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Starting the Conversation
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Starting the Conversation

Author: Alice Benham

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Sharing the unspoken sides of running a business and showing up online, Starting The Conversation is for entrepreneurs craving honest conversations and practical advice.
Tune in each Tuesday for a dose of actionable expertise and inspiring stories from those who ‘get it’.
275 Episodes
As business owners, it’s easy to fall into the trap of seeing busyness as a measure of success, but being busy doesn’t always mean you're being productive.  Joining me today is Sarah Boyle - A positive productivity mentor to chat all about how to do the focused work that moves you forward, not just filling the hours.  As Sarah so wisely shares in this episode, productivity is a skill we can learn and master not a personality trait, and in this episode, we share 4 top tips to help you kick off September feeling focused and productive. _____ STAY CONNECTED Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | The AB Method Sarah | Instagram | Website | Podcast   
After 2.5 years my teammate and first employee Emily is moving on to pastures new, so I thought it was a fitting farewell for us to record a final episode together and take a trip down memory lane.  I was intrigued to ask Emily about her experience being a part of my business and get her take on how the business has shifted and evolved.  So for one last time, join us for a rambling chat and a laugh about some of our highs and lows.  _____ Alice (aka me) | Instagram | Website | YouTube | on paper | ON IT 
Huckletree Alpha Accelerator - Website - Instagram - The Big Red Box - _____ Happy new year! 2022, here we are! Before we kick off the new year, I just want to take a moment to reflect on 2021 and the Small Bizmas Party I hosted with my brilliant small business pals, Ellie and Rachel.  Today the 3 of us are listening to the wins you recorded for us at the event and want to take some time to celebrate everything you achieved in a challenging year. Thanks so much our amazing guests and we can't wait to see where 2022 takes you! Alice (aka me) | Instagram | Website | YouTube | on paper | ON IT 
Welcome to the final day of 5 Days of Reflection!  Now we're so much more aware and in touch with what 2021 held, in today's final instalment we can start to think about what we want to carry with us in 2022, and what we want to leave in 2021.  To do this I'll take you through a Stop, Start and Continue framework and this is where reflection is so beneficial because we can use the previous season to influence the next.  I'd also encourage you to think about your hopes for 2022 and start to think of your 2022 intentions and give them some air ready for January!  I really hope you've enjoyed reflecting on the last year with me and if you've found it helpful I'd love to hear what it bought up for you on Instagram @alice_benham, where I'll also share my own reflections!  _____ Sign up to ON IT for accountability and support to help you set, and achieve, your 2022 goals. Alice (aka me) | Instagram | Website | YouTube | on paper | ON IT 
Welcome to the penultimate day of 5 Days of Reflection.  Today we're going to be taking the challenges we identified yesterday and using them to bridge the gap between the past season, and the new season we're stepping into.  So we're reflecting on what 2021 has taught us, and we're going to start with you as a person, a business owner, and we're going to be zooming out further and further to capture all the lessons from the last 12 months.  I really hope you're enjoying this mini-series of reflection. If you are, let me know over on Instagram @alice_benham and I will speak to you again tomorrow for the final day!  _____ Sign up to ON IT for accountability and support to help you set, and achieve, your 2022 goals. Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | on paper | ON IT 
Here we are at Day 3, the halfway point already, and it's time to reflect on the more challenging stuff 2021 has held.  Today I'll walk you through how to look back at what has felt challenging and not so good in the last 12 months. It's key for us to reflect on the challenges as well as the wins, so we can take the learnings and the purpose from what's not felt so great.  So we're going to face things head-on, and not just leave it there to fester but we'll identify the learnings and tomorrow we'll be expanding on what good has come from the challenges.  _____ Sign up to ON IT for accountability and support to help you set, and achieve, your 2022 goals. Alice (aka me) | Instagram | Website | YouTube | on paper | ON IT 
Welcome to day 2 of 5 Days of Reflection. Each day we will be building on the reflection from the day before so if you've not listened to day 1, I'd encourage you to go back and listen to that before we dive into day 2.   Today we're going to take 10 mins to look back on the last 12 months to identify what action, or what decisions have had the most impact on your business so we can learn what has helped you achieve those wins from day 1.  Come and let me know on Instagram @alice_benham what's coming up for you. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don't miss a day and I will see you again tomorrow where we'll start to focus on the more challenging stuff that 2021 has held.  _____ Sign up to ON IT for accountability and support to help you set, and achieve, your 2022 goals. Alice (aka me) | Instagram | Website | YouTube | on paper | ON IT 
