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Author: Lonnie Flo / Big Mike

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Houston, Texas based podcast that covers a wide range of topics including local and national conspiracy theories, urban legends, crazy stories from the internet and all our city sports. Two bearded laid back podcasters that like to have fun and know a little bit about some of the things we discuss. Come hang out and let us help you past the time with some funny rambling and crazy story tales from the dark and dirty web. Cheers.
29 Episodes
Our first in studio interview with world traveler Dani Richards. She was kind enough to sit down in the hot seat and take some questions from the homie. She is a very accomplished athlete with helping to break 3 Guinness World Records all over the world. A successful business woman who has lived and studied in many different countries. She has plenty of stories to share. Go check out the award-winning documentary of the football match played on top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Equal Playing Field.  Link down below. Thank you Dani so much for coming on the show. on Social Media:2beardedhomiespodcast@gmail.com
Happy Halloween to all. We had some issues with our equipment but was able to pull through. We are talking haunted locations around the state of Texas. Most if not all of these locations are open for business and allow tours. So much history are behind these places along with the spirits that haunt them.  Thanks for listening and happy HalloweenConnect on Social Media
Have you ever stepped foot inside D.I.A. ? The largest airport in North America  with a unique runway design as well as very questionable art work that has since been removed for obvious reasons. The Denver International airport has tons of conspiracies that have been discussed since the construction was completed. We might leave you with more questions than answers.As always thanks for listening and Connect on Social Media. E-mail: 2beardedhomiespodcast@gmail.com
The Peoples Temple Agricultural Project or Jonestown was a church congregation that started out in Indiana with Jim Jones at the lead. This guy was one smart man convincing over 900 people to follow him into a jungle and commit revolutionary suicide in fear that the government was out to get him. " Drinking the Kool - Aid " is what his followers did till the very end. Thanks for Listening Connect on Social Media2beardedhomiespodcast@gmail.com
Welcome to topic talk. In this episode we got the Michigan Blue Hell,  a portal to another dimension hiding somewhere in the City of Detroit. Also the Ghost ships of North Korea is a good one. Hundreds of fishing ships have been washing up on the shores of Japan with dead bodies on board. As many as 35 bodies on one vessel as been discovered. What a crazy story this one is. There the Iraq stargate that's a portal to the alien world  plus conformation of China's Space Force and their investigation into the increase number of U.F.O. sightings in their country. This is just a fun conversation between two homies so sit back and have a laugh with us.As always thanks for listening and connect with us on social media:
The mountains of Russia are some of the most unforgiving terrain a person can expose themselves to. Many have perished in the hills of the Urals. In this episode the homies try to solve the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass Incident. Since 1959 it has raised many questions as to what happen to 9 hikers on an expedition to a summit. All lost their lives one night on the mountain slope when a snow storm caught them off guard. Traumatic injuries to the bodies of the hikers were not consistent with what the reports Russian Investigators would have you believe. Was this a government cover up for something bigger like aliens, weapons testing, or was this a act of nature that no one could of seen coming? Thanks for listening . Connect on Social Media:2beardedhomiespodcast@gmail.com
Ghosts that Haunt You

Ghosts that Haunt You


Do you believe in ghost? Have you had an encounter with a spirit or paranormal figure? We at the 2 Bearded Homies Podcast have had our fair share of experiences with the unknown. In this episode we discuss some of the types of paranormal energy that is said to roam around us everyday. They watch us and even sometime interact with us in ways you really can't explain.  Sit back and take a listen to find out which type of ghosts haunt you.Email: 2beardedhomiespodcast@gmail.comFollow and Connect on Social Media:
The immortal gods known as the Anunnaki were said the roam the lands of modern day Iraq and may hold the keys to the history of mankind's secrets.  Were the first modern humans created by the Anunnaki 450,000 years ago when they genetically mixed their DNA with that of prehistoric man in order to obtained a labor force? Did they force us to mine gold for their spaceships and in return passed us the knowledge and technology to create the modern world we see today? Sit back with the homies and listen to this.Connect and interact with us on Social media:
At 5:20 p.m. on October 2, 2002, a single shot was fired through a window of a Michaels craft store. The bullet missed Ann Chapman by a few inches. No one was injured and the shot was assumed to be random...No Serious Alarms Were Raised... It was the start of the D.C. sniper attacks.Come hang out with the homies as we break down the events that lead up to this crazy terrorist attack on the east coast. As always thanks for listening.  Connect and Follow on social media:
In this episode the Homies sit down and discuss what's up with giants. Not the football or baseball team but giant humans. They walk among us today not knowing that their rare gene that has allowed them to grow past seven feet is something of ancient times when tales of a race of people forgotten in history or something like that.  Listen in as the Homies try to make sense of it. Follow and Connect on Social Media:
The Waco Siege

