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What The Hell Just Happened?!

Author: Paul Edwards

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You don’t know what you don’t know. And, when it comes to HR and employment laws, most employers are SHOCKED by what they learn from talking to CEDR CEO and Founder Paul Edwards for just ten minutes.

But Paul’s a busy man. And, though he would love nothing more than to talk one-on-one with each and every business owner and manager interested in learning about HR compliance, team management strategies, and how to protect their businesses, there’s only so much Paul to go around.

So, we’ve got the next best thing for you - Introducing "What the Hell Just Happened?" In this new podcast, Paul sits down with a different HR expert from his Solution Center team each week to discuss the burning HR questions facing you now, and to offer expert insights on important HR considerations you didn’t know you didn’t know.
89 Episodes
All employees fall somewhere on the skill versus will matrix, which is a tool that can help you objectively make tough decisions with employees. You have your ideal employees (those that can and will and those that can't and will), and then you have your less-than-ideal employees (those that can and won't and those that can't and won't). Have you ever stopped to think about where all of your employees land? From there, what to do with those that fall in the less-than-ideal category? Join Paul Edwards and CeCe Wilson in this week's episode of What the Hell Just Happened?! as they go over the skill vs. will matrix and how to decide when it's time to coach, train, or fire, depending on where each employee falls.
Talking about the EEOC and the businesses they go after has become a regular occurrence on What The Hell Just Happened?! This episode is no exception. There are several ways sexual harassment can show up within your workplace, and Monroe Auto had to learn this lesson the hard way by paying out a large settlement. Listen to Paul Edwards as he sits down with CeCe Wilson and Amanda Rishor to discuss what happened and how it could have been stopped before it even started.
Giving your employees in-house treatment as a benefit of employment is common, and a great way to increase employee retention! However, there are a lot of things to consider, especially when it comes to billing and how insurance carriers see things. Listen when Harley Hartliep and Paul Edwards sit down and talk about it in this week's episode of What the Hell Just Happened?!
Events outside of work are super common, and sometimes even encouraged. Hosting your employees for after-work drinks or holiday parties to show appreciation is nice. However, are you inviting employees to these in the right way? A post on Reddit went viral where an employee felt pressured to go to the events outside of working hours as if their position in the company would be in jeopardy if they didn’t attend. Remember, if it feels required, then it is required. Listen to Paul Edwards and Ally Dagnino unpack this situation in this week’s episode.
How are performance evaluations done at your business? Everyone all at once? On each employee’s yearly employment anniversary? Which method do you think is best? Performance evaluations can be done in several different ways to match the needs of whatever business the employees belong to. However, doing them all at once at the same time each year can make it rough on not only the person giving the reviews but also the employees themselves. Listen to Jennie McLaughlin and CeCe Wilson as they take over the mic this week to talk about best practices around performance reviews.
Age discrimination is high on the list of everyday occurrences in the workforce. Forcing an older employee to retire, looking for “fresh out of college” applicants, and more can quickly land your business in the danger zone in the eyes of the EEOC. In this week’s episode of What the Hell Just Happened?! Listen to Paul Edwards and CeCe Wilson talk about the risks involved with this touchy subject, and how to ensure you don’t land in a place where the EEOC will be looking at you.
Conflict is everywhere and comes in many forms. In the workplace, it can bring down the entire vibe of your practice, and your patients will feel that shift too. What do you do, as a manager or owner, when employees approach you about conflict that they can’t seem to solve themselves? What steps do you take? Listen to this week’s episode to hear what Paul Edwards and Moriah Ochoa sit down and talk about it.
In this episode, we give managers payroll heartburn over bonuses and commission payments. Did you know that bonuses and commissions affect hourly wages and cause the need to adjust past pay for overtime? “What I need you to know, and this is the mindblowing part, is that when an employee works the first quarter of a year and earns a bonus or commission at the end of that quarter if they have worked any overtime during that first quarter where the bonus was subject to -  YOU  have to go back and look at the overtime hours and add that bonus into the overtime hours. You owe them more money. Not only do you owe the commission/bonus, but now that you know how much they earned, you need to go back and adjust their overtime pay.”
One trend in the world of HR right now is that employers are using social media to look up the people applying to your workplace. For years now we’ve been telling our HR Community that there are intrinsic issues with doing so. The prevailing thinking is that it gives you the chance to see if the person you are thinking about hiring is “normal”? but the problem is, you may also or only come up with things that you don’t want to find. Listen to Jennie McLaughlin and CeCe Wilson in this week’s episode to hear why we advocate against this practice.
