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Voices In Recovery Podcast
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Voices In Recovery Podcast

Author: David Lewry

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Stories from survivors and warriors living in the world of recovery. We can and do recover in many different ways and these stories are from incredible humans living their second, third, hundredth lives. Tune in for a laugh, a cry, and some information you may not have had yesterday.
265 Episodes
Mohamed's Story

Mohamed's Story


This week's guest, Mohamed stops by to talk about Palestine. He is from there and a lot of his family and many friends still live there under constant threat of annihilation. We talk about the ongoing genocide in Palestine  and we talk a about the Congo and the Sudan as well. Knowing colonialism and it's resulting genocide can continue under any guise in any country is awful. Thank you for sharing what must be difficult to live through in the telling.
Shifting Perspectives

Shifting Perspectives


This week, Michelle and I sit down, helping each other sort through and essentially process our shifts in perspective on the Calgary Police. We are angry and we are among many, who feel just as we do. I'm sure even angrier considering having been victimized by the police on May 9th, 2024 at the University of Calgary and May 11, 2024 at the University of Alberta. We all have a right to our anger and I hope we honour that in whatever way we need to.
James Story

James Story


Our guest this week, James, survived 9 conversion therapy counsellors from the ages of 6 - 13. It is no wonder that they found themselves working towards queer liberation for most of their life. They have been involved in the drag show troupe, "Fake Mustache" for twenty years! Thank you for coming on and for opening up your vault of our queer history. My heart and brain are filled.
Mahmoud Abi Samaan

Mahmoud Abi Samaan


This week's guest, Mahmoud Abi Samaan comes to us from Rafah after his entire family was displaced by the IDF and their home was destroyed in Gaza by Israeli bomb/rocket strikes. All this after he lost his  best friend to an Israeli bombing at 17 years old. Mahmoud was in hospital for months having his body put back together. As much brutality as they have suffered and survived to have such a gentle spirit and compassionate heart is inspiring. Insha'Allah my friend and thank you for sharing with us all.
What the F&#k is Going On

What the F&#k is Going On


This week Darcy and I try and understand all that's been happening in our vast, hurting world. We both came out confused, somewhat sleepy and laughing so the episode is probably ok. One thing I try and keep in mind, as we discuss topics from the universe around us and across the planet is my very privileged position. Not only am I a middle aged, white male living in North America - I was also born into the middle class. I try to consider the idea that just because it hasn't happened to me, doesn't mean it isn't happening to others. Best way I've found to learn about what others go through is to listen and get involved. I also had to learn how to stay quiet and not defend my biases but allow them to fade away as I get to know real living humans. I feel this is a lifelong process for someone like me coming from so much privilege.
Wendy's Story

Wendy's Story


This week's guest, Wendy, is a wonderful musician and long time indigenous activist. They share their often difficult journey through life - emphasizing both their gritty, protest-folk-rock music (I made that up) and their continued activism for human rights.
Kat's Story

Kat's Story


This week's guest, Kat, stops by and shares their story. Kat comes to Calgary via California and the beautiful San Jose area.   Although they also grew up in  twelve step rooms from the time they can remember. Through the years, they began to experience and witness the violence and shame based approaches within the justice and recovery communities in both the United States and in Canada. They came here for graduate studies and stayed to fall in love. They are tirelessly working in the harm reduction community to save lives. Thank you Kat!
Dawn's Story

Dawn's Story


This week's guest, Dawn, stopped by and shared her journey from a life where alcohol became medicine to cope with deep pain, anxiety, and depression. She is now trying her best to face, cope with and heal from the deep pain she carries. Like all of us, the process of healing is beautiful and messy. Painful and joyous. Like life.. Thank you Dawn!
Police: A Rape Culture?

Police: A Rape Culture?


This week's guest comes from a police department in Canada. I will give a pre-warning, warning that this episode might be incredibly triggering for anyone. We talk openly and frankly about the experiences we have had in our different capacities. I had no idea the depths of sexism/misogyny, Islamophobia, and homophobia in law enforcement culture until I was clear of it for a few months. Able to process the damage properly. With the executive branches of law enforcement failing to protect their officers so dramatically, specifically, and systematically. They do this with blatant disregard for the public, for the member, and for the members families. How could any of us know...thank you for having the courage to stand up and say something. I'm disgusted that the title of this episode is incredibly suitable for this conversation.
Danielle's Story

