DiscoverThe Pastor's Heart with Dominic Steele
The Pastor's Heart with Dominic Steele
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The Pastor's Heart with Dominic Steele

Author: Dominic Steele

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Christian leaders join Dominic Steele for a deep end conversation about our hearts and different aspects of Christian ministry each Tuesday afternoon.

We share personally, pastorally and professionally about how we can best fulfill Jesus' mission to save the lost and serve the saints. 

The discussion is broadcast live on Facebook then available in video on our website and via audio podcast. 

371 Episodes
How do we help children in Christian families escape and recover from the devastating effects of domestic abuse? Pastoral consultant Jenni Woodhouse says there is a hidden epidemic of coercive control where a parent with narcissism or borderline personality disorder makes life impossible for their both their spouse and children. We also explore the impact of domestic abuse on children of all ages, from teenagers to toddlers.What responsibility does the church have? What should a church leader...
What should the church pastor / staff team / church council or bishop do about the big drop in attendance? A new report ( shows Adult Attendance in churches in Sydney is down 7% or 14% against population (over a decade). Adult attendance declined at approximately two-thirds of Sydney Anglican comparable church centers, and only one-third of church centers recorded an increase in attendance.The big problem is newcomers. We just are not reaching them.&n...
Plus how the Tanzanian Church has been built through the labors and prayers of Australian Christians, and why prosperity gospel preachers are as wicked as witch doctors!We are joined by Bishop Mwita Akiri from Tarime in rural Tanzania, Judith Calf who served as a missionary in theological education in Tanzania for 20 years, and Tim Swan who leads the Anglican Aid Ministry here in Australia.To support Anglican Aid projects in Tanzania: Ch...
What impact does growing up in a pastoral family have on ministry kids? Valerie Ling from the Sydney Centre for Effective Living joins us to unpack the ‘Ministry Kids Wellbeing Survey,’ revealing what Australian ministry children, say about their upbringing. They tell of heightened responsibilities and an acute awareness of adult realities plus concerns about feeling different from their peers.We explore the broader impacts of pastoral life on children, and explore displacemen...
One of the world’s leading New Testament Scholars Thomas Schriener is in Sydney for the Moore College Lectures on ‘The Battle for the truth of the gospel.’At the center of his attention is NT Wright and the New Perspective on Paul, a debate that questions whether ancient Judaism was legalistic.Schreiner tells of his roots in Roman Catholicism, a transformative evangelical faith, and the enduring importance of the Reformation perspective of justification by faith alone.Schreiner, who chairs th...
Religious Freedom leaders are calling on Australia's Government to quickly bring a Religious Discrimination Act to the parliament.Mark Sneddon says the Religious Discrimination Act is not about granting unlimited freedoms, but about preventing adverse treatment of religious individuals and organizations.He says there needs to be a fair compromise that the rights of all involved, which should be supported by both sides of politics. Mark Sneddon from the Institute for Civil Society, Mark Spence...
What does Expressive Individualism mean for churches? And what specifically does it mean for church music?Here is the expressive individualism worldview: ‘Truth comes from inside me. It’s important that I look inside to discover who I truly am’ and ‘I need to express my individuality and personal truth to the world around me to receive validation.’That truth comes from within - is the unspoken assumptions of guests who come to our churches.And it’s a worldview that has impacts ins...
Disillusionment is one of the great threats to the Christian life and to Christian ministry A wise man said the worst thing in ministry was not a pastor who quits, but a pastor who doesn’t quit, but who keeps going when they’ve given up.Sydney Missionary and Bible College Karl Deenick shares his own experience of hitting a major wall after seven years of pastoral work. We unpack how ministry challenges can lead to a sense of disillusionment, especially among millennials, plus a way...
What would Dave Keun and Jon Kwan like to tell their younger selves if they could travel back in time before they took on the position of senior minister?How has their sense of ownership changed?What has been most difficult about the transition to the role? What mistakes have they made?Dave Keun has been senior minister of Kellyville Anglican Church in Sydney’s North West since March 2022.Jon Kwan has been lead pastor of St David’s Forestville (on Sydney’s Northern Beaches) since May 20...