Recently, there was a court case about one employee claiming the use of the requested pronouns of another employee went against their religion, so they would not do it. What would you do if you were an employer in this situation? The answer is trickier than you think. Our main guidance: engage in the interactive process. Listen to Paul Edwards, Nora Gustafson, and Amanda Rishor sit down to unpack this issue and the best way to handle it as an employer.
Recently, Crumbl Cookies found themselves in trouble with the Department of Labor for violating child labor laws. This issue is more common than you may think, as many states have specific laws surrounding minors having jobs. If you are considering hiring a minor this summer, listen to Paul Edwards, Kristen Hof, and Amanda Rishor talk about the various things to remember when you decide to bring a child on as an employee.
One thing we constantly get asked about by our community of over 10,000 practice owners and managers is how to handle employees traveling for a work event. Do you need to pay them for the entire time? Can you restrict their drinking? What about rooming employees together to save some money on hotel costs? Listen as Paul Edwards and Michelle Richards discuss this popular topic and answer some of your most asked questions.
One of our employees recently went to a concert where the show's opener gave out a feedback form. Of course, as HR nerds, this inspired us to talk about the always asked about topic: giving feedback to employees. Most people want feedback, but there are right and wrong ways to go about it. Listen to Paul Edwards, Kristen Hof, and Amanda Rishor talk about why you shouldn’t be afraid to give feedback to employees and what the benefits of those conversations are (if you aren’t giving them feedback, they will start making it up in their head). 
A good amount of states out there have now legalized cannabis for recreational purposes along with medical. Employers are increasingly facing employees coming into the office smelling like weed. Even if they do not seem impaired (if they do, that is an entirely different issue), there are steps you can take to ensure the smell is not present in your office. Listen to this week’s episode, where Paul, Nora, and Amanda sit down to discuss what to do when facing this situation.
Have you heard the term “hire slow, fire fast”? It’s making its way through the world of content catered to employers lately, and Paul Edwards and Moriah Ochoa wanted to sit down and talk about it. Is there any truth to it? What exactly does it mean? Listen to this week’s episode to hear their thoughts on the entire concept and how they suggest you interpret the increasingly popular phrase.
If you’re an employer in today’s working environment, there is no doubt that you’ve heard of burnout... Maybe even experienced it yourself! But what is burnout? Can it be prevented? How do you address it? Listen to Paul Edwards sit down with CeCe Wilson and Amanda Rishor to discuss burnout in the workplace and how to approach it with all different generations of employees.
The Kardashians have done it again… and by that, we mean allegedly violating employment laws. This time, the conversation focuses on Khloe Kardashian and how she treated her personal assistant, who is now attempting to sue her for breaking California Labor Laws. Join Paul Edwards, Jennie McLaughlin, and Amanda Rishor as they talk about the crazy world of the Kardashians and how HR seems to find its way into it all (doesn’t it always?).
Paying $400k in back wages…sound like something you’d want to have to do? Classifying employees incorrectly is extremely common in several fields of business. Having employees who are incorrectly classified, either as exempt or non-exempt, has caused problems for thousands of companies throughout the years. In this week’s episode of What The Hell Just Happened?! Listen to Paul Edwards and Michelle Richard discuss what happened to two businesses, one smaller and one large, after they were discovered by the Department of Labor to be incorrectly classifying some employees.
Picture this: you sift through dozens of applications and schedule countless phone interviews (something we are all too familiar with). Then, one of your phone screens goes extremely well, and you have hope for filling your position that has been empty for quite a while. You schedule this candidate for their first in-person interview, and when they come in, they sound nothing like who you talked to on the phone. Even wilder, they give you completely countering answers from what they had prior. Turns out it is someone else entirely! Oddly enough, this is becoming all too common. Paul Edwards sits down with CeCe Wilson to discuss this strange new phenomenon and how to prevent it from happening.
Pay transparency is coming up more often as more and more states are beginning to pass laws requiring employers to be transparent about what they are paying people. Additionally, employees are becoming more curious about it when they see jobs that may be similar to theirs having a higher pay range posted with no explanation as to why. As an employer, this can be nerve-racking when you are first looking into it. However, listen to Paul Edwards, CEO & Founder of CEDR HR Solutions, and Michelle Richard, Senior Solution Center Advisor, discuss how enacting pay transparency at your workplace will benefit you as an employer with current employees and any future ones.
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