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The Comeback Game

Author: Barry Magliarditi

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The Comeback Game Podcast aims to inspire entrepreneurs around the world to keep on changing the game. Adversities are inevitable. At some point in time, business owners and entrepreneurs get challenged and knocked off to the ground. But how do the most successful ones do it? How do they overcome the biggest challenges in their lives, businesses, relationships and career? How does a nobody become a somebody? How does one come back to the game and rise above his adversities?

Hosted by Barry Magliarditi, founder and director of The Game Changers — a Business & Life Coaching Company based in AU
147 Episodes
Business owners have underlying biases, beliefs, and insecurities that are starting to make itself known in the pandemic. This kind of mindset can cause them to make poor business decisions and hinder your growth. When faced with  these uncertain situations, how can business owners overcome their personal beliefs? For this week’s podcast episode, we invite multiple best-selling author and Managing Director of MindShifts, Babette Bensoussan to discuss the different levels of leadership thinking. She offers insights and solutions that can help businesses succeed during these types of situations. Learn useful tips on handling negative energies and to make your business more secure during a crisis. Tune in to this episode! About the Guest: Babette Bensoussan is an internationally-known consultant and speaker. As the Decision-Making Maverick, she assists organisations to make better competitive decisions. As a Managing Director of MindShifts, which specialises in competitive intelligence and strategic planning. She is passionate about leadership and new ways of thinking. She is also a professionally accredited coach, and currently working with Australian and Global Fortune 500 Companies, Government Departments, and SMEs. Resources: Visit the Comeback Game website ( Join us on our Facebook Group -  Game Changing Entrepreneurs Connect with Babette Bensoussan through her website ( Books mentioned in the episode: The Path to Freedom by Barry Williame Magliarditi ( You can also connect with us on Linkedin. Tune in and subscribe to The Comeback Game: You can listen to The Site Shed on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Thank you for tuning in!
When you want a burger, you don't visit a random diner that just happens to have burgers on the menu - you go to a burger joint. See, just by specializing in burgers, the burger joint got you to choose their store over the diner. The same applies with your business and career. Always market CERTAINTY on your specialization. It's how you build trust that transforms leads into customers ASAP. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, social selling specialist Mary Henderson will teach us her secrets on how she's always on demand. In this episode, you will learn: 🔏 Why closely monitoring your social media content is part of career security 🎯 How to ensure that you meet more than just quality standards 📍  Why specializing on a micro niche works the best
Back in David Jenyns’s childhood, his father gave him a chore sheet system which offered him money in exchange. Quickly, he adapted and dominated it to the point that he earned so much his father had to adjust the rules. That was his first encounter with systems, and he conquered it. David carried on with breaking down systems and rebuilding them with his own framework throughout his ventures. He continued with this value - not formula - and got more and more creative along the way. From that, he founded SystemsHub, one of Australia’s most-trusted digital systems. Now, his businesses are built on flexible systems and staff collaboration & independence. In this episode, you will learn: -Why working on a business alone will prevent you, and your business from growing -How to train an independent team who is capable of solving problems on its own -Why starting by breaking the rules isn’t always groundbreaking
Have you ever seen Salvador Dalí's Galatea of the Spheres? The painting shows a different image up close than when viewed from a distance. The same goes with trying to climb your growth ceiling - it may feel like a mile away when in reality, you're standing just a few meters below it. You only needed to take a step back. The secret is in the perspective. In this In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, business scaling wizard Keith Millar will guide us through the complex simplicity surrounding growth. In this episode, you will learn: ⛳ How to leverage the slopes in your business growth rate 🌋 Why your business can only ever grow as large as your self-esteem 🗝️ The secret to retaining clients for years or more
