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NTi Global Podcast Channel

Author: Networking Today Intl. (NTi)

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Podcast by Networking Today Intl. (NTi)
80 Episodes
Today's NTi Global Podcast interview with Mark Sewell from Springfield, MO was, if we had a scale, a 10 out of 10! Mark admits he has not achieved the pinnacle, he is having the most rewarding time on the journey to the top! Listen, as Mark shares his networking and entrepreneurial tips and advice... you will be encouraged and you will be inspired to persevere, and not give up, on your journey to the top!! To reach Mark using our directory or to learn more about Networking Today Intl. (NTi) and NTi Online, visit
Too many good things to say about today's NTi Global Podcast with faithful Networking Today Intl. (NTi) member, Laura Laurie. Laura has been a faithful member of our NTi O'Fallon Meeting Location led by the lovely and talented Anna Alt, and NTi is better for it! Laura is an associate of the globally known industry leader in health and wellness, Isagenix. Over the last five years, and as you'll hear, Laura has built an incredible business. On today's podcast, she shares how she did it, and invites you to take a look inside her company to see if the company that changed her life can change yours too. To learn more about NTi or to connect with Laura from our online directory, visit us at:
Today's NTi Global Podcast interview with Networking Today Intl. (NTi) member, Vince Thompson, was just superb!! Vince got real about life, about difficult years of his marriage, and the difficulties of his business. The struggle is real, and we learn about it from this incredible entrepreneur, but more importantly, we learn how to have an attitude of "Never Stay Given Up!" The best part about today's show is that Vince doesn't leave us there... he tells us about the current success of his business that took twenty years to get to. Vince and his business partner, Dawn Steimer, are the preferred contractors for all your needs for the "Aging In Place" baby boomers you know! In addition to authoring extremely helpful resources and books, they have an amazing radio show! A listen to today's interview with Vince Thompson is one of the best!! To learn how to reach Vince or to learn more about NTi visit us online at
So, ever wondered how good it would be to interview a copywriter about his business?? WONDER NO LONGER! Today's NTi Global Podcast interview with our in-studio guest, Stephan Mathys, was outstanding and one you'll want to listen to. Stephan's road trip started in Chesterfield, MO, where he faithfully attends our NTi Chesterfield Meeting Location, over to Nashville, TN where he was the Spotlight Speaker at MaryAnn Palise's NTi Brentwood Meeting Location, then over to Knoxville, TN where he spoke at Todd Olson's NTi West Knox Meeting Location on Wednesday and the NTi HQ Meeting on Thursday morning before joining us in-studio for today's podcast... and he's not done yet! He plans to head up to Indianapolis, IN to speak at one of our of Indy-based Meeting Locations before he heads home. This entrepreneur is taking FULL advantage of one of NTi's biggest distinctives of one membership allows you to attend any Meeting Location in the world -- nicely done, Stephan!! This business owner gets it! He is doing everything he can to insure the success of his business, and we believe he will make it!! Truth is, we think Grant Cardone himself would be proud of Stephan's attempt at fighting obscurity by maximum exposure! GREAT JOB, STEPHAN! To find Stephan in our directory or to learn more about NTi, visit us online at:
Well, if you ever thought that our interviews was for the faint of heart... TODAY'S NTi Global Podcast Interview with master networker, faithful NTi member, and MLM master of ACN, Max Sherrell just might change your mind! We dug deep into Max's professional background and business experience to learn what drove Max to become the successful entrepreneur he is today. Honestly, you just need to listen -- you won't regret it! Max is a faithful member of a few of the Meeting Locations in the Knoxville area, but frequently attends NTi West Knox led by co-host Todd Olson, and the NTi HQ Meeting led by Rich DeForest. To find out more about NTi or to find Max's contact information on our Directory, visit!
