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We invite people to love God, find freedom, discover purpose and make a difference. We are called to share a message of new life in Jesus, and to mobilize God's people to be living examples of hope, family, prayer, action, generosity, creativity and celebration.
289 Episodes
How do we find the motivation to fan into flame the gifts God has given us when we are up against a difficult task? This weekend Pastor Joaquin continued our series BRING THE HEAT with a message about what we should remember when we lack motivation. 1 Timothy 1:12-14I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service, though formerly I was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent. But I received mercy because I had acted ignorantly in unbelief, and the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.Timothy was up against a tall task at the church of Ephesus having to stand against false teachers. Paul encourages Timothy by taking a trip down memory lane of his own life. Here is what he chose to remember.1) Remember Jesus chose you.Paul finds motivation by remembering that day on the Damascus Road when he was chosen by Jesus. When speaking about Paul to Ananias in the book of Acts, Jesus said:Acts 9:15“Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel.Our motivation starts when we remember we are CHOSEN!2) Remember Jesus appoints and empowers you.Paul reminds himself he was chosen for a reason. He was appointed to service and he knew that Christ gave him the strength to do what he was appointed to do.3) Remember Jesus' grace for you.When we remember our past, it shouldn't bring us to a place of shame and guilt. It should propel us into a heart of gratitude every single time. Like Paul, the memories of his past sins reminded him of how great God's grace is. It was the spark that ignited his motivation behind what he was called to do.
God wants to use you to be a blessing! This weekend Pastor Steve Andres shared a message from our BRING THE HEAT summer series.2 Timothy 2:20-21In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.As we listen in on a mentoring conversation between the Apostle Paul and Timothy, we learn how we can become vessels that are useful to the Lord.1) PRACTICE. Training is better than trying.Paul tells Timothy, “Keep reminding them…” Jesus told a story of two men who built houses. Both men heard Jesus' words, and both experienced storms. The only difference between them was that one man practiced what Jesus taught, and that was the man whose house was built on solid ground.2) PURSUE. Add discipline to desire in order to grow.Paul instructs Timothy to flee from evil desires, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace. Time does not always equal progress, especially when we get stuck in sin or disillusionment. The man or woman of God will find a way to pursue the things of God.3) PEOPLE. He who walks with the wise will be wise.If all you have is people who like you, who you like and who are like you, you are missing out on the greatest workshop for holiness that God gives to us. When we are disappointed in other Christians, we learn how to be godly as we love and forgive. God is building a great house, and he wants vessels that are fit for use. How do you know which vessel is made of precious metal? When you strike them, they sing. Jesus was struck down, but he stayed true, and so became a vessel for God’s grace and mercy to sinners like us!
This weekend Pastor Joaquin concluded our BELIEVE series with a message about how fear gets in the way of our faith. 1) Faith knows all things are possible with God.To be a person of faith you need a powerful person, and that powerful person is not YOU! We can't look to ourselves to achieve all that God has in store for us. Only with Jesus can we see the impossible become reality. 2) Faith is not occasional obedience, it's ultimate surrender.What separates a follower of Jesus and someone who just likes the idea of Jesus is that a follower of Jesus will submit to Jesus' desires instead of just taking his desires into consideration. 3) Faith and fear cannot coexist. Fear distorts the way we see Jesus' work in our lives and will never allow us to see the GOOD that God is doing in our situation. Remember that perfect love casts out all fear. Trust that Jesus loves you. 4) Faith empowers us to step out of the boat.If Peter had never stepped out of the boat he would have never experienced the miracle of walking on water. We can't let our fear get in the way of our obedience. Instead, we must set it aside so we can experience all that God has in store for us. 5) Little faith reminds us we need saving, while faith without doubt assures us we are safe. Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Who are you praying for today? This weekend Pastor Steve Andres continued our BELIEVE series with a message about approaching God on behalf of others.Genesis 18:23,25Abraham approached the Lord and said, “Will you sweep away both the righteous and the wicked? Surely you wouldn’t do that! Should not the Judge of all the earth do what is right?” God invites Abraham into conversation about his plan to bring judgment to Sodom, and Abraham intercedes for the people of the city. What does this teach us?1) Praying is believing.We can’t trust and not pray, and we can’t pray without trusting. God knows we aren’t experts at prayer, but he gives us the Holy Spirit to help us when we pray!2) Praying is hoping.We can’t pray for others without becoming more hopeful about them. Prayer is important because the less time you spend with truth the easier it is to believe lies. 3) Praying is loving.Our prayerlessness is not for a lack of opportunity, it’s for a lack of love. We have access to God through Jesus, which means the only way to fail at prayer is to not pray!4) Praying is priesting.Prayer stands between someone else and God and says, I will take up their case! This is the example we have in Jesus, who is our advocate in heaven!Hebrews 7:25Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.God invites us to pray and to intercede for others. Who are you praying for today?
