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Stepping Into Truth: Conversations on Social Justice and How We Get Free
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Stepping Into Truth: Conversations on Social Justice and How We Get Free

Author: omkariwilliams

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Navigating our way through this complex, challenging time requires taking a clear look at the issues we're confronting. Join Omkari Williams and her guests as they take on some of the most pressing issues of our time.
99 Episodes
Kerri Kelly September 11th changed life for all of us, but for Kerri Kelly the impact was especially personal. In the aftermath of that event Kerri upended her life and went on a search for wellness. What she found was not what she expected and, once again, the trajectory of her life was changed. In her new book, American Detox: The Myth of Wellness and How We Can Truly Heal, and in this conversation, Kerri explores the ways in which our culture of wellness perpetuates systems that are deeply unwell. She leads us in a conversation that helps us find our way towards the deep, connected wellness that nourishes us all and away from individualistic focus that keeps us stuck in unhealthy comparison and competition. I couldn't put Kerri's book down and then, when we spoke, I wanted to talk to her for hours more.  Our distorted ideas of wellness hurt us all, and those ideas are so deeply embedded it can be hard to even see them. Kerri pulls back the curtain and gives us a path out, a path towards true healing. Her book is out now and I can't say enough about how important a book I think it is. Listen to our conversation, read her book, and find your way to the healing that we so deeply desire.  For a written transcript of this conversation click here. About Kerri Kelly: Kerri Kelly, is the founder of CTZNWell, a movement that is democratizing wellbeing for all. A descendent of generations of firemen and first responders Kerri has dedicated her life to kicking down doors and fighting for justice. She has been teaching yoga for over 20 years. She is a community organizer, wellness activist, and author of American detox, the myth of wellness and how we can truly heal. Kerri is also recognized across communities for her inspired work to bridge transformational practice with social justice. Her leadership has inspired a movement that is actively organizing around issues of racial and economic justice, healthcare as a human right civic engagement and more. Kerri is a powerful facilitator, TED speaker, and is the host of the prominent podcast citizen, that is spelled CTZN. You can learn more about her work at Three Actions: 1) Interrogate yourself. Be relentlessly curious about what you've been taught, how you've been shaped and indoctrinated by dominant stories and dominant narratives and cultures, and how that's holding you back from your own wholeness. So be curious about that. And how that's a part of a larger system, right, how you're a part of a larger system.  2) Locate yourself inside that system. What is your place, and proximity? We're all impacted and implicated in different ways. And I want to just say different and disproportionate, I feel like I have to say that as a white bodied woman with so much privilege. So it's really important for us to both take responsibility for our part in this mess. And also see ourselves as part of the solution, right? So it's like, locate yourself so that you can step into your right role and responsibility. 3) Engage in collective action, get political, work with other people, line up in solidarity with organizations who are on the frontlines of the many issues that we are navigating right now. Because personal solutions are not going to solve the many problems, the many systemic and collective problems that we're facing. And so it's really important for folks to see their practice beyond the cushion, and to see wellness as a radical political act, as we work to create the conditions where everybody can be well. Resources mentioned in this episode: American Detox: The Myth of Wellness and How We Can Truly Heal by Kerri Kelly Decolonizing Wealth: indigenous wisdom to heal divides and restore balance by Edgar Villanueva Winner Takes All by Anand Giridharadas Connect with Kerri: Website CTZNWELL podcast Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend.
