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Revelation Made Clear

Author: Brent Kercheville

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This website is an attempt to cut through so much of the fear and confusion that surrounds the book of Revelation.
36 Episodes
The book of Revelation is the book in the Bible that is considered to be shrouded in mystery. Many people think that the book of Revelation cannot be understood. Many think that the book is intended to be hard. Before we begin our study, I am going to encourage you with the same words that I always offer. Please enter this study with an open mind. Try to erase any preconceived notions you may have. Study the book of Revelation for yourself.
Verse 4 begins the book and you will notice that it begins in a typical first century Greco-Roman letter format. The author of the letter (not of the Revelation, which is from Jesus Christ) is John. The letter is written to the seven churches that are in Asia. Recall what we learned from the preface of the book of Revelation. The book is written in symbols. Therefore, we must read the book as written in signs and symbols unless something in the text demands a literal interpretation.
As we approach Revelation 1:9, John is beginning his explanation as to why he is writing this book. John is going to let his readers know that he did not sit down and decide to write a letter to the seven churches in Asia Minor. Rather, John was instructed to write these words.
As we read what John sees, I ask you to visualize and imagine the descriptions given. The book of Revelation is a picture book. The images are intended to teach and to spark an emotion upon seeing the things John sees.
There is something missing in our lives. There is something missing in our Christian walk. We know what we are supposed to do. We know that we are to serve God by staying away from various sins. Why is this…
Are you rich? One of the ways that we lose our fire for the Lord is in our failure to see how rich we are. This is the focus that the Christians in the city of Smyrna are to have…
Have you seen this new symbol on t-shirts called COEXIST? Each letter in COEXIST is a symbol representing a religion or belief. The C is for Islam with its crescent moon. The O is for peace with the peace symbol…
There are certain sins that we have the tendency to overlook. Jesus Knows (2:18-19) Jesus describes himself with words of fearful judgment. He has eyes like a flame of fire and feet like burnished bronze. Jesus is shown with penetrating…
Introduction: From time to time I see in the newspaper that bands of my childhood come to town to play. Some of the bands that are still touring today that were touring in the 1980s and I am shocked to…
We all want to have a feeling of security. From home alarms to seat belts we want to feel secure in the things we are doing. Christ also wants to give his people a feeling of security. In this message…
Do you make our Lord Jesus want to vomit? The church at Laodicea is the last church that Jesus writes to in his letters to the seven churches of Asia. This is the church that made God sick. This is…
Do you wonder what heaven looks like? Wouldn’t it be great to have the opportunity to peer into the throne room of God and see what is going on in heaven? John gets the opportunity and he tells us what…
Revelation 4 has drawn our attention to the throne of God as we look into heaven. God is seated on the throne and he is active. From the throne come flashes of lightning, rumblings, and peals of thunder. These images…
Revelation 4 revealed the scene in the throne room of heaven. God is sitting on the throne in splendor and glory. The four living creatures and 24 elders are praising and worshiping God because he is worthy and deserving of…
The cry has gone throughout heaven and earth looking for the one who is worthy to open the scroll. John looks and sees the Lamb standing, as though it had been slain. We noted in our last lesson that this…
The Lamb is the one worthy to open the scroll. The Lamb has gone to the one who sits on the throne and has taken the scroll from his hand. All of creation is praising the Lamb because he is…
The first four seals have been opened and what has been revealed is sweeping judgment. Four different colored horses have been unleashed to conquer, wage war, bring famine, and kill with sword, pestilence, famine, and wile beasts. We noted in…
Chapter 6 has revealed that judgments are about to be unleashed. The four horsemen revealed war, famine, and death. The souls of the slain believers are crying out how long until God brings justice and righteousness. They are told to…
In our last lesson we saw the image of the 144,000. We are told that the 144,000 are the servants of God (7:3). They are sealed in spiritual protection from the tribulation events. The sealing also pictures that they are…
The Seventh Seal (8:1-5) Revelation 8 begins with the seventh seal opening. When the seventh seal was opened by the Lamb, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. What does this silence represent? In the prophets there…
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