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Catalyst 360: Health, Wellness and Performance
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Catalyst 360: Health, Wellness and Performance

Author: Catalyst Coaching 360

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Welcome to the Catalyst 360 podcast, your trusted source for engaging, evidence-based, thought-provoking health, wellness & high-performance insights for those looking to improve their lives (or coaches/clinicians looking to enhance client outcomes). Catalyst 360 is the evidence-based journey toward better! If you've been looking for a health & wellness podcast that avoids the fluff and the headline-chasing fads while providing practical, real-world guidance, you just found it. We bring together the world's foremost experts, from world-class researchers and best-selling authors to elite athletes and coaches, sharing their insights about how to make the most of your personal and professional life. If you're looking for an entertaining format to help optimize your own health, wellness and performance through such evidence-based practices, this is the place for you! 

The Catalyst 360 podcast is hosted by Dr. Brad Cooper, who brings a uniquely expansive background to the table. He has a PhD in performance psychology along with Masters degrees in both physical therapy (MSPT) and business (MBA) and a Bachelors degree in biology. He is CEO of US Corporate Wellness, co-founder of the Catalyst Coaching Institute, an internationally recognized speaker, and elite masters endurance athlete (11 time Ironman, including 4 times at the Hawaii Ironman World Championship, winner of the 2-person 3,000 cycling Race Across America and 2:47 marathoner). Most importantly, he's husband to Suzanna (celebrating 30 years of marriage) and Dad to three amazing kids, now ages 28, 26 and 23. 