Shawn Ginwright What if we've been approaching this whole idea of justice and have left out a critical piece? What if our very approach is actually helping cement the damage that bias and systemic inequity have caused?  We all know that there is much healing that has to happen if we're going to be the equitable society that we envision. The question is how do we get from here to there? What are the tools we need, the way of thinking that will help move us along? Professor Shawn Ginwright, in his new book The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves, argues that we are failing to use all the tools of social change that are available to us. And, he says, those tools begin close in, with us as both as individuals and in our close familial and community relationships.  This conversation deepened my understanding of what it's going to take for us all to get free. I hope it does the same for you. About Shawn: Shawn Ginwright, PhD is one of the nation's leading innovators, provocateurs, and thought leaders on African American youth, youth activism, and youth development. He's the founder and CEO of Flourish Agenda Incorporated, a national nonprofit consulting firm that design strategies to unlock the power of healing and engage youth of color and adult allies in transforming their schools and communities. He is Professor of Education in the Africana Studies department and Senior Research Associate at San Francisco State University. He is the author of The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves. For a written transcript of this conversation click here. Three Actions: 1. At the end of each day map your emotional self. What were the emotions that you experienced that day. This, over time, allows us to map who we are, what our life is like, and whether we are showing up in the world in the ways we would like. 2. Ask, "Where am I going?" This is a question about who we want to become and where you (and your family and larger community) are going. This helps develop the habit of future thinking for yourself, your family, community, and society. 3. Practice these things in community. We in the West are taught to be individualistic but true healing happens in community. Connect with Shawn: On his Website Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend
Tatenda Musapatike If your best friend asks you what you want to do in the world and your response is, "Run shit" then you and Tatenda Musapatike should probably sit down and grab a drink.  The founder of the organization, Voter Formation Project, Tatenda and her team work to leverage the digital age to not only get people registered to vote but also to get them excited to vote. From working for Facebook to starting her own firm not only to run shit but to do it with intention and integrity Tatenda is creating a new model for how political work is done. One that isn't about living an underpaid, overworked existence.  This conversation opened my eyes to the need for this kind of outreach to potential voters in this time of active voter suppression. I learned a lot and you likely will too.  For a written transcript of this conversation click here. About Tatenda: Tatenda Musapatike, has spent over a decade working on digital programs and in tech to support progressive causes. She was most recently a senior advisor at ACRONYM where she built a $12.5 million program from the ground up to expand the electorate working to reach register and mobilize Black and Latino voters across eight states in the 2020 general election and the Georgia Senate runoff elections. Before ACRONYM, Tatenda was the Client Solutions Manager for democratic politics at Facebook where she supported progressive leaning nonprofits in their platform strategies. And she is now the founder of Voter Formation Project. Action Steps: 1) Please visit our Twitter @voterformation, or go to our website, And just learn more. 2) There are donation links on Twitter and the website. 3) If you are really moved by the work that we do, get involved in your local community so that you can help talk to people who don't vote and get more folks registered and involved in the process. Connect with Tatenda: Twitter Website Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend
Nisha Anand Around the world the divisions that define our societies are becoming deeper and more hardened. In this inspiring conversation Dream Corps CEO Nisha Anand and I talk about the power of finding common ground.  If we truly want to make the difference that we say we want to make we have to be willing to work with people who may have radically different points of view to ours but who, miraculously, share common ground with us on maybe only one thing.  Nisha gives us a map to coming together in service of a mutually important goal, beyond the politics and divisions that keep us in our silos of left, right, conservative, or progressive.  This conversation made me think differently about what's possible to achieve with unlikely collaborators.  Have a listen and then take her model out into your own work and expand your power to make change.  For a written transcript of this conversation go here. About Nisha: Nisha Anand is a boundary-buster, common ground creator, non-violent culture-creator, outside-the-box experimenter, and national leader for social and racial justice. Once a grassroots activist arrested in Burma for pro-democracy demonstrations, Nisha is known today as a leader in cultivating unlikely and unconventional partnerships to create change. As Dream Corps’ CEO, Nisha guides a team of storytellers, organizers, and policy experts working on some of society’s toughest problems to create a better future for all. 3 Action Steps: 1) Listen deeply and with curiosity, not trying to change anyone's mind. Listen to understand. 2) Grieve with others. We've all lost something these past 2 years, grieve with others. 3) Dream big, the world can change overnight, so dream big. Bonus action 4) Get involved with Dream Corps Resources mentioned in this episode: The Radical Act of Choosing Common Ground Tedx talk Connect with Nisha: Website:  Twitter: @nishamanand  Instagram: @nishamanand  LinkedIn:  YouTube: Nisha Anand Playlist Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend
