
69 Episodes
In this episode Kurtis shares his story of  his dream as a professional hockey player and how he has had to transition is mindset on only being a professional hockey player to being a man who has more to him then just hockey skills life and busy schedule. He share about his time playing in the NHL and how her is working on getting back up there but more importantly Kurtis shares what he is doing off the ice with is advocating for the LGBTQ community and so much more. This man is a true impact maker and sharing his voice for those who feel they cant speak. He is man of action. If you enjoyed this episode please let us know by tagging us on the IG @kurtisgaberial & @sparkplugwellness also please rate and review the podcast for it truly does help get the value of my guest out to more listeners thank you
This episode Phil and I talk about entrepreneurship and how he is now helping build and create connections between entrepreneurs all around the world. He shares how his journey of all 7 careers he went through come together through different skills and allow for him to create his business billionaires in boxers.  we discuss the power of your energy and how your vibe attracts your tribe and the importance of surrounding yourself with others who energize you in all areas of your life. He share bout his podcast and how he got himself out there to a wide range of individuals including all kinds of professionals within all kinds of fields of works and ways of living life. Talks about the fear of biting off to much for him to chew with such a quick expansion of his company within the first three months and how managed his way through to keep going and building so much more over the years that got them to #1 globally for achieving authority status in podcasting within many different avenues. Phil's company also does tv shows, radio stations and so much more and he shares it all. We talk about the power of creating solid foundations within yourself and your life. He shares how trading skills helped him build different collaborations and all kinds of networking. We talk about taking risk and how when do so it allows for us to expand and grow within ourselves and our business/ career. We talk about how to use time and create a sense of play and rest but also work He shares structures his life around his Main Priorities within his weeks and life.  We talk about the many ways of making money and creating impact and how the universe rewards actions not thought and how to take the steps you know how to take and learn how to take the next steps as you go. Phil and I talk about all the signs we get within life and how understanding the lessons within them so that they doesn't keep repeating over in your life. This episode is truly filled with amazing stories and tips and tricks of allowing yourself to create and go on the best entrepreneurship journey of your life.  Rate & Review podcast  If you liked this episode please share it on the socials and with your friends IG @philpelucha @Sparkplugwellness
This episode with Lauren certainly leaves you feeling nourished. Lauren shares how she got into the holistic lifestyle and how its always naturally been apart of who she is and how she lives for she grew up in a non traditional house hold and health was priority. We talk about the power of the relationship between food and humans and how its important for us to all understand our own individual ways of examining our reasoning and root causes for why we choose the foods and lifestyle we do and than learn to create a healthy, balanced, fun, creative, nourishing relationship with your food that best supports you and how you desire to live.  We talk about community and how important it is to surround yourself with those that share your values and morals and how finding Paul chek Holistic life coaching certification helped bring her clarity within how she was wanting to impact the world but also how all her schooling and background work tied into how she now coaches and helps others now. Lauren lets us in how she breaks things down to help her clients achieve their desired outcomes of living their most fulfilled self. We talk about shedding, unlearning, dong less of the things that are not us and being curious enough to ask ourselves questions like is this really my story?, is this how i truly feel?, do I actually believe this?  What is my truth? and once asking and allowing yourself to get the real answers having the compassion for yourself to start learning and developing new ways that support healthier living. Lauren lets us in on her experience of being the women behind all the meal planning, cooking and serving in a all mans retreat held by her partner Mike and how being able to share that experience with the men was such a beautiful and fulfilling time for her and one she truly felt connected to and honored to be apart of. We hear about what the new year brings Lauren and how she is wanting to show up within her services and create experiences for groups and individuals. This episode is filled with nourishing information, beautiful inspiration and so much more, I honestly could of chatted forever.  If you liked this episode please share it on the socials and Tag us  IG @Vitaltheory for Lauren @Sparkplugwellness for myself  Rate and Review the Podcast
This episode Anat and I have a conversation on how she became a coach within the self development world and how it first started out with herself going on her own journey and realizing how much she love seeing others truly transform themselves and their lives to all they truly desire it to be. Anat shares with us what development trauma within our childhood is and how it plays out into our adult life. She tells how how she works within finding ways to help men and women move from an energy of having to prove it to others to recognize they are a gift to others and start transitioning within themselves and their lives within the way they are more in alignment and passion We discuss what the Roles and energies of both the Mother and Father and how it impacts us within how we show up for ourselves, others and the world. Within this we talk about how one can start to working within healing, understanding and loving oneself all while unlearning, unleashing and undoing habits, patterns and stories that have been given and told to you and start living within the ways you need to be with fulfilled and as ones raw self. Anat shares how exciting it is to   realize you have the power to remove or add within yourself and your life what does and doesn't serve you. The journey Anat takes people on is gaining back their power and building the resiliencey to really get to know yourself as a powerful creator that gets to co-create with others, the universe. This episode is Jam packed with mind blowing knowledge and powerful information that truly can be implemented within your life as you listen along.  If you like this episode please share with us on on the social media  IG @anat.peri  @sparkplugwellness Rate and review the podcast