"Organic marketing is dead; cookies are king." I don't mean to throw shade, but you know what alternative name 'purely using cookies' has? Cheap Traffic. Social media may no longer be just about conversation, BUT that never stopped from being its #1 asset. Organic marketing takes talent on leveraging content - and it's all about retention, not one-time purchases. Remember: waning socials don't have to call for $$$. You may just need better content alignment. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, Organic Marketing guru Josh Ryan will show us how he scaled social media accounts from 4-figure to 7-figure followings! In this episode, you will learn: 📣 How a simple call to action in your bio can be such a game-changer 🧲 The true power of the "99 Cent strategy" 🧾 Why you should replace direct marketing pitches with Stories on your socials
Being able to look down on your business from above - pulling all those little levers as you please. This is one of the most fulfilling things about having a business that draws its own breath. Want more leads? Give your marketing a push. Need a fresh perspective? Tap your human resources. Takes little to no effort - without having to worry about things going wrong. All you need to worry about is growth, and more growth. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, high-performance CEO Angus Thurston will show us the ins and outs of shifting layers of mindset. In this episode, you will learn: 🧐How mindset-hindered creativity is scientifically-proven 🌋Why, in turning your scaling vision into reality, doing less means more 🌴 How to prevent stress-amplifiers from infiltrating your company
The business industry is slowly transitioning from Masculine to Feminine. Don't walk away. I know, the analogy sounds weird - sexist, even. BUT it's true. We have the efforts of coaches to thank -  their shared knowledge and experiences rocket-fueled today's entrepreneurs. Now, we’re on the fast track to focusing on finding meaning, riding the graceful flow of the process (feminine) transitioning from hustling towards industry-breaking goals (masculine). Are you familiar with it? More importantly, think - are you ready for it? In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, master mindset mentor Miranda Hill will show us how she changes people’s futures, one at a time. In this episode, you will learn: 🖖🏻  How to fully embrace your present 'being' (even after realizing that it's a mess) 🚫 Why completely ripping out our previous belief systems is a disrespect to aspects of ourselves 🧠 How to truly earn and master harnessing your Freedom of Choice
"No product is perfect." (or so they say) Perfect, in business, means your clients see your product as a need. It means becoming part of their daily lives - making it better than ever. So how do you build your product to fit them like a jigsaw? You can't read minds - and this is definitely not something you should be "winging". The answer: bring customer demand to reality. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, customer interactions wizard Zach Schleien will guide us through his journey of scaling through listening. In this episode, you will learn: 🛶 How to manage the extent of catering to your clients’ demands 💬 Why customer feedback should be one of your business pillars 🧩 How to successfully adjust (and readjust) your product according to client demand
Between "I get to do it" and "I have to do it", you deserve to have a choice. BUT there is more to life than earning that choice. It's liberation beyond personal freedom. It means enjoying your position of freedom 100x by propelling people to get into the same position as you - because they deserve it too. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, lifestyle investor Justin Donald will share his strategies on earning a lifestyle of freedom and fulfillment. In this episode, you will learn: 🦅 To what heights can personal freedom bring a person 🌈 Why you REALLY need to diversify your income 🦋 Which investing styles yield the best results
Did-you-know that Apple was founded by two Steves in 1977? Steve Jobs, the figurehead and Steve Wozniak, the person behind the genius of Apple's tech. Without either Steve, the world's 3rd legendary Apple wouldn't have made history. Finding your 'other Steve' might just be what your business needs to be the next industry standard. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, high-profile Implementer will share her secrets as the wizard behind the scenes. In this episode, you will learn: 🏄🏻 How to live by the words, "the obstacle is the way" 🦖 Why you should show up how you wanna show up 🤝 Why it takes more than just a visionary to raise a groundbreaking business
An entrepreneur's most valuable asset is knowing how to leverage what they've got. In short: the affinity to rally people and resources to your cause. BUT in scaling your business, you must learn to let go of some things to allow room for so much more. In there, you leverage not just your charisma, but your affinity for adapting to change. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, AFL star turned business leader Haami Williams will delve into his mindset shift on his redefined responsibility in on the business. In this episode, you will learn: 👊🏼How to coach your team to manifest your vision to fulfillment ⚖️Why entrepreneurship isn’t just about sticking to doing what you love 🚀How to achieve genuine employee transformation (for higher staff retention!)