The Waco Siege


In this episode the homies discuss the crazy events that happen in Waco, Texas in 1993. Cult leader David Koresh lead his followers to a 51 day stand-off with federal agents claiming he was the messiah and this was his apocalypses. The bearded homies mainly focus on the cult leaders background and how he came to power along with all the details about the deadly siege that happen in a small quite town in Texas. Connect on Social Media:
In this episode we discuss the topic of the skinwalker. A legend that has been past down through Navajo culture for generations. We are talking medicine man, secret societies, shapeshifters, witches, and maybe aliens. This episode really has it all. As always thanks for listeningFollow and Connect on Social Media:
The Moon Landing

The Moon Landing


“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." said Neil Armstrong July 21, 1969Those famous words were spoken on that big rock in the sky we see at night, the moon. Or did they. Come dive into this crazy conspiracy that has been talked about for years. The evidence is pretty convincing if you believe.  Happy New Year 2021
 This is our 1 year anniversary show. We went live on social media for this one so if it sounds a little weird you know why. If you want to see the clip of the live show it will be posted on our YouTube page. Link belowFrom tales dating back to the 1600's come a spooky holiday episode. Krampus derived from the German word “krampen”, meaning claw has appeared in various depictions, most commonly as a hairy creature with cloven hooves, the horns of a goat, and a large snake-like tongue. He comes on the 5th night of December to remind families to have holiday cheer and if your children are naughty, he will take them to hell. Thanks for all the support through this difficult year. We can't wait to see what stories 2021 is going to bring. Follow us on social media: 
The Superstitious 13

The Superstitious 13


We are all in for our 13th episode.  13 on 13, Friday the 13th,  Freemasons and how the number 13 was special to them. How the number 13 is a part of our everyday lives. Is it really as unlucky as people think?  Can a number hold power over people or is all in our heads. Lets find out.Happy Thanksgiving Connect with us on Social Media
After a long break we are back with a Texas episode about the mystery lights of Marfa. Some unusual balls of lights that have been appearing in the Chihuahuan Desert. Many people have come to the small west Texas city of Marfa to see the lights. The city has built an observation spot overlooking the desert were these lights show up almost every night. Is it vehicle headlights, campfire lights being manipulated by water in the air or is it aliens using energy to travel through time or ghost of dead Native Americans? This was a fun one to do. Thanks for listeningConnect on social media:
In this episode the 2 bearded homies discuss technology and the effects it is having on the youth of the world. Everyone has a phone or tablet and is connected to the internet 24/7. Is this rapid growth of tech happening to fast around us? Will our children become addict to phones? The childhood of the past is long gone. Follow and Connect with us on social media :
A creepy tale from the late 1930's / early 1940's. This legend has been told for years around campfires and sleep overs. Some have experience the paranormal phenomenon for themselves with countless interviews and eyewitness accounts of people interacting with the ghost children that haunt a set of railroad tracks near the City of San Antonio. Although no records exist of an accident taking place at the site people have seen and felt the children all around them when they park their vehicles on the tracks. Thanks for listeningFollow us on Social Media
From pop culture and movies to the symbols in celebration the homies are talking about Dragons. The history behind the folklore as well as some modern tales from the internet. Dragons have been talked about for centuries. Stories from the past that influence movies and books that we had as kids. Just a fun subject to kick around the table. Thanks for listeningFollow and Connect with us on Social Media Instagram:
Coming out of the deep cold waters of lake Loch Ness lying in the Highland council area, Scotland. With a depth of 788 feet (240 metres) and a length of about 23 miles (36 km), Loch Ness has the largest volume of fresh water in Great Britain.  It may also hold a more deeper secret in the form of a prehistoric monster.  The Bearded Homies are bring up the subject of Loch Ness Monster or Ole Nessie as we call her. It might just be a fun story or a 100 year old creature that has manage to elude our cameras for years. Follow and Connect with us