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Conscious Manifesting Tips

Author: Caroline Jalango

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Sharing Higher Consciousness Manifestation Tips and Law of Attraction Strategies that WORK, How they have Worked for Me and How YOU can Apply them so they can WORK for YOU!
If you consciously USE the POWER of YOUR IMAGINATION— You will Manifest whatever you want. If you apply certain principles in your imagination process—You can be whatever you want and manifest whatever you want. Discover these manifesting tips, play with them, practice and have fun.
You are a CREATOR and Your IMAGINATION is Power and Wisdom. Use it!
Creation and Manifestation is ALL WITHIN First and Then WITHOUT!
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36 Episodes
Conscious Manifestor! If you are in the process of manifesting FINANCIAL security, HEALTH, a BUSINESS, a RELATIONSHIP, a DECISION in your favor, an EDUCATION...or whatever...YOU MAY ENCOUNTER OPPOSITION from people or from circumstances...BUT....  --- Support this podcast:
Conscious Manifestor! Are YOU getting DISTRACTED by the NEWS about all the terrible things that are going on in the EXTERNAL world? Is the negative news about the economy, politics, health, relationships affecting you and therefore PARALYSING your desire to continue your manifestation process? --- Support this podcast:
Conscious Manifestors! Some of us are facing situations that  we desperately need to SHIFT and MOVE out of! Everyone's situation is different. Some people are sick, some are broke, some are jobless, some are in legal conflicts, some are feeling matter what it is...ONE THING you can do RIGHT NOW to shift you out of your PROBLEM STATE is.... --- Support this podcast:
Conscious Manifestors! The Moment YOU get that DESIRE to Manifest ANYTHING...the MOMENT the desire comes upon your CONSCIOUS AWARENESS... --- Support this podcast:
Conscious Manifestors! What YOU do for OTHERS...YOU do for YOU as Well! LIFTING others UP as a Manifesting Strategy is ONE of my ABSOLUTE Favorite ways of Manifesting. Make it YOURS as WELL! Tune in and FIND OUT how to EASILY do This! --- Support this podcast: Conscious Manifestors! Are YOU wondering if you are MANIFESTING CORRECTLY? If you are STRESSING out about what YOU want to manifest and wondering whether you are UPROOTING the SEEDS you want to Manifest - Health, Wealth, Love, Career, Business etc. FIND OUT what to DO and ensure that YOUR MANIFESTATION SEED remains STABLE in your CONSCIOUSNESS...until it shows up in YOUR ETERNAL REALITY.   --- Support this podcast: Conscious Manifestor! Do YOU have a FALSE GOD? As a CREATOR, You can't depend or rely on a FALSE GOD especially if you want to successfully and speedily MANIFEST Anything! You must ELIMINATE FALSE GODS. This EFFECTIVE Manifesting Strategy that I am sharing in this podcast will help you SOLVE that SNEAKY SABOTAGING ''false god'' problem and get you on the path of Conscious Manifesting like a BOSS! Listen and Find Out!!! --- Support this podcast: Conscious Manifestor! Do YOU have a FALSE GOD? If you do...PAY ATTENTION to this SNEAKY MANIFESTING SABOTAGE...because it will cause YOUR Conscious Manifestation Process of Health, Wealth, Love or Whatever to NOT see the LIGHT of DAY! What is a FALSE GOD anyway and WHY is it important to notice if you have it and how it is showing up in YOUR MANIFESTING process? Listen and Find Out! --- Support this podcast: Conscious Manifestors! What You Are Imagining Right Now is Creating SOMETHING that will show up in YOUR Reality! IMAGINATION creates reality. Imagination is Power and whatever is showing up in your current EXTERNAL reality or in your LIFE right now is a RESULT of YOUR CONSCIOUS or UNCONSCIOUS Imaginings! So...what are you imagining RIGHT NOW? Listen in and find out why this Conscious Manifesting Tip is REALLY Important and How To Ensure That You Manifest Only What You Truly Desire! --- Support this podcast: Conscious Manifestors, no matter what you want to MANIFEST in your reality, HEALTH, MONEY, JOB, PROMOTION, SUCCESS, LOVE...or whatever...the first thing you MUST STOP DOING is