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Families Seeking Wellness

Author: Dr. Stephanie Maj

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Thinking about starting a family and don't know where to begin? Want to have a more holistic pregnancy and birth? How do you raise healthy kids naturally? Rest assured, this podcast will help you shine a light on options regarding healthy pregnancy, birth, pediatrics and motherhood.

The goal of this podcast is the share the real story on how to raise a healthy family intentionally, not by accident! Dr. Stephanie Maj brings her humor and unique outlook to interviews with experts from her hometown, Chicago, as well as leaders from around the globe. Topics include: Pregnancy, Pediatric, Webster Technique, Chiropractic, Massage, Lactation, Birth Education, Natural Living.

Dr. Stephanie Maj is a chiropractor, health and wellness expert, author and the host of the podcast, Women Seeking Wellness. She has been inspired by the works of Dr. Webster, Dr. Spock, Dr. Sears, Dr. Oz, Dr. Axe, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Minkus, Dr. Jay Warren, Ina May Gaskin, Oprah and Brene Brown.

Prenatal | Pregnancy | Natural Birth | Pediatrics | Motherhood | Parenting
31 Episodes
To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657 To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.   TRANSCRIPT: Anne Nicholson Weber: 00:00 Welcome. This is episode 2. I'm so glad you're here. My guest today is chiropractor, Dr. Stephanie Maj, who explains how chiropractic care during pregnancy can help prepare your body for a more effective labor and an easier childbirth. [music] This is the BirthGuide podcast -- conversations about building your circle of support in the childbearing year. We connect you with experts in our community who can help you conceive, stay healthy in pregnancy, have a safe and satisfying birth and embrace the joys and challenges of becoming a new family. I'm your host, Anne Nicholson Weber, the founder of, where every month thousands of Chicago area families find relationship-centered care, from preconception through the postpartum period. [music] Welcome to a new episode of the BirthGuide podcast. Today we're talking about the benefits of chiropractic care in pregnancy. Joining me to talk about this is Dr. Stephanie Maj with Community Chiropractic. She has been practicing for 26 years and has specific expertise in the area of perinatal care, including Webster certification. So Dr. Maj, maybe you could talk first off about what kinds of issues can arise in childbirth that having had chiropractic in pregnancy could have helped to prevent. Dr. Stephanie Maj: 01:42 Yeah. Well, first off, thank you so much for having me on your show and for what you do in the Chicagoland community. It's such a resource and it's so helpful. Anne Nicholson Weber: 01:54 Well, thank you. Dr. Stephanie Maj: 01:55 I love talking about this. I love talking to new families that want to have a more proactive, a more intentional birth. And I really feel like my job is to help prepare them, where most everyone that I know has either an OB or a midwife or somebody assisting them and their job is more of monitoring -- it's watching, it's testing, it's looking for trouble, you know. And what my job is really to do is to prepare your body for delivery. And, you know, if we look at what the troubles are, we would back up to the first, just the anatomy. The baby -- the uterus and the baby -- are sitting on your pelvis. That bony pelvis is what that baby has to get through there. And so a lot of our focus is the alignment of that pelvis. So when you have a balanced pelvis, the hole that the baby comes out of is wide and open and uniform. Dr. Stephanie Maj: 03:02 So when the baby's coming down the birth canal, there are bony landmarks that the baby has to hit and things happen when the baby hits them: the shoulders move, the baby twists. And this is how this dance of getting out of the uterus and getting born, this is the dance of that. There's twists, there's turns, it all relies on this pelvis being in the right alignment. So if your pelvis is twisted, it can interfere. It can actually make that hole distorted and interfere with the baby's ability to get through your pelvis, the actual boniness of your pelvis. But it also can interfere with the baby, you know, when it's supposed to hit this certain bone and trigger a reflex, and then the shoulders, you know, tilt and the head turns or whatever, if that bone isn't there, then that doesn't happen. And so that's where the babies can get stuck in a certain portion of the birthing process. Dr. Stephanie Maj: 04:01 You know, most everybody that comes to me is looking to have a vaginal delivery. Basic. The people that come to me tend to have more of that intentional idea of like, not being medicated, not having interventions. You know, I wanna make sure that I help their bodies make that happen. Instead of thinking of it like what problems there are, it's like, how do we avoid them before they happen, you know? So, I mean, the easy thing is if somebody is having hip pain, back pain, you know, that is your body's sign that there's something going on. You know, a lot of people think those indicators are just like stress. “Oh, that's just stress. Oh, that's just stress.” Or “I'm pregnant. Of course I have back pain. I'm pregnant. Everybody that is pregnant has back pain.” Not true, not true at all. Dr. Stephanie Maj: 04:53 And I have a lot of people that don't have any issues, you know, have no pain yet. Their pelvis is twisted. And I see them later in their pregnancy and they're wanting to have