Good day you bad beautiful bi*** you, I hope you are ready for an episode of fun, insights and inspiration because that is what my guest Kevin Cooney brings to you. Kevin and I talk about the journey of his entrepreneurship and how he has always been in the mindset of learning and growing and making the most of what you got as you work for what you want. Kevin shares his first taste of making money through collecting and selling golf balls to how he is flipping free stuff for cold hard cash. Kevin has made himself well known as the hype man on TikTok for his wake up calls that fire you up and set you on your way to having the best damn day of your life, especially if you are dangerously caffeinated. O speaking of Dangerously caffeinated, it is the coffee brand Kevin and his friend created through his listening to his followers when they said we want this dangerously caffeinated coffee you are always talking about in your videos so Kevin did what he does best and got to work and made it happen. Kevin and i discuss how to keep moving forward within an idea and how important it is to seek help for the areas you need support in or in need of learning. We discuss the power of perspective and how to help keep yourself in alignment with yourself but also how to make it work for you when something doesn't go as planned or an idea fails or flunks in your entrepreneur journey. This episode was so fun and so full of great tips and tricks to move you along your journey.  Rate and review podcast  If you liked this please share it on the socials and tag us  Instagram @kevincooney @sparkplugwellness
In this episode Jefe reintroduces us to the O,G of self development, YOGA but not just the mainstream yoga you see now a days. Jefe shares the true essence of witch yoga has done for years and years and that is to bring one to its whole self by connecting the mind, body and soul. Jefe shares the power we all have as individuals to concousley take the time to be present within each moment and within ourselves and to choose how we navagate through each moment. this episode is jamed pack with value and enlightenment and if you enjoyed it please rate and review the podcast out to more listeners and share with us on social media IG @jefe_af & @sparkplugwellness
In this episode, Chase and I talk about his journey to truly pursuing his coaching career. Chase shares how weight lifting and physical activity has always been apart of his life and it was what brought him into the Navy to only realized that he was not in right spot and was not living out the life he wanted. Chase left the Navy and took all his experiences and opened up his own gym. Once opening up the gym chase found himself going from one end of the pendulum to other within how he would show up for himself and how he ran the gym. While listening to a podcast Chase heard of an opportunity for a core language upgrade and took the chance to better himself and his coaching, it was within this course he started to gain control back within the pendulum allowing him to be more open to truly seeing what path he was wanting to carve out for himself and how it was going to impact the world. Once he gained awareness within how words have power and how we use them brings energy to us. With a new sense of transformation chase took all he learnt and kept learning and brought to life his Primal man pathway allowing him to serve man in way that brings them out of the rat race and back to the primal roots of themselves through body and mind. Chase share so much incredible insights into ways that truly help create a life changing impact within yourself when put into practice. This episode is full of both stories to connect and ways to help bring you back to your roots.  Please Rate and Review the podcast for it helps me know i am on the right path but also gets my guest value out to more listeners.  Tag us on the socials if you liked it and share it with a friend @coach_chase_tolleson @Sparkplugwellness
In this episode Dave shares with us the ways in witch he has taken coaching on as a purpose to help guiding clients in the art of human flourishing. Dave and I discuss the value of story work within our lives and how they play a role within not only how we present ourselves to the world but the perspective in witch we see the world. Dave shares a story of how within becoming a coach he was being coached and how when her truly understood the power of being open and vulnerable to those who are willing and wanting to hold space for you as you hold space for them is a powerful connection that allows life lasting transformation. Navigation of ones stories begins with being able to express the story and slowly within minor tweaks of wording, breathing and self awareness we begin to take the story that is right in our face and pull it away and start to detach to it within honoring it but letting it go. Dave shares with us the different types of ways in witch we use our words to either give us power or take away our power within life situations and all of the relationships and connection we have within our life. This episode is jammed packed with powerful usable nuggets of wisdom and take away you cant start implementing today. If you liked this episode please let us know by tagging us on the socials  IG  @getstrappedstaystrapped  @sparkplugwellness  Please Rate & Review the podcast  Thank you and much appreciated!
