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No Bad Ideas

Author: Long Story Short Productions

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The No Bad Ideas Podcast is the creation of Gabriel Urbina, Sarah Shachat, and Zach Valenti, three writer and artist-types who, in order to stay fresh creatively, have an excuse to hang out with each other once a week, and check in on what they're working on, take a terrible idea they found on the Internet each week and turn it into a compelling narrative. Or as close as they can get in 30 minutes.

If you're someone trying to be creative yourself or even if you just appreciate a good story, you'll enjoy listening to Zach, Sarah, and Gabriel figure out how to make sense of the best (or worst?) absurdities the internet has to offer. We guarantee there have definitely been worse ideas.
260 Episodes
Sarah is out this week, but Gabriel and Zach are joined by writer, director, and filmmaker Maegan Houang for two bad ideas involving peanuts and intelligence tests! In our first bad idea, Gabriel brings the story of a man who dutifully pushed a peanut up a mountain to break a world record. The gang turns it into a Rat Race-style eccentric millionaire-driven comedy of errors. Then, Zach presents a slippery tale of a man who was turned away from a job as a police officer because... he scored too highly on an intelligence test. Everyone struggles with how to turn that into a forward-facing story with anything approaching sympathetic characters. Then, we get to talk to Maegan about her career, visualizing songs for music videos, and dealing with the challenges of morale on film sets. All of that, plus: reboots of Fitzcarraldo, family feuds, structural wrappers, sci-fi societies, prescient questions, and Jurassic Park for Psychopaths. Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1Idea #2 For more on Maegan and her work, check out her website.Support the show: for privacy information.
Oh happy Monday! We’re delighted to be joined this week by our pal and everyone’s podcast dad, Mr. David Rheinstrom! We definitely take advantage of David's storytelling and culinary expertise, as we begin with a quite petty, very seedy robbery, and somehow leap from there to creating a society of fruit people who are destined to save the world. Then, we take a very contentious trip to Waffle House, and turn it into a dramedy of growing apart, achieving your dreams, and ruining eggs.  Plus: the strategic frozen fruit reserve, renegade egg/sex energy, the Act 1 Girlfriend, the river of human foolishness, and how we stopped worrying and learned to love the omelet. Today’s Bad Ideas™: Idea #1 Idea #2 If you’d like to check out more of David’s work, follow him on Twitter, enjoy the back catalog of Radio Drama Revival, and find his courses on Khan Academy! Support the show: See for privacy information.
It Couldn't Hurt...

It Couldn't Hurt...


Happy Labor Day! We are still laboring on a project we can't tell you about (yet) but we have worked mightily to find some bad ideas on the Internet and think that you'll enjoy the results!  First, Gabriel brings us an Am I The Asshole post full of culinary spite that we turn into a fractured fairy tale where ritual matters, at least to the eldritch abomination that lives in the lake. Then, Sarah brings us a tale of extreme sports fandom and we turn it into a complex thriller of celebrity and identity (with apologies to Elizabeth Olsen).  Plus: the ultimate in 'senpai, notice me, please,' strong villain energy, real legal troubles, some mythic mythbusters, and a subtle tomato vibe.  Today's Bad Idea: Idea #1Idea #2Support the show: for privacy information.
Otter Miyagi

Otter Miyagi


Apologies for the delay in this one - travel, work on new projects, and some health road bumps (everyone is okay!) kept this one from being done properly until right now! Today in No Bad Ideas: self-expression! Grumpy men! Aggressive sea animals! And more! In our first bad idea today, Zach brings us the story of a French man who fought for his right to not be fun at work. The squad works to turn it into a comedic battle of workplace manners. Then, in the second idea, Sarah gives us the gift that keeps on giving: a chance to talk about the surfboard-stealing otter that has been terrorizing the shores of Santa Cruz. The gang turns it into the story of a tricksy otter that teaches an aspiring surfer how to master the art of riding the waves.  All of that, plus: 24-year-old party animals, bon vivants, grape crushing, aquatic homeownership, and cozy remakes of Jaws.  Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1Idea #2Support the show: for privacy information.
Guess the Bad Idea