322 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.360 seconds. 6 minutes. 1/10th of an hour. Just 4 tenths of 1% of our day.Can it make a difference? Can it be THE difference leading toward a life of meaning, purpose & impact? Don’t real life changes involve hours of preparation and ongoing work? Or could a 360 second window of time open us up to a new world of opportunity?Welcome to a special episode of the Catalyst 360 podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Brad Cooper, CEO of Catalyst Coaching 360, and if you’re a regular ...
Send us a Text Message.3 Big Ideas from Dr. Carlson:Identifying with/as someone else (e.g., Batman) improves impulse control in children.Psychological distancing, either via time (e.g., delaying email response 24 hours) or space (considering what someone else might do - including Batman!) can minimize the negative effects of emotions in both our personal and professional lives.Reflection about our futures enhances our executive function as adults.“Always be yourself. Unless you can be Batman ...
Send us a Text Message.In this, our latest Bite-sized Boost special episode, Dr. Cooper takes a closer look at a discovery that has changed his life across a multitude of fronts.If you'd like to take a deeper dive into the process of creating a clear, personal vision, you can access that special episode with details here.Looking for weekly tips, tricks and turbo boosts to enhance your life? Sign up for the CATALYST COMPASS here, a brief weekly compilation of ideas, evidence-based concepts and...
Send us a Text Message. It wasn’t all that long ago – 2016 – when you and I could sit down over a cup of coffee, decided becoming a health & wellness coach sounded like a cool idea, and then walk out of the coffee shop calling ourselves exactly that. Or, organizations posing as “wellness coaching companies” could hire nice people, give them a script about eating kale and exercising 3x/week and market it as such.Those days have changed, as the National Board of Health & Wellness C...
Send us a Text Message.Today’s guest is Dr. Brent Ruby, Director of the Montana Center for Work Physiology and Exercise Metabolism. What that really means is he specializes in studying free-range humans – not in the lab like most researchers – but in the wild, where real life is happening. This has involved chasing fire crews up and down mountains and trailing ultra-athletes through Badwater, along the Race Across America, and in various Ironman events for 25+ years. Today we’ll dig into the ...
Send us a Text Message.We're grateful to our Catalyst Community. Today's brief episode is a message from Dr. Cooper about the future of the Catalyst 360 podcast.Looking for weekly tips, tricks and turbo boosts to enhance your life? Sign up for the CATALYST COMPASS here, a brief weekly compilation of ideas, evidence-based concepts and encouragement to improve your personal and professional life! Info re earning your health & wellness coaching certification, annual Rocky Mountain Coaching ...
Send us a Text Message.How did we get “here” when it comes to our perspective on the mind, body and the evidence-based practices that – at least I hope – guide our daily choices and the guidance provided by physicians, coaches and others? How did healthcare and medicine grow from speculative and metaphysical practices to that of reason and empirical observation? Today’s guest, esteemed psychiatrist, and best-selling author of Soul Machine (among many others), Dr. George Makari will open our e...
Send us a Text Message.Ice baths, 4 AM wake-up calls, fasts and more are garnering big-time attention on social media and elsewhere as paths to mental toughness, personal success and more. Beyond the 15 minutes of fame garnered by the post, is there any legitimate science behind these and other less dramatic ways to step into and through discomfort? And why, in the midst of the growing popularity of these strategies, do most of us often find it difficult – not to step into an ice bath - but t...
Send us a Text Message.Perfectionism. While it may be the obvious answer to the interview question about our “greatest weaknesses,” the potential negative influence it can have on our lives is palatable – and none of us are immune. Today we have the privilege of having Dr. Thomas Curran, best-selling author of the hugely popular book The Perfection Trap: Embracing the Power of Good Enough. He is also a professor of psychology at the London School of Economics and author of a landmark study th...
Send us a Text Message.How does a real coaching session work? What goes into it? What results stem from it? We may hear about health & wellness coaching available through our employer or EAP, see people across various social media platforms claiming to be life coaches or wellness coaches and of course see athletic coaches taking front and center on a regular basis. But what’s the difference between someone who might call themselves a coach and an experienced, nationally board-certified he...
Send us a Text Message.None of us like rejection, but what happens when the rejection or perceived failure triggers severe emotional pain? According to the Cleveland Clinic, the condition of Rejection Sensitive Dsyphoria, often linked with ADHD, can be due to differences in brain structure, making it difficult for your brain to regulate rejection related emotions and behaviors, escalating their resultant impact.Today’s guest, Tim Kettenring, brings a unique perspective to this discussion. He ...
Send us a Text Message.“In the meantime,” is an oft-used phrase describing the moments, weeks, or months between now and an important occurrence in the future (e.g., “We’re moving this fall, but in the meantime we need to get things organized”). The phrase dates to the 14th century referencing an intervening time, building on the assumption that nothing particularly important will occur during “the meantime” (mean as in average or in-between time). But what if “in the meantime” is where the b...
Send us a Text Message.When it comes to food and nutrition, our default is to think of it as a math problem. But what happens when the calculator doesn’t work? What happens when we plug in 2+2 and get 7? Or 3? Or any number of other variable outcomes? When the data collected is off by 20, 30 or even 50%, how can anyone utilize that data to improve their lives?That’s exactly what is happening in the world of food and nutrition. We have piles of studies and endless apps filled with personal nut...
Send us a Text Message.In our latest special Bite-sized Boost, Dr. Cooper discusses how to turn information into application!Looking for weekly tips, tricks and turbo boosts to enhance your life? Sign up for the CATALYST COMPASS here, a brief weekly compilation of ideas, evidence-based concepts and encouragement to improve your personal and professional life! Info re earning your health & wellness coaching certification, annual Rocky Mountain Coaching Retreat & Symposium & more v...
Send us a Text Message.We lose approximately 1% of our muscle mass after the age of 40. Ahhh – 1% - what’s the big deal, right? Well – for the muscular athlete, the 3% lost from age 40-43 may be barely noticeable, but what about the 25% lost by age 65 in the unconditioned office worker who doesn’t have much extra muscle to begin with? It can dramatically reduce function and decrease both quality and years of life.But the application of the research isn’t limited to aging. It also can bring be...
Send us a Text Message.Welcome to the kickoff of our regular new feature for 2024: the Bite-sized Boost! We'll be continuing our regular interviews with world-class authors, researchers, coaches and athletes. However, with 300+ episodes now available in our library, we thought you might appreciate the option to get a brief (generally ~3 min) boost of hope, encouragement or an insight to move toward a better tomorrow. Thanks for joining us as our adventure together continues!Looking for weekly...
Send us a Text Message.There is a great deal of attention being devoted to extending the lifespan, but what about the “health span” – the period of our lives during which we are not simply continuing to have a pulse, but rather the period during which we are healthy and productive. THAT’s the period we’re most interested in extending – and today we have one of the foremost experts on the subject, the head of the Healthspan Lab at Colorado State University – Dr. Tom LaRocca. He and his team st...
Send us a Text Message.This is the perfect time to pause, reflect on another year gone by, and consider the gap between the vision we have of our lives and the reality in which we presently find ourselves living. We’re going to keep things short today, but in doing so I hope that together we can set the stage for a better tomorrow. To kick things off, I’m going to suggest something that may catch you by surprise – especially this time of the year, from this type of podcast. I’m goin...
Send us a Text Message.Author John Maxwell is credited for providing the reminder that “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” But I have a feeling he hadn’t yet met today’s guest or realized the power of the Catalyst Community. Welcome to 2024. The new year always brings a fresh hope of positive change and with that, we knew exactly who would be the perfect guest to kick off your new year – the Master of Change himself: multiple-time best-selling author, Brad Stulberg. You know his ...
Send us a Text Message.Are you a fan of the Catalyst 360 podcast, now in the 6th season with over 300 episodes? Or maybe you're looking for a new podcast covering engaging, evidence-based insights to enhance your health, wellbeing or high performance pursuits? Or perhaps you're a health & wellness coach, therapist or other clinician seeking trusted resources for your clients? Regardless of what brought you to this abbreviated episode, we're glad you're here and hope you find a nugget or t...
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Truly authentic and inspiring. A bit of a relief.

Feb 10th
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