In this episode Dai and I have a conversation on how we went from choosing the unknown fear over the fear of staying the same.when Dai was younger he struggled with his weight causing him to never truly confront his health and his life with the passion and energy he desired until one day that changed when things got rushed when dad wanted to quickly leave and Dai had to face himself in the mirror. Within this moment things changed but he shares how it doesn't happen over night. Dai shares within his journey to becoming his healthiest self in all areas of life he noticed how important the stories we hold on to and the stories we create are either going to give us what we need or take from us. We discuss the importance of communication and developing a way to connect and learn through story telling. Dai and I talk about how purpose can shift over time and how building a life of fulfillment is what is going to allow you to make shifts and choices that let you live in your purpose.  This episode is fun,energetic and inspiring with lots great insights and knowledge. If you enjoyed this episode please tag us on the socials letting us know what you think and share it with a friend.  IG @daimanuel @sparkplugwellness  Rate & Review the podcast!  Greatly appreciated
In this episode Mark and I have a conversation on the power of story and how our words create our life. Mark shares a couple insights into some real life circumstances where the people he was interacting with were stuck within a story that didn't serve them and how within being able to work through the story and be able to connect the emotion and the body together to truly be able to release the energy that is no longer needed and free the mind of the limiting belief and unwanted negative thoughts. We discuss the importance of breath and how within all things its truly connected and brings us so much true sense of grounding and ownership. When we understand how we are showing up within our breathing in each day of life and the circumstances that arise within them you will be able to respond and not react, you are more present and aware, you are able to create and have clearer mind. Within this episode Mark shares the meaning of spell and how we are all creating them within our life and others if we are not careful so Be careful because Mark may just put a spell on you with his soft word challenge and much much more.  If you Enjoyed this episode please let us know by tagging us on the socials  www.instagram/  www.instagram/  Please be a Spark and Rate and Review the podcast thank you!
In this episode Jen and I have a conversation on how she went from her own health and wellness journey to becoming a coach and helping others within theirs. Jen and I discuss the importance of having the desire to make changes within yourself and how truly wanting it for yourself is the only way your going to do it and stick with it. Taking accountability for yourself and what is needed to be done in order to move towards your goals is by starting small and staying consistent. Finding accountability partners is also helpful to keep things more engaging, fun and motivating but also allows for you to have support during the times of struggle. Jen let's us in on how being a life time learner was one of the reasons she turned to being a coach herself as she wanted to share the value she gained along her own journey with others who are seeking to become their best self. We talk about the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people, ones who encourage you, support you and see the best you in and want the best for you. Let me tell you this Jen since becoming a coach she has done just that, she has flourished and is making massive impact with her free to be fierce community and coaching, Jen shares some powerful insights along the entire episode and i truly believe everyone can see a little bit of themeselve in jen and thats why her story and her are so inspiring becasue its real, raw and authentic.  If you enjoyed this episode let us know by tagging us on the socials  IG @sparkplugwellness  also please rate and review the podcast
In this episode Rick shares his story within how went from a young man who had everything to having to relearn how to do everything. Rick lets us in on how a construction accident took caused him to become a quadriplegic who overcame the odds of many thanks to his support team. Rick tells us that as much as the tragedy happen to him, that his story would not be the same outcome without his wife. Rick and his wife were 1 year married when the accident happened and it was within her love and faith that he was able to continue to fight within his struggles and within his recovery there were many struggles. Rick suffered depression to the point of thoughts and actions of suicide. Rick Shares how thought of wheeling himself off the canal in his town. Rick tried each day and he would get closer and closer to reach the canal, Rick knowing that it was going to be the only way he would get there or for the plan to work. What Rick didn't realize was the impact of his effort to get to the canal and a connection of a red letter days between him and one of his nurses would collide and make him understand how blessed he was to be alive and how even though he might have lost a lot he didn't lose everything and that there was so much more to gain. Rick since that day has been taking back his life with red letter days and his wife and 2 boys are right along side him. Rick shares such much beautiful inspiration within sharing his story.   Please let us know what you think by tagging us on the socials, Ps. RATE & REVIEW the podcast  IG @Rickfromroe @sparkplugwellness Facebook Rick Werry Candice Axford
