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Behind the Curtain with Jeff Reynolds
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Behind the Curtain with Jeff Reynolds

Author: Jeff Reynolds

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The book is now being made into a podcast! The Behind the Curtain podcast shines light on news items of national and local influence. We'll report on the things that those in power would prefer to remain hidden.

Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and Their Campaign to Undermine Democracy
By Jeff Reynolds

Behind the Curtain takes a look where the Leftist billionaire’s club doesn’t want you to go—into the world of dark money and influence that has only one goal: to stop conservatives and Donald Trump by any means necessary. Support this podcast:
37 Episodes
And, just like that, I’m back. This week I interviewed Andy Roth of the State Freedom Caucus Network. This organization started as an outgrowth of the House Freedom Caucus, and hopes to replicate its work at the state level. Andy describes the Freedom Caucus efforts to fight the swamp in DC, and says working at the state level really is the equivalent of fighting in 50 swamps. He gives examples in which a handful of conservative legislators, not even in session, can have real-world effects on public policy, and he gives a road map for expanding the State Freedom Caucus Network from its current group of ten states. I want to remind you to check out my website, There you can find links to all my work. And if you like this podcast, please consider a paid sponsorship. You can help support this podcast with a small monthly donation. The more I can monetize the podcast, the more time I can spend on it, and the better the content will be. Go to and click on the big ol Support Button right at the top of the page. It seems like a million years ago, but I wrote a book about dark money on the Left. If you’ve been wondering how we got from, say, 2015 to today with Americans at each other’s throats, you need to understand who’s behind all the campaigns undermining American society. Please check out Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
So, I’ve been away from the podcast for most of 2021. There are a million reasons for this, including but not limited to: a move across country, in which I escaped communist Oregon permanently for the relative freedom of Florida; a new almost full time gig with a national outlet researching critical race theory in schools and colleges across America; and starting a new homestead that will be the subject of future podcast episodes and articles. So lots of huge changes, all of which are positive, but all of which consume an immense amount of time. For now, I have several new interviews lined up that will yield some very important articles. I can’t say I’ll be back on a regular schedule with my podcast, but I will do my best to get episodes out as often as possible. So I’m back this week with Episode 35. This episode is the result of my attendance at the Florida Covid Summit on November 6 that featured all of the main physicians involved in the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance. The organizers of the FLCCC have been outspoken in their advocacy for early treatment of the coronavirus disease, the resistance they’ve encountered in advocating for this cause, the problems they’ve seen in the mRNA vaccine technology, and the superiority of natural immunity. Dr. John Littell is my guest. He tells me why he brought the summit together, why he advises against vaccinating children, and how the FLCCC brought together almost 13 THOUSAND Doctors to sign on to their Physician’s Declaration, which reads, in part: RESOLVED, THAT HEALTHY CHILDREN SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO FORCED VACCINATION (view supporting evidence) RESOLVED, THAT NATURALLY IMMUNE PERSONS RECOVERED FROM SARS-CoV-2 SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY RESTRICTIONS OR VACCINE MANDATES (view supporting evidence) RESOLVED, THAT ALL HEALTH AGENCIES AND INSTITUTIONS SHALL CEASE INTERFERING WITH PHYSICIANS TREATING INDIVIDUAL PATIENTS (view supporting evidence) You can read the full declaration at To watch a replay of all of the presentations, which qualified medical professionals in attendance for continuing medical education credits, go to And if you’d like to review prophylactic and early covid infection treatment protocols, go to I want to remind you to check out my website, There you can find links to all my work. And if you like this podcast, please consider a paid sponsorship. You can help support this podcast with a small monthly donation. The more I can monetize the podcast, the more time I can spend on it, and the better the content will be. Go to and click on the big ol Support Button right at the top of the page. It seems like a million years ago, but I wrote a book about dark money on the Left. If you’ve been wondering how we got from, say, 2015 to today with Americans at each other’s throats, you need to understand who’s behind all the campaigns undermining American society. Please check out Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my website, There you can find all of content I produce at various outlets. With big tech expanding its censorship of conservative voices, I want to keep you in the loop. I have a lot of big plans for 2021, so make sure you sign up. And if you like this podcast, please consider a paid sponsorship. You can help support this podcast with a small monthly donation. The more I can monetize the podcast, the more time I can spend on it, and the better the content will be. Go to and click on the big ol Support Button right at the top of the page. Quick note: My interviews this week were recorded in the last half of January, but publishing was delayed by my emergency trip out of town. My first interview is with constitutional scholar and law professor Rob Natelson. We talked about the constitutionality of impeaching President Trump a second time, whether the facts show that he incited an insurrection, and how the media has become much more propagandistic for one side of the political aisle than it has ever been. Natelson writes at Epoch Times regularly, and is articles can be found at My second interview is a first hand account of the mayhem and destruction in downtown Portland for the past nine months, as told by someone who lives there. Susan Griffin lives in Section 8 housing and is legally disabled. Originally she supported Black Lives Matter and worked actively to get far left Democrats elected in Portland. For her effort, she was rewarded with having her concerns about a lawless downtown completely ignored by city leadership. As someone who is permanently disabled and unable to move, she describes her no-win situation having to deal with nightly riots and frequent harassment by the homeless, drug addicts, and antifa rioters that leave her in constant fear and anxiety. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left and how they’re slowly dismantling American society. I’ve done several speaking engagements, and I’m looking for more. If you’re interested, you can email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