Hello and welcome to 5 Days of Reflection!  5 Days of Reflection is here to help you round off the year and reflect on everything 2021 has held. I'll be showing up every day this week for just 10 - 15 mins to help you acknowledge and celebrate everything you have achieved in the last 12 months.  I know as business owners it's so easy to move on to the next thing without taking time to stop, but I promise you, making time to reflect helps us grow and take intentional action.  Reflecting also helps bring purpose to the challenges we’ve faced in the year and will set you up to hit the ground running in 2022!  So we're going to kick the week off reflecting on the journey your business has taken this year, and I'll walk you through how to do this.  If you’re following day by day, I would LOVE you to share your reflections with me on Instagram @alice_benham. _____ Sign up to ON IT for accountability and support to help you set, and achieve, your 2022 goals. Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | on paper | ON IT 
If you follow me on Instagram you'll be very aware by now that my second business, on paper, launched last week! It's been roughly 6 weeks since I decided to launch a product-based business and it's been quite the journey, let me tell you, so today on the podcast I wanted to let you into what that's looked like, the highs and the lows.  My teammate Emily is joining me to ask me some questions about the process as we discuss the unexpected challenges and what we've learnt.  I hope you enjoy it! If we don't cover one of your burning questions you can always ask me on Instagram @alice_benham or  ____ Alice (aka me) | Instagram | Website| YouTube | on paper
This week I have a VERY special guest, Catrina Benham, AKA my Mum. You might remember my Dad has joined me on the podcast so it was only right to invite my mum as well, and I really wanted to ask her about her experience of working as a female leader in a male-dominated environment.  So join us for this conversation about leading as yourself, leaning into your strengths and knowing the value you bring.  I always love to see where you're listening and what you take from these episodes, so come and let me know on Instagram @alice_benham and let's continue the conversation!  ____ Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | On Paper
Today I'm chatting with Harriet, furniture maker, owner of Sully the sausage dog and founder of The Cornish Rae.  After her husband suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2018 Harriet started working with furniture as a form of therapy and it's grown into her full-time job from there.  In this episode, Harriet shares some of the challenges she's faced in turning a hobby into a business and why it's ok for your business to not fulfil every aspect of your life.  Harriet's pursuit to find joy in her work is so inspirational, so if you're going through a transition in your business right now this is the conversation for you!  ____ Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | On Paper Harriet | Instagram | Website 
Today I'd want to talk to you about 3 of the most common mistakes I see people make in their marketing strategy.  Now, I'm not here to shame anyone, and these are all mistakes that I've made myself. This doesn't make us bad business owners, we just need to normalise making mistakes and know how to move forward.  Marketing strategy is like building an eco-system, so in this episode, I want to encourage you to see how all the elements work together to reach the end goal.  After today's podcast if you'd like to learn more about marketing strategy my workshop Strategy in a Day, or online course Strategy in a Month might be a good fit for you! The links are below for more info or DM me on Instagram @alice_benham with ANY questions!  ____ Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | Strategy in a Day | Strategy in a Month 
It's been a heavy few weeks on the podcast so this week I wanted to have some fun! After 2.5 years of making this podcast, I was intrigued to listen to some old episodes and see how my opinions, my outlook and my voice has changed.  Join me and my teammate, Emily, as we listen back to some snippets of past episodes to see if I still stand by my advice and take a look at how far the business and podcast has come.  Enjoy laughing, cringing, disagreeing and maybe even agreeing with past AB! _____ Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | Strategy In A Day 
The idea of having a sustainable business, a sustainable online presence and sustainable marketing is becoming a more mainstream conversation and I am so here for it!  A few weeks ago we all got a taste of what life and business would be like without a number of digital platforms, highlighting the need for a more sustainable strategy. So today I want to walk you through 4 elements that make sustainable marketing strategies.  If you are craving or in need of more digital strategy I have two new offerings for you!  Firstly, I'll be launching Strategy In A Day, an in-person workshop in London on 17th November 2021. This will be a full day of impact and action whilst surrounded by other incredible business owners and snacks galore.  Secondly, we have Strategy In A Month. Four weekly online sessions, walking you through the key elements of building a marketing strategy.  Come and let me know over on Instagram if you enjoyed today's episode @alice_benham or if you have any Q's about the upcoming events.  _____ Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | Linkedin Strategy In A Day Strategy In A Month
