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A Wild New Work: Ecological guidance for your work life
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A Wild New Work: Ecological guidance for your work life

Author: Megan Leatherman

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Welcome to A Wild New Work. You'll learn about the Seasons, how the natural world "works," capitalism, animism, and what it can all mean for you and your life. Hosted by Megan Leatherman, a writer, mother, and teacher in the Pacific Northwest. Learn more on Instagram @awildnewwork or at
129 Episodes
Meeting our needs in today’s landscape requires that we remain flexible and shift how we relate to ourselves, our work, our income, and one another. Across the animal world, we find countless options for how to feed ourselves, and in this episode we explore some of the major strategies our animal friends employ and how we can adopt them in our own lives. If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: June 17th: How to Expand Possibility and Choice Inside of Capitalism, a Summer Solstice class to help you reset for the rest of 2024: Rise Up Rooted: Rite of Passage Program for Adults:
In this episode, we’re learning how plants meet their needs and what it can show us about how to be here in a good way. Plants receive sunlight and carbon dioxide freely and then, in turn, offer us an abundance of oxygen, medicines, building materials, and nourishment. Their truest nature is collaborative and generous, and the same is true for us. If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: Rise Up Rooted: Rite of Passage Program for Adults:
In this episode, we’ll learn how fungi meet their needs and the unique teachings they offer us through their millenia of experience adapting to life on Earth. Fungi are masters of absorption, decomposition, and collaboration, and most of us could use a dose of their teachings. If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: You can learn more about Megan and her work at:
How can we make the tiny area of life that we inhabit more caring, less transactional, and free from extraction? In this conversation with Toi Smith, we discuss strategies for embodying more beauty and less exploitation, whether it’s in our parenting, work, relationships to one another, or our relationships to the wider world. About Toi: Toi Smith is a Growth + Impact Strategist and her work centers on doing life, business, and motherhood differently. Toi works with people whose work is countercultural, liberatory, and revolutionary in nature...or people who desire and are committed to moving their work or lives in that direction. To connect with Toi, visit: Instagram @toimarie If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: You can learn more about Megan and her work at:
Many of us yearn for a way of living that is evoked by the term “village,” and it’s true that for millenia, humans met their needs inside of a communal setting such as this. In this episode with anticapitalist, nature-loving co-conspirators Heather Dorfman and Megan Hayne, we discuss what the term “village” means to us, what needs might be met in a village setting that aren’t met in our modern way of living, and accessible ways to re-village right where we are, with what we’ve got. Resources Mentioned: *Rise Up Rooted: About Megan: Megan Hayne (she/her), is a shepherd’s daughter, mother, body worker, and menstrual circle facilitator. She is also an authorized Kum Nye (Tibetan Yoga) instructor, Licensed Massage Therapist, and holds a Bachelor of Health Science Degree. Megan is presently studying ritual with Old School Nate. You can learn more about Megan’s work at or on Instagram @mooncyclemegan About Heather: Heather Dorfman, LMSW (she/her) is the founder of Rose and Cedar Forest Therapy. Heather guides groups and individuals in the practice of Forest Therapy; offers Grief Care; provides organizational consulting, training, and retreats; and is also an adjunct professor of social work. In all of these realms, Heather is co-creating a world of justice and liberation for all beings. You can learn more about Heather’s work at or on Instagram @roseandcedarforest If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: You can learn more about Megan and her work at:
