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The Daily Mastermind

Author: George Wright III

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The Daily Mastermind is a Daily Podcast for Entrepreneurs. It provides a Daily Dose of Inspiration, Motivation and Education to help you Create Your Ultimate Destiny and Unleash Your Potential.

Mastermind with George Wright III, an Expert in Financial Education, Personal Development, and Entrepreneurship, while he provides key strategies for your growth and success.
975 Episodes
In this episode of Daily Mastermind, host George Wright III is joined by Simon Severino, CEO of Strategy Sprints and expert in sales strategies. They discuss the importance of buyer psychology, effective sales questioning, and practical tips to improve sales performance. Simon shares insights into increasing sales prices, improving win rates, and reducing sales cycle times. Listeners will learn about building customer intimacy, strategic positioning, and habits for successful sales. Simon also highlights key resources and methods to accelerate business growth.  00:58 Simon's Journey into Sales 02:02 Understanding Buyer Psychology 03:41 Effective Sales Strategies 09:09 Accelerating Business Growth 17:10 Practical Tools and Resources Thanks for listening, and Please Share this Episode with someone.  It would really help us to grow our show and share these valuable tips and strategies with others.  Have a great day., and Remember:  “It’s Never Too Late to Start Living the Life You Were Meant to Live” George Wright III FREE Daily Mastermind Resources: CONNECT with George & Access Tons of Resources Get access to Proven Strategies and Time-Test Principles for Success. Plus, download and access tons of FREE resources and online events by joining our Exclusive Community of Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and High Achievers like YOU. Join FREE at About Simon Severino: Simon Severino has created +2B in additional sales for his clients over the last 21 years. As an advisor who became CEO, he had to learn the importance of working ON the business more than IN it. Now, he shares his proven templates with high-ticket entrepreneurs. They reclaim 14 hours per week using the Strategy Sprints™ Method and enjoy sales that soar.  Author of "Strategy Sprints", Podcast Host Ranking Top 2,5%, TEDx speaker, Forbes contributor, Triathlete. Has appeared on over 1300 podcasts. When he is not supercharging sales, you'll find him swimming, biking, running and tricking his 3 kids into outdoor activities so they can't escape his annoying shrinky questions. Guest Resources: LinkedIn Page: Facebook: Instagram: Website: YouTube Channel: About George Wright III: George Wright is a Proven, Successful Entrepreneur- and he knows how to inspire entrepreneurs, companies, and individuals to achieve Massive Results. With more than 20 years of Executive Management experience and 25 years of Direct Marketing and Sales experience, George is responsible for starting and building several successful multimillion-dollar companies. He started at a very young age to network and build his experience and knowledge of what it takes to become a driven and well-known entrepreneur. George built a multi-million-dollar seminar business, promoting some of the biggest stars and brands in the world. He has accelerated the success and cash flow in each of his ventures through his network of resources and results driven strategies. George is now dedicated to teaching and sharing his Prosperity Principles and Strategies to every Driven and Passionate Entrepreneur he meets. His mission is to Empower Entrepreneurs Globally to create Massive Change and LIVE their Ultimate Destiny.  
Welcome back to the Daily Mastermind, hosted by George Wright III, who is joined by asset protection and estate planning expert Don Pendleton. With over 25 years of experience, Don shares his journey and insights into the crucial areas of financial planning. They delve into the four 'financial tornadoes': income taxes, capital gains taxes, estate taxes and probate, and lawsuits. Don provides real-life case studies and emphasizes the importance of proactive financial planning at every stage of life. They also discuss the benefits of attending Protect Wealth's three-day summit, which brings together top experts in wealth and asset protection. This session offers actionable advice for listeners regardless of where they are in their financial journey, stressing the significance of creating certainty in an uncertain world.  03:07 The Importance of Asset Protection and Estate Planning 06:51 Understanding the Four Financial Tornadoes 11:24 The Critical Role of Estate Planning 13:45 The Lawsuit Epidemic and Asset Protection Strategies 17:43 The Value of Financial Education and Proactive Planning 20:11 Creating Certainty in an Uncertain World 22:50 Invitation to the Three-Day Summit  Thanks for listening, and Please Share this Episode with someone.  It would really help us to grow our show and share these valuable tips and strategies with others.  Have a great day.  George Wright III  “It’s Never Too Late to Start Living the Life You Were Meant to Live” FREE Daily Mastermind Resources: CONNECT with George & Access Tons of Resources Get access to Proven Strategies and Time-Test Principles for Success. Plus, download and access tons of FREE resources and online events by joining our Exclusive Community of Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and High Achievers like YOU.  Join FREE at  FREE Tickets to the 3-Day Wealth Summit  CLAIM YOUR Pre Paid TICKETS HERE  About Don Pendleton: Don Pendleton is an expert in the areas of lawsuit protection, tax reduction and estate planning and has co-authored multiple textbooks and articles. Every year he is a featured presenter during numerous seminars and workshops on asset protection related subjects. His books and trainings have helped thousands of business owners, investors, and professionals save millions of dollars. He is one of the nation’s top asset protection advisors and has been helping professionals properly structure themselves for lawsuit protection and tax reduction.   Guest Resources: LinkedIn Page: Facebook: Instagram: Website: YouTube Channel: About George Wright III: George Wright is a Proven, Successful Entrepreneur- and he knows how to inspire entrepreneurs, companies, and individuals to achieve Massive Results. With more than 20 years of Executive Management experience and 25 years of Direct Marketing and Sales experience, George is responsible for starting and building several successful multimillion-dollar companies. He started at a very young age to network and build his experience and knowledge of what it takes to become a driven and well-known entrepreneur. George built a multi-million-dollar seminar business, promoting some of the biggest stars and brands in the world. He has accelerated the success and cash flow in each of his ventures through his network of resources and results driven strategies. George is now dedicated to teaching and sharing his Prosperity Principles and Strategies to every Driven and Passionate Entrepreneur he meets. His mission is to Empower Entrepreneurs Globally to create Massive Change and LIVE their Ultimate Destiny.  