Obery Hendricks From the moment of his announcement that he was running for the presidency Donald Trump directed his efforts towards courting white evangelicals with  racist and anti-immigrant sentiments. But he didn't start this trend, he simply hopped on a bandwagon that had been gaining speed for years. Author, scholar, and ordained minister Obery Hendricks and I explore some of the lesser known aspects of this issue and including the culpability of large swaths of the Black church for not responding forcefully to the ongoing assault on civil rights. In theory the United States has separation of church and state, but do we really or are white evangelicals succeeding in shaping the country in the image they would like to see? In this conversation we look at what has happened, what is happening, and how we can take action to prevent the U.S. from being dominated by the religious right. For a written transcript of this conversation click here. About Obery: Obery M. Hendricks Jr, is a visiting scholar in the departments of Religion and African American and African Diasporic Studies at Columbia University. He is the author of several books, including The Politics of Jesus: Rediscovering the True Revolutionary Nature of Jesus's teachings and How They've Been Corrupted, The Universe Bends Towards Justice: Radical Reflections on the Bible, the Church and the Body Politic, a novel, Living Water, and his latest book Christians against Christianity: How Right Wing Evangelicals are Destroying Our Nation and Our Faith. Resources: Christians against Christianity, How Right Wing Evangelicals are Destroying Our Nation and Our Faith (please consider buying this book from a local bookseller) Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend  
For many Black Americans the land itself is the scene of the crime. That legacy of slavery has dramatically impacted the relationship that many Black Americans have with the land.  Food and land justice activist Leah Penniman is working to change that. A founder of Soul Fire Farm and the author of Farming While Black, Leah has made it her mission in life to reconnect Black and Brown people with the land.  In this conversation Leah and I talk about not only how the legacy of slavery is still seen in connection to the land and land ownership but how to heal some of these wounds. From spending time working with the land, to reparations, to political advocacy Leah and I talk about where we are, where we want to be, and how we get there.  About Leah: Leah Penniman is a Black Kreyol farmer, author, mother, and food justice activist who has been tending the soil and organizing for an anti-racist food system for25 years. She currently serves as founding co-executive director of Soul Fire Farm in Grafton, New York, a Black & Brown led project that works toward food and land justice. Her book is Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm’s Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land. Find out more about Leah’s work at and follow her @soulfirefarm on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For a written transcript of this conversation go here. Action Items: Check out the Soul Fire Farm website where you'll find a ton of resources and action guides. Look at the reparations map created by the Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust and Soul Fire Farm and find a project that connects with you and needs resources if you are able to make a financial contribution. Pay attention to legislation that is happening around farmers and our food and get in touch with your representatives. As few as 20 contacts from constituents make a difference. Resources: Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm's Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land by Leah Penniman Connect with Leah: Soul Fire Farm Farming While Black, the book  Instagram Twitter Credits:  Thank you to the National Liberty Museum for their production support. Harmonica music courtesy of a friend.   
Veronica Chambers For a lot of people Black Lives Matter became part of their lives in a concrete way in the wake of the murder of George Floyd but the story of the organization starts years earlier. In her book, with its gorgeous photographs, NYT editor Veronica Chambers takes us on not only the journey of BLM but also looks to the past and the future to see where we came from and where we might go. In this conversation Veronica and I talk about both the struggle and about how we all get free. Looking at leaders who work outside of the spotlight and what they have to teach us we get a broader picture of how we might do our individual activism.  From Ferguson to the climate conference in Glasgow we look at the intersections and how we can use them to increase our impact.  I loved this conversation because it reminded me of the power of collective action which, I think, we sometimes underestimate. It reminded me of how many remarkable people, that includes you, are out in the world doing their part. We are not alone in doing this work, no matter how isolating it can sometimes feel.  Have a listen and take inspiration from Veronica's words and her perspective. Take inspiration from the stories she shares and let's keep doing the work. About Veronica: Veronica Chambers is an award winning author and the lead editor of Narrative Projects, a team dedicated to telling multi-platform stories at the New York Times. Based in London, her most recent book is Call and Response: The Story of Black Lives Matter. She has taught writing at several colleges and universities, including Bowdoin in Maine, Bard College at Simon's Rock, Massachusetts, and the Stanford School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences. Born in Panama and raised in Brooklyn, she writes often about her Afro Latina heritage. For a written transcript of this conversation click here. Action Steps: 1) Take a look at the NY Times series: Black History Continued     This series looks at pivotal moments and transformative figures in Black         history. 2) Girls Write Now:      Helping girls and young women find their voice through the tool of story. 3) Youth Communication:      Two youth run publications, one focusing on economic, gender, and racial         diversity. The other written by kids in the foster care system. Connect with Veronica: Twitter Instagram Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend Production support provided by the National Liberty Museum