Can you believe even when it is costly? This weekend Pastor Steve Andres continued our BELIEVE series with a message about Elijah’s faith.1 Kings 18:37-38Elijah prayed, "Answer me, Lord, so these people will know that you are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.” Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench.Elijah was dealing with a people whose entire relationship with God existed in the past tense. They had not rejected God, they had added other gods to their worship. 1) Elijah’s faith was a CATALYST.A catalyst creates a reaction. Healthy people don't go out looking for conflict, but growth and change rarely happen without discomfort."Father, make of me a crisis man. Bring those I contact to decision. Let me not be a milepost on a single road; make me a fork, that men must turn one way or another on facing Christ in me."Jim ElliotOur real conflict is not with people. People are the prize in the kingdom of God, so our goal is not to defeat people but to win them. Real faith will produce healthy confrontation.2) Elijah’s faith created COMMITMENT.Elijah asked, “How long will you waver between two opinions?” Elijah knew that belief was meaningless without obedience. 3) Elijah’s faith was COSTLY.After years without rain, Elijah’s pouring out of water on the sacrifice was an extravagant act of faith. Are you willing to operate in trust even when it costs you something precious?When Elijah prayed, God answered with fire from heaven! It may seem like this dramatic story of faith in action is out of reach for us. But the Bible says the opposite.James 5:17-18Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years! Then, when he prayed again, the sky sent down rain and the earth began to yield its crops.You can have a faith that God uses to turn hearts towards Him again!
Where have you placed your hope? This weekend Pastor Steve Andres started our BELIEVE series with a message about the nature of faith.Matthew 17:20“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there', and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”Faith is not a denial of reality, it’s a deeper reality. What does this passage teach us about how to trust God in the face of very real challenges and disappointments?1) Every seed starts out SMALL. Faith is not a form of religious achievement. What matters is not the amount of faith, but the object of our faith. Even a small seed of faith, WELL-PLACED, can make mountains jump.2) Every seed starts out SLOW.Faith requires trust in God’s unseen work. Real faith allows us to be faithful to our assignment today, trusting that God will bring finished fruit in His perfect time.3) Every seed has a SO THAT.A gardener plants seeds to grow a tree and to enjoy its fruit. But Jesus said there is a SO THAT that has nothing to do with the gardener's goals. Matthew 13:33"Though the mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”When we place our hope and trust in Jesus, God multiplies His blessings in our lives, SO THAT others can experience God’s goodness as well! 