Welcome back to the Daily Mastermind, George Wright III with your daily dose of inspiration, motivation, and education. Welcome back to the Mastermind. I want to talk to you today a little bit about a foundation for the next 12 weeks. Now, because I've said this a million times, it's never too late to start living your best life, but you must get the mental discipline, the consistency. The support. That's why the Daily Mastermind is here. Now, we've had a little bit of holidays going on and maybe sometimes I post it morning and sometimes in the afternoon. But I promise you, I'm going to be here to help support and guide you through this process over the next 12 weeks. So, we're going to deep, we're going to deep dive into evolving your life. Last week we talked about your mind, your body, your money, your business. I want to talk to you this week about your lifestyle as well. But I want to start you with a foundation now. You may or may not have seen the Prosperity Pillars poster that I designed a while back. It's been, I don't know how many years now. But I want to give you a little bit of background on that because I think it's important to have a foundation in your life, not just for daily rituals, not just a cool little poster. But the bottom line is this look a about, oh, maybe. Eight years ago, 10 years ago, I was having a real tough time. I had gone through a recent divorce, I had a business failure in my mind as it was a failure, right? Because I've I know that I'm very difficult on myself and on business and life. But I was really struggling. I was dealing with some depression. I was having a hard time trying to find where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do. And the reason for this is because as I had grown up, I had been focused on creating my, my dreams, right? And living today like most won't, so you can live tomorrow, like most can't, which is just a bunch of crap. I wish it hadn't taken me so long to realize that you can create your best life at any given time and that. You must disconnect happiness and success. They don't have to necessarily go hand in hand. And plus, my definition of success completely redefined. But the bottom line is this. I was really struggling and yet over the last 20, 25 years, I had all these opportunities to learn from mentors and bestselling authors, and. Thought leaders and experts, people like Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump Brian Tracy, Harv, Ecker, Les Brown, all these types of individuals I either did marketing for or they spoke for me, or I had events. I got to get real, I close and personal and I learned a lot of things. And I got to tell you a lot of the true success principles. Are around and they stand the test of time, they just get repackaged, right? You've heard different things come up and about, and yet books like Think and Grow Rich from Napoleon Hill have been time tested and even to this day, I reread that book and so many people have done the same. So, I started to just put on paper everything I could think of that I felt were principles, things that I wanted to take into my life to build a foundation, and I was trying to find a way to crawl out of this little rut that I was in. And so, I started putting down my thoughts, daily rituals, working on your mindset. And as many of you have heard the story of my mentor Robert Berg, helping me to redefine success and redefine, what my version of success was. And through that process, I started to list out. Some principles, some prosperity principles, and it turns out that those basically have developed into the 12 prosperity pillars that you see today. What I did is I designed them up on a poster just for my benefit. This most of what I do, and most of what you do should be for your benefit because it will then help others. I started the podcast, I started the daily Mastermind. I started the community. And to this day, I haven't really sold anything from it at all. I do it for my benefit. I do it to help others. But these principles that, that I picked up and I learned these 12 prosperity pillars, they were designed to basically help me remind myself of what was most important if I wanted to create my best life. And in order to create your best life, you've got to focus on. Doing the things that you know you need to do. And so I want to just walk you through these 12 pillars and I'm going to do it because anything else, I have people every once in a while say, man you talk about those same things all the time and it's be, and it's just like professional basketball players that have to learn to shoot free throws. The fundamentals are what drive your game and what drive your life. It's what drives your philosophy. And your philosophy is what's going to take you. Where you want to go, your beliefs. And so unless you're consciously creating those beliefs, you are not going to change your life. Let's be honest, you've gotten where you are now because of what you've been doing. So, if you can take these, not just on surface value, but learn to adopt them, ingrain them, dig deep into them, I think you're going to find that these 12 prosperity principles are not as simple. As they sound, they are, and I don't just mean in difficulty, right? The depth that you can go into these 12 principles are beyond anything you can imagine. So I'm going to go through 'em relatively quickly because we'll spend time over the next, 12 weeks and dig deep into 'em. But I want you to think about these now. I want you to keep an open mind as to what it is you are trying to create in your life and how these principles might help you to do that. And take a self-assessment. How are you? Playing when it comes. How are you showing up when it comes to these principles? So, the first one is, I create my life. I create my life. I felt like it all stemmed around the ability for you to acknowledge and believe that you are the orchestrator of your life. Your inner world will create your outer world, but you are the one who controls and creates that. You may not control everything else around you, but if you can adopt that philosophy, it'll take you far. The second one is I take personal responsibility. See, it's one thing to believe you can create your life. It's another thing to take personal responsibility for everything that happens. There's no other way to say this, but that everything in your life is exactly the way it is because of you, your decisions, your beliefs, your actions, and so it's so important to take personal responsibility. The third one is probably my favorite. I act in spite of my mood. Because no one wants to get up early. Nobody wants to work late. Nobody wants to work a side hustle. Nobody wants to do the difficult things because it's not fun. It's difficult, but successful people act in spite of their mood. You don't allow your mood to determine whether your actions are going to continue to push you forward in your life. The next one is, I surround myself with positive people. Now, I thought about this a little bit and I thought maybe it should be I surround myself with successful people or happy people, but I felt. There's a universal principle around positivity, and as I talk to most of the people that I felt were successful in their life, their personal, their financial, their business life I found that the positive attitude is one that really drives you forward. You can always get around successful people. You can always find, people that are happy, but having that positive verb that, that, that energy is huge, then it moves on to, I focus on solutions. Think about that for a second. I focus on solutions, not just. I focus on trying to come up with answers, but I constantly focus on solutions as a baseline because you've got to come from a place of abundance, not scarcity. If you're focused on the problem trying to solve it, you're coming from a place of scarcity. So, focus on solutions. The next one is I create an attitude of abundance. It goes hand in hand, but you notice it doesn't just say, I live in abundance. It says I create an attitude of abundance. You can control your attitude. You may not control your environment, but you can create that attitude of abundance. Then I choose to be happy. Happiness by far in a way, is absolutely a choice because when you choose happiness, you've set yourself on a path and you're going in motion towards your best life. The next prosperity pillar is, I always think win-win. Now, I learned this lesson in business because I used to get overwhelmed