Varun Nikore 2020 saw the greatest increase in voter turnout by the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community in history. That turnout powered the vote in key states like Georgia and helped prevent another four years with the former guy. I wish the fight for our democracy was over but it's clearly not and there are some important lessons to take away from what happened in 2020.  My guest today is Varun Nikore, president of the AAPI Victory Alliance. Varun and I discuss the history of the AAPI community here and how they have come to play such an important role in determining the outcome of key elections and, consequently, the direction of our country. Though they have been in this country since its inception and here in large numbers since the late 1800's AAPI people are still often seen as "other", and the hateful and harmful rhetoric around Covid hasn't helped.  In this wide ranging conversation Varun and I look at the challenges and some of the solutions to problems confronting AAPI people here, including those recently resettled from Afghanistan. This conversation was so interesting and it gave me things to do to help bring justice to this marginalized group of people.  Listen, learn, and then take action.  Together we can build the world we want to live in. About Varun: My guest today Varun Nikore has for more than 30 years been involved in national state and local politics as a campaign strategist, fundraiser and policy advisor and AAPI leader. In 1998, he was appointed to serve in the Clinton administration. He is the founder and past president of the Indian American Leadership Initiative, which is the largest Indian American network of Democrats in the United States. In 2008, Varun served as a transportation policy adviser for President Obama under Obama for America. He is the current president of AAPI victory fund and executive director of AAPI Victory Alliance. For a written transcript of this conversation click here. Action Items: Get their weekly newsletter If you can make a financial donation to support their work  Follow their weekly calls to action  Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend Production support provided by the National Liberty Museum
Nicole Hockley In the wake of the murders at Sandy Hook Elementary, where 20 children (6 and 7 years of age) and six educators were killed on December 14, 2012, some of the grieving parents joined together to do what they could to prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again and Sandy Hook Promise (SHP) was born. Nicole Hockley's six year old son, Dylan, was among those killed and now she, and others at Sandy Hook Promise, works to give educators and students the tools they need to recognize the warning signs and prevent violence from occurring.  SHP's Know the Signs program offers both students and educators training in how to be more socially inclusive and connected to one another. Research has shown that social isolation is one of the predictors of violence and teaching both kids and adults to be aware of this and how to combat it, particularly in the wake of the pandemic, is a critical piece of school gun violence prevention. This conversation was one of those that I will never forget. Hearing Nicole's take on the impact of school shootings on kids, whether they've experienced a school shooting or not, was truly sobering. I also found myself uplifted by the reach of this program and the impact of the work that SHP is doing.  Among other things we talk about in this conversation are two Public Service Announcements that SHP has done. Please take a few moments and watch them, they give us insight into the experience too many of our kids are having. Teenage Dream, which is set to the lighthearted lyrics of Katy Perry's song, and Back to School Essentials are hard to watch and it's so important that we do watch and then take action. About Nicole: Nicole Hockley is co-founder and managing director of Sandy Hook Promise where she oversees organizational strategy, marketing, and development of the acclaimed Know the Signs violence prevention programs. Under her leadership, the Sandy Hook Promise is effectively turning tragedy into transformation, averting multiple school shooting plots, teen suicides, and countless other acts of violence in schools across the country. For a Written Transcript of this conversation click here. Action Steps: 1) Learn the signs of someone in crisis. Go to to download the free brochure with a wide range of signs to look for. Then if you see those signs take them seriously, act on them, get help. 2) If you're a parent or involved with schools make sure that mental health supports are a priority. 3) Vote for politicians that are running on gun violence prevention platforms. Vote for funding for programs that are going to help reduce gun violence. And use your voice. Those in charge need to hear from you. Connect with Nicole: Website: Instagram: @sandyhookpromise Twitter: @sandyhook   Credits and Acknowledgements: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend Thank you to The National Liberty Museum for production support