Ever dreamed of having more? More income? More freedom? Have you ever dreamed of being able to tell your boss to kiss your back-side? To tell your boss, "I QUIT!" Or to tell your boss, "take this job and shove it!" You can't though, right? You need the job! If you told your current employer what you really wanted to do, you'd probably be fired on the spot, right? What? You want to spend more time with your family, your kids, your friends, taking vacations, seeing the world, and on and on...? RIGHT! But what if you knew that all that is possible? What if we tell you exactly how to get it? All that to say this... If you want what we've described thus far, today's NTi Global Podcast is one you should listen to at least once!! Faithful NTi members, Mark Phillips and Matt Ferk from Cashback world share exactly what the Cashback World opportunity gives to each and every one of us -- the opportunity to get rid of our "Life Sucking JOB!" Take a listen to today's show to learn more! By the way, if you would like to reach Mark and/or Matt, look them up in our directory either on our website or on our mobile app. We can be found online where you can also learn more about NTi at:
Ok, so today's NTi Global Podcast guest was not able to make it so Rich DeForest, Todd Olson, and Rachel "DJ Roz" Adams discussed listening to your customers, watching what is being said on Google Reviews, keeping an eye on Social Media, and, if you are the CEO, making sure you're listening to your customers -- honestly, something every single one of us should be doing, but don't do it enough!! Additionally, our show producer, Rachel "Roz" Adams started her own DJ business, and we couldn't be more proud of her for doing it! She already has 1 show wrapped up with 4 more on the schedule!!! She will grow DJ Roz Entertainment into a business that will allow her to be the mom to her kiddos and give her the financial freedom to avoid having to "work for the man"!!! It's what she loves!! May we encourage you to also create a business in a field you LOVE? That way, it never feels like work!!! To contact Rich or Todd, or to learn more about NTi, find it all on our website at:
Goodness gracious, if there is a better NTi Global Podcast to listen to, we've yet to hear it!!! Today's NTi Global Podcast Interview with Sydney Brothers was extraordinary -- to say the least! Sydney represents an incredibly unique direct sales company, Traveling Vineyard, where they get to have fun hosting wine-tasting parties and events with close friends to sell wine and make money while doing it!! Sydney is a faithful member and massive supporter of our NTi West Indy Meeting Location led by the talented and driven female entrepreneur herself, Christine Bivens. Both of these women are professional business leaders in their community and changing the way networking gets done! You should seriously consider a visit to this amazing Meeting Location! To find out how to contact Sydney, Christine, find their Meeting Location, or learn more about NTi, check out our website online at:
WARNING: Today's NTi Global Podcast interview has some strong language and should NOT be listened to with young children present. Be considerate and respectful of those around you. Thank you! It would seem that the entire world wants to do to two things... MAKE MORE MONEY and/or save more money when they buy stuff!! Well, we got some good news for you!! Today's NTi Global Podcast Interview is with the "King of Cashback" himself... none other than Mr. Mark Phillips! Mark shares how you c an not only SAVE big money when buying stuff from companies like the Home Depot, Kroger, Uber, Starbucks, and tons of local businesses, but also, and maybe more importantly, how to MAKE more money to break free from that "life sucking job" you hate to go to every day simply by showing others how to save and grow their own business. Make no mistake about it, Cashback World is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing), Direct Sales organization, but we don't think you should let that stop you!! Honestly, strong language aside, today's interview with Mark Phillips and Matt Ferk could change your life forever! To learn how to contact Mark and Matt, use the NTi online Directory where you can also learn more about NTi at:
If we said something like, "Ralph sells Medicare insurance policies and this is one of our best-ever interviews!!!", I doubt you'd believe us, BUT it would be true nonetheless!! One of the best takeaways from today's interview was when Ralph was asked what he is doing to take his business to the next level, and he said, building relationships with his referral partners. In fact, this business pro just spent $150 to send out a personalized voice-recorded marketing message to all of his clients and customers, AND MENTIONED SOMETHING THAT HIS REFERRAL PARTNERS OFFER!!! Did you catch that? He wants to help his customers AND his referral partners - THAT IS BIG! Frankly, it demonstrates the heart of why NTi faithful member Ralph Grubb has been in business for over 30 years, and will probably be in business for as long as he would like to be!! Ralph Grubb's company is Affordable Insurance Solutions -- we hope you'll check him out if you or someone you know is turning 65 or is already 65 or older. Special personal note to Ralph: NTi would DOMINATE the world's networking marketshare if we had 10,000 members just like you! Thanks for being a faithful member -- we appreciate you! To learn how to contact Ralph or to learn more about NTi, check us out at:
The fitness industry seems to be booming! People set New Year's resolutions that they rarely keep, and commit over and over to get healthier by working out and eating better, but rarely take the steps necessary to reach their goals. Truth is, we all need a coach! We all need someone from the outside to help encourage and inspire us to reach the fitness levels of our dreams! There is a danger that makes working with a trained professional fitness coach even more important... you don't want to stop eating and you don't want to push harder than your body is ready to perform at. Well, do we have good news for you!!! Evan Raoof not only discussed the business side of fitness, he shared some extremely important health & wellness tips that will help you reach your goals... not just set them!! Evan owns Fit Living Academy LLC and is a long-time faithful member of our NTi Referral Warriors Meeting Location led by Miss AWESOME herself, Lynnet Slowinski. Seriously, if you live and work in the Michigan area or are traveling to Michigan on business, check out this amazing group of business owners and entrepreneurs -- you will be glad you did!! Use our online directory to find Evan's contact information and learn more about NTi on our website at:
For many years now I have believed that leaders are learners... to be a great leader, you need to also be a great listener!! Well, today's NTi Global Podcast Interview with forward-thinking Business Coach, Tony Doster from The Entrepreneur's Source, is one interview every single entrepreneur should make a priority to listen to. Tony's not just your every-day, run of the mill, coach... he is, in our opinion, a master! Tony is a faithful member of our NTi Nachos and Networking Meeting Location led by the respected Teresa Rode. If you're within driving distance, this should be an NTi Meeting Location you visit! To find Tony's contact information in our Directory or to learn more about NTi, visit our website at:
If you've ever wondered what could possibly be learned by an insurance agent or an insurance agency owner, today's NTi Global Podcast Interview with NTi member Christy Santo will be just what the doctor ordered! Christy is a faithful member of our NTi Bloomington Meeting Location led by one of our best Meeting Leaders, Penny Buhr. Together, these two women are the definition of successful women in business, and should be an interview we all rank near the top of our favorites! To learn how to contact Christy visit our online Directory or learn more about NTi at
Today's NTi Global Podcast Interview with John Howell, one of our most faithful members who joins us from our NTi Brentwood Meeting Location... John was one of our first members ever in the Brentwood meeting, led by none other than MaryAnn Palise; who, by the way, was our FIRST official Meeting Leader outside of Knoxville, and she has done a wonderful job building up the Nashville area ever since! Okay, back to John for one more thought... John is exceptionally unique in his approach... today's interview will give you some insights that could seriously help your business grow! To learn more about NTi or how to reach John, make sure to visit NTi online at or download our app on your iPhone or Android!