In this episode, Kate and I have a conversation on the health and wellness industry and how Kate is taking the approach of the whole person and not just one area of their health. Kate shares her journey in how she felt her purpose is to be of service to other, to help them feel and be the best they can be within all areas of their well-being. Kate started off in body work massage and is still doing it today but has added in an online membership to help create a community of individuals looking to take back control of their over all health.  With Kate's whole human approach for her coaching is because she understands that the mind and body need to be working together. This episode is passionate and such a blast to record. If you enjoyed this episode please let us know by tagging us in the socials  IG @kateskinnerwellness @sparkplugwellness  Facebook  Kate Skinner Candice Axford Please Rate & Review the Podcast
I loved chatting with Jay in this episode, He is a country producer for some of the biggest stars in the industry. Country music is my favorite so learning how to produce songs and records was so interesting and fascinating to me. We also discussed what it was like to be around very highly known country stars. He lets us know who he enjoys most working with within the industry and shares some stories of working with them. Jay also shares how working with up and coming artist for the most part more fun to work with for all they were bringing to create a top  high performing album. He also shares the time he taught at the music college and  how it was one his best experiences in life and where he discovered the power of leadership. Within this talk we discuss what leadership is, the importance of mentors and teamwork. This episode was fun to record and Jay and was incredible with sharing value and insights. If you enjoy this episode please let us know by rating and reviewing the podcast and giving us a shout out on the socials  IG
Get ready to laugh your way through this episode as Cathy shares her journey of creating Cathy crawly laughing bean queen. Cathy's story is not one of the traditional path. Worm composting was introduced to her, she tested it out, didn't like it at first but years after it was brought up in the home Cathy was working at and even with her first experience, she said she would help with the project. What Cathy learnt within composting and worms is truly fascinating and its her mission to put a worm compost in every house. Cathy and I also discuss how within her learning journey she found out about laughing yoga and decided to give a go for who doesn't like laughing, What she didn't realize was all the actual health benefits that come with deep belly laughs and intentional play.  Cathy shares with us how when we allow ourselves to wounder, to explore and to express freely without worry we become at ease within our body and mind. combining play like movement with laughter releases all the natural positive chemicals  our body has and craves. This episode is full of laughter and powerful insights in how to live with a healthier and happier earth and self.  within this episode she drops gems of wisdom and i am so excited for you to listen to her story.  here are the links to connect with Cathy Please let us know what you think by rating and reviewing the podcast.  Thank you
In this episode you get the chance to hear Joshua tell his story. There is so much to his life and how he shares it so authentically is powerful. Joshua lets us in on how he ended up on the FBI list and how the whole experience created a world of not feeling enough, unworthy and full of shame. Finding himself was one of his greatest gifts but this came through 3 attempted suicides and his mother having and recovering from a stroke. Recognizing the love he was so freely giving others and the care he put forth for them was something that he needed to start creating within himself. This became the path to owning his story and being able to step into being enough for himself and now he share his story to help others not feel alone and to know that they are enough and that when they own that they become free and powerful.  If you like this episode please let us know by tagging us on the socials and sharing with a friend.  IG @joshisoctober @sparkplugwellness Facebook  Candice Axford  Joshua Lancaster  Please Rate & Review the podcast for it helps get the value and stories of my guest out to more ears and lets me know i am on right track. Thank you and appreciate you greatly.