this vaginal delivery and the baby isn't cooperating. You know, the baby is not in a great position. And so a patient that comes to me, she's pregnant right now. I have two patients, her and the baby. So I have the, maybe the problem that they came in for, you know . . . So say they came in because they're having back pain or they're having pubic bone pain, which is pain in the front kind of in your groin. And so we wanna make sure we heal that. But we also have a baby that we wanna help get into the proper position. Dr. Stephanie Maj: 05:39 And we also have a delivery that needs to happen. And then you have a baby, you know, . And so a lot of times it's like the delivery isn't the end point, it's the beginning point. So the healthier you are through this process and through the delivery, the more able you are to show up to your new baby. And the better the birth, the better the ability the baby has to latch and to, you know, any of those head issues or any colic or poop -- you know, all the things that can happen in a new baby. So I really feel like wellness care is seeing these moms really early in their pregnancy and helping them with those things. Anne Nicholson Weber: 06:23 So about 20 questions occur to me. Let's start with this one. Assuming you're not having problems -- so you don't come in for your first chiropractic appointment that you've never done before because your back is hurting or your pubic bone is hurting -- but talking about it, as you have, as preventive care, when's the right time in a pregnancy to begin chiropractic care? Dr. Stephanie Maj: 06:48 Anytime. But the earlier the better. I mean, again, in our society, we're a problem-based society. So I go to the doctor when I have a problem. And so sometimes when that happens, it's later in the pregnancy, which means correcting that problem becomes more of an issue. So for instance, you know, when you're pregnant, the front of you gets really heavy with the baby and with your chest and with everything, all that gets very heavy, which puts a strain on the back of you, the back of you has to hold you up. And so the heavier the front of you, the harder it is to balance the back of you. You know, I consider pregnancy a moving target. Meaning Anne comes to me. She has a pain in her SI joint, which is the joint in her pelvis. And we do the treatments necessary and she gets better over time. Anne isn't pregnant. Dr. Stephanie Maj: 07:48 Okay. Sally comes to me, she's pregnant. She's two months pregnant. She has an SI pain. Well, even though, you know, the baby is very small, as that baby gets bigger, more stresses are on those areas. So it's something that, once it's healed, we need to just monitor it and keep it balanced. So if people come to me without symptoms, then it's just, like I said, very boring, where they get adjusted and we make sure their pelvis is in line. There's a way to do that very safely and naturally. You know, it's kind of like whack-the-mole at the fair. You know, you go to the fair and you hit the whack-the-mole machine. And this is what, you know, prenatal care can be, is that, you know, as the baby gets bigger and the stress changes on the body and more relaxin and LA LA LA, then we just say, okay, how's your body doing today? And we just help balance it wherever it needs to be balanced on that particular visit. Some people that's every week, some people that's two times a month, sometimes that's once a month, just depends on the person. Anne Nicholson Weber: 08:51 Yeah. Well, philosophically, I'm interested to ask -- particularly women who are kind of naturally-oriented and maybe heading for a natural childbirth, a physiologic childbirth, in that world within the birth world, you'll hear, well, our bodies are made to do this. And so my question is, if our bodies are made to do this, why do we need chiropractic care during pregnancy? Dr. Stephanie Maj: 09:20 I love that question. That is an awesome question. Our bodies have this natural, innate ability to take egg and sperm and connect them and make a baby. And yes, our bodies don't need any help, but they need no interference. So my job as a chiropractor is to remove the interference in either our nervous system or in our alignment, and just allow the body to, you know, just kind of manifest this pregnancy as it was supposed to be. You know, if you think about the world we live in now, this isn't the way it's been for very long, where we sit in front of computers, our level of stress with the pandemic and with the world as it is, is very high, you know. Laptops and screens and motor vehicle accidents and slips and all those things add into what's going on in our bodies. Dr. Stephanie Maj: 10:22 And yes, I think that in an ideal world, our bodies need no help. Yet, making sure the pelvis is in a proper alignment, making sure the nerves are not interfered with and making sure that the round ligaments -- which are those ligaments in the front of the belly -- are supple and not cramping or uneven or asymmetric, because those are the things that can create tightness in the uterus and not allow the baby's head, when it's dense enough, to head south. You know, gravity happens. And when that baby's head is dense enough, that head will go south and go head down. And if it isn't, something's interfering with it. And that's what for me, that's where the