Guess the Bad Idea


Today on No Bad Ideas... Wedding planning! Service Industry workers! Big purchases! TLC's new show My Surprise Bris! And more! For our first bad idea, Gabriel brings us the story of someone who had to walk out on their surprise nuptials. The gang turns it into a fast-paced, Jacques Tati-esque romantic comedy about two waiters who have to hold a wedding together. Then, Zach keeps the episode on theme with the tale of someone who had to reckon with their wife surprising them with the news that they bought a yoga studio. The squad works to turn it into a heart-warming story of a beleaguered spouse who has to turn a yoga studio profitable to keep her marriage afloat. All of that, plus: unconscious wedding planners, inciting assholes, Uncle Jimbo, George Clooney cameos, and moments of super-sizing.  Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1Idea #2Support the show: for privacy information.
I Want My Wallet Back

I Want My Wallet Back


Happy July! We return from our month-long hiatus with two ideas that are the exact opposite of summer fun, but we're going to try and turn them into some hot hot IP anyway.  First, Zach brings us a Texas tragedy and we Tarantino it up a notch into a three-part (plus interludes) hunt for buried treasure where the Ennio Morricone score will be pumping. Then Sarah tells us a magical tale of petty corporate overreach, and we turn it into a spy comedy where a very special card that could spell nuclear annihilation requires a quest to win it back.   Plus: The problem with KaibaCorp, a straight-up Breaking Bad reunion, full Terminator mode, literally over a million Magic cards, and Yosemite Sam on Bumble.  Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1Idea #2Support the show: for privacy information.
The Escalation Game

The Escalation Game


Today on No Bad Ideas... Dogs! Arrests! Fake kidnapping! And news that we're taking the rest of June off! In our first bad idea, Gabriel brings us the tale of a man who, when faced with hardship, tried to sell out man's best friend. The trio turns it into the newest hit animated film about a talking dog. Then, Zach brings us the story of a man who, to get out of his job, took the very reasonable measures of... arranging his own (fake) kidnapping. The gang turns it into a story of bored, minimum-wage laborers trying to one-up each other to get out of the worst day of the year at their otherwise sweet job. All of that, plus: treasure buried out in the desert, Beckett-esque plays, Rat Race mosaics, off-grid places, and Bad Dog Things! Also note: the No Bad Ideas gang are going to be taking the rest of June off to work on... a new, big, upcoming project! But new episodes will return on July 4th! Stay tuned, both for new bad ideas and for news about the new thing we're working on! Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1Idea #2Support the show: for privacy information.
Today on No Bad Ideas: nuclear subs! Naked landlords! Court cases! Ashton Kutcher and Sean William Scott! And more! First, Sarah brings us an article about the unlikely place where some classified documents wound up. Gabriel is horrified that they actually find a narrative arc in the silly comedy of errors they come up with. Then, Gabriel presents the story of a German landlord who loves to share everything with his tenants. The gang turns it into - what else? - a combative romantic comedy.  All of that, plus: visits to ex-girlfriends' houses, little red hats (not worn on the head), inspired cameos, the worst Where's Waldo of Zoom, someone who is just Mark Strong. Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1Idea #2Support the show: for privacy information.
Karen: The Movie

Karen: The Movie


We're back and we're jumping right into some supernaturally awful badness this week!  First, Gabriel brings us the story of a very unconventional crime-fighting strategy and we turn it into the story of a young priest who gets in way over his head – although with hardened criminals or the demons of hell, TBD. Then Zach draws on the occult powers of the Am I The Asshole subreddit to tell the story of a woman who takes on a dubious personal responsibility that divides her family, and we adapt it into the story of multiple secrets that all come out... in the bedroom.  Plus: Photo Day at school, a Die Hard situation, addiction to every single drug, the role that Rachel McAdams wins an Oscar for, and the scale of not badass enough vs. human rights violation.   Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1 Idea #2 Support the show: for privacy information.
The Game In Reverse

