Business Talk Library

Business Talk Library
Author: Business Talk Library
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© 2025 Business Talk Library
The Business Talk Library is a social media show and platform that shares honest and authentic conversations on the journey of entrepreneurship. We feature conversations with entrepreneurs across all industries with a wide array of experience that we believe will be valuable to you as a business owner.
205 Episodes
How do you build a top 100 podcast that is loved around the world by millions? Well, we sat down with Podcast host and CEO of Command Your Brand Media - The Jeremy Ryan Slate to hear his story and get a few tips on how he achieved this for himself and is now in the business of helping others build phenomenal podcasts.--------------------------------------------------------- The Business Talk Library is a social media show and platform that shares honest and authentic conversations o...
There is a big difference be talking and actually communicating. On the surface, they look the same but when you really understand the difference like Kyoko Takeyama you will quickly realize one gets you RESULTS while the other just leaves you frustrated and exhausted. Kyoko is an amazing communicator and she does an awesome job sharing tips, ideas, and little tweaks that we can all use to become better communicators so we can improve our results + she has a personality that you jus...
In this interview, we discuss a business that is making headway into an overlooked industry that has raised over $200 million through Kickstarter campaigns and is one of the fastest-growing sectors for subscribers on Reddit. Evan Kline the founder of Tokyn talks about how his start-up is moving into this overlooked industry, his experience with pitching to investors, and a little bonus about coffee because before becoming an entrepreneur Evan was a certified Coffee Master.---------------...
Financial Fitness is all about the long-term journey so anyone who wants to be successful in this journey must embrace the key ingredients that Tracey Bissett discusses in this interview. Tracey Bissett is the Chief Financial Fitness Trainer because your finances need the right type of trainer if you are going to be financially fit.--------------------------------------------------------- The Business Talk Library is a social media show and platform that shares honest and authentic conve...
A lot of accountants and finance professionals are advertising their services as "Advisory Services" because they can charge a higher price but as a business owner you really need to know is there more value actually being delivered or are they just doing basic bookkeeping and raising your price. We sat down with an expert who has won awards for helping accountants and finance professionals transition to TRUE Advisory Services and Brad Eisenhuth does a great job helping you understand th...
What happens when TWO great podcasts collide and create one show?Well Charles Musgrove of Answers that Count and I tested it out for you andWe had a great conversation about tips for small businesses, capital and loan financing, and things small businesses should consider in light of changes happening within the Federal Government. --------------------------------------------------------- The Business Talk Library is a social media show and platform that shares honest and authe...
LinkedIn is a phenomenal tool to help you grow your business or move your career forward. But there are a few very critical factors that you have to keep in mind if you are going to get results. We sat down with LinkedIn expert Sandra Long to get the inside tips. ---If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage you to subscribe to the show so you can hear all the other insightful episodes (we share three interviews a week) ---If you like what you’ve been h...
When someone says no to your business or mentions that they don't like your business idea. Does that make them hater? Truth be told - sometimes your business idea sucks or it needs some tweaking so learn to take feedback seriously but not personal. Thanks, Samra Kanwal, for the great advice. ---If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage you to subscribe to the show so you can hear all the other insightful episodes (we share three interviews a week) ---I...
Marketing your business can be awkward. I get it. Many people let this awkwardness stop them But if no one knows about your business - how will they buy your product or services? We sat down with a phenomenal marketer, Nicole Bernard, to get some tips on keys to a successful marketing strategy - even if you start small. ---If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage you to subscribe to the show so you can hear all the other insightful ep...
Building a legacy can often times feel like a lonely journey. That's why it's important to have people like Kate Josephine Johnson on your team to help you scale and grow. What are some other key business functions you think are important for building a business legacy?---If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage you to subscribe to the show so you can hear all the other insightful episodes (we share three interviews a week) ---If you like what you’ve been hearing on t...
Who knew that there was so much wealth in junk?Well, Brian Scudamore did when he started the business 1800-GOT-Junk. In this interview, he shares:- His story - Tips on how his business grew through so many stages (the ups, downs)- The major publicity from the Oprah Winfrey Show and- His journey to international scaling---If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage you to subscribe to the show so you can hear all the other insightful episodes (we share three interviews a week) ...
Being a founder sounds exciting, right? The funding, the excitement of having your idea shared and publicized to help so many people.One of the things that we learn from very successful founders like Elliot Kim is this - Carrying the label of founder comes with a lot of responsibility and you have to be ready for that. Elliot shares some amazing tips, so enjoy the interview. What do you think are other challenges that come with being a founder?---If this is your first time...
You and I both will face many challenges in our pursuit of something great and one of the determining factors of whether or not we will overcome these challenges is the value and sentiment that Anita "AC" Clinton shares in this amazing interview so be sure to share this with others because her story is very inspiring.---If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage you to subscribe to the show so you can hear all the other insightful episodes (we share three interviews a week) ---If...
Very often we hear of the stories and legends of people that encountered a death-defying moment but somehow they lived to tell the story and remake themselves after the experience. It is, therefore, a huge honor to have sat down with Emmy Nominated TV producer, Bill Dolan, to talk about his experience when his heart stopped beating and while others accepted the conclusion, sometime later his heart began to beat again.---If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage you to subscribe to th...
LEADERSHIP is such a buzz word but when you take the time to speak with someone like Alain Hunkins, leadership becomes more than just a buzz word. It is something that carries value and has practical meaning. In this conversation, Alain gives us some great tips that can help take our leadership to the next level.---If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage you to subscribe to the show so you can hear all the other insightful episodes (we share three interviews a week) ---If you ...
So many people dream of playing in "THE LEAGUE" but the truth is most of us will never get there. That is what Zach Alford & Adonis Abdullah realized but weren't satisfied with the answer. These young entrepreneurs worked hard and created a real-time data analytics tool that is being used by major teams across all sporting events. They join us on Business Talk Library to talk about their journey.---If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage you to subscribe to the show so you can ...
The way we approach LIVE music is changing and this Co-Founder, Chance Smith, is at the forefront of making sure YOU can enjoy the benefits of the new ways to experience LIVE music. If you know a musician, tell them to check out GoghNow ASAP.---If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage you to subscribe to the show so you can hear all the other insightful episodes (we share three interviews a week) ---If you like what you’ve been hearing on this podcast, we invite you to go to wh...
When you are building a business; you will face a lot of roadblocks but if you follow the advice that John Fuller shares in this conversation, those roadblocks won't seem devastating. Instead, they will be seen as slight adjustments to your overall journey.---If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage you to subscribe to the show so you can hear all the other insightful episodes (we share three interviews a week) ---If you like what you’ve been hearing on this podcast, we invite ...
Everyone should ask themself "Do I Love What I Do?"Now, I don't mean waste time with the cliche follow your "passion". I mean seriously ask yourself if you love what you do and really examine more than just the surface level things. Do you love how much time you spend on social media?Do you love how you treat other people on your team?Do you love how you treat your customers?When you start asking these types of questions, like Teresa Shimp does, you will see a lot of things change for th...
Your business really is your business so don't let other people directly or indirectly tell you what YOU want for your business. Take the time to assess what YOU want and know that it is ok to set whatever goal you want as long as you are willing to accept the price that is required to achieve that goal.Thanks Michael Reeder for reminding us of some very critical keys of wisdom that every business owner should embrace.--- If this is your first time tuning in, we encourage ...
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