Roadmap for a reset communion - with Paul Donison and Glenn Davies The chair of Gafcon Laurent Mbunda and chair of Global South Justin Badi Arama are to meet to work out a roadmap for the resetting of the Anglican Communion. Global South Anglicans have endorsed the Former Sydney Archbishop Glenn Davies call for the communion to be reset on biblical foundations. The Global South have called on their Primates to work with the GAFCON Primates Council and other Orthodox leaders to...
All the time in church there are unexpected things happening. We or someone else makes a decision to change something which then relationally or missionally impacts another area of church life that we didn’t expect.Sometimes we put too much attention into one area of church - and now other areas are suffering.Whatever size your church is - the church system is complex, interdependent and interconnected.Sometimes the presenting problem won’t actually be the real problem, there’s so...
How do you balance the instability and chaos of external ministry with adding a foster child or adopted child to a ministry family?What are the implications of taking children in crisis into the ministry home? What motivates ministry families to become foster parents or to adopt? How do older children and the church respond? Sarah and Mat Yeo serve at Hurstville Grove Anglican Church in SydneyMatt Wilcoxen pastors St John’s Darlinghurst in inner Sydney.To purchase ‘The Forgetful Prince’: http...
What is it to be #likeaman?There are not many places in the New Testament where men are spoken to specifically.Today we are thinking about being a Christian man.In the ESV and NASB the translation of 1 Corinthians 16:13 has ‘Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong’. (ESV)But what does that mean?Dominic Steele put that question to panelists at the recent Men Meeting the challenge conference:Adrian Russell, senior minister of Northmead Anglican Church.Craig Hamilton, senio...
There are three different ways that the adult population of churches can grow:Adults being saved. Christians transferring from another congregation within your denomination of switching from another denomination. Children of members growing up in the church and taking on their parents faith for themselves.Most evangelical churches - even growing churches - are underperforming in the first and third ways.In the Sydney Anglican Church parents report that an average of only 65% of thei...
A new massive ethical question has risen up with the advent of artificial intelligence. How will people decide what kind of morality to give to their artificial intelligence creations?There will need to be a morality. But what should it be?The market is already making different choices. Elon Musk has said he wants the AI behind X (formerly Twitter) to be morally flexible. He wants his AI to appeal to all people: left and right, authoritarian and democratic, kind and brutal.Stephe...
How can a senior minister best train junior preachers (student ministers and assistant ministers) in preaching?There’s a tension we all feel: we want to be a training church raising up the next generation of leaders and yet we also want to make sure that the quality of what happens in our gatherings is high.We don’t want a Sunday morning ‘plane crash in the pulpit’, where people at church that day think‘I wish I had stayed home today’ or ‘I wish I had gone to St Bloggs down the road.’Toby Nea...
Artificial Intelligence is an oncoming tsunami that will catch all of humanity off guard. It is a change more like a wheel than a typewriter.But what will this do to our sense of self?Stephen Driscoll, in ‘Made in our Image - God, artificial intelligence and you’ says artificial intelligence may do great harm - giving more power to sinful people, governments or companies.He says artificial intelligence will likely trend towards people pleasing - giving each of us what we want now/a sense of h...
‘God wants all of me to love all of God all the time’ says Senior Pastor of Fellowship Dubai, Ray Galea.We want our staff and leaders to live and serve in ministry out of an overflow of the love of God for them. Grasping this love properly lifts our service from duty to desire.As pastors we are so committed and focused on encouraging our congregations to love God with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strengths. But do we stop to consider that our own love for God might be the limiting fact...
“It may be that God is destroying the Church of England and who am I to stand in his way? “The real tragedy would be if, in this traumatic, confusing time, if all of the evangelicals and the broader Orthodox group fall out with each other… if we can bear with each other in our different strategies, then that will be what we need (in whatever the future in England is going to be), whether that's within the Church of England or outside. Charlie Skrine, the senior minister of Al...
Australia’s former Prime Minister Scott Morrison releases a new autobiography this week where he speaks explicitly about his Christian faith, and there’s a bible quote on almost every page.Akos Balogh of Blue Fox Media joins Dominic Steele to review Mr Morrison’s new book where the former Prime Minister writes of wrestling with whether to study at Vancouver’s Regent College, being helped by listening to sermons by Tim Keller and Rick Warren, being rebuked and encouraged by Christian pas...