You know those people who seem to be the exemption from "you can't please everybody"? Their secret is charisma. That unique magnetism comes from wit, superb body language control, versatility, and so much more. It's a practice that's hard to master even with genuine value BUT it's not too hard for you. Learn it - and live within the comfort of the secret 3rd path. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, black belt salesman Jordan Harbinger will teach us the best secrets to leveraging authentic rapport. In this episode, you will learn: 🐬 How to create a “zero-resistance guarantee” sales strategy 🌪️ Why 90% of those who aim to be in the 1% fail to move beyond financial success 🏍️ How to talk your way into (and out of) just about any situation ;)
We all have that pivotal punch-in-the-nose moment. Maybe you got tired of defending your passion. Maybe you felt betrayed when a loved one refused to believe in you. Maybe you got angry after a business partner left. Joe Polish said, "it's aggravating oysters that make pearls". All that aggravation deserves your gratitude. For pushing you - the shining pearl that you are now - to choose this journey. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, renowned impact adviser Steve Sims will remind us how we entrepreneurs run to keep the world running. In this episode, you will learn: ☢️ How to deal with negative projections from people around you ⛳ Why we must keep towards the challenge - not the consequences of the process 🧲 How to manipulate a situation and make it so you're needed in the VVIP rooms
You can't give what you don’t have. Whatever you aim to give everyone, give it to yourself first. Always manifest faith in your vision, 'cause your team can only reciprocate the same amount of faith as you have. Likewise, you cannot preach about personal freedom while you still work in your business - and for 50-hour weeks at that! Now tell me, do you truly own all that you offer? In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, masterplan innovator Simon Severino will talk how scaling your business is not the problem - it’s validating it. In this episode, you will learn: ⚙️ The elaborate process of doing a Task Audit ✅ Several secrets for successful task delegation to match your systemization 👉🏻 How to write a system that teaches your team how to write systems
Do you remember the last time you did something scary? Cliff diving? Letting go of a bad client? Sleeping in? What did you get afterwards? I always think of the aftermath. Fun. Freedom. A well-needed reboot. Now, remember all those invaluable things you got from CHOOSING to do something scary - associate feelings of discomfort with greater ROI! Rome was built from A LOT of sacrifices (let's not get into details here) but yes, the great empire truly embodied "no guts, no glory". Is YOUR EMPIRE built the same way? In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, growth enthusiast Amber Vilhauer will prove to us that a little bit of poison is what we need to truly live. In this episode, you will learn: 🚀 The true rewards of living dangerously 🏊 How to drive yourself to take more risks, one dose of poison at a time 🌗 Why the quality of an accident depends on the victim - yes, it's not all bad!
“Build a business that works without you.” But how does one do it when it’s so hard to let go? Slow and steady wins the race. Start by delegating an hour out of your 50. Then 10. Then 20. Build it like how you would a house of cards. These pieces of delegated work will slowly lighten the deck- making room for more cards to profit from. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, Mike Michalowicz will teach us the best ways to make use of the work hours we delegate. In this episode, you will learn: 🏔️ Why, as a visionary, your goals shouldn’t lean towards instant gratification 🦅 How to truly embrace personal freedom 🗃️ Why task delegation is your responsibility as a business owner
"Early bird catches the worm." But when exactly is 'early'? No one knows. What I do know is: the perfect time exists - and it's whenever you decide it to be. I know people who made the decision in their 40's and I know people who made it at 4 years old. The deciding factor isn't time, it's commitment. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, master investor George Markoski will prove that society’s definition of ‘late’ has been wrong all along. In this episode, you will learn: 👑 Why you need to adapt the "rich mentality" ASAP 🔥 How to supercharge your strategies by learning from others 🧐 Why property investing is not the best investment you can make
Do you know the 3 G's of a balanced diet? Go, Grow, and Great self-restraint. Yes, limitations are a must for a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, zealous entrepreneurs like ourselves will go into overdrive (a.k.a. Burnout). Medically speaking, living the entrepreneurial lifestyle makes one most susceptible to Burnout. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, stress management specialist Dr. Jeff Moody will delve into the cure into one of our greatest internal enemies. In this episode, you will learn: 🚫Why you should get into the habit of preventing Burnout ⏪How to reverse Burnout 🍂 Why Burnout manifests a drawn-out plea for change
Being an entrepreneur is not a simple choice of “to be or not to be”. …or is it? Nowaday, business coaches are EVERYWHERE. The REALLY good ones share lessons they've learned the hard way - so you don't have to. They enable you to focus on what you need to do to get where you want to be. In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guests, veteran entrepreneurs Nigel Bennet, Todd Palmer, and Andy Buyting will show us how to open doors of opportunity for ourselves. In this episode, you will learn: 🧐 Why you should hire for the DNA, not for the resume 💪🏻 Why you don’t have time to let your failures pull you down 🤝 Why you need to invest in all the help you can get - especially with coaching
"COVID-19 is bad for business." I say, depends who you ask. Our creative innovation skill as an entrepreneur is being challenged. The only question is: are we up for it? In this #FREEDOMSeries episode, our guest, master business implementer Gino Wickman will guide us in this journey of confirmation. In this episode, you will learn: ✅ The 6 characteristics that real entrepreneurs are born with 🔗 How to earn the characteristics you lack with practice 🤔 The difference between self-employment and real entrepreneurship
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