How do you guard your heart and life? This weekend Pastor Steve Andres shared a message about Jesus’ face to face encounter with Peter on the night before his crucifixion, and a question from Pastor Tim Dilena that has served as a challenge for decades.Matthew 26:31-33Then Jesus told them, “This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written: “‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’ But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.” Peter replied, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.” Every Gospel records this unflattering story of Peter’s boast and denial on the night of Jesus’ trial. Not only does this authenticate the historical nature of the Gospels, but it also illuminates some important truths.1) "It is written" beats my opinion.Peter was sincere in his belief in himself. The other disciples said the same, but "it is written" always beats the majority opinion. God’s Word is the standard for truth, not our sincerity.Isaiah 55:11My word that goes out from my mouth:  Will not return to me empty,but will accomplish what I desire  and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.We can choose to disagree with the Bible, to be offended by it, to vilify it, to call it irrelevant and dismiss it, but we cannot undo it. 2) My failures cost more than me.Jesus knew that when a leader fails, others are impacted. If you strike the shepherd, sheep will scatter. Your life in Christ is not personal, it is public, and your example matters.3) Self-confidence can be self-deception.Peter underestimated his own weakness and dependence on God’s help. A humble attitude keeps us grounded in an awareness of our need for God’s grace to obey Him.4) Prayer is the antidote to temptation.Jesus tells his disciples, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” (Matthew 26:41) Prayerlessness is pride because it ignores our daily need for help from the Holy Spirit to serve God.5) Sin gets easier with repetition.When confronted at Jesus’ trial, Peter begins by simply claiming ignorance, but as he is challenged again, he adds an oath and finally, cursing. Sin always gets easier with repetition. When the rooster crows, Peter leaves in sorrow and shame.The next day, Jesus is tortured and forced to carry his cross, and the Bible says soldiers forced Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross for Jesus. Over twenty years ago, Pastor Tim Dilena asked the question, “Where is the other Simon?” Where was Simon Peter when Jesus needed help carrying his cross? God raises Jesus from the dead, and Jesus beautifully forgives and restores Peter. But Peter’s failure still serves as a warning to us. When we guard our hearts and lives, we keep ourselves available for God to use at the most pivotal moments of his plan for our generation!
Do you want to be well? This weekend Pastor Steve Andres continued our FACE TO FACE series with a message about the stories that define us.John 5:5-6One man had been an invalid there for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him stretched out by the pool and knew how long he had been there, he said, “Do you want to be well?” After such a long season of hardship and disappointment, the man who has longed for healing is face to face with the Healer. What can we learn from the way that Jesus interacts with him?1) Jesus addresses his foundation.The stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves define our future. After Jesus asks him a simple question, the man responds with a story about frustration and defeat. Before the man could receive his miracle, his mindset would need to change. 2) Jesus addresses his feelings.The danger in discouragement is that it steals our hope. Our prayers become tame, and our dreams get domesticated. Yet, in spite of his discouragement, the man at the pool kept showing up, and that created space for God to work!1 Corinthians 15:19And if our hope in Christ is only for this life, we are more to be pitied than anyone in the world.But we don’t have a hope for this life alone, we have a RESURRECTION HOPE! And that hope translates to courage. So the Apostle Paul continues:1 Corinthians 15:58Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.The enemy wants pain to paralyze you. He wants you to give up. He doesn’t win if you're hurt, he wins if you quit. But we have a RESURRECTION HOPE, and that hope gives us courage to keep showing up.3) Jesus addresses his faith.STRONG FAITH is about power, but LONG FAITH is about perseverance. After many years of hoping, Jesus arrives and simply tells the man to take his mat and walk. The mat that had been the symbol of brokenness and marginalization now became the symbol of God’s overruling goodness and power. This is the Gospel message! When Jesus chose the cross, He transformed it into a symbol of our forgiveness and freedom, and because He triumphed over sin and death, our stories can be redeemed and transformed!
Have you ever been waiting on God and wondering where He is? This weekend Pastor Devin Gough shared a message about desperation and the faithfulness of God.Luke 8:49-50 While he was still speaking, someone from the ruler’s house came and said, “Your daughter is dead; do not trouble the Teacher any more.” But Jesus on hearing this answered him, “Do not fear; only believe, and she will be well.”Jairus was a synagogue leader and a man of influence, but on the day he came to Jesus he was a desperate father with a dying daughter. He came humbly to Jesus, but when Jesus was delayed by another woman’s sickness, Jairus had to make a choice between FEAR and FAITH. His story teaches us how we respond to God when we feel ignored or afraid.1) RELEASE THE FEAR.Jesus’ instruction to release this fear is not just about dismissing emotions but about redirecting trust away from the situation and towards Him.2) RELY ON FAITH.Faith, in the Biblical context, is trust in God's character, promises, and power, even when the evidence seems to suggest otherwise.3) REST ON HIS WORD.For Jairus, resting on Jesus' word meant believing in the promise of his daughter's recovery. When Jesus said, “She will be well,” it was a promise that Jairus could count on.Isaiah 55:11So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.In the end, Jairus trusted and watched Jesus faithfully fulfill His word. The same is true for you: Do not fear, only believe, and it will be well!