with trying to think of things, but if you think about it now in the. Business world, the personal world with the power of AI and the internet and things. There are so many answers, but the key fundamental difference is that you want to make sure that you always believe that everyone can win in any situation. That you don't have to have someone else lose for you to get ahead. The next principle is I am committed. To lifelong learning. I am committed to lifelong learning. See, when you think about how you can create your life and your learning, and you try to find a way to be able to grow it's not just about learning. It's not just about finding ways to grow; it's about applying the learning. And this is why lifelong learning for me is an application. You must apply it throughout your whole life. And lifelong learning keeps you young. It keeps you open, it keeps you fresh, and I think that's something that we all need to adopt. The next principle is I create daily rituals. Now this is the one that I believe will I. Push you forward when motivation is gone, it will lead you on a path, steps at a time towards your best life. But if you don't have daily rituals, that also revolve around who you are and what helps you and influences you the best. If you're just checking boxes, those aren't going to work for you. So, you've got to create daily rituals. The next principle is I attract success. I think that's a belief, a fundam
In this episode of the Daily Mastermind, George Wright III hosts Justin Buonomo, CEO and founder of Journey to Financial Freedom, to discuss the journey towards achieving financial freedom for business owners. Justin shares his personal backstory of overcoming financial instability in his childhood and how it shaped his determination to master financial management. He elaborates on the importance of managing money correctly, adopting a healthy mindset towards finances, and strategies for business owners to grow and protect their assets. The discussion covers the significance of internal wealth, the concept of financial freedom as owning assets that generate sufficient income to cover expenses, and the crucial role of mindset and financial literacy in building wealth. They also address common misconceptions about budgets and stress the necessity of understanding one's current financial situation to effectively strategize for long-term wealth and lifestyle goals. 01:39 Justin's Personal Journey to Financial Mastery 03:23 The Philosophy Behind Financial Freedom 06:16 Unpacking the Mindset for Financial Success 15:35 Strategies for Achieving Financial Freedom 18:31 Practical Steps Towards Financial Stability and Growth “It’s Never Too Late to Start Living the Life You Were Meant to Live” George Wright III FREE Daily Mastermind Resources: CONNECT with George & Access Tons of Resources Get access to Proven Strategies and Time-Test Principles for Success. Plus, download and access tons of FREE resources and online events by joining our Exclusive Community of Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and High Achievers like YOU. Join FREE at About Justin Buonomo: Justin Buonomo is the visionary CEO & Founder of Journey to Financial Freedom, dedicated to empowering business owners to achieve their dream lifestyle through financial mastery. With a passion for helping business owners live their dream lives fueled and funded by their dream business, Justin believes in the transformative power of taking control of your financial destiny. Driven by this conviction, Justin and his team at Journey to Financial Freedom provide unparalleled financial coaching and consulting services, equipping business owners with proven systems and strategies to optimize personal & business finances, scale their businesses correctly, and attain true autonomy and freedom. Through intention, strategy, and hard work, Justin helps business owners unlock new levels of success in both their personal and professional lives. Justin resides in Cockeysville, MD with his wife, two dogs, and daughter, Peighton. Guest Resources: Free Class: Website: IG: Facebook: YouTube: About George Wright III: George Wright is a Proven, Successful Entrepreneur- and he knows how to inspire entrepreneurs, companies, and individuals to achieve Massive Results. With more than 20 years of Executive Management experience and 25 years of Direct Marketing and Sales experience, George is responsible for starting and building several successful multimillion-dollar companies. He started at a very young age to network and build his experience and knowledge of what it takes to become a driven and well-known entrepreneur. George built a multi-million-dollar seminar business, promoting some of the biggest stars and brands in the world. He has accelerated the success and cash flow in each of his ventures through his network of resources and results driven strategies. George is now dedicated to teaching and sharing his Prosperity Principles and Strategies to every Driven and Passionate Entrepreneur he meets. His mission is to Empower Entrepreneurs Globally to create Massive Change and LIVE their Ultimate Destiny.
This episode of 'The Daily Mastermind, features an interview with Gino Barbaro, an entrepreneur who has significantly grown his real estate portfolio to over 2,000 multifamily units and 250 million in assets under management. George and Gino dive into the importance of mindset in creating wealth, with Gino sharing his journey from running a family restaurant to becoming a successful real estate investor. The discussion covers Gino's principles for passive investing -- Buy Right, Manage Right, and Finance Right -- and the importance of understanding one's relationship with money, as inspired by the book 'The Psychology of Money' by Morgan Housel. Gino emphasizes the need for proper planning, hard work, and the right associations to achieve success. He also previews his upcoming book, 'Happy Money, Happy Family, Happy Legacy,' highlighting the importance of creating a positive and impactful legacy through one's actions and mindset towards money. 01:45 Gino's Journey: From Restaurant to Real Estate Mogul 03:54 The Power of Mindset in Achieving Success 08:39 Investing in Yourself: Gino's Key to Real Estate Success 12:24 The Importance of Surrounding Yourself with the Right People 18:49 Happy Money, Happy Family: Gino's Upcoming Book 23:15 Final Thoughts and Advice from Gino “It’s Never Too Late to Start Living the Life You Were Meant to Live” George Wright III FREE Daily Mastermind Resources: CONNECT with George & Access Tons of Resources Get access to Proven Strategies and Time-Test Principles for Success. Plus, download and access tons of FREE resources and online events by joining our Exclusive Community of Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and High Achievers like YOU. Join FREE at About Gino Barbaro: As an entrepreneur, he has grown his real estate portfolio to over 2,000multifamily units & $250,000,000 in Assets under management. Gino and hispartner, Jake, are teaching others how to do the same through Jake & Gino,the premier multifamily real estate education community. To date, theirstudents have closed 68,000+ units and have $4 Billion in Deal volume!He is the best-selling author of three books, Wheelbarrow Profits, The HoneyBee and Family, Food and the Friars. He currently resides in St. Augustine,Florida with his beautiful wife Julia and their six children. Guest Resources: LinkedIn Page: Facebook: Instagram: Website: YouTube Channel: About George Wright III: George Wright is a Proven, Successful Entrepreneur- and he knows how to inspire entrepreneurs, companies, and individuals to achieve Massive Results. With more than 20 years of Executive Management experience and 25 years of Direct Marketing and Sales experience, George is responsible for starting and building several successful multimillion-dollar companies. He started at a very young age to network and build his experience and knowledge of what it takes to become a driven and well-known entrepreneur. George built a multi-million-dollar seminar business, promoting some of the biggest stars and brands in the world. He has accelerated the success and cash flow in each of his ventures through his network of resources and results driven strategies. George is now dedicated to teaching and sharing his Prosperity Principles and Strategies to every Driven and Passionate Entrepreneur he meets. His mission is to Empower Entrepreneurs Globally to create Massive Change and LIVE their Ultimate Destiny.