Shelby Kretz In the midst of this awakening, in the larger community, to the systemic injustices in our society we've heard a lot about "wokeness". What if instead of people having to get woke in adulthood we raised children who were aware of and sensitive to social justice issues from the beginning? Imagine if, instead of coming to this work as adults, we had all come to it as children. What might the world look like if we didn't have to fight for the rights of people of color, of LGBTQIA+ people, for or a sustainable environment, to mention just a few causes, because we'd been educated early about what the inequities were and learned ways to address them and, most importantly, not perpetuate injustice in our own lives? In this conversation Shelby Kretz and I talked about making social justice an everyday part of the education that our children receive in school and at home. People talk about, "hearts and minds" all the time. What if we could support open hearts and minds from the beginning? Think of how much further along we would be as a society.  Shelby and her team at Little Justice Leaders work to do exactly that. Part of breaking the cycle of racism, homophobia, and other forms of oppression is making sure those attitudes never take root.  This conversation gave me so much hope for the future. I think it will do the same for you. About Shelby: Shelby Kretz is an educational researcher at UCLA and creator of Little Justice Leaders subscription box. Little Justice Leaders is a monthly box for parents and teachers of elementary school students, which provides resources each month to learn about a new topic of social justice. For a written transcript of this conversation please click here. Action Steps: 1) Start having conversations with the kids in your life about justice issues. 2) Do your part to normalize the teaching of social justice in schools.           a) As a parent or educator you could advocate at your kid's school for social         justice education.           b) Lobbying your school board and legislators around this issue.            c) Connect with them on Instagram @littlejusticeleaders where they have free resources that will help you and the kids in your life as you do this work Resources: Little Justice Leaders Blog: Here you will find ideas and guidance for engaging with the children in your life around social justice. Connect: On Instagram: @littlejusticeleaders Little Justice Leaders website Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend  
Deborah Tuerkheimer In the past couple of years we have watched as, finally, powerful men who are also sexual predators have been brought to some form of justice. Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Charlie Rose, and Matt Lauer among the most prominent. What we learned from watching their downfall is how very hard it is to have these men held to account.  Author Deborah Tuerkheimer and I talk about her book Credible: Why We Doubt Accusers and Protect Abusers and the systems and beliefs that create this reality.  I've had a lot of meaningful conversations over the years of doing this podcast and I can honestly say that I think this is one of the most important. Increasing the number of abusers held to account and changing the dynamic of how accusers are treated is on all of us. Talking with Deborah showed me some of my own knowledge gaps around sexual assault and put into high relief how pervasive some of our thought patterns about abuse are. I left the conversation feeling energized and more aware of ways to change these patterns. We all know women who have been sexually assaulted, we ourselves may be among them. To change these patterns, in society and ourselves, we have to be aware of them.  Listen to this conversation and then please take action.  About Deborah: Author of the book Credible: Why We Doubt Accusers and Protect Abusers Deborah Tuerkheimer is a professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law. She earned her undergraduate degree from Harvard College and her law degree from Yale Law School. Tuerkheimer served for five years as an Assistant District Attorney in the New York County District Attorney's Office, where she specialized in domestic violence and child abuse prosecution.  For a written transcript of this conversation please click here.  Action Steps: 1) See that judging credibility is a power, it is a mighty power, and that the ways in which we confer credibility or dismiss people who come to us can impact that person in deep and lasting ways. 2) We can rewire ourselves to be more fair when we decide who to believe and who to blame and whether to care. 3) There are policies in your schools, in your workplaces, in your states, that are flawed, and that reflect these forces that we've been talking about, the credibility discount in particular. And so there are lots of ways that we can improve those formal rules and those formal policies and procedures to be more just and more fair. Pick one policy and work to make it just and fair, then move on to the next and keep going. Resources: This truly remarkable book is available everywhere so please support your local bookseller. Jeff Bezos has enough money. Connect with Deborah: Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend
Emily Ladau Here's a number for you, 1 billion. One billion people is the estimated number of disabled people in the world. One billion. One in 8 people on the planet. That means that each of us knows someone, likely many someones, with a disability whether visible or hidden. Yet disability is a subject that most of us give little or no thought to. Disability activist Emily Ladau joined me on the podcast to talk about Demystifying Disability, which is also the title of her new book. Emily and I talked about how to normalize disability as simply another part of the human experience. We spoke about the impact of intersecting marginalized identities and how diverse the disability community is. At the end of our talk I knew a lot more than I had before and increased my comfort level in how to talk about disability with members of both the disability and non disabled communities.  One billion people. Maybe we should be paying more attention to this than we typically do. For a written transcript of this conversation click here. About Emily: Emily Ladau is an author and disability rights activist whose career began at the age of 10, when she appeared on several episodes of Sesame Street to educate children about her life with a physical disability. Her writing has been published in outlets including The New York Times, SELF, Salon, Vice, and HuffPost and her first book, Demystifying Disability, was published by Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House, in September 2021. Emily's Action Items: 1) Listen to, learn from, and amplify the voices of the disabled 2) Know when to pass the mic 3) Take the time to get to know and understand the disability experience Resources: Demystifying Disability by Emily Ladau Connect with Emily: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend  