Dr. Rosen is a 1981summa cum laude graduates of Life Chiropractic College.  Since 1982 he has maintained a private practice in Wellesley, MA.  Besides his practice he has traveled nationally and internationally teaching chiropractic technique, pediatrics, cranial adjusting, chiropractic philosophy and practice management.    With his wife Dr. Nancy Watson, they also run the Peak Potential Institute, offering premier educational programs for healthcare professionals.  Their most recent book “It’s All in the Head”, was written to inform and bring awareness of the implications of growth and developmental challenges in the early stages of childhood development. Their book empowers parents with ability understand normal developmental milestones and to recognize problems in the earliest stages allowing them to seek appropriate care before problems become intrenched and create diagnosable di-ease processes.   The Peak Potential Institute also offers other educational tools include hands on and online workshops and seminars, guest lectures, instructional videos, written books, and articles, published research papers and one on one interviews. He is dedicated to giving chiropractors, healthcare providers and parents a new perspective when it comes to children’s health. As parents of two daughters, Drs. Rosen and Watson have been committed to helping other parents learn from both their personal and professional experiences.  Through their combined 80 years of teaching, writing and clinical experience they have brought a unique insight, motivation, and support to thousands of lay and professional individuals in numerous fields.   To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.  
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Love to you all! I hope to share where I have been and how I can help.   To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.   Women Seeking Wellness: Health & Happiness at any age! Dr. Maj is a Chiropractor, a health & wellness expert, a functional nutritionist & an author.  Her weekly episodes bring her humor & unique outlook to help you in building the life you truly desire.   Dr Maj, Dr. Steph, Prenatal, Pregnancy, Pediatrics, Natural Birth, Parenting, Motherhood
What do you when you feel a cold coming on? How do you boost your immune system Dr. Steph? To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.  To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657 To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.
Drs. Steph and Kelly discuss the Webster Technique, a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated.   Dr. Kelly Synowiec-Moroney Bio: Simply put, I knew there was something more to being healthy. I never went very far. I grew up in Franklin Park, went to school in River Grove, DeKalb and Lombard. My mother thought she was doing the right thing but as a child every time I had a cold the doctor put me on antibiotics. As a teenager we drank tons of pop. Then in college my headaches were coming at least once a week and I took Advil every time. From the outside I looked healthy, but deep down I knew there was more to true health. Education Starting in high school AP classes, the medical field was my pathway. I enjoyed learning about eating healthy and exercise. I looked at chiropractic but everyone said I should be a real doctor. So I started volunteering at outpatient clinics and in the ER. Everywhere I looked, people were sick and my desire to help them get healthy naturally continued to grow until I could no longer ignore it. Chiropractic school was perfect. My education from National University of Health Sciences taught me all the science behind the body. Nutrition and exercise were all there. Then there was that something more — True Health that comes from within. I learned that nature needs no help, just no interference. Our body knows what to do, we just have to let it do what it was designed to do. Practice Philosophy Here at Tree of Life Wellness Center we are dedicated to helping families reach their health care goals naturally. I base my recommendations on your health goals. You hire me to guide your body to heal in the right direction. I have the latest technology available in my office. We complete diagnostic testing on the nerves, muscles, feet and bones. All of the medical recorders are electronic. I incorporate instrument adjusting for those people who do not like the “cracking” sound. I am a very analytical person. I love to analyze each segment of the spine and make an adjustment to bring the body back into its natural position. We address you from head to toe, inside out. About Me I am a mom and a wife in addition to running my practice. I fully qualified as a doctor of chiropractic in 1999 with Cum Laude honors and have since progressed to focus on Non-Surgical Reconstructive Care. Bill and I have been together for over 20 years.  I delivered both of my kids naturally in the water. Chloee, my first born is 16. My youngest is 12-year-old Liam. Now as a mother I get to put my school experience into practical use. I get to see first hand how the body knows what to do. I get to directly help support my kids to be all that they can be. Both Chloee & Liam were adjusted within 24 hours of birth. It is great to find that balance between home and the office. I love being active & present in my kids’ lives. Morning is my time to myself. It is not always easy but, I feel awesome getting up before 5am to go workout and have my time. I typically have a protein and greens shake every morning for breakfast. I make sure Bill, Chloee, Liam and myself get checked for an adjustment once a week. We spend our time outdoors as much as possible.  Hiking in Southern Illinois or Michigan is right up our alley. I am also involved in our community and am happy to be a part of the Elmhurst Chamber. ~~~ To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.   To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.  