In this episode of the Daily Mastermind, George Wright III hosts Dan Gomer, a former science teacher turned successful real estate professional based in Colorado, to discuss the journey of personal and professional development. Dan shares his pivot from teaching to real estate, emphasizing the importance of aligning one's career with personal passions to avoid burnout. He highlights the significance of having a vision, creating a culture within teams, and the power of intentional living to influence the world positively. George and Dan also discuss strategies to manage time effectively, the necessity of daily routines for high performance, and tips to combat and prevent burnout by realigning personal values and objectives. This conversation offers insights into personal growth, leadership, and the transformative power of intentionality in achieving success. 01:08 Dan Gohmert's Journey from Education to Real Estate Success 01:23 Navigating Career Shifts and Embracing Personal Growth 04:09 Battling Burnout with Alignment and Intentionality 10:13 Leadership, Time Management, and Building a Successful Team 17:21 The Power of Intentionality and Daily Routines for Success   “It’s Never Too Late to Start Living the Life You Were Meant to Live” George Wright III FREE Daily Mastermind Resources: CONNECT with George & Access Tons of Resources Get access to Proven Strategies and Time-Test Principles for Success. Plus, download and access tons of FREE resources and online events by joining our Exclusive Community of Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and High Achievers like YOU. Join FREE at About Dan Gomer: Dan’s passion to share knowledge began in his career as a science teacher and basketball coach. After leaving public education, he set his sights on real estate and now leads a highly successful and expanding real estate team.  Dan returned to his teaching roots by focusing on and developing others to reach their highest potential. He’s the author of three books, a coach and mentor and a public speaker helping people success in real estate and in business. Guest Resources: Download Free book I'm Full of It and So Are You Website LinkedIn URL Facebook URL YouTube URL Instagram About George Wright III: George Wright is a Proven, Successful Entrepreneur- and he knows how to inspire entrepreneurs, companies, and individuals to achieve Massive Results. With more than 20 years of Executive Management experience and 25 years of Direct Marketing and Sales experience, George is responsible for starting and building several successful multimillion-dollar companies. He started at a very young age to network and build his experience and knowledge of what it takes to become a driven and well-known entrepreneur. George built a multi-million-dollar seminar business, promoting some of the biggest stars and brands in the world. He has accelerated the success and cash flow in each of his ventures through his network of resources and results driven strategies. George is now dedicated to teaching and sharing his Prosperity Principles and Strategies to every Driven and Passionate Entrepreneur he meets. His mission is to Empower Entrepreneurs Globally to create Massive Change and LIVE their Ultimate Destiny.      
Today I wanna share with you some principles that I learned from an amazing audio program I listen to over the weekend. They are principles highlighted from the teachings of Seneca who was a stoic leader. These are principles that you may have heard before, and I've heard them before as well. But I think they are great tips and strategies that you can use as you go into your week in order to make sure that you have a foundation of inspiration to guide you. I hope you enjoy these and I will share a link below to the original source so that you can listen to it because I highly recommend you do. It's a phenomenal video and you will learn a great deal from it. Seek Challenges Choose Your Influences Focus on Your Response Say Yes to What Matters Be a Master of Yourself Protect Your Time Do the Hard Things Make Others Better Practice Gratitude Embrace Continuous Learning Embrace Vulnerability Cultivate Resilience Through Adversity Practice the Art of Reflection Cultivate a Robust Mindset Live in Alignment with Your Values Thank you for listening and I hope you have an amazing week. Please share this episode with someone.  It would mean a lot and I would appreciate your support. George Wright III Original Source...Highly Recommend you Listen to this...
How to take a Break: Unwind & Unplug and Recharge for Recovery "You need to regenerate your energy. Unplugging is an emotional recharge that we all need."   As much as I hate to admit it, there is hardly a minute in my day where I’m not using some form of technology. My phone is glued to my hand almost all day and when I’m not on my phone, I’m using a computer.  You can’t perform at your best when you are wound up, stressed, anxious, or even tired- so taking some time away to unplug is necessary for you to be able to perform and produce big results. Awareness: Importance of Unplugging and Unwinding A study by LinkedIn found that 70% of professionals don’t fully unplug from work.   A recent study of 1,400 information workers commissioned by Microsoft found that 40% of people work outside of regular hours in a way that interferes with family time.   Corporate Athlete is a Great example of not allowing for recovery.   It's time to unplug, unwind, and recharge. When we neglect this crucial step, we end up feeling exhausted and burnt out. Here are some benefits of unplugging from work and technology: Getting Off Your Phone Helps Your Overall Quality Of Life Unplugging After Work Helps You Recharge A Digital Detox Is Shown To Help You Sleep Unplugging Can Make Your Interpersonal Communication & Relationships Better Increased productivity when you return back to work refreshed and recharged How to unwind from work and ensure you have time to recharge every night. Give your brain a different problem to solve. Some of us are just used to having a wired brain that needs to constantly tick. If that's the case, try putting that focus and energy elsewhere. Play complex board games, look up new recipes, or take on a new craft or home project to keep your mind busy. Sign out from any work-related accounts/Turn off push notifications. We all know what happens when you just check in on one thing and it ends up leading us down a black hole of other work tasks that can be handled the next work day. You need to create non-negotiable working hours. Rituals are POWERFUL ways to form new habits. It’s not super important WHAT you do, but you need to be CONSISTENT. You need to repeat the same actions every single day to create a neurological association that the workday is over. Get yourself out of ‘work mode’ by making a list. At the end of the day, write down everything you need to do. Give yourself permission to brain dump so it’s out of your head and won’t keep bothering you while you’re trying to unwind after work.    