Lynden Harris  The stories that we don't hear impact us as much as those that we do. We just don't realize that there's something missing. Under the leadership of director Lynden Harris the North Carolina based co-creative collective company, Hidden Voices, brings to light stories that we don't even realize we need to hear.  In this conversation Lynden and I talk about her book RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW: Life Stories from America's Death Row and the theatre project that grew from those stories. She talks about walking into a maximum security prison and what it was like to co-create this project with men on death row, to give voice to their stories.  We also talk about many of the other hidden stories that she and her company bring to our collective awareness. As importantly Lynden shares the process that she and her company use to find these stories that would otherwise go unheard.  Listening to Lynden made me challenge my assumptions about death row inmates in specific but other people as well. Lynden made me ask questions rather than make assumptions and that was amazing.  This conversation inspired me in so many ways and I think this taste of exploring some of the Hidden Voices of our world will leave you feeling the same. For a written transcript of this episode click here. About Lynden: Lynden Harris is the founder of Hidden Voices, a radically inclusive, participatory and co-creative collective committed to a more just and compassionate world. For 20 years, Lynden has collaborated with underrepresented communities to create award winning works, combining narrative performance mapping, music, digital media, and interactive exhibits. A founding cultural agent for the US Department of Arts and Culture, Lynden is a Blade of Grass fellow, a recipient of the Ann Atwater Theatre Award, and the 2020, North Carolina Playwriting Fellow. She is the editor of RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW: Life Stories from America's Death Row. Lynden's Action Steps: 1) If you have 10 minutes send a copy of RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW to your state representative, to a senator, a judge, faith leader, an educator, an attorney, because these men's stories can be used for everything from an organizing tool to conversation starters for book clubs. 2) If you have half an hour a month consider writing to a prisoner. You can do a google search for pen pal organizations. Lynden reminds us that you may literally be someone's only contact with the free world.  3) If you have more time  consider sharing your talents and skills with a local facility. There was a study done that estimated that 75% of adult prisoners are illiterate, and 85% of juveniles. So if you have literacy skills that you can share, or cooking, or finance or art, and considering that most people living inside prisons have experienced great trauma in their lives, if you teach yoga, if you teach mindfulness, I've a restorative circle keeper, any of these sorts of things are offerings that a lot of institutions will allow. Resources: Connect with Lynden: Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend  
Anjuli Sherin Most of us are aware of the toll that this pandemic has taken on us in terms of anxiety and fear around illness, physical safety, societal breakdown, and economic security to name but a few things. And while we may understand that we've been, and continue to be, under enormous pressure we may not know how best to navigate these very real challenges. LMFT Anjuli Sherin has written a book, Joyous Resilience: A Path to Individual Healing and Collective Thriving in an Inequitable World, that shows us the way to healing for not only ourselves but our communities as well. Anjuli and I talked about where we find ourselves and how best to navigate this time in which so many of us are experiencing real trauma. We discuss what Anjuli calls the cycle of suffering and how to build the resilience we need to break free from that cycle. Spoiler alert, breaking that cycle has everything to do with thriving. Anjuli argues that even though we live in a very individualistic society that is not how we function when we're actually thriving. Anjuli breaks down what we need to do in order to thrive as individuals and as members of broader communities. I found this conversation to be validating of feelings I've had both during pandemic time and before. It also gave me more tools for dealing with what can feel like an onslaught of tragedies.  Have a listen and find yourself energized and better able to break free of the cycle of suffering so that you can make your contribution to the world.  About Anjuli Sherin: Anjuli Sherin is a Pakistani American Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in trauma recovery, resilience, building and cultivating joy. She has 15 years of practice working with immigrant South Asian, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and LGBTQI plus populations. In addition to awards for academic excellence and community service, Sherin has been featured in O Magazine as a finalist for the O Magazine White House leadership project. Her new book is Joyous Resilience: A Path to Individual Healing and Collective Thriving in an Inequitable World. For a written transcript of this conversation go here. Action Steps: 1) Cultivate a profoundly nurturing voice within yourself 2) Bust the myth that you have to do it alone 3) Tie your pain about something to a larger movement engaged in that work so that you are working with others and can be buoyed by a community Resources: Joyous Resilience: A Path to Individual Healing and Collective Thriving in an Inequitable World. Connect with Anjuli: Website Instagram Facebook    Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend  