The Game In Reverse


Today on No Bad Ideas... feds! Bad ideas! Training days! Birds! Spies! And more! In our first bad idea, Zach brings us the story of an FBI training exercise gone horribly wrong. The gang spins it out into a story of comedic role-play colliding against corporate machinations. Then, in our second story, Sarah brings us news about (horrifying) innovation in the field of techno-necromancy. The team spins out in about three different directions as they're left reeling from the news article, everything from whistle-blower trial cases to sci-fi dystopias.  All of that, plus: LARPing exercises, whodunit-sort-of-a-thing, big news, warped perspectives, and Girlboss CEOs.  Today's Bad Ideas™:Idea #1Idea #2Support the show: for privacy information.
Writer, performer, and (comedy) sketch artist extraordinaire Tom Crowley joins the Bad Ideas Squad for two tales from beyond the grave! For our first bad idea, Sarah brings us a witchy obituary like nothing we've ever heard before, and - naturally - the team tries to figure out how to turn it into a story of growth and self-actualization á la Amelie. Then, Gabriel presents the tale of the somewhat ghoulish thing a Belgian town has done with the heart of their mayor, leading the squad to spin up a yarn about a man who couldn't lie in the most improbable way.  All of that, plus: old-school pyramid schemes, husbands of little-to-no importance, ladder embezzlement, oracular aunts from the beyond the grave, and Bentham Football.  Today’s Bad Ideas™: Idea #1 Idea #2 For more of Tom's work, follow him on Twitter, and check out Wooden Overcoats, Victoriocity, and his website, where you'll also find Crowley Time (With Him, Tom Crowley). Support the show: for privacy information.
Today on the show... Art criticism! Pizza! Organized crime! Crap! And special guest stars Bob Raymonda and Jack Marone, co-creators of the Forgive Me! podcast! In today's first bad idea, Gabriel brings us the story of a ballet director who took a rather... unorthodox approach to expressing his displeasure at a critic's evaluation of his work. The gang makes it into a film that gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "giving someone shit." Then, Sarah brings us the story of a mafia boss who foolishly did some press to raise his profile. The squad takes this material and runs with it all the way to a movie about a man who dared to dream about pizza glory despite his criminal upbringing.  All of that, plus: Javert characters, traveling plumbers, mirthful smiles, copycat critics, and the thrill of the spotlight!  Today's Bad Ideas™:Idea #1Idea #2 For more of Bob and Jack's work, check out the Forgive Me! podcast. Support the show: for privacy information.
What's even better news than a new episode of NBI? What's EVEN BETTER news than a new 70mm print of Boogie Nights? Film critic extraordinary Ethan Warren has just the qualifications to help us turn horrible ideas into movie pitches, and we're delighted to invite him to the NBI hot seat.  First, Zach gives us a Twitch stream gone awry and we turn it into a truly twisted animated rom-com thriller about two fish (yes fish) with an entire Internet full of possibilities. Then Gabriel offers up an unusual relationship quandry and we turn it into a mumblecore classic of irrational love, and a married couple who both really need to break up and kind of deserve each other.  Finally, we talk to Ethan about the joys of writing about cinema, how to watch attentively, finding the right entrance to a rabbit hole, and just who this Paul Thomas Anderson guy is, anyway.  Plus: the perfect combination of high stakes and ASMR, a convenient paraglider, an overwhelming passion for Arbys, Kids in the Hall candy, and reading through the terms of service.  Today's Bad Ideas™:Idea #1Idea #2 For more of Ethan's work, you can buy his book! Check out The Cinema Paul Thomas Anderson: American Apocrypha as an ebook or pre-order a physical copy now! You can also find more of Ethan's work on his website and also check him out on Twitter. Support the show: for privacy information.
Today on No Bad Ideas... fraud! Inflatable dolls! Possessed objects! American cinema! And more! For our first bad idea today, Zach brings us an article about some financial crimes inspired by the 1999 film Office Space. The gang decides to turn that into a radical reboot of a very, very different movie: Saw! Then, Gabriel presents the story of a man who used an inflatable Grinch doll in order to use the carpool lane on the highway. The trio turns it into a story of a man who is forced to reckon with his distaste for the Christmas holidays by a very unusual presence. All of that, plus: people riding shotgun, shopping malls burning down, criminal masterminds, bonding experiences, and deep wells.  Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1Idea #2Support the show: for privacy information.
The Wingman Argument

The Wingman Argument


We're back! New year, same human species, which means EVEN MORE! BAD! IDEAS! The NBI is back and better than ever in this year 2023 AC (after covid). We are tweaking the show's release schedule - because it's ours and we can do that - so look forword to bi-monthly episodes of NBI hitting your feed every *other* Monday.  Starting with this one! Gabriel kicks us off with one last holiday tradition that can also settle scores all year round, and we turn it into a heartwarming tale of two families who need to save face, protect cute animals, and fake an epic fight. Then Sarah brings us a tale of military misconduct that we spin right around into a story of byzantine beaurocracy gone mad... but as shot by Michael Bay.  Plus: not paying attention in Biology class, abusing power for oral health, failing upwards, dreams of becoming a rodeo clown, and the next step for The People's Court.  Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1Idea #2Support the show: for privacy information.
Death Sandwich