Intentional actions to achieve optimal health for any woman in the perinatal time is discussed by Drs. Stephanie and Kelly.   Dr. Kelly Synowiec-Moroney Bio: Simply put, I knew there was something more to being healthy. I never went very far. I grew up in Franklin Park, went to school in River Grove, DeKalb and Lombard. My mother thought she was doing the right thing but as a child every time I had a cold the doctor put me on antibiotics. As a teenager we drank tons of pop. Then in college my headaches were coming at least once a week and I took Advil every time. From the outside I looked healthy, but deep down I knew there was more to true health. Education Starting in high school AP classes, the medical field was my pathway. I enjoyed learning about eating healthy and exercise. I looked at chiropractic but everyone said I should be a real doctor. So I started volunteering at outpatient clinics and in the ER. Everywhere I looked, people were sick and my desire to help them get healthy naturally continued to grow until I could no longer ignore it. Chiropractic school was perfect. My education from National University of Health Sciences taught me all the science behind the body. Nutrition and exercise were all there. Then there was that something more — True Health that comes from within. I learned that nature needs no help, just no interference. Our body knows what to do, we just have to let it do what it was designed to do. Practice Philosophy Here at Tree of Life Wellness Center we are dedicated to helping families reach their health care goals naturally. I base my recommendations on your health goals. You hire me to guide your body to heal in the right direction. I have the latest technology available in my office. We complete diagnostic testing on the nerves, muscles, feet and bones. All of the medical recorders are electronic. I incorporate instrument adjusting for those people who do not like the “cracking” sound. I am a very analytical person. I love to analyze each segment of the spine and make an adjustment to bring the body back into its natural position. We address you from head to toe, inside out. About Me I am a mom and a wife in addition to running my practice. I fully qualified as a doctor of chiropractic in 1999 with Cum Laude honors and have since progressed to focus on Non-Surgical Reconstructive Care. Bill and I have been together for over 20 years.  I delivered both of my kids naturally in the water. Chloee, my first born is 16. My youngest is 12-year-old Liam. Now as a mother I get to put my school experience into practical use. I get to see first hand how the body knows what to do. I get to directly help support my kids to be all that they can be. Both Chloee & Liam were adjusted within 24 hours of birth. It is great to find that balance between home and the office. I love being active & present in my kids’ lives. Morning is my time to myself. It is not always easy but, I feel awesome getting up before 5am to go workout and have my time. I typically have a protein and greens shake every morning for breakfast. I make sure Bill, Chloee, Liam and myself get checked for an adjustment once a week. We spend our time outdoors as much as possible.  Hiking in Southern Illinois or Michigan is right up our alley. I am also involved in our community and am happy to be a part of the Elmhurst Chamber. ~~~ To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.   To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.  
Why do babies need a chiropractor? What is cranial work in terms of chiropractic and how is it different from the adjustment? How is it different from Craniosacral? What are indicators that parents can look for suggesting their child should see a pediatric chiropractor? Doctors Barb and Steph with their combined 40 years of experience discuss all of these details and more on this episode of Families Seeking Wellness.  Meet Dr. Barb: I am a graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic. After graduating, I have continued my education with a focus in Cranial/TMJ work and organ adjustments as well as spinal adjustments. I have always been amazed at the body's natural ability to heal itself and love to educate my patients back into health. It has been my experience that if areas of the body can be supported through adjustments and proper nutrition; optimal health can be maintained and poor health can be improved. In many cases drugs can be avoided. I have almost 400 hours of Continuing Education credits on Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT). When not working, I am an active member in the profession and also enjoy spending time with my husband Dan and my sons Daniel and Andrew. To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.