Alex Zamalin Most of us are brought up to be polite. We are told, by parents and educators, to mind our manners, to wait our turn, to be civil. Director of the African American Studies Program and Assistant Professor, Political Science at Mercy College Alex Zamalin pushes back against the narrative that what our society needs now is more civil discourse. In his fascinating book, Against Civility: The Hidden Racism in Our Obsession with Civility, Zamalin argues that civility has been, and continues to be, a tool used against those advocating for justice, equity, and liberation. The opposite of civility is not violence, though we would be led to think it is. From Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells, Frederick Douglass, to Dr. King and the activists of today Zamalin talks about the ways in which civility has been weaponized against the African American community. This book had me sitting in my apartment cheering as I read about all the ways that Black people have refused to allow the narrative to become about civility rather than rights, rather than justice. This conversation left me energized. We can stand for justice or we can concern ourselves with civility. The fight for justice cannot co-exist with the ways in which civility is understood by those seeking to maintain the current power structure. Listen to this conversation and then think about the ways in which civility has been weaponized and how to get out from under that oppressive system. I think you're going to find yourself nodding in agreement as you listen and maybe even change the way you pursue social justice.  Action Steps: 1)  Refrain from tone policing 2)  Educate yourself on the perspective of those who face racism on a daily basis. 3)  Be unapologetic in your anti-racism work. Find the organizations in your community doing good work that you care about and collaborate with them. For a written transcript of this conversation click here. Resources mentioned in this episode:   Against Civility: The Hidden Racism in Our Obsession with Civility by Alex Zamalin Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend
Dr. Manuel Pastor Okay my California peeps, you get to gloat. This fascinating interview with Dr. Manuel Pastor makes it abundantly clear that the rest of us have a lot to learn from the Golden State. When most of us think of California we probably think of sand, sun, and a reliably blue state. But that's far from the whole story of CA which gave us, among other notable conservatives, Ronald Reagan and Rush Limbaugh.   In his book State of Resistance: What California's Dizzying Descent and Remarkable Resurgence Mean for America's Future Dr. Pastor tells the story of California and shows how what that state has been through in the past few decades was the canary in the coal mine for where we find ourselves as a country today.   From the battle for immigrant rights, to racial justice, to the climate crisis California has been ahead of the rest of the country and there are lessons that we can take to avoid some of what California has dealt with.   This book pulled me in right from the start. Imagine having someone say, hey, this is what's going to happen and here's how you can avoid the worst of it. I would be all over that. Well, that's California for the rest of the U.S.   I was especially grateful for Manuel's wisdom on how the most effective organizing is done.    This is a great conversation and one that will leave you with practical steps you can take in your own social justice work.   Have a listen, get the book, and then take what you learn and leverage it to help bring your goals to fruition.    About Dr. Pastor: Dr. Manuel Pastor, director of the Equity Research Institute at USC, weaves together stats about the US's economic inequality, highlighting racial divides and immigrant-influenced demographic changes. His expertise comes from a decades-long career analyzing California's demographic changes and the multi-racial movement organizing that transformed its once anti-immigrant attitude to the inclusive, progressive state we know today. As the rest of the country follows a similar path, Dr. Pastor believes California’s story can serve as a roadmap for the nation. For a written transcript of this conversation go here. Action Steps: 1) Learn and apply the lessons of California to where you live 2) Learn to talk about race and racism every day 3) Continue to listen to Stepping Into Truth for good ideas for your local organizing Resources: State of Resistance: What California's Dizzying Descent and Remarkable Resurgence Mean for America's Future by Manuel Pastor Connect with Dr. Pastor: Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend  
Alesha Monteiro When someone is incarcerated there are impacts that land far beyond those to the incarcerated person. People without partners, children without parents, communities without those who may fill critical roles, and the elderly without a caregiver to name just a few.  The truth is that it's rare that we even think about the people left behind. My guest, Alesha Monteiro, knows exactly what it's like to have an incarcerated spouse. She knows the isolation, the shame, and the ripples of impact that are too often ignored. With all of this Alesha is very fortunate. She found a community of women experiencing what she is, Essie Justice, and in that community found a place of welcome, support, and understanding.  In this conversation Alesha and I talk about what life is like for those with someone on the inside and what she believes we need to do to address our broken criminal justice system. The impacts of mass incarceration affect all of us whether we know an incarcerated person or not. At the very least, our tax dollars are going to support this inequitable, flawed system when they could be better spent in many other places. Have a listen and deepen your understanding of what mass incarceration and the way our justice system works (or doesn't) means for all of us.  About Alesha: Alesha Monteiro is a social justice advocate, and a dedicated member of the Essie Justice Group, a black feminist organization that supports and uplifts the experiences and solutions of women with incarcerated loved ones. Alesha is a prison abolitionist who believes that there is a very different, much more humane way to respond to the consequences of actions that hurt people. Alesha's Action Steps: 1) Learn the message and push the message. Educate yourself on what is happening in these systems and then work to change that. 2) Donate your time, money, or both to local and statewide groups working in this arena. 3) If you know someone with an incarcerated person in their life, check in on them. For a written transcript of this conversation click here. Resources: Essie Justice Connect with Alesha:
