

Author: Julian Smith & Andrew Rader

Subscribed: 9,528Played: 147,075


Two guys with too many big questions! From the origins of written language to quantum mechanics, we’re out to make sense of it all. Spellbound is a weekly podcast hosted by Julian Smith (Director/Comedian) & Andrew Rader (MIT PhD, Canada’s Greatest Know-It-All).

105 Episodes
How ideas evolve through cultural memes and inspire new ways of thinking. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Global Zero CEO, Derek Johnson, on his organization's efforts to denuclearize Earth by 2030. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tyler Torti returns to talk Trump and the impeachment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Misconceptions about Space Force and other related novelties. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
#099 A Brief History of War

#099 A Brief History of War


What good and bad has come from war and how has it changed with time? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
#098 Beyond The Known Pt. 3

#098 Beyond The Known Pt. 3


Closing the series on Andrew's book, we discuss the future of exploration into space. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The origin of timekeeping and discrepancies between various calendars. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The voice of Star Wars' Jar Jar Binks and host of The Afrofuturist podcast explains afrofuturism. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A historical and linguistic case for Xmas > Christmas. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Astrobiologist Michael Wong on the origin of life as we know it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
PhD physicist/engineer Derek Muller on randomness, free will, and realistic solutions to climate change. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
#092 Beyond The Known Pt. 2

#092 Beyond The Known Pt. 2


Part 2 on Andrew's new book about the history of exploration, Beyond The Known. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Bulletin's President/CEO, Rachel Bronson, on existential risks. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In part 3 of our rituals/community topic, we explore the basis of community and whether it's naturally exclusive. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A timeline of human exploration and technology, per Andrew's new book. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scientist/volcanologist Jess Phoenix on climate change policy and what to expect from potential natural threats. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
David Perez on building his provocatively inclusive community in the bible belt. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
#086 Sasha Sagan on Rituals

#086 Sasha Sagan on Rituals


Sasha on Carl Sagan as a dad and her new book. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
NASA astrobiologist, Morgan Cable, on the search for life in space and what they hope to find. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
NASA astrophysicist, Jessie Christiansen, on the search for life in space and other Earth-like worlds. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (83)


Andrew v.s. Conspiracy against intelligence. Something about other people's ignorance sets him off and it makes me laugh so hard.

Dec 27th

Jordan Willhite

Ha ha! I'm smarter than Juilian! I only missed one!

Dec 12th
Reply (1)

mike streety

people leave because it's not the truth. things like Gay marriages and other things are not accepted by God. and don't get it twisted God loves everyone, but God doesn't like the conduct people choose to live by. people really should try studying with Jehovah's witnesses. those people are truly backed by God. and if I'm going to participate in any religion it would be the one that's backed by God. and Jehovah's witnesses are truly backed by God. check out there website

Nov 1st

Jonathan Miner

I'm so glad you guys went back to "Spellbound". I always felt it was a much better name.

Oct 14th

Jamie Parr

Trump sounds like a complete moron on Twitter. Sure he speaks the truth...the truth about how moronic he really is.

Jul 4th


I thought this would be a podcast on communication but it inspired me to do a little research and I feel the root of genuine communication comes from vulnerability. Trust!

Jul 1st

Juliette Harris

You guys should listen to this guy. He has super interesting ideas on the media. Then do a podcast about media with him as the guest.

Jun 23rd


I'd really like to hear your guys opinion on narcissism vs self love and how it effects life, IQ income happiness.

Jun 4th


Sex robots! I laughed so hard. yes!

May 13th

Tyler Thoren

OBAMA was the biggest liar, by a long ways.

Mar 6th

James Conn

way to give a podcast without expertise. I heard so many "I don't know"s that I turned it off

Jan 24th
Reply (1)

Sam Ireton

Where can I watch the footage? I can’t seem to find it anywhere in the vast expanse of the interwebs.

Dec 19th
Reply (1)

Anthony Roach

What's that creepy "Heyyy" that pops up like 2-3 times in this episode?

Dec 11th
Reply (1)


Hitler also had a girlfriend when he was younger. She was blonde haired, blue eyed, AND JEWISH. Was that a driving force as well after she broke up with him?

Nov 21st


The comment about the prevention of famine due to the production of potatoes in Europe is partially true, but you have to remember that Europe’s soil was not used to new vegetation and eventually created the potato famine is Ireland. Just a quick note

Nov 21st
Reply (3)


I honestly think that Spellbound should be 2DWG. Like Julian, you and Andrew should both be the hosts of Spellbound and you guys either talk about stuff together as just the two of you, or you guys invite other people to join you, because i love 2DWG. Andrew brings in a lot of insight and different points of view that you don’t necessarily think about and then you come up with a hypothesis or a theory or something of the sorts together to make one beautiful idea. Usually when it’s Julian and someone else, it’s not necessarily coming up with conplex hypotheses, but it’s just exchang of information, which doesn’t always end up interesting in my point of view. But you two together is a great duo and i hope to hear more from the both of you together.

Nov 21st

Mário Ferraz

I got very upset with the commercials suddenly starting with loud voices, noises and stuff. I understand that nowadays it is a necessary bad thing but I believe you guys can do better. Keep the good work, I really enjoy each one of the shows. Good luck guys!

Nov 20th
Reply (1)

D Smith

Well, while it started out seeming ok it's since devolved into a single viewpoint trying to make things conform to it and it alone. I enjoy sound arguments and reason taking place but when the argument is "feelings and because I want it to" it's really off putting. I like the topics. The presentation is lacking. Sadly this one drops off my radar because of these reasons.

Oct 31st

Jonathan Collins

Why didn't this guy use any sources? This whole episode reeks of pseudoscience and a lack of sound scientific evidence. "Feeling" as if something is true does not prove it.

Oct 20th
Reply (1)

Danny Marin

can you please do an interview with Max Tedmark. He's an MIT AI researcher that wrote a very VERY interesting book I think you would love. the book name is 'Life 3.0'. You guys seem to always have something to say about AI and this guys has some great insight.

Oct 18th