This episode of the Daily Mastermind is a conversation with Brian Fried, an inventor, entrepreneur, public speaker, and the founder of Inventor Smart. With 15 patents and multiple licensed products to his name, Fried shares his journey from recognizing his inventing potential by observing everyday annoyances to becoming a successful inventor. The conversation delves into the process of taking ideas and transforming them into tangible, marketable inventions, highlighting the importance of research, prototyping, patenting, and understanding the market opportunity. Fried emphasizes the significance of trust, making informed business decisions, leveraging intellectual property, and the challenge of navigating emotional attachment to ideas. He offers actionable advice for inventors at any stage of their journey, stressing the potential for anyone, regardless of their background, to bring their ideas to life. 01:30 Unveiling the Inventor's Journey: Brian Fried's Story 04:31 From Balloon Band to Paper Towel Innovations: Brian's Inventions 07:39 Turning Ideas into Reality: Advice for Aspiring Inventors 09:58 The Business of Inventions: Building and Protecting Your Ideas 14:13 Understanding Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and More 18:47 Decoding Trademarks and Intellectual Property 20:13 The Power of Domain Names and Trademarks 23:32 Navigating Challenges in Intellectual Property 24:03 The Importance of Trust and Due Diligence 27:48 Strategic Advice for Protecting Your Ideas “It’s Never Too Late to Start Living the Life You Were Meant to Live” George Wright III FREE Daily Mastermind Resources: CONNECT with George & Access Tons of Resources Get access to Proven Strategies and Time-Test Principles for Success. Plus, download and access tons of FREE resources and online events by joining our Exclusive Community of Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and High Achievers like YOU. Join FREE at   About Brian Fried: Brian Fried, “The Inventor Coach,” ignites innovation. A dynamic innovator, author, and speaker with 15 patents to his name, Brian has transformed ideas into licensed products and successful ventures seen on QVC, in infomercials, and on the shelves of major retailers. For over 18 years, he has guided inventors from concept to commercialization as a dedicated invention licensing agent. Brian engages audiences with insightful talks on innovation, sharing his expertise with budding inventors, corporate teams, and agencies. He is the author of three books packed with actionable advice for navigating the invention landscape. Additionally, through his online platform,, he offers a comprehensive 3-hour eLearning course that provides DIY guidance for inventors at all stages of their development. As the founder of the National Inventor Club, Brian hosts monthly livestreams featuring guest speakers who explore various aspects of the invention process, offering both inspiration and practical advice. In October 2023, Brian launched the Inventor Smart Community app, a groundbreaking platform designed to enhance networking, collaboration, and social media engagement among inventors. Available on Google Play and the Apple App Store, this app enables inventors to connect, share ideas, and access a wealth of resources, furthering Brian’s commitment to empowering global innovation. Guest Resources: LinkedIn Page: Facebook:  Website: YouTube Channel:   About George Wright III: George Wright is a Proven, Successful Entrepreneur- and he knows how to inspire entrepreneurs, companies, and individuals to achieve Massive Results. With more than 20 years of Executive Management experience and 25 years of Direct Marketing and Sales experience, George is responsible for starting and building several successful multimillion-dollar companies. He started at a very young age to network and build his experience and knowledge of what it takes to become a driven and well-known entrepreneur. George built a multi-million-dollar seminar business, promoting some of the biggest stars and brands in the world. He has accelerated the success and cash flow in each of his ventures through his network of resources and results driven strategies. George is now dedicated to teaching and sharing his Prosperity Principles and Strategies to every Driven and Passionate Entrepreneur he meets. His mission is to Empower Entrepreneurs Globally to create Massive Change and LIVE their Ultimate Destiny.
In this episode of the Daily Mastermind, George Wright III sits down with Nicole Kernohan, a high-performance coach and the COO of an international coaching company, to discuss the power of mindset, setting intentions, and repetition in personal and business transformation. Nicole shares her inspiring journey of overcoming a Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis through unwavering belief and positive action, highlighting the significant role that mindset, nutrition, and fitness played in her recovery. She emphasizes the importance of morning routines, controlling the first thoughts of the day, focusing on solutions, and consistently repeating positive, empowering messages. Nicole's story exemplifies how facing challenges with a proactive and positive approach can lead to success in health, business, and life. You don't want to miss this incredible story that is also packed with value, strategies and tactics. Thank you for joining the Mastermind Today and please Share The Show, so we can inspire and motivate others in the marketplace.  And Remember...  “It’s never too late to create the life you were meant to live!” George Wright III   About Nicole Kernohan: As a High-Performance Coach and Fractional Chief Operating Officer of the international coaching company, Elevated Worldwide, Nicole Kernohan assists action- driven individuals, entrepreneurs and business leaders in utilizing the power of the mind to overcome the status quo, enabling them to live their dream lives. Kernohan transitioned from a 10-year corporate business career into the realms of mindset, coaching, and positive psychology. She has shared an educational piece in  Success Magazine , is a co-author in two books, achieved over 250,000 views on a short  social media video  about changing mental perspective, and is an inspiring speaker at events in Canada and the US. Following an episode of Multiple Sclerosis that left her paralyzed on the right side of her body, Kernohan developed a holistic approach to mindset and health. This approach enhanced her mental and physical performance, both personally and professionally. She has been living symptom-free for over 20 years. During these years, Kernohan has nurtured an insatiable desire to learn about the power of the mind and support others in transforming their personal and professional results. Connect with Nicole: Free clarity coaching call with Nicole:  Free copy of the 30-day Abundance Journal:  Website LinkedIn URL Facebook URL YouTube URL Instagram  FREE Daily Mastermind Resources: CONNECT with George & Access Tons of Resources Get access to Proven Strategies and Time-Test Principles for Success. Plus, download and access tons of FREE resources and online events by joining our Exclusive Community of Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and High Achievers like YOU. Join FREE at About George Wright III: George Wright is a Proven, Successful Entrepreneur- and he knows how to inspire entrepreneurs, companies, and individuals to achieve Massive Results. With more than 20 years of Executive Management experience and 25 years of Direct Marketing and Sales experience, George is responsible for starting and building several successful multimillion-dollar companies. He started at a very young age to network and build his experience and knowledge of what it takes to become a driven and well-known entrepreneur. George built a multi-million-dollar seminar business, promoting some of the biggest stars and brands in the world. He has accelerated the success and cash flow in each of his ventures through his network of resources and results driven strategies. George is now dedicated to teaching and sharing his Prosperity Principles and Strategies to every Driven and Passionate Entrepreneur he meets. His mission is to Empower Entrepreneurs Globally to create Massive Change and LIVE their Ultimate Destiny.                      