Rebecca Grace and John Gray I can't believe that I've been doing this podcast since 2018! This season I have some remarkable people as guests on the show. Season 4 starts with Rebecca Grace and John Gray of Complete Picture. Imagine that someone you love has been convicted of a non-violent felony and is awaiting sentencing. Typically the sentencing judge gets a dry document that talks about what is likely the worst thing this individual has ever done and that's all. That information is what they base their decision on.  Based on their own experience of John's prison term for a drug felony, they decided that they needed to find a way of showing that those awaiting sentencing were far more than the worst thing they had done, and Complete Picture was born. Rebecca, John and their crew of formerly incarcerated people go into the homes of those awaiting sentencing and create a film that shows the scope of the individual, the complete picture. Presenting a judge with a full perspective makes all the difference as sentences have been reduced and even commuted. This conversation brought me to tears. It can be so easy to harshly judge those who have been convicted of a crime. John and Rebecca reconnect us with the humanity of these people and, by extension, our own. Have a listen. For a written transcript of this conversation go here. Action Steps: 1. Listen to peoples’ stories with curiosity rather than judgement. 2. If you are able, make a donation to 3. If you have skills that would be useful to the work Rebecca and John are doing call them at 323.683.5689. Connect with Complete Picture:
Drew Willey Imagine going to law school with the intention of becoming a tax attorney and then doing an internship with the Texas Innocence Project and completely scrapping your previous plan. Meet Drew Willey. Some time back I was fortunate to be in a group studying Joel Goza's book, America's Unholy Ghosts with Drew Willey. Drew and his wife Jessica founded Restoring Justice to provide needed legal services to the indigent population of Houston.  How Drew went from studying to be a tax attorney to fighting for the rights of those caught in the legal system and most in need of help is itself fascinating. But even more interesting is what Drew has to share about how the system actually works, what the needs of his clients and so many others, actually are, and ways that we call can be of help. That our criminal justice system is broken is not news. What most of us don't know are the specific ways in which the rights of individuals are violated every day. Drew and his dedicated team are modeling ways to restore justice that we can replicate and expand upon. I left this conversation with Drew both angry at the system and encouraged and inspired by the work that the people at Restoring Justice are doing each day. Have a listen and then pass this conversation along and, if you can, take Drew's action suggestions and let's make the difference we can. For a written transcript of this conversation go here. About Drew: Alongside his wife, Jessica, Drew Willey founded Restoring Justice. Drew left a career as an accountant to attend law school at the University of Houston Law Center. An internship with the Texas Innocence Network showed him firsthand how the legal system dehumanizes poor people, people of color, and those with mental health conditions.  Drew became a criminal defense attorney, primarily working on representation of the indigent. This work eventually led Drew to found Restoring Justice to not only provide high-quality, holistic counsel to those who need it the most, but also find ways to expose, disrupt, and fix the systemic racism and discrimination in our criminal justice system.  Drew’s work as a public defender and as the founder of Restoring Justice has been featured in publications like The New York Times, Texas Monthly, Texas Tribune, and the Houston Chronicle. Connect with Drew and the Restoring Justice  Restoring Justice
Clint Borgen When Clint Borgen was a sophomore in college the war in Kosovo broke out. In 3 months the fighting had killed 10,000 people and displaced 800,000. Borgen decided that he needed to do something so he found a group to volunteer with and went to the region. That experience changed the direction of his life. Being a witness to war and the impacts that it had on the populace made him aware of how little it actually takes to improve the situation of people living as refugees. He also got to see where the US did and didn't step in to help people in these situations.  He recognized that as the world's global superpower the US has the capacity to direct the conversation about what is happening and from there, funding and support to people and regions in crisis.  He decided that what he would do was essentially act as a lobbyist for poor people and try to get addressing global poverty on the agenda for members of Congress. He came home and founded the Borgen Project and has been working on behalf of the world's poor ever since.  I learned a lot from this conversation including how little it can actually take to get an issue on the radar of a member of Congress and how small actions in this arena can have an outsized impact. If you think that what you do doesn't have make a difference, listen to Clint and find out how much power you actually have. Then, let's go out and change the world. About Clint: Clint Borgen is the founder and president of The Borgen Project, an organization working to bring U.S political attention to global poverty. Borgen works nationally with congressional leaders to build support for legislation that improves conditions for people in developing nations. He's widely regarded as one of the leading poverty reduction campaigners in the United States. For a written transcript of this conversation click here. Connect with Clint and the Borgen Project: The Borgen Project On Twitter Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend