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Christian Financial Perspectives

Author: Christian Financial Perspectives

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Christian Financial Perspectives started in 2018 with the goal of educating listeners on what “God’s Word Says about Money”. The Bible can provide a foundation for all of our money management principles and all of the basics for financial planning and how to create a financial wellness plan for you and your family. All we have to do is look for it, and it’s there! Scripture speaks on how to invest, how to handle money on a daily basis, paying taxes, and so much more. There really are very few people talking about this right now, and we are excited to be bringing this information to people all over the world through our Christian financial podcast.
202 Episodes
Do you know the difference between popular financial advice and essential Bible-based financial wisdom? On this 200th episode celebration, Bob and Shawn reveal the top seven most crucial financial topics from our first 199 episodes. Christian Financial Perspectives began with the goal of providing timeless Biblical wisdom and education to our audience. Over the years, some of our most educational topics have included sudden wealth syndrome and investing in gold. We hope to continue providing financial advice from a Christian perspective for many more episodes to come!
Are you ready to dive deeper into God's design for generosity, giving, and leaving a lasting legacy? In this final part of our series, Bob and Shawn explore Biblical perspectives on using wealth to bless others and how to properly pass on an inheritance that impacts generations to come. “Biblical Viewpoints of Money and Wealth” emphasizes the importance of stewardship and giving from a Biblical worldview. In this episode, weeks 6 and 7 are summarized, which includes the ripple effect of giving and the proper way to leave an inheritance and legacy for future generations.
Do you struggle with aligning your view of money and wealth with the Bible or are you looking for a deeper Biblical perspective? For several episodes, Bob and Shawn are diving into a study examining God's design for wealth and work. In part 2 of 3, they delve into the differences between secular and Biblical counsel, and the Biblical perspective on money and wealth. We recommend you to go back and listen to part 1 before digging deeper into this episode of “Biblical Viewpoints of Money and Wealth”. The book can be found on Amazon, and we encourage listeners to engage in the study and to share the episode with others who may find it beneficial.
Do you struggle with aligning your view of money and wealth with the Bible or are you looking for a deeper biblical perspective? Over the next few weeks, we'll dive into a study examining God's design for wealth and work called "Biblical Viewpoints of Money and Wealth". The study is a seven-week deep dive into what the Bible says about money and how it applies to real life. It covers topics such as the difference between a Biblical and secular worldview and the responsibilities of an owner versus a manager. The study is available for purchase on Amazon, but please don’t hesitate to reach out if you are interested in teaching or promoting the study in their churches or small groups.
Want to avoid money regrets and costly financial errors? Eager to learn common pitfalls that trip up even seasoned investors? Well, in this episode of our 2 part series on “Foolish Financial Mistakes”, Bob and Shawn cover 10 more financial mistakes to steer clear of that can cost you dearly. Instead of blaming others for financial mistakes, they emphasize using wisdom and taking responsibility for one's financial decisions. It’s important to seek out professional financial advice from a fiduciary based advisor who has your best interests in mind. As always, please share this content with anyone who you think may benefit from it!
Want to avoid money regrets and costly financial errors? Eager to learn common pitfalls that trip up even seasoned investors? In this part 1 of 2, Bob and Shawn discuss and provide perspective on foolish financial mistakes to steer clear of that can cost you dearly. They emphasize the importance of wisdom and provide Biblical scriptures to support their points. Just a few of the financial mistakes discussed include taking stock tips without doing proper research and buying large items on impulse without considering long-term financial plans. So, tune in to learn how to better avoid these top financial mistakes!
Are you searching for a financial advisor who exemplifies Christian character and integrity? Do you want their guidance grounded in Biblical truth versus worldly thinking? Bob and Shawn share the qualities to look for in a financial advisor based on scripture, specifically 1 Timothy chapter 3. 1 Timothy 3 outlines the qualities of an elder or deacon in the church, and we believe that these qualities are also important in a financial advisor. The qualities include being temperate and a good teacher, i.e. someone can explain financial concepts in a way that is understandable. Listen in to find out what other traits we believe a Christian financial advisor should possess!
Considering becoming a landlord through rental property? Do the returns justify the hassles involved? After insurance, mortgage payments, repairs, and/or marketing costs, a rental home isn’t the cash cow you might think it is. Bob and Shawn discuss the pros and cons of rentals while providing some alternative options to consider. Instead, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) may be a better option for the average investor. They explain that REITs allow investors to access a diversified portfolio of properties across various sectors, such as industrial, retail, lodging, healthcare, and more.