Do you know the order of grace? This weekend Pastor Steve Andres continued our FACE TO FACE series with a message about the generous love of God.Luke 19:5-6When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.Zacshaeus was a man who has become famous for his short stature. What can we learn from his unexpected face to face meeting with Jesus?1) Be willing to climb a tree.Tree-climbing is for children, but not for respectable adults. That Zacchaeus was willing to appear foolish to see Jesus meant that he was humble enough to receive the kingdom of God.2) Get over the crowd.Other people can be mean and hypocritical, but in order to see Jesus you have to be willing to look past them. Extend to others the same patience and grace you extend to yourself.3) Bring Jesus home.Zacchaeus doesn’t invite Jesus over, Jesus invites himself. Pay attention to the order of grace. The love of Jesus is not the payment for our efforts. The love of Jesus is what produces a deep change in our lives!How do we know that Jesus loves us? Because when we were lost, he climbed a tree for us, choosing the foolishness of the cross so we could have a place at his table!
This Sunday we continued our Face to Face series, where we're exploring different biblical accounts of people who were changed by personal interactions with Jesus. 1) The miracle of his reach.2) The boldness of his honesty.3) The narrowness of his offer.
This Sunday we started a new series called "Face to Face," which will take us through easter during the next 6 weeks. Throughout the bible, we see this idea of "Face", which can also be translated as "presence." The radical idea that the New Testament explores is that when people came face to face with Jesus, they were coming face to face with God himself. So between now and Easter, we will look at different face-to-face encounters in the Gospels!1) Pain makes us press in.2) Labels are lazy.3) Trauma makes us turn inward. 4) The reach was worth the risk.
This Sunday, Pastor Joaquin concluded our Take Care series with a message about what it means to take care of our hearts. Our human hearts aren't as trustworthy as we may think. We need to seek alignment with God's heart to ensure we're following the right path. 1) Don't follow your heart.2) Follow God’s heart3) Trust the right person with your heart.
During our Take Care series, we've discussed many ways to steward what God has blessed us with. Today, we are discussing how to take care of our money, and what it means to steward it well!Key Points:1) Giving starts with gratitude.2) Money is meant for managing, not for meaning.3) Tithing is a testimony.4) Generosity is a joy.
Take Care of Your Body

Take Care of Your Body


On Sunday, Pastor Steve spoke about the significance of taking care of our bodies. He advised us to consider our bodies as temples that are blessings from God! Just as with any other blessing, it is important to be responsible stewards of our bodies. However, many of us may struggle with doing this perfectly. There can be a range of reasons for this, but Pastor Steve highlighted three common reasons in his talk:1) We are confused.2) We are coping.3) We are caught.Listen to this sermon to learn why it is important to rely on the Lord to help us take care of our bodies!
Take Care of Your Mind

Take Care of Your Mind


During his sermon this Sunday, Pastor Joaquin spoke about the importance of taking care of our minds. He emphasized that God is the source of our strength and that if we turn back to Him, we will be rejuvenated, refreshed, and restored. To achieve this, we need to pray without ceasing and be vigilant in guarding our minds against falsehoods. We must also take every thought captive and bring it under the authority of Christ. By doing so, we can experience a transformation of our minds through God's renewing power.1) Take care of your mind by going back to what God has said!2) Take care of your mind by guarding it against lies.3) Take care of your mind with prayer.4) Take care of your mind by holding every thought captive.
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