2 Black Girls

2 very opinionated 30 something Black girl millennials who are bosses on the daily share 2 sometimes polar opposite beliefs on everyday big topics such as commitment, policy, finances, work life and surviving the millennial life as WE know it.

Episode 20 - Bosses can be mommas too

Cherelle and Necole are joined by JD to discuss the perception of the working mom from the male and women perspective. Necole explains fiscal year and Cherelle shares self encouragement to end the rest on a high note.


Episode 19 - The New, New Holidays

Necole and Cherelle discuss family dynamics during the holidays - and how that might be different during these times with Covid-19. Cherelle shares a feel-good checklist and Necole explains a bear market.


Episode 18 - Are women allowed to have masculine energy?

Gina joins Necole and Cherelle again, but this time to discuss her take on female masculinity and the perception of assertive Black women in relationships and the work place. Necole explains a bull market and Cherelle encourages us to cultivate our own happiness.


Episode 17 - Discussing the Black Vote

Necole and Cherelle discuss the relevance of the Black vote and stress the importance and impact of voting. Necole explains earnest money and Cherelle shares wisdom from RBG.


Episode 16 - Do Black Women Need Protecting?

In this episode, Cherelle and Necole are joined by Aida to discuss whether Black women need protecting and whose responsibility it is to provide that protection. Necole explains the financial term of beneficiary and Cherelle shares the importance of loving yourself.


Episode 15 - When Is It Time to Leave?

In this episode, Cherelle and Necole share tips for when its time to leave a company or career and what to do next. Necole explains financial collateral and Cherelle breaks down shared responsibility between partners.


Episode 14 - Compassion or Self-Preservation?

In this episode, Necole and Cherelle discuss whether being compassionate or demonstrating self-preservation is best based on a series of current events. Necole explains a third financial term this week and Cherelle gives tips for developing a self-care plan.


Episode 13 - Having Your Best Voice

Necole and Cherelle discuss effective communication and whether the responsibility is on the speaker or listener. Necole breaks down a credit score and Cherelle encourages everyone to find balance.


Episode 12 - What’s an Imposter?

In this episode, Cherelle and Necole discuss the term “imposter syndrome” and strategies for combating it in life. Necole introduces the first financial vocabulary term of the season and Cherelle provides ideas for finishing the year with creativity.


Episode 11 - Back to Regular Scheduled Programming

Necole and Cherelle discuss getting back on track post #TheRona. Necole encourages opening a sinking fund account and Cherelle shares the need to respect a woman’s body.


Episode 10 - Perceptions of a (Black) Woman

In this episode, Necole and Cherelle continue the topic of “perceptions” and share their experiences as Black women. Necole breaks down the economic discussion of negative interest rates and Cherelle explains PTSD in Black communities.


Episode 9 - The Shady Aftermath

Necole and Cherelle continue the discussion of being Black in 2020 and talk through some of the changes that have surfaced since the public deaths of Black folx. Necole reminds us to get our finances in check now that payment extensions are ending, and Cherelle discusses the importance of self forgiveness.


Episode 8 - Being Black in 2020

In the first of many parts discussing being a Black millennial in 2020, Necole and Cherelle are joined by guests JD and Cortel to talk through the part entitled, “What You Say?” Necole reminds us to hit the pockets of companies profiting off of Black bodies and Cherelle advocates for free therapy for Black folx.


Episode 7 - Grad-itude

Necole and Cherelle invite guests Gina and Jay to discuss life for a 2020 graduate during the pandemic. Necole shares a quick financial tip about the ripple effect of looting and Cherelle shares the need for setting boundaries.


Episode 6 - Networking and Why It Matters

Necole and Cherelle share tips for networking on and off the job, discuss strategies for introverts overcoming After 5 meetup roadblocks, and explain why a diverse investment portfolio is key.


Episode 5 - Should We Be Rooted or Not?

In this episode, Necole and Cherelle share their experiences with commitment and commitment phobia. Necole shares tips for obtaining unemployment insurance and Cherelle shares how to know it’s time to leave your job.


Episode 4 - Social Media During a Pandemic

Necole and Cherelle discuss the impact The Rona has had on social media and ideas for managing its use for both personal and professional. Necole shares a financial tip of what to do with your stimulus check once you get it and Cherelle shares the importance of keeping your energy up.


Episode 3 - What Are We Doing

In this episode, Cherelle and Necole discuss how to make good use of spare time and provide updates of the Covid-19, staying at home and the state of K-12 education. Necole breaks down updates regarding student loans during her brief financial tip and Cherelle shares strategies for staying mentally healthy.


Episode 2 - Perceptions of a Millennial

Necole and Cherelle share their take on the current perceptions of millennials, this idea of work-life integration, and tips for triaging your finances.


Episode 1 - A Girl Named Rona

Necole and Cherelle talk about the basics of staying safe through #TheRona, working with kids at home through the madness, and quick tips for staying financially healthy during the pandemic.


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