Danielle's Story


This week's guest, Danielle, drops in to talk about accessing mental health and addiction services in Calgary, Alberta. She is incredibly open and honest about her recent journey within the system. We talk openly about our mental illnesses and share some soothing strategies/ideas for when mental health is pushed to the limits. This is one of those episodes that may be deeply triggering for people. This is an added warning, children should not necessarily listen. Thank you for your openness, courage and vulnerability Danielle. We are lucky to have you in our world.
Beau's Story

Beau's Story


This week's guest, Beau stops by and shares their incredible journey through this life. The path was wrought with suffering through the hate of others in many ways. He brings a deep passion for justice and human rights with him wherever he goes. I heard them speak at an end Genocide/Free Palestine rally in Calgary. I am going to let the episode speak for itself as I could not do it justice... Thank you Beau! 
Wesam's Story

Wesam's Story


This week's guest, Wesam, an activist with Justice For Palestine stops by to talk about organizating and running weekly protests in an attempt to end genocide and find peace I Palestine. We talk about how deeply islamaphobia runs within western style culture. We talk about how islamaphobia is another means for western culture to continue its war on Indigenous, Black People and People of Colour. We talk about some of the systems in place within these countries that were intentionally designed to keep certain humans from achieving liberation and freedom. The fact that these systems are in place all across the planet. Thank you Wesam, you're out there in the face of such hate and yet, you continue to show your love for all humans.
The Brothers

The Brothers


This week our guests are none other than my brothers, Greg and Nathan. The three of us sat down to talk about losing our pops and how life has changed for each of us in some ways as we approach the one year anniversary of his passing. I love my brothers and honestly, what resonates the most from this is how Darcy heard our conversation. He heard different parts of pop's personality coming out in the three of us. He distinctly heard dad in how each of our personalities try to make sense of this insane, shifting world in which we find ourselves. This conversation brought up a lot of stuff for each of us and I'll only speak for myself in saying, it was triggering in a lot of ways. Thanks bro's, love you both
Bill's Story

Bill's Story


This week's guest, Bill, shares some of his experiences working in Palestine, Gaza, Israel, and more. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come on to share some first hand experiences.
Saima's Story

Saima's Story


This week's guest, Saima Jamal, is an amazing human being. She's one of those strong activists out here despite the often harsh consequences they face from the authorities. Regardless of the opposition she faces every day, she stands up for what is right. For what is human. You may not understand her point of view and you may not agree with it. Try and remember that who she is standing up for is you and I as well. Her voice and the courage to use it for people. For all people. "No one of us can be free until everybody is free."Maya Angelou
Kimberly's Story

Kimberly's Story


This week's guest, Kimberly, comes to us from the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. Not only is she a person in recovery, but she is a recovery coach and support human. Her story is a journey through alcoholism in a career where drinking was not only encouraged but supported in some respects. Thank you so much Kimberly, we appreciate you. If you're interested check her out on all the socials: IG: @spiritualrecovery @lastcallcoaching
We are Humans

We are Humans


This week Michael and Nazia stop by and we talk about an end to genocide and war. We talk about love, humanity, and a need for us to love one another regardless of whatever we may believe in. The answer remains to be love. Thank you Nazia and Michael for joining us and engaging in a talk about recognizing our humanity and making decisions from a place of love.
Juan Castro's Story

Juan Castro's Story


This week's guest, Juan Castro, stops by and I get to do something I really enjoy - listening to artists talk about art is heart and mind  opening. Juan is going to be performing at Freedom’s Path Recovery Society's open house fund raiser in March. Details to follow! Thank you Juan, we appreciate you.
2023 Wrap Up

2023 Wrap Up


This week, Michelle and Darcy sit down with me and we take a look back over 2023. We talk about how difficult it can be to keep pushing forward when the world appears like it's imploding. When our fellow humans commit genocide on women, children, whole families, and bloodlines across the ocean and call it war. 2023 saw the whole world grieving.
Joey's Story

Joey's Story


This week's guest, Joey, shares his unbelievable journey with us. In this episode we discuss adult themes that may not be suitable for all ages. Joey's openness about the life he's lived and how he came to be living in Calgary, Alberta Canada is commendable. Without giving away too much, I'll say that my pops was always right, love is the most transformative power there is. Love can bring the light from a long buried darkness even after people tried to extinguish the light as a child. Thank you Joey, we appreciate your courage, strength and hope.
Comments (1)

Nicole Mckenna


May 1st
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