THIS.... --- Support this podcast: As a Conscious Manifestor, No Matter what you want to manifest— health, wealth, loving relationships etc...YOUR DECISIONS will REVEAL whether you are TRULY OCCUPYING the RIGHT State of Consciousness required to manifest what YOU WANT. How you are reacting and responding to life and how you are making decisions has a BIG IMPACT on whether what you want to manifest will see the LIGHT of DAY. Listen in... --- Support this podcast: As Conscious Manifestors, WHY DO YOU KEEP IMAGINING CRAP and IMPRESSING YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS with Things You Don't struggle, suffering, poverty, debt, unemployment, sickness, sorrow etc? Why WASTE Your Imagination in that way? Your Imagination and Your CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES YOUR EXTERNAL REALITY. So...Pay Attention. Listen In and Find Out What To Do Instead. --- Support this podcast: Conscious Manifestors...YOUR IMAGINATION is the KEY to Manifestation. It is the POWER that starts the process of creation. So your SEEDS of Manifesting WEALTH, HEALTH, LOVE etc....need to be planted in a way that is not laced with the energy of DESPERATION, STRUGGLE, FEAR or ANXIETY. In this podcast I talk about how to do this...TUNE IN! --- Support this podcast: Conscious Manifestors, If you are experiencing, financial aka MONEY problems, health aka SICKNESS problems, LOVE situations, JOB related matters, or whatever... RELIEF from all of it would be wonderful!!! BUT wait a minute!!! Did you know that there is something much MORE EFFECTIVE than just IMAGINING Relief from your situation? Take a listen because there is something EFFECTIVE YOU can DO in Your Creative IMAGINATION process. --- Support this podcast: As Conscious Manifestors, We All Know People Who Could Really Use our Conscious Manifesting Abilities to LIFT THEM out of CRAPPY SITUATIONS. Discover How You Can Begin To Do That RIGHT NOW! --- Support this podcast:  As a Conscious Manifestor, what do people NOTICE about YOU?  What is NOTICEABLE about YOU? PAY ATTENTION to this—because what you are planning to MANIFEST...even though it is still Speaking LOUDLY. People will NOTICE things about YOU. You will also NOTICE things about YOURSELF that REVEAL whether you have OCCUPIED the right State of Conscious that will bring what you want into EXTERNAL reality.  --- Support this podcast: Conscious Manifestor...if a PAST MEMORY, PAST EVENT, PAST SITUATION or A PAST RELATIONSHIP is NEGATIVELY affecting your CURRENT LIFE...and INTERFERING with your FORWARD progress...this PODCAST IS FOR YOU! If YOU want to manifest money, You want to manifest health, You want to manifest a loving relationship, You want to manifest a good job, You want to be secure…happy…but it’s NOT HAPPENING!  If you are tired of unwanted patterns that keep repeating over and over again… If you are tired of producing the same old results that keep you in an unending cycle of frustration…struggle and desperation… If something in your life just won’t go away…or keeps escalating… Then this PODCAST is absolutely for you! If the same issues you don’t want are being replayed in your life experience…you can get closure right now! TAKE A LISTEN! --- Support this podcast: Conscious Manifestors! I really want you all to Make 2019 the BEST YEAR so far! So, I am gonna SHARE one of My Favorite Manifesting Tips with you... It is QUICK, EASY and EFFECTIVE! So...listen, notice and apply! --- Support this podcast: As a Conscious Manifestor...Why Would You let YOUR DAY Go Sideways....When You Can Easily Get DIRECT HITS on What You Want to Manifest? How You START your DAY MATTERS! Listen in and find out how to do this like a BOSS. --- Support this podcast:  As a conscious Manifestor...ARE YOU EASILY BUMPED OUT or TRIGGERED out of your STATE of PEACEFUL Manifesting by XYZ happening? If you want to manifest, health, wealth, loving relationships etc...You need to imagine a Life That You LOVE so much that you have no time to be bothered by the nonsense going on. Don't DELAY your manifestation process...speed it up by Imagining what you love and staying in that state.  --- Support this podcast: