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Author: Rakhim Davletkaliyev

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A journey into Emacs
10 Episodes
After a long break, let's get back into Emacs and talk about obsessions, small tweaks and improvements in my config, arrows and an additional modal key which could help with long, hard-to-remember Emacs key combinations. Shownotes Intro Dreaming of obsession My new podcast about Computer science, programming and math Config news Abbrev mode YAsnippet avy Episode 5: Blogging with Org mode and Emacs Hyper key Karabiner Elements Configure a Hyper Key on OSX Karabiner God Mode You can support EmacsCast on Patreon! There are perks + that wonderful feeling of helping the project you like :-)Find out more at
Intro My talk Decentralized evolutionary computation with Clojure and ClojureScript Config news fritzgrabo's helpful comment Make counsel-git see untracked files: (setq counsel-git-cmd "git ls-files --full-name --exclude-standard --others --cached --") My Emacs workflow video celeritasCelery's project.el + counsel.git solution to project navigation Nikita Prokopov Consider supporting Oleh Krehel (abo-abo) on Patreon. He created and maintains swiper, hydra, lispy, avy and many other awesome extensions. Episode 5 of EmacsCast that includes the description of my move from Helm to Ivy Visual Line Mode Swiper-isearch - a more isearch-like swiper Writing Structure editing in org (including narrowing and widening) ox-slimhtml Snippet: copy org as html into clipboard Markdown mode Snipper: copy Markdown as html into clipboard Checking and Correcting Spelling Powerthesaurus integration You can support EmacsCast on Patreon! There are perks + that wonderful feeling of helping the project you like :-)Find out more on the EmacsCast website.
Config news Display line numbers natively Highlight current line Background color for current line number Projectile docs Counsel Projectile Writing Indirect Buffers Org LaTeX export Example of default Org->LaTeX->PDF export Auto-export to HTML on save Blogging EmacsCast Episode 5: Blogging with Org mode and Emacs Long-form writing Pandoc: a universal document converter Pandoc conversion diagram ox-pandoc: an exporter that translates Org-mode files to other formats via Pandoc You can support EmacsCast on Patreon! There are perks and this wonderful feeling of helping the project you like :-)Find out more on the EmacsCast website.
Edit indirect "25 years of coding, and I'm just beginning" My Twitch page Opening Large Files How is Doom’s startup so fast? nlinum You can now support EmacsCast on Patreon! There are perks and this wonderful feeling of helping the project you like :-)Find out more on the EmacsCast website.
You can now support EmacsCast on Patreon! There are perks and this wonderful feeling of helping the project you like :-) News org-support-shift-select worf.el: org speed keys with a bit of vi flavor Org Speed Keys How Emacs undo works (reddit) Undo (Emacs manual) My webcomic Honestly Undefined Section of my config with a capture template for 'new comic' Back to basics Emacs as daemon + Emacs client Software disenchantment by Nikita Prokopov RE: Software disenchantment (my answer to Nikita) Grumpy Website Why I’m done with Chrome by Matthew Green Smartparens Moving in the Parenthesis Structure (Emacs manual) Mastering Emacs book
News Updated config with Ivy instead of Helm Shackle a way to control window creation Castlemacs: modern, minimalist Emacs for macOS ⌘ Exporting HTML with Org mode Some HTML templates for Org exporter Another very nice theme (I'm going to set this as default for my setup) Wordpress Aegea, the blogging engine My blog in Russian that uses Jekyll Blogging with ox-hugo My main blog in English powered by Hugo, ox-hugo and Org mode Hugo, another static website generator Ox-hugo: a carefully crafted Org exporter back-end for Hugo Section of ox-hugo documentation on LaTeX Some of my articles produced with Mathjax A Simple Introduction to Proof by Contradiction A Simple Introduction to Proof by Induction Send feedback to or via twitter @freetonik Thanks!
News New website (source) Hugo static website generator Ox-Hugo: A carefully crafted Org exporter back-end for Hugo Emacs.el podcast My personal blog, powered by ox-hugo as well Netlify My current config Support Emacs community developers List of ways to support Emacs community developers Bastien Guerry's tweet Helm development is stalled for now Spacemacs Spacemacs homepage Layers Doom Doom homepage Doom themes Doom modeline (very pretty!) Modal editing in Emacs Evil-mode God mode Modalka Boon RYO modal mode! Fingers.el Xah Fly Keys
EmacsCast 3 - Org mode

EmacsCast 3 - Org mode


Fresh "Config News" and an overview of Org mode, a powerful Emacs package for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system. My current config Org-mode Workflowy, a simple outliner Nice looking PDF version of my config. Generated by Org LaTex->PDF exporter. Note that some code blocks are too wide and don't with on the page. That's my fault, not Org's :) Org capture video tutorial by Mike Zamansky. Part 2. David O'Toole Org tutorial Getting Started With Org Mode (YouTube) by Harry Schwartz. Getting yourself organized with OrgMode (YouTube playlist) by Rainer König Complete shownotes with links on GithubPlease, send feedback, suggestions and ideas to
I explain my setup, configuration with Org-babel and packages I have at the moment. It's a simple, but flexible starting point for beginners, I think. My config as of Aug 3, 2018 when this episode aired My current config Aquamacs, macOS-specific Emacs build Emacs For Mac OS X, pure Emacs, no nonsense The Emacs Initialization File, like .emacs or .emacs.d/init.el Lars Tveito's config Harry R. Schwartz's config. Harry's talk about org-mode is excellent, by the way. melpa - Milkypostman’s Emacs Lisp Package Archive Complete shownotes with links on GithubPlease, send feedback, suggestions and ideas to
Pilot episode: let's talk about who this podcast is for, why I make it and how my obsession with tools was somewhat fixed when I tried Emacs. Beginner's Mind Approaching Life with Beginner’s Mind by Leo Babauta Two Emacs podcasts Dendy console, a Taiwanese clone of NES (not SNES, like I said in the episode). The Keyboard version was called Subor and it looked like this. Sublime Text Editor Complete shownotes with links on GithubPlease, send feedback, suggestions and ideas to
Comments (4)


Amazing podcast. This guy is very well able to express his thoughts and the way how he translates setting up an emacs environment to an entertaining podcast is magnificent.

Sep 28th

Eoin Mcmahon

I relate to this in far far too many ways

Jan 11th

Daniel Rivero Padilla

Finally, it was very enjoyable to listen and I completely understand your situation, as I do basically the same with my different hobbies, I just rotate between them from time to time. The tips are quite interesting, specially the snippets, I always heard about them but understood what they really are for just now, thanks for the podcast and keep it up.

Nov 8th

Daniel Rivero Padilla

The podcast is awesome, please keep it up, I enjoy listening podcasts and having one about Emacs is quite nice.

Apr 29th
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