How does a seed grow to become the fruit? It does so by meeting its needs. In this first episode of the Spring 2024 season, we’ll be discussing what our actual, original needs are, the extraneous needs put upon us by capitalism, why it’s so hard to meet our needs in this culture, and why we need fresh strategies for meeting the needs that will actually help us become who we deeply are. If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: Resources mentioned: *Rise Up Rooted: Rite of Passage Program for Adults: *Eating Capitalism: *One on One Work:
Life happens in cycles, but we work as if we’re walking a straight line. In this encore episode, I’m sharing how you can move through four seasons on your vocational journey and why doing so can bring more ease, alignment, and wisdom to your professional life. If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: Resources mentioned: Becoming the Dawn: A 4-week Sunrise Series: Rise Up Rooted: Rite of Passage Program for Adults: Eating Capitalism:
Navigating this murky late Winter / pre-Spring period requires that we know how to make the best choices we can, given the constraints and circumstances we’re dealing with. Does a seed get stuck in analysis paralysis? Probably not. Does a nesting bird get frozen in indecision about when to lay her eggs? No. We can tap into this free flow of energy and choice that we see modeled around us and remember how to take one right step, then another, and then another. If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: Resources mentioned: Becoming the Dawn: a 4-week Sunrise Series: Eating Capitalism: Pay What You Can Tarot Readings: Deeper 1:1 Work:
We can sense how chaotic, disconnected, and troubled our world is, and many of us feel the need for sturdier skills to help us be with these times. In this conversation with trauma recovery practitioner, clinical hypnotherapist, and kitchen witch Carmen Spagnola, we explore the poignancy of being alive right now as well as the frameworks and practices that can help us metabolize what’s happening and find the deliciousness that’s available. About Carmen: Carmen Spagnola is a Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef turned trauma recovery practitioner, clinical hypnotherapist, and kitchen witch. She has hosted The Numinous Podcast since 2014. She's the author of The Spirited Kitchen: Recipes & Rituals for the Wheel of the Year, and founder of The Numinous Network, an online learning and support portal for people healing from trauma through a cross-pollination of somatics, attachment, and nature-based spirituality. Ways to connect with Carmen: The Spirited Kitchen: Insta: @carmenspagnola TikTok: @itscarmenspagnola If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: You can learn more about Megan and her work at:
Learning how to recognize new growth in your life and make the right type of room for it is an advanced practice. In this in-between time before the Spring Equinox, we explore how to notice and honor the seeds that are alive within us, how to create an environment in which they can grow, and why some of them may not activate in this growing cycle. To learn more about “Eating Capitalism,” my new workshop on the origins of capitalism that’s starting February 23rd, visit: If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at:
Trees hold a special and mythic place in the hearts of humans, and in this conversation with Heather Dorfman, the founder of Rose and Cedar Forest Therapy, we explore these amazing beings and how we can build relationships with them in a thoughtful way. About Heather Dorfman: Heather Dorfman, LMSW (she/her) is the founder of Rose and Cedar Forest Therapy. Heather guides groups and individuals in the practice of Forest Therapy; offers Grief Care; provides organizational consulting, training, and retreats; and is also an adjunct professor of social work. In all of these realms, Heather is co-creating a world of justice and liberation for all beings. To connect with Heather: -Website: -Instagram: To learn more about the upcoming workshop series called “Eating Capitalism,” visit If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: Resources Mentioned: The work of Suzanne Simard:
114. Blood Flow