Death Sandwich


It's the last episode of No Bad Ideas of 2022! We are celebrating with stories about online harassment and dysfunctional families! For our first story, Zach brings us the story of weaponized online harassment. The gang does their best to turn it into a horror story about death that can be directly sent to those you don't like... and then bring back a classic NBI villain from a previous story to make it all come together. Then, Gabriel brings us the story of a family where half the members are treated as second-class citizens. The squad turns it into an anti-romcom about someone that wants to get out of a relationship without breaking up with their partner... and then into a Snowpierecer-style action thriller.  Plus: deadly tweets, the Lord's work, Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett dynamics, Star Wars villains, and NBI's first spinoff series, Monocle Zach. Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1Idea #2Support the show: for privacy information.
We return this week, or at least two of us do, to inflict terrible ideas onto one of our favorite people in podcasting: Wil Williams!  Sarah kicks us off with a high school student's nightmare made somehow even worse, and we turn it into a spy heist thriller in the grand tradition of Agent Cody Banks. Then Zach takes us to a terrible idea that fortunately never reached 30,000 feet, but we imagine the terrible story and tonal chaos that would ensue if someone brought a gun onto an airplane... inside of a chicken.  Finally, we have a great conversation with Wil about finishing up the final season of Valence, how characters shift and reveal new facets of themselves across mediums, the importance of accountability and collaborators, the references that can help capture the feeling of a fictional world, and more.  Plus: a superspy double agent, a sound designer's dream, the goth girls/barbie girls alliance, #rawchicken, and stealing from Little Miss Sunshine.   Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1Idea #2 If you want to check out Wil and more of their work, you can check out Valence online or on your favorite podcatcher, and also check out Wil's website. Support the show: for privacy information.
Today the NBI squad is joined by a voice actor of intrigue and mystery, the amazing Josh Rubino, to talk about bears, wolves, and evil villains! In our first idea, Gabriel brings us the tale of two wrestlers who take on a bear and find it to be a... surprisingly challenging experience! Who knew?! The gang turns it into a gritty, grizzly reboot of a beloved cartoon show. Then, Sarah brings us the story of a scheme to make wolves less comfortable around people. The gang turns it into a heartwarming story of a child reconnecting with their estranged parent in the woods with paintball.  All of that, plus: the secrets of voice acting, riled-up savage animals, Ranger Rick, dangerous games, and a bloody collar, tie, and hat.  Today's Bad Ideas™:Idea #1Idea #2 To check out more of Josh's work, please check out their website and their Twitter!Support the show: for privacy information.
Nobody's Perfect

Nobody's Perfect


We're back to take some more bad ideas to incredible new heights! First, Sarah brings us a tale of a dinner gone awry with potential links to organized crime, and we turn it into the gritty Princess Diaries reboot none of us realized we needed. Then Gabriel takes us to the never-ending well of Bad Ideas, Reddit's Am I The Asshole, and we turn the story of a big communication failure over dinner into a domestic horror/thriller made possible by working from home.  Plus: the world's saddest treehouse, straight assholery, Olivia Rodrigo's next single, the version of Don't Worry Darling that we deserved, and Anya Taylor-Joy, Queen of the Mafia. Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1 Idea #2 Support the show: for privacy information.
The King of the Swamp

The King of the Swamp


Today on No Bad Ideas... Alligators! Bees! Construction! Violence! Annoyance! And more! In our first bad idea today, Gabriel brings us the story of a Florida man who resorts to violence to solve the problem of the loud construction site next to his home. The gang turns it into an action film about a construction crew to escape from a deadly game of hide and seek with forty alligators. Then, Zach brings us a story about bees being used as a deadly weapon. The gang turns it first into a sequel for the story from the first bad idea and then into a sequel to Home Alone! Let us dance a ballet with bees! All of that, plus: the next Liam Neeson, disaffected youths, franchises, a rich and storied history with trauma, and one last job. Today's Bad Ideas™: Idea #1Idea #2Support the show: for privacy information.
Comments (6)

seven cats

this was a fun story!

Jan 24th

seven cats

"we could make it 2020" oh you had no idea

Jan 21st

seven cats

This episode is wild to listen to in 2020

Sep 16th


you guys have an echo on your audio

Feb 26th

seven cats

sounds like fun :D

Jul 29th

Travis Ramsey

Bless these sweet creators for showing creative ways to work with sometimes unconventional ideas

Jan 7th
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