Tired of "woke" companies that don't align with your values? Eager to invest in a diversified stock portfolio that targets growth while honoring Biblical principles? You're in the right place! In this can't-miss episode, Bob and Shawn pull back the curtain on our innovative Biblically responsible, non-woke, deep value stock portfolio. Get ready for an in-depth look at our rigorous stock selection process, which carefully evaluates both financial fundamentals and spiritual alignment. Click here to learn more about our Biblical Responsible Stock Portfolio
Are you overwhelmed by companies capitalizing on fear to sell overpriced solutions? Don't fall for it. Bob and Shawn highlight the various means through which companies use fear-based tactics, such as social media platforms, email, television, and text messages. It is important to not fall for these fear tactics. Instead, unplug from social media, study history to gain perspective, take breaks from screens, engage in constructive and kind activities, and seek God through scripture, prayer, and living by faith. Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being by avoiding this fear-based content and focusing on positive and uplifting activities.
Are you among the 92% who don't achieve New Year's resolutions? Make 2024 different! Bob and Shawn will show you how to use the SMAC Method - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Compatible - to make meaningful and achievable goals. As Christians, we believe goals should align with God's plan and also be compatible with one’s values and beliefs. Only a small percentage of people actually achieve their New Year's resolutions, but that number rises with written goals that are visually placed around the house, car, and even work. This year, it’s time to be intentional and proactive in setting and pursuing goals!
What financial topics first come to mind when recalling 2023? Is it the emotional rollercoaster of 2023's stock market or the endless printing of money? Bob and Shawn want to provide perspective on key events that impacted many financial portfolios. Before looking ahead, they are recapping the past year's twists and turns. This includes the markets’ obsession with interest rates, as well as the volatility caused by concerns about the Federal Reserve's actions. Looking ahead to 2024, it is important to remember the ups and downs of 2023 in order to make more informed financial decisions for the future.
This inspiring Christmas episode is all about reminding listeners of the joy of the season! Bob and Shawn share the original Christmas story of the birth of Jesus as told by Luke, as well as telling an inspiring story about a family who anonymously blessed another family in need. This Christmas season, we encourage listeners to find ways to help those in need during the Christmas season, whether through financial donations or volunteering time. Use your time and resources to help bless others and in return, you’ll receive immeasurable joy!
Are you thinking about buying a car? Bob and Shawn discuss 7 smart steps to take before you make your decision. This episode is here to help you learn how to make the right vehicle choice with confidence. It’s crucial to approach the car purchase with the right mindset, not emotions. A vehicle’s price is more than the minimum monthly payment, and it is important to be cautious of all of the add ons and price points that many salespeople will use to manipulate you into a premature purchase. These tips, along with several others, may just help you save thousands on your next car purchase!
Are sky high fees making cash value life insurance a poor investment for you? Should you just buy term life insurance and invest the difference yourself? Bob and Shawn discuss the true cost of cash value life insurance, such as whole life and universal life. Life insurance is almost always a must to protect your family and immediate loved ones in the case of your death, especially from your 20’s to 60’s. This episode highlights the various fees and charges associated with these policies, including upfront premium loads and surrender charges. No matter what you decide after listening to this episode, it is highly recommended to seek advice from a fee-based advisor or CPA.
Want to give beyond just cash this year? Donate stocks, real estate required IRA distributions, and more by December 31st. Bob and Shawn the importance of alternative non-cash giving, as the majority of charitable giving is done through cash, despite cash being a small portion of people's assets. Various options for non-cash giving are discussed in depth, including opening a donor-advised fund, contributing to a charitable gift annuity, donating appreciated stocks, and donating other valuable assets. Tune in now to learn about the many ways to give to your favorite charities in unique ways that continue to offer support for many years down the road.
Want to avoid debt this Christmas? Make a budget, limit gifts, and remember the reason for the season - Jesus. Bob and Shawn discuss seven takeaways for Christmas spending. Some takeaways suggest using cash or a debit card instead of a credit card to prevent overspending. Thoughtful and meaningful gifts that will be remembered are usually better than expensive gifts. This Christmas, don’t forget to focus on the true meaning of Christmas and to have fun giving gifts!
It’s time to discuss strategies for 2023 year-end tax planning! Want to lower your 2023 taxes with strategies like charitable giving, retirement plan contributions, and medical expenses? Small moves now could save you thousands in the future. It’s important to pay our fair share of taxes, but also equally important to not pay more taxes than necessary. By taking advantage of strategies like sales tax deductions, you may be able to lower your tax bracket. As always, it’s important to consult with a CPA or tax professional for personalized advice.
Massive inflation is eating budgets alive, but with some wise choices like shopping thrift stores, fixing items ourselves and avoiding impulse buys, there are ways to overcome it. Bob and Shawn emphasize the importance of making wise choices, such as shopping at thrift stores, fixing items yourself, and avoiding impulse buys. Both hosts provide personal anecdotes and examples to support their points. Overall, this episode is highly aimed to help listeners save money and assist in navigating the challenges of inflation.
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