Dr. Maj discusses the ins and outs of how healthy fats can change our lives with Udo Erasmus.   Here is a link so you can review the free gift. Udo’s Healthy Fats Recipe book. BIO:  I was born during the second world war in Europe, and sometimes you will hear me say that I was born in hell and with a lot of help from visible and invisible friends, walked a long crooked path from there to heaven. Along the way, I tried out many things and learned a lot. Every trade and job, every movement or breath and every step led me to the next turn on the path to find new, different and out-of-the-box possibilities. My path includes brief jobs in several different trades: fruit picking, dairy farming, logging, mining, carpentry, house painting, clearing land, burning brush, growing food, gardening, and finally pesticide spraying. I spent a year in medicine and several years in science research. One winter, I had a part-time job babysitting pickled fish in a fish museum. One summer, I worked for the fish and game branch. Several other summers, I worked on a drilling, blasting, and prospecting crew in the mountains of British Columbia. The reason I am telling you this is because what all of these had in common was human interaction with nature and ‘wilderness’. In the 60s hippie era I even tried drugs, couch-surfed, traded a Winchester 30-30 for a trumpet that I played on the front steps of my house after a few drinks of Southern Comfort, played flute and harmonica, sang in a choir but more often in the shower, hitchhiked for six days from Toronto to Vancouver without a penny to my name, camped out, started a nude beach, and lived in co-ops, communes, apartments and houses both in rural and urban settings. It was wild, but it was fun! Yes, I even got married. A lover of biology, and convinced that pregnancy is not a disease, I attended the home-births of my three children and admit that my wife did almost all the work and that my small contribution was to catch them, tie and cut their cords, and return them to their rightful owner, mom. After being poisoned by pesticides in 1980, I seriously turned my passion and attention to health. I obsessively studied literature, created a method for making good oils with health in mind, developed the first ever flax seed oil, authored several books on the effects of oils on health: Fats and Oils; Fats That Heal Fats That Kill; Choosing the Right Fats; Omega 3 Cuisine; and enthusiastically educated the public in about 40 countries on the effects of oils on health and disease. In 1992, I developed healthy whole foods supplements for dogs, cats, and horses. In 1994, I developed an oil blend that is both better balanced and more effective than flax oil. I followed this with probiotics blends and digestive enzyme blends in 1997, and a year later developed prebiotic fiber and green blends. I have passionately given 5,000+ live presentations on nutrition and health, 3,000+ media interviews, 1,500 staff trainings and traveled to 30+ countries with my message on oils, health, nature, and human nature. For 15 years, I spent 6-9 months a year living out of a suitcase to spread the message of good oils and health. Over the past 15 years, I have had the pleasure and honor to grace the stages with luminaries like Tony Robbins (on oils) and Deepak Chopra (on peace,) keynoted an international Brain Health conference, and lectured in conferences on five continents. Now I am writing on many different titles and topics, including an autobiography. I consult, present, take on the key global issues of our time, and spearhead several multi-trillion dollar projects on peace, health, energy, environment, and education. My fervor and fire are now focused on sustainable energy and water management, as well as healthcare based in nature and human nature, the nature of human nature, and the thirst of the heart resulting in perfect health for you, your family and the world. Thank you again for being here. I look forward to taking this journey with you. At Your Service, Udo Erasmus  
Dr. Maj's 4 part series on Headaches (from her Women Seeking Wellness podcast) starts with this intro episode. Check out all the parts as well as a case study with Stephanie S! Such a great series we decided to run it on both shows! For Headaches no More program in our office, click Community Chiropractic, Inc. Dr. Stephanie A. Maj  1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657 773.528.8485
Meet and listen to Dr. Aardema talk about her journey in Chiropractic. We are so excited for her to join us on Fridays!  Dr. Jill Aardema is a 2004 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic.  In 2008, Dr. Aardema completed her post graduate work earning a Diplomate in Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics (DICCP); a Board Certified credential for licensed doctors of chiropractic in the specialty of pediatrics and pregnancy. She ran a family wellness chiropractic office in Oak Park for 10 years, only leaving full time practice to care for her young family. She loves finding the reason why things don’t work the way they should.  This makes her inquisitive mind a great addition to your wellness team. We are honored to have her! To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.