In this episode, George Wright III shares his insights on the significance of taking active steps to create the life one desires, rather than passively tolerating unsatisfactory conditions. Drawing on the 12 prosperity pillars, particularly focusing on the principle 'I create my life,' Wright emphasizes the importance of not only wanting change but also being willing to take the necessary actions to achieve it. He discusses the detrimental effects of subconscious self-sabotage and the tendency to tolerate rather than actively hate and therefore change aspects of one's life that are not serving them. Through discussing concepts from Harv Eker's 'Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,' including the pitfalls of victim mentality characterized by blaming, justifying, and complaining, Wright encourages listeners to take accountability for their circumstances to cultivate a life of prosperity and fulfillment. The episode is a call to action for individuals to analyze and alter aspects of their lives they merely tolerate, aiming to empower listeners to create and lead their best lives.   01:15 The Power of Creating Your Life 01:58 Confronting Tolerance in Your Life 06:04 Victim Mentality: Blame, Justify, and Complain 09:26 Embracing Change and Creating Your Life 10:39 Closing Thoughts and Future Plans   Thanks for listening to the podcast today. Please help us continue to build our empowering mastermind community by Sharing the Show with someone you know. Have a great day. Check out for more ways you can connect with the Evolution Group & George.
In this episode of the Daily Mastermind, George Wright III speaks with entrepreneur Cameron Bawden, founder of Green Mango Pest Control. Cameron shares his entrepreneurial journey, starting from door-to-door sales, confronting early failures, and eventually building a multimillion-dollar company with over $24 million in revenue last year. He emphasizes the impact of concerted effort, the value of having a supportive partner, and the need for persistence even when faced with challenges. Cameron also discusses the importance of hiring the right people, implementing KPIs and processes, and how transitioning from owner-operator to a leadership role was crucial for scaling his business. He talks about overcoming burnout with the help of a life balance coach and highlights the key to happiness and success. Topic Covered: 00:30 From Door-to-Door Sales to Multi-Million Dollar Business 01:31 The Early Struggles and Breakthroughs of Green Mango Pest Control 03:31 The Power of Persistence and the Right Partnership 06:24 Transitioning from Worker to Leader: The Growth of Green Mango 08:43 The Importance of Processes, Leadership, and Learning in Business Expansion 15:20 Overcoming Burnout and Finding Balance You have Greatness inside you.  I know you can Learn, Grow and Accomplish anything you put your mind toward.  I appreciate you listening today.  See you tomorrow. George Wright III FREE Daily Mastermind Resources: CONNECT with George & Access Tons of Resources Get access to Proven Strategies and Time-Test Principles for Success. Plus, download and access tons of FREE resources and online events by joining our Exclusive Community of Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and High Achievers like YOU. Join FREE at About Cameron Bawden: For over 13 years, Cameron Bawden has been on his entrepreneurial journey. Starting with Green Mango Pest Control in 2010, Cameron wore all the hats, running routes, taking calls and stuffing packets. Fast forward to 2023 and Green Mango has hit $24M in revenue, making Cameron one of few to reach this milestone. His industrious spirit has also helped him to start several other businesses including Coconut Cleaning and Agave Auto Glass. Now Cameron is eager to give back by sharing his experience and helping others leap into entrepreneurship.  Connect with Cameron: LinkedIn Page:  Facebook:  Instagram: @cbawden Website: YouTube Channel: About George Wright III: George Wright is a Proven, Successful Entrepreneur- and he knows how to inspire entrepreneurs, companies, and individuals to achieve Massive Results. With more than 20 years of Executive Management experience and 25 years of Direct Marketing and Sales experience, George is responsible for starting and building several successful multimillion-dollar companies. He started at a very young age to network and build his experience and knowledge of what it takes to become a driven and well-known entrepreneur. George built a multi-million-dollar seminar business, promoting some of the biggest stars and brands in the world. He has accelerated the success and cash flow in each of his ventures through his network of resources and results driven strategies. George is now dedicated to teaching and sharing his Prosperity Principles and Strategies to every Driven and Passionate Entrepreneur he meets. His mission is to Empower Entrepreneurs Globally to create Massive Change and LIVE their Ultimate Destiny.  