Do not panic, it's not Monday morning, I have in fact swapped to uploading new episodes on a Tuesday and I'm here with not one, but two new podcast episodes for you today.  It's a big topic we're tackling this week, so I wanted to bring you double the helping to firstly share my experience with you and secondly to offer some advice and encouragement if you're going through a similar thing.  So this time last year I got trolled for the first time. It was during the launch of my group programme, a time I was showing up and shouting loudly and to say the experience was tough would be an understatement, so in this episode, I wanted to let you in a little more on what that looked like for me and how I navigated my way through it joined by my brilliant friend Jess.  If online abuse is something you're currently being challenged by or want to know more about the impact of then join us for this chat and stick around for Ep 157 where I'll share some of the things that helped me navigate through it.  _____ Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | Linkedin Jess | Instagram | Podcast 
In this second episode on the topic of trolling or being bullied online, I wanted to share and discuss 5 things that helped me and continue to help me with what I experienced.  My hope for this episode is that if you've experienced bullying yourself that this can bring you some extra support or comfort and if not, to give you a few tips to keep in your toolkit if this does ever arise.  I'd love to continue this conversation with you over on Instagram, I'm @alice_benham so come and let me know what you think!  _____ Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | Linkedin  
My latest launch had the lowest uptake since I started offering group programmes back in 2019, and for the first time ever, I didn't get a single sign up on the first day - BUT it was the best I've ever felt launching a programme. Join me and my teammate Emily to discuss how we approached this launch, what we've learnt from taking a new approach and why prioritising impact over sales is so key.  So if you're pre-launch or in the early stages and it's not all going to plan, then this is the episode for you and know that I am cheering you on, all the way!  If you enjoy today's episode or find anything we shared useful, please do leave a review. You could be our first review of 2021 which would just make our week!  _____ Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | The AB Method Emily | Instagram | Website 
Well, hello!  After nearly 5 weeks off, I'm back! So I thought it only right to bring you a bonus podcast episode so we can have a catch-up and share some of my highs and lows of stepping away from my business in August.  Coming back to the business this week feels like an opportunity to press reset and I’m looking forward to getting back into a routine, with lots of exciting things coming up!  The first of which is a free 3-day challenge, 3 Days to Clarity kicking off next week on Tuesday 14th September.  So if you're a service-based business owner just starting out, or you have an idea for a business and you're craving an injection of clarity and confidence, then this is for you. You can save your space now! Join the free challenge  _____ Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | The AB Method 146 | How I take a month off from my business and you can too
It's been a while since my teammate Emily and I did a BTS episode, so for the final episode of this season we wanted to have a quick sit down to have a chat about how we're both feeling coming out of lockdown, and how this looks when you run a business.  In the last 18 months, we've thrown ourselves into work but now as we look to our "new normal" we want to establish some new habits to put work back in its place and free up more time for play and rest.  Starting the Conversation is now going on a short break, as Wish We Knew returns for a second season! But fear not, we will be back again in September.  _____ STAY CONNECTED Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | The AB Method Emily | Website | Instagram
Confidence is so key when you run a business because as we know, you can have all your plans and strategies in place but if you don’t have the confidence to consistently implement it, you don't get very far.  My guest today is Kira Matthews, AKA Kira The Bold, an incredible coach who helps creatives build unshakable confidence. In this episode, we sit down to chat about all things confidence, how to build it, how to show up as yourself and how confidence is an emotion to step into rather than something to be acquired.  _____ STAY CONNECTED Alice (aka me) | Instagram| Website| YouTube | The AB Method Kira | Website | Podcast | Instagram 
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