114. Blood Flow


Blood is the red thread that connects all of humanity through time, and there is an intelligence to our circulatory systems that we really need right now. In this episode, I share some surprising insights about blood, the cardiovascular system, and how it mirrors a greater wisdom flowing around us that we can tap into at any time. To learn more about the upcoming workshop series, Eating Capitalism, visit: If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: Resources: An overview of blood in humans: Nine Pints: A Journey Through the Money, Medicine, and Mysteries of Blood by Rose George: On coherence and the science of the heart: On the heart’s electromagnetic field:
Welcome to the first episode in our 2024 Winter Season, where we’re exploring our vast connections. What does it mean that your body is composed of over 50% water? What do you already know about what it means to be hydrated, fierce, fluid, and purifying? Why are things so arid in our culture? This is some of what we explore in today’s episode! To learn more about the upcoming workshop series on Caliban and the Witch, my 1:1 program, or other offerings, visit If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: Resources: About King Tides: King Tides Fact Sheet: Quote by Aurora Levins Morales, from her book “Silt: Prose Poems”: “This is the ceremony of our cells, each one a sip of water, a tiny ocean, a bubble on the bloodstream, inside our skins, beading up on our faces, trickling down our sweaty backs, dripping from our weeping eyes, offerings to the world. Then let the water in you call to the water in me. Let the water in our veins call to the water in the world, one river, one ocean, one rainstorm gathering over the dry places, ready to pour down quenching relief for the thirsty, and we are all of us thirsty.”
If the Autumn is the great dying, and Spring is the great rebirth, what is the Winter? It is the time in-between, after death and before something is born again. In this episode, we explore why this period between the Winter Solstice and the first stirrings of Spring invites us into a great dreaming, where we tend to our inner soil, our deep visions, and trust that new life will come when it’s time. If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: To learn more about my book, Winter at Work, visit:
In this conversation with bard, somatic practitioner, coach, and student of myth Ben Murphy, we explore the mythic imagination, re-villaging, and what it might take to heal the broken kinship ties that so many of us feel in relation to ourselves, our human community, and the land. To connect with Ben, visit or @bend_in_gratitude on Instagram The School of Mythopoetics: If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: Resources mentioned on the show: The Myth of Normal by Gabor Maté Bill Plotkin Alchemical Psychologies by James Hillman The Revolution Will Not Be Psychologized, Part 2, on The Emerald Podcast Nordic Animism by Rune Rasmussen Sonnet to Orpheus by Rainer Maria Rilke
Our addiction to light is emptying our lives of mystery and renewal, having a devastating impact on our health, and is a root cause of larger ecological collapse. In this interview with writer, poet, and co-founder of The Way of the Rose, Clark Strand, we discuss the impacts of an over-lit existence and how the darkness and the divine feminine can help us find our way in these chaotic times. ************* To connect with Clark and his work, visit: To purchase Waking Up to the Dark: The Black Madonna’s Gospel in an Age of Extinction and Collapse, visit: ************** If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: ************** To join us for the remaining two weeks of Needing More: a 4-week Pilgrimage into Darkness, visit:
109. The Crow

109. The Crow


The Crow brings its liquid black color and mystical intelligence into our light-filled days and reminds us how to hold it all right now. In this episode, I share some facts and lore about this incredible creature as well as some ways I think Crow can educate us in this darkening season. Thank you to those of you who have already supported the show financially! If you’d like to pitch in to make this work sustainable, you can do so at this link: If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! For more information about Needing More: a 4-week Pilgrimage into Darkness, click here: To learn more about working with me 1:1, visit:
What could we gain by embracing and understanding our own cycles? We can access so much more in the larger cycles of life when we know the cycles of our bodies more intimately. In this conversation with menstrual circle facilitator Megan Hayne, we explore how the seasons manifest in our bodies, what’s possible when we allow our inner Autumn to unfold, and visions of the village. To connect with Megan: @mooncyclemegan on Instagram If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! Other resources mentioned: To support the show with a financial contribution, visit: Nourishing Night on Nov. 19th: Needing More, starting Nov. 26th: Jane Hardwicke Collings:
How do we die well inside of a culture that rewards us for dissociating from what’s actually happening? Is it possible to witness and transform death phobia into something more true? In this conversation with visionary artist, writer, and end of life caregiver, Rachael Rice, we explore nondualism, death work, collapse, folk art and more. To connect with Rachael, visit: * * * *TikTok = @rachaelericksonrice Resources mentioned: Embracing the Unknown by Pema Chödrön Neil Price, author of The Viking Way and Children of Ash and Elm China Root by David Hinton Dare Sohei: Nordic Animism: If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! For more information about working with me 1:1 through a vocational transition, visit: To support the show financially, visit:
Orb weaver spiders create strong, spiral webs suspended in space and wait for what they need to come to them. What can we learn from them as we travel further into the darkest time of year, when we’re asked to let go of our pursuits, ambitions, linear thinking, and Summer ways of being in the world? If you enjoyed this episode, please help get it to others by subscribing, rating the show, or sharing it with a friend! You can also pitch in to support the show once or monthly at: Resources mentioned on the show: The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart
Comments (1)

Elena Kazarov

Megan is a unique and powerful voice in a sea of career advice. Her perspective is gentle and expansive, and encourages your own inner power and intuition to shine. I always find myself soothed and empowered after her podcast. Her wisdom is a welcome antidote to the often frenetic and aggressive world of career coaching. She is so fresh and complete - and reminds you that you are as well.

Apr 29th