What a wonderful interview as we got to know Laura Adams on today's NTi Global Podcast!!! One of the take-aways you will hear about is Laura's "plan B"; which, is not really a plan B at all, but it is her strategy to insure that she can take care of herself and her family!! And you know what one of the BEST things I LOVE about NTi... our membership is over 50% women, and over 50% of our Meeting Leaders are women... like Whittani Walden, Meeting Leader of the NTi Pigeon Forge Meeting Location, and doing an amazing job leading that group, I might add!! Spend some time with this podcast -- you will not be disappointed! To learn how to reach Laura or any of us on the show, please visit NTi online at While you're there, ask us about starting your own Meeting Location!!
Today's NTi Global Podcast was "just the three of us!", and we had a blast! We talked marketing, we talked networking, and we talked about our BS-o-Meters... it was a GREAT show, and one I am sure you'll not want to miss!! Todd Olson is with a global organization called ACN, and if you're looking for opportunity and looking to STOP "working for the man", I think ACN could be just what you're looking for. But, today's show was not an ACN pitch... it was a "call-to-action" for you you get up off your backside and DO something that will help you achieve your goals and dreams -- you CAN do it! To learn more about NTi or to learn how to contact either of our hosts, make sure to visit us online at OR by downloading our app on your iPhone or Android. Blessings to each of you!
Today's NTi Global Podcast interview with Circulation Station owner, Jim Vesper was tremendous because Jim is a true entrepreneur venturing out where no one has gone before with a new health technology that is changing the world for everyone that uses it!! Jim has been a long-time NTi member faithful to our Maryville Meeting Location led by Mr. Jesse Martin... Jim is a wonderful professional who operates with character and integrity. Additionally, he is wanting to expand across the country, and there could be opportunity for you! BTW, we would attempt to explain the technology Jim uses to improve the health of every one of his customers, but we think it would be best for you to hear it right from Jim... it's pretty technical. To learn how to reach Jim and to learn more about Networking Today Intl. (NTi), check us out online at Also, make sure to like and share this podcast with all your entrepreneur friends -- thanks!
So, no scheduled guest on the NTi Global Podcast today meant that Roz, Todd, and Rich could go off on a tangent that has been eating Rich up inside... we ALL need to walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk, and if we aren't, we need to start! If we don't, we lose credibility and trust. Worse yet, we ultimately don't achieve the sales success we so desperately long for, and that ain't good for anyone. So, how you look, what you drive, and how you's all critically important. Perhaps a listen to today's show could help you, but it sure won't hurt you, and if it does, we hope you will receive it as the good kind of hurt that motivates you to move in the right direction! To find out how to contact us, or to learn more about NTi, make sure to visit our website at:
Today's NTi Global Podcast Interview with Meeting Leader, faithful NTi Member, and successful business coach, Missy Martin will go down in the history books as one of the best interviews we've ever had!! We asked Missy multiple questions ranging from topics on networking to small business, and she 100% delivered! Networking Today Intl. (NTi) is better because of members like Missy Martin! At the very least, you owe it to yourself to listen until you hear Missy's Tip Time advice -- SPOT ON! To learn how to contact Missy on our Directory or to learn more about starting your own NTi Meeting Location, check us out online at:
There's really only one good way to describe today's amazing interview with Samar Izadpanah... WONDERFUL! Samar is a Liberty Mutual licensed insurance professional, true, but she is also an amazing single mother and faithful member of NTi. A demonstration of her faithfulness is proven by her willingness to leverage Liberty's charitable gifting program to give $5 for every quote now through July 20th (if memory serves). What do I suggest, GET A QUOTE! Best thing that could happen is that you could save lots of money on your insurance AND give a $5 donation to NTi Cares. Worst thing that could happen is that you confirm that you've got the best price possible AND you still gave NTi Cares a $5 donation! Don't wait, don't procrastinate, GET YOUR QUOTE NOW! To learn more about contacting Samar visit our directory or to learn how to be a part of NTi, check us out online at:!