In this episode, Derrick shares his story of how he grew up in a religious family and how within the years in college he battled within where he was in his faith and how he developed a relationship with god and became a pastor. Derrick shares how poetry and writing has been apart of his life since he was a young boy but it became a way that he was able to open up and express himself and connect within those who embraced his church as well as during open mic nights. Derrick Even though doing Sunday services became to notice he was unfulfilled and depressed even to the point he carried around a knife just in case a moment came he needed to take his life. He shares of moving to a new church and reaching out and connecting more with a community helped him feel closer to the work god was calling him to do as a pastor. This episode is a story of faith, expression of ones self through written and spoken word and so much more, its a must listen too. Derrick is truly an inspiration and light to this world and it was such a pleasure to hear his story.  Ps. Derrick shares a beautiful piece of newest work and it powerful... i got goosebumps  If you enjoyed this episode please let us know by tagging us in the socials  IG @derrickengoypoetry @sparkplugwellness  Facebook  Derrick Engoy Candice Axford  Remember to please Rate and Review the podcast for it helps get the value of my guest out to more ears and lets me know i am on the right track!
In this episode, Terry shares the story that leads her to coach high achieving professionals and businesswomen and men. What she learnt from the corporate world into her coaching career and how connecting with individuals in such a way that show them their own power and truly embrace all the success they achieved and really be able to show up in it and take it in. We discuss ways in how she helps clients move from outwards satisfaction to inwards gratification within who you are and your life. Terry Shared stories of past employers, and clients. We talk about the importance of being aware of your perspective and wanting to learn someone else perspective when in any sort of relationship. how Intervertated and extroverted people need different things with how they need to show up within themselves and the situation life has them in.  This podcast has strategies, steps and real proven ways in helping you bring yourself wholeheartedly into life and how it impacts how you view success within yourself and so much more. If you enjoyed this episode please let us know on the socials and by rating and reviewing the podcast. Rating and reviewing will help the value, my guest, out to more listeners and lets me know I am on the right track but most importantly it is very appreciated,   ☆If you would like to learn a little more about terry her is Bio☆  Terry Boyle McDougall is an Executive & Career Coach and CEO of Terry B. McDougall Coaching. She helps high-achieving professionals remove obstacles that keep them stuck so they can enjoy more success and satisfaction in their lives and careers. Before becoming a coach, Terry was a long-time corporate marketing executive where she led teams, developed strategies and advised senior leaders to drive business results. She is the author of Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms. She is also the host of the Marketing Mambo podcast. website: podcast link: book: www. linkedin: instagram: Host socials:  IG:  Facebook: Candice Axford
In this episode, Danyell and I have a conversation about relationships and how she became a Relationship coach helping others find love, rebuild love and nourish the love they have already.  Danyell and I talk about the dating part of relationships and how within this stage it is important to not present yourself as who you think the other person is going to like but to present your true and authentic self so that they can decide to stay or go. We discuss the male and feminine energy we all hold within us and how they both are a part of how we show up in our relationships.  We discuss the importance of Self-awareness and how with this comes the power to be okay with all that's to come no matter the outcome.  We discuss a little about my fears, my hold-ups and beliefs on relationships and where I am at in my journey. Danyell and I talk about the 5 love languages and how they are important to understand and do within your relationship, she lets us in on how we need to make sure that we are not only looking at our partner through how they show up in your language but how they show up for you in theirs, this causes you to see the beauty in all they are just as they are. Relationships are simple but complex and full of both the ugly and the beauty and full of love.  This episode is a gem full of raw and real advice, insights, information and much much more.   If you enjoyed this episode please let us know by connecting with us on the socials  IG @danyell_Adamski  @sparkplugwellness  Facebook  @danyellAdamski @candiceAxford  Rate & Review: please leave a rating and review for it helps get the value of my guest out to more listeners and lets me know I am on the right track. appreciated greatly
In this episode, Val takes us on her journey of becoming a professional figure skater growing up. Val shares the impact of losing her dad at a young age and how it affected the family. We discuss the dedication and sacrifice she and her family put into creating the life she dreamed of living. Val and lets us in on what it was like when she was forced to stop skating and how it affected her view for it felt as if she didn't know who she was without being the figure skater. We discuss eating disorders and how what it's like being in the depth of one, the hiding it, being strict to when and how much you eat and also what it was like recognizing it, asking and seeking help and now what it's like being on the recovery side of living with one. Val gives insights on how she transformed herself into becoming a professional public speaker, author and peak performance coach.  This episode is only a tiny view of what is an extraordinary life and therefore there is going to be another episode coming to make sure we get it all. If you enjoyed this episode please let us know by tagging us on the socials Facebook  Val Hearon Jones  Candice Axford  IG @tankgirlvaljones @sparkplugwellness  Please Rate & Review the podcast it very appreciated.