Build-a-Bump Program was developed by DHA Labs to assist men and women to discover the critical elements key to optimizing their health to achieve the healthiest outcomes prenatally. BIO: Daniel Hanson is an owner and operator of several successful companies focused in personalized healthcare. Dan is the third generation to work in clinical laboratory science with a strong emphasis on the impacts of key nutrients in brain chemistry. He is most well known for his main laboratory, DHA Laboratory, a high complexity, CLIA licensed, independent clinical laboratory, specializing in unique biochemical testing. Performing key tests that analyze the building blocks for neurotransmitters, DHA provides the necessary results for physicians to formulate advanced nutrient therapy protocols targeting key neurotransmitters for patients suffering from mental and emotional conditions. The dedication to meticulous laboratory procedures allows for the treatment of various conditions through the use of neutraceuticals. Building on the laboratories ability to target key nutrients, Dan has also successfully entered the space of optimizing pre-natal nutrition in an advanced manner. Utilizing key laboratory tests and cutting edge analysis, he is focusing on how to use science, research, and personalized prenatal supplement regiments to optimize the health of growing young ones and moms alike. Contact Information Email:  Phone: 847-222-9546   To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.  
So many women wonder if they need a doula attending their birth, well Dr. Steph and Anna Rodney discuss in detail the benefits! To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes. To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657 To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox. Anna Rodney's Bio: Anna is the owner of Chicago Family Doulas. She is a labor and postpartum doula trainer through CAPPA. Anna has supported families as a doula since 2009 and is committed to providing families with professional, compassionate and personal support.  Anna has had the reputation of being a kind, calm, and loving person for as long as she can remember.  She has always cared deeply for people and strives to support and care for all around her.  She has worked with children and families since she was a teen. She supported families in the role of a nanny, preschool teacher, Americorps worker, respite worker and special education teacher, and finally as a birth and postpartum Doula. Anna was a special educator for ten years prior to becoming a doula. Anna is truly a life-long learner. She earned her Masters degree in Education and has earned multiple degrees in Special Education. Once interested in birth she read every book she could get her hands on, became certified through DONA, Certified as a postpartum doula through ProDoula, certified to teach Hypnobirthing, and is a certified Happiest Baby on the Block instructor. She loves to learn and is committed to sharing her vast knowledge with the families she works with.   Anna Rodney, Owner of Chicago Family Doulas(707)616-9137
Discussion of what to do and how to diagnose this often ignored pediatric spinal issue. Bio: Dr. Fisher has undergone extensive Post-Graduate training in whiplash injuries, headaches, posture analysis, pregnancy, neck pain, shoulder pain, low back treatment and digital motion x-ray. He is certified in Chiropractic Biophysics and Whiplash Biomechanics. He has undertaken extensive studies in ligament injuries (the primary cause of chronic spinal pain) and has two studies pending publication. It’s not often that you find a healthcare provider that shares your passion for what’s possible when it comes to your health. But at Gold Coast Chiropractic, we know that better health—and feeling your best—can and should be within everyone’s reach. That’s why we don’t settle for traditional treatments or conventional approaches that often limit health outcomes by focusing solely on pain management or symptom relief rather than identifying and resolving the root cause of specific health issues. Dr. Fisher is originally from Okoboji, IA. He attended Iowa State University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in MIS and a Minor in Chemistry. Upon graduation he moved to Lombard, IL to attend National University of Health Sciences. While there, he was awarded both a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Biology and a Doctor of Chiropractic. Dr. Fisher was also student body Vice-President and member of the executive board member of Student American Chiropractic Association. He also received a Master’s of Science in Nutrition from Bridgeport University. Prior to graduation, Dr. Fisher was selected to participate in the Department of Defense internship at National Naval Medical Hospital in Bethesda, MD. While an intern there, he performed weekly rotations in other departments including: Neurosurgery, Pain Management, Orthopedic Surgery, Radiology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Oral Facial Pain Clinic. He then started Fisher Chiropractic and Integrative Health in Hinsdale, IL, which he ran with a partner until July of 2013.  Dr. Fisher has been at Gold Coast Chiropractic since August 2013. He is a member of Chiropractic Biophysics Non-Profit, Academy of Chiropractic, the Illinois Chiropractic Society, and the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes. To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657 To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.  
Pooping. Hands Numb. Reflux! To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes. To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657 To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.
Dr. Steph and Corinne discuss how many couples plan home births because they believe that most of the time pregnancy and childbirth are normal functions of a healthy body, not a potential life-and-death crisis that requires the supervision of a surgeon. At home, you decide where to deliver, you can move around as you desire, decide who you want there. There is no risk of unnecessary interventions, you can eat your own food, cuddle in your own bed, have a waterbirth, have siblings there or not. CORINNE WESTING CNM, APN Bio: For Corinne, working in home birth is a perfect extension of her passion for helping women and childbearing people access the full spectrum of patient-centered reproductive health care. By recognizing and promoting the physiology of reproductive health cycles and events, while promoting current evidence-based practices, Corinne works to partner with her clients for an empowering and safe pregnancy and birth, as well as reproductive health across the lifespan. To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes. To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.  
