2 Close 2 the Sun : art obsessions

<p>Artist and filmmaker ElizabethSher hostd a popup podcast from Mercury 20 Gallery in Oakland, CA's arts district an artist run gallery for 17 years with 21 members from the Bay Area. Each podcast will feature a different topic with gallery artists and outside experts, curators and influencers. </p>

When One Medium Isn't Enough - artists discuss why, strategies, pleasures and pitfalls

Mercury 20 Gallery in Oakland's Arts District is pleased to present 3 gallery artists Mary Curtis Ratcliff, Charlie Milgrim, Andrea Guskin and Art Advisor Chandra Cerrito, Principal of Chandra Cerrito/Art Advisors.  I am your host Elizabeth Sher but as I also work in multiple mediums, I will be part of the discussion.  Learn why artists choose to work in more than one medium, how art world acceptance has changed (or not) over the years, and the joys and challenges this type of practice presents.  Chandra Cerrito will share her views from the perspective as an Art Advisor and former gallerist.Visit the artists:Elizabeth Sher www.elizabethsherart.com, IG @ElizabethSher_ArtandFilmMary Curtis Ratcliff www.marycurtisratcliff.com IG @marycurtisratcliffAndrea Guskin www.andreaguskin.com IG @andrea_guskinChandra Cerrito www.Chandracerrito.com IG @chandracerritoartadvisors


Art Collaborations - Why and How

Ever wondered about collaborating? Getting started? What makes a successful collaboration?  Listen for the inside scoop from the experts!2 Close 2 the Sun: Art Obsessions from Mercury 20 Gallery in Oakland's Art District features artists, curators and influencers bring compelling content about art and artists.  In this episode, Art Collaborations - Why and How, gallery artists Jessica Cadkin, Dr. K. C. Rosenberg, and public artist and former gallery member Johanna Poethig share their insights on past and future collaborations, the value of them and how these enhance and interface with their personal studio practice. To learn more about these artists visit johannapoethig.com, kcrosenberg.com, jessicacadkin.com, ivstudios.com (Elizabeth Sher's webpage.  And mercury20.com, https://www.facebook.com/mercury20gallery, IG @mercury20gallery


Art & Community - A Mutual Enhancement

Three Mercury 20 Gallery artists: Tara Esparanza, Raymond L. Haywood and Jill Mclennan and Oakland Art Murmur executive director Jean Marie Durant share insights about how art enhances community and community enhances art.   They share stories from their own experiences and art practice and tips on how to get involved with your own or Oakland's vibrant arts community.links:www.tarasorganic.com, www.taraesperanza.com, https://www.facebook.com/ raymond.l.haywood, www.ivstudios.com, www.jillmclennan.me, www.oaklandartmurmur.org, @taraesperanza, @jmclennanarts, @raymondlhaywood @oaklandartmurmur, @elizabethsher_artandfilm,


Unraveled -a conversation with fiber artists

Three fiber artists from Mercury Twenty Gallery and acclaimed textile artist Lia Cook share their philosophies, motivations, pitfalls and techniques as well as their inspirations and challenges of marketing fiber art.  More information and link at Mercurytwenty.com


Art Entanglements: a conversation w visual and performance artist Johanna Poethig and Chris Brown composer and musician

Episode 4 from 2 Close 2 the Sun: art obsessions presents Art Entanglements: a conversation with Johanna Poethig  a visual, public and performance artist and Chris Brown,  a musician, composer. and professor emeritus at Mills College. They will talk about their collaborations, their separate creative practices and their life together over the past 4 decades with a focus on their work together for Johanna’s Upcoming solo show Hideouts, Escape Hatches and a submarine. It opens at Mercury 20 on February 19th.  Let’s hear how they do it all!


Is A Photograph Still Worth 1000 Words?

Three photographers from Mercury Twenty Gallery and Jan Watten Director of Gray Loft Gallery present a lively discussion of  their philosophies and processes and how they keep their passion for the photograph in our images saturated world.  Featuring Brooks Fletdher, Neo Serafimidis and Jan Wattan moderated by Chris Komater


Then and Now

In this episode founding member Kathleen King gives a brief history of Mercury 20 Gallery, this year's 15th anniversary plans and best of all explains her own artwork evolving from abstract expressionist painting to constructions, installations and collages transforming society's discards which she finds on the streets of Oakland into aesthetic and profound works of art.


What's in a Name?

Because Mercury 20 Gallery (in Oakland, CA) is an artist run gallery, all members have a say in everything we do.  In tonights "trial" episode 8 members "duke" it out to decide on a name.  Spoiler alert - we got one!  


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