In this episode of the Daily Mastermind, we talk with Marty Strong, a retired Navy SEAL, combat veteran, CEO, speaker, and author of several novels and business leadership books. Marty discusses his unique journey from the military to the business world, sharing insights on leadership, innovation, and resilience. He talks about the critical lessons learned from his SEAL training, including the importance of cross-training, scenario-based learning, and practicing failure to build psychological resilience. Marty also delves into how these lessons apply to business leadership and explores themes from his books on being nimble, visionary, and different in today's fast-paced business environment. He emphasizes the power of lifelong learning, creativity, and adapting to change for personal and professional growth.   01:08 Marty Strong's Journey: From Navy SEAL to CEO 03:32 Applying Military Strategies to Business Success 16:41 Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Business 24:30 Introducing 'Be Different': A New Approach to Business and Creativity   Thanks for listening to the show, and please remember to share this episode. I appreciate your support and want to hear from you. Hit me up @thedailymastermind or go visit George Wright III   About Marty Strong: Marty Strong suffered the loss of his oldest son, beat cancer twice, and has been shot at in a few exotic countries. He is a retired Navy SEAL officer and combat veteran who's currently serving as a middle market CEO. He also serves as a director on the board of two companies. While he is the author of nine novels, his expertise and passion are leading dynamic organizations. His insights are captured in his two business books, Be Nimble and Be Visionary, and his newest book Be Different available for presale now.  An amazing leader who inspires others to become more creative and innovative in business.  Guest Resources: Website   LinkedIn   Facebook
How is your week going?  I hope you are doing amazing.  But if not, it’s not too late to turn it around.     Are you making the progress you want in your life, business, relationships, and personal growth?   Every once in a while I will take a minute and sit down to analyze where I am with my life and business.  It’s at times like these that I refer back to one of the greatest lessons I learned from my Mentor, Parter, and Friend Robert Stuberg.  He would always talk to me about the PEARL Constellation.  This word “PEARL” is an acronym for 5 key areas of life that we need to stay on top of to experience the best life possible.   These areas are your Philosophy, Emotions, Activities, Results, and Lifestyle.  Today on the podcast I want to go through these areas in an attempt to help you have some Waypoints to both Navigate and Center yourself to start achieving more and staying on track.     I hope you enjoy.  George Wright III
In this episode of the Daily Mastermind, George Wright III interviews Bill Flynn, a seasoned business leader with extensive experience in various high-level roles, including success in IPOs and acquisitions. Bill shares insights on the importance of aligning business practices with scientific understanding to solve preventable problems and create effective strategies. He emphasizes the significance of curiosity, compassion, and understanding team dynamics in business success. Bill discusses his book, 'Further Faster,' offering actionable advice on leadership, team building, and prioritizing cash flow for sustainable growth. The conversation highlights the necessity of a compelling vision for leadership and provides resources for listeners to implement these strategies in their own businesses 01:51 Unlocking the Secrets of Strategy with Bill Flynn 02:09 The Science of Strategy: Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Action 04:34 The Power of Thinking Differently in Business 05:04 Exploring the Mind-Strategy Connection 07:52 The Role of Unconscious Bias in Business Decision-Making 11:18 Cultivating Curiosity and Thoughtfulness in Leadership 16:11 Empowering Teams for Organizational Success 17:54 Unlocking the Secrets of Effective Marketing and Team Dynamics 19:21 The Synergy of Marketing, Sales, and Operations 20:27 Leadership Training: Beyond the Basics 22:32 Practical Advice from 'Further Faster' 24:16 Vision, Strategy, and the Importance of Cash Flow 28:03 Creating a Culture of Action and Innovation You have Greatness inside you.  I know you can Learn, Grow and Accomplish anything you put your mind toward.  I appreciate you listening today.  See you tomorrow. George Wright III FREE Daily Mastermind Resources: CONNECT with George & Access Tons of Resources Get access to Proven Strategies and Time-Test Principles for Success. Plus, download and access tons of FREE resources and online events by joining our Exclusive Community of Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and High Achievers like YOU. Join FREE at Mentoring or Marketing Resources: If you are interested in taking your Life or Business to the Next Level… If you are having trouble Scaling your Operations or Creating More Growth… If you need someone to help you Create More Vision, Clarity, Mental Discipline… Mentoring might be the Perfect Option for you.  Email me and I will see what options might best fit your needs.  We have several options like The Academy Mastermind Group, CEO Mentoring or Marketing Consulting for your business.  This is my personal email.  About Bill Flynn: BILL FLYNN has pitched Steve Jobs, has had his book and coaching endorsed by Alan Mulally, Amy Edmondson and Marshall Goldsmith, failed many times, succeeded more than most, and has garnered many lessons from thirty years of studying the science of success  He is best described as a pragmatic Simon Sinek - an optimist and an operator. Bill has worked for and advised hundreds of companies, including startups, where he has a long track record of success in multiple industries.  He has been a VP of Sales eight times, twice a CMO and once a GM of a division of a $100MM IT services company before he pivoted to becoming a business growth coach in 2015. Prior to, he had five successful outcomes, two IPOs, and seven acquisitions, including a turnaround during the 2008 financial crisis. Bill is a multi-certified growth coach including MG100, has a Certificate with Distinction - Foundations of NeuroLeadership, is a Certified Predictive Index Partner, author and international speaker. Bill’s best-selling book - Further, Faster - The Vital Few Steps that Take the Guesswork out of Growth continues to garner a 5-Star rating.  Away from work, he is an avid reader and athlete, and enjoys volunteering locally. When he is not off cheering on his collegiate-champion daughter, Bill lives in Concord, Massachusetts, enjoying his next chapter. Connect with Bill: Website LinkedIn URL Facebook URL Twitter URL