How do you lead your family to living a healthy life? Jamie & Dr. Maj sit down for a wonderful conversation on building an intentionally well family.   To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.   To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.  
Yelp...Just say NO!

Yelp...Just say NO!


Yelp used to be the way that people found businesses. Now, you can’t always trust what you see on their front page. Drs. Stephanie Maj and Brittany Guelzow discuss the ins and outs of their experience with Yelp, and why it might not be the most reliable source.   To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.
Bringing Energy Medicine to the family in this informative fun conversation between Dr. Steph and Beth.   To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.   To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox. BETHANY LYNCH, EEM-CLP, APN, RN Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner Certified Warrior Goddess Facilitator Owner of Roots & Wings Energy   My journey as a healer began in the nursing field. I’ve always been drawn to caring for the whole person, recognizing that we are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual beings with important needs on each level. Holistic approaches are largely not recognized in Western medicine, but I found the model of hospice to have similar values. So for many years, I cared for cancer, palliative care and hospice patients—and it was fulfilling. I was able to gracefully honor each person exactly how they were in the moment and allow them to feel their own sense of dignity.   I still, however, felt there was something more I could offer as a healer. While I was a caregiver and nurturer for others, I hadn’t always been the best at taking care of myself. I met an Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner at a local event and decided to book a session. I resonated deeply with the way she held the space of healing for me first, so that I could step into the space of healing for myself. I wasn’t judged and nothing felt forced. The practitioner simply focused on my needs and worked with my body’s energy systems. As I continued to explore energy medicine, my life began to radically shift. I experienced a sense of vitality that I hadn’t known before. For the first time, I learned how to truly care for myself. I knew that I wanted to share energy medicine with others to empower them on their own journey to heal, evolve and optimize their wellness.   I studied Eden Energy Medicine (under Donna Eden and her experienced faculty) for 3 years to become a clinical practitioner. I whole-heartedly believe that it is one of the quickest, easiest and safest ways to reconnect with the body’s needs and effect positive change—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Most traditions work with just one system. Eden Energy Medicine is special because it utilizes 9 energetic systems, wrapped up into one highly effective healing modality.   What I enjoy most about working with clients is that I can hold the space of complete acceptance of their states of being. The world doesn’t need any more judgement. I want clients to understand that energy is just energy—there is no right or wrong. We identify areas that are flowing well and areas that need support, and realize that it’s all part of their individual soul’s journey. Credentials Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner, Phoenix, AZ, Naperville, IL, London, UK Certified Warrior Goddess Facilitator (by HeatherAsh Amara) Adult Nurse Practitioner, Masters in Nursing, University of Washington-Seattle Registered Nurse, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of Wisconsin-Madison  
How is the iPhone and iPad changing the brain and spine? Sitting is the new smoking...we know you have heard that and we explain why! To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.   To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.  
Proactive and preventative prenatal care expert that is hands on help for families to have the birth they desire! How does our lifestyle affect birth?   Bio: Heather McCullough, CPM is a midwife and Faculty Educator for CAPPA in 3 programs - Certified Labor Doula (CAPPA), Certified Postpartum Doula (CAPPA) Certified Lactation Educator (CAPPA). She is also a Certified Hypnobabies Instructor, Birthing From Within Mentor, as well as an Evidence Based Birth® Instructor and Professional Member. Heather is also a student of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is a Certified Educator in Acupressure for Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum.   As an educator and midwife for nearly 25 years, she regularly presents to both expecting parents and professionals on current childbirth research. A passionate, experienced, and innovative birth provider for over 25 years, Heather began this work when she was 19. Initially going to pre-med to become an OB-Gyn, she was re-directed to Midwifery and became a Certified Professional Midwife. Heather practiced midwifery in Portland, Oregon. After moving back to the midwest, Heather settled in Chicago, Illinois. As of this writing, Illinois does not offer a license for CPMs. She therefore works as a Doula, Monitrice, and Childbirth Educator, and has supported over 1,400 families.   As owner of &, she has a thriving labor support business Chicagoland, while teaching classes and in-services for families, doulas, and educators.   To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to 1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657   To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.
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