In this episode of The Daily Mastermind, host George Wright III invites guest Chris Marino, a senior marketing director and partner at ToroPoint with over 15 years of experience in wealth advising and life insurance brokerage, to discuss wealth management, financial planning for high net worth individuals and businesses. Marino shares insights into the importance of a wealth mindset, strategies for financial planning, and the pivotal role of insurance as a dual-purpose investment tool for financial protection and wealth accumulation. The discussion covers the value of having a financial plan from early stages, the advantages of various insurance policy types like indexed universal life policies, and the significance of working with independent insurance advisors. The conversation aims to provide listeners with knowledge on building a solid financial plan incorporating insurance as a key component for wealth growth, asset protection, and legacy building. Topics Covered 00:25 Chris Marino's Background and Expertise 01:38 The Importance of a Wealth Mindset 01:45 Strategies for Financial Planning and Wealth Management 06:03 The Role of Insurance in Wealth Building 11:57 Case Studies: Real-world Applications of Insurance Strategies 15:05 Getting Started with Insurance and Financial Planning 17:58 Connecting with Chris Marino for Expert Advice You have Greatness inside you.  I know you can Learn, Grow and Accomplish anything you put your mind toward.  I appreciate you listening today.  See you tomorrow. George Wright III   FREE Daily Mastermind Resources: CONNECT with George & Access Tons of Resources Get access to Proven Strategies and Time-Test Principles for Success. Plus, download and access tons of FREE resources and online events by joining our Exclusive Community of Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and High Achievers like YOU. Join FREE at   Mentoring or Marketing Resources: If you are interested in taking your Life or Business to the Next Level… If you are having trouble Scaling your Operations or Creating More Growth… If you need someone to help you Create More Vision, Clarity, Mental Discipline… Mentoring might be the Perfect Option for you.  Email me and I will see what options might best fit your needs.  We have several options like The Academy Mastermind Group, CEO Mentoring or Marketing Consulting for your business.  This is my personal email.   About Chris Marino: Chris Marino is Toropoint's Senior Managing Director and Partner. He is a seasoned wealth advisor with 15 years of expertise as a life insurance agent and life settlement broker. Chris began his career by acquiring insurance assets and longevity-based investments for prominent banks. He's notched up an impressive record, closing over $1 billion in life insurance deals before joining the Toropoint team.   Connect with Chris: Website LinkedIn URL Facebook URL YouTube URL  
In this episode of the Daily Mastermind, host George Wright III explores the theme of personal and professional evolution. Starting with a motivational quote from Gene Valvano, George shares insights from his time in Scottsdale, addressing the common pursuit for fulfillment among high achievers. Drawing on the wisdom of mentor Wayne Dyer, he delves into the concept of gaining perspective on life's tapestry and the power of changing our perceptions to alter our reality. George emphasizes the importance of evolving consciously, leveraging lessons from personal experiences, and aligning with universal principles for success. He introduces the three phases of evolution, unleashed, and legacy, urging listeners to actively create the life they desire through mindset management and skill development. The episode is a call to introspection, growth, and purposeful living, inviting feedback and shared experiences from the audience. 00:18 Quote of the Day: A Simple Yet Powerful Message 00:36 Reflections from Scottsdale: Insights on Life and Fulfillment 01:43 Learning from Wayne Dyer: Gaining Perspective and Meaning 03:11 The Power of Perspective: How to Shape Your Life 04:41 Evolving Consciously: The Journey of Personal Growth 07:23 The Three Phases of Creating Change: Evolution, Unleashed, Legacy Thank you for listening to the podcast today.  Please share your thoughts and experiences with us thsi week.  
How is your week going?  I hope you are doing amazing.  But if not, it’s not too late to turn it around.     Are you making the progress you want in your life, business, relationships, and personal growth?   Every once in a while I will take a minute and sit down to analyze where I am with my life and business.  It’s at times like these that I refer back to one of the greatest lessons I learned from my Mentor, Parter, and Friend Robert Stuberg.  He would always talk to me about the PEARL Constellation.  This word “PEARL” is an acronym for 5 key areas of life that we need to stay on top of to experience the best life possible.   These areas are your Philosophy, Emotions, Activities, Results, and Lifestyle.  Today on the podcast I want to go through these areas in an attempt to help you have some Waypoints to both Navigate and Center yourself to start achieving more and staying on track.     I hope you enjoy.  George Wright III  
I hope you are having a great week.  Today I want to talk with you about Emotional Intelligence & Leadership. I’m joined by a special Guest Doug Noll.  Doug was born partially deaf, nearly blind, crippled and supersmart. All buzz kills for the girls in his early years. He graduated from Dartmouth College, earned his law degree and was a ferocious civil trial lawyer for 22 years. Then he went back to school to become a peacemaker.  Since he left his lucrative law practice in 2000, Doug has devoted his life to understanding human conflict. His ground-breaking work in de-escalating anger in potentially violent confrontations has transformed the lives of thousands. We are going to dive deep into a ton of content, but we will share some amazing strategies, tools and concepts that can help you to level up as a Leader and truly create a successful life and business. I hope this message helps inspire and motivate you to Unleash Your True Potential.  Let me know your thoughts. George Wright SUBSCRIBE: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart (official podcast website) GUEST RESOURCE: RESOURCES: Prosperity Pillars Poster The Prosperity Pillars Poster is a collection of 12 Principles for Success and Prosperity that will help you Live the life you were meant to live and Unleash Your Potential Daily.  Create daily rituals and affirmations with this 24x36 inch poster.  About George Wright III: George Wright is a Proven, Successful Entrepreneur- and he knows how to inspire entrepreneurs, companies, and individuals to achieve Massive Results. With more than 20 years of Executive Management experience and 25 years of Direct Marketing and Sales experience, George is responsible for starting and building several successful multimillion-dollar companies. He started at a very young age to network and build his experience and knowledge of what it takes to become a driven and well-known entrepreneur. George built a multi-million-dollar seminar business, promoting some of the biggest stars and brands in the world. He has accelerated the success and cash flow in each of his ventures through his network of resources and results driven strategies. George is now dedicated to teaching and sharing his Prosperity Principles and Strategies to every Driven and Passionate Entrepreneur he meets. His mission is to Empower Entrepreneurs Globally to create Massive Change and LIVE their Ultimate Destiny.
Hey guys...excited to have you join me today. I want to talk with you about what we have going on with the Daily Mastermind as well as my company The Evolution Group.  We have some exciting stuff happening over the coming months and I want to share with you what we are working on as well as what resources I have to help you in your journey to creating Your Best Life. I hope these thoughts are useful for you and it also give you some resources and mastermind community value. Thank you for listenind and have a great week. George Wright III Go to to learn more about how we can help you on your journey.
Comments (3)

Jane Pueng

I love this episode and want to learn more about your marketing strategy. Thank you for creating meaningful contents.

Nov 11th

Megan Creviston

any chance can you could type out the 10 strategies? :) seriously love your podcast!!! so many amazong tools!!💗

Oct 31st

Sarah Beth Prince

I've always loved learning from George. Looking forward to what is to come with this podcast! I'm a firm believer in much of what George teaches and I will definitely keep listening.

Feb 5th
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