Let’s just jump right into it. Both my interviews this week feature someone who has had enough of Kate Brown’s draconian and arbitrary lockdown orders and have decided to do something about it. Both of these folks have decided that it’s time to start asking Kate the hard questions. My first interview this week is with Stan Pulliam, the Mayor of Sandy, Oregon. Mayor Pulliam has heard from business owners in his community who are right on the precipice of shutting down for good. In turn, the mayor has started asking the governor lots of questions. We talk about the phone call he had with Kate Brown, how he’s been invited to speak in towns across Oregon, and the overwhelming response he’s received by desperate business owners wanting the freedom to run their businseses, despite almost no promotion of his speaking engagements. Pulliam is leading an effort for businesses to voluntarily reopen on January 1 to show that we can open up our economy safely and responsibly, and help small business survive in Oregon. You can find Mayor Pulliam on Facebook and Twitter by searching for Mayor Stan Pulliam, or at My second interview is an update from Lindsey Graham of Glamour! Salon in Salem. Over the summer, she sued Kate Brown and the State of Oregon in federal court over violations of her civil rights. She and her legal team have now withdrawn that suit and filed in state court. She updates us in the new strategy of seeking a jury trial, seeking damages in state court (which she can’t pursue in federal court), and all the different state agencies she’s included in her suit that persecuted her over the summer. Meanwhile, she still refuses to pay the thousands in fines issued by OSHA, and hopes the whole thing can be resolved by a jury. Lindsey is a warrior who refuses to back down in the face of intense bullying by the state. You can find all her updates on Instagram at patriot.barbie. I want to remind you to check out my new website, There you can find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. I have a lot of big plans for 2021, so make sure you sign up. And if you like this podcast, please consider a paid sponsorship. You can help support this podcast with a small monthly donation. The more I can monetize the podcast, the more time I can spend on it, and the better the content will be. Go to and click on the big ol Support Button right at the top of the page. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Please check out my book, Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left and how they’re slowly dismantling American society. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my new website, There you can find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. I have a lot of big plans for 2021, so make sure you sign up. And if you like this podcast, please consider a paid sponsorship. You can help support this podcast with a small monthly donation. The more I can monetize the podcast, the more time I can spend on it, and the better the content will be. Go to and click on the big ol Support Button right at the top of the page. My first interview this week is with Dr. Steve LaTulippe of Polk County, Oregon. He was the doctor whose license was suspended for speaking at a Stop the Steal rally in support of President Trump. When he announced that he and his employees at his clinic don’t wear masks to stop the spread of COVID-19, he ignited a firestorm in the medical community. This despite the fact that not one case of coronavirus has been traced to his clinic, and despite his medically sound virus mitigation efforts that have kept the clinic clean. We talked about the politically motivated hit job on him by the State of Oregon, the devastation his community has felt since his clinic was shut down, and what his next steps are. Dr. LaTulippe is confident he can beat the state in court, and is willing to sacrifice to stand up to the thugs in Salem while exposing the bad science behind the lockdowns and mask mandates. He has set up a legal defense fund at if you google Give Butter and Steve LaTulippe, it will pop up. My second interview is with Adam Andrzejewski of He recently published a report called Improper Payments: Analyzing $2.3 Trillion Mistakenly Spent By The U.S. Government Since 2004 | OpenTheBooks Oversight Report. It’s a necessary reminder that when we hand over control of the checkbook to government officials and bureaucrats, they will waste exactly as much money as we give them. Adam and I talk about the most outrageous examples of government waste at a federal level, the effect it had on the election process, and even some of his favorite examples from Oregon. This interview will leave you outraged. Once again, check out for all the sordid details. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left and how they’re slowly dismantling American society. I’ve done several speaking engagements, and I’m looking for more. If you’re interested, you can email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. And if you like this podcast, please consider a paid sponsorship. You can help support this podcast with a small monthly donation. The more I can monetize the podcast, the more time I can spend on it, and the better the content will be. Your investment will be a win-win! Go to and click on the big ol Support Button right at the top of the page. This is a special episode of the podcast with Gabe Johnson, director and co-founder of the Coalition to Save Portland. Gabe is fired up and pissed off about what he witnessed at the Red House Autonomous Zone today. Language warning: Gabe didn’t hold back, and he used some colorful metaphors to get his message out. He says he was surrounded and harassed by armed militia posing as security, and that tensions have increased exponentially over the past few days. The situation on North Mississippi Avenue is a powder keg ready to explode, and it’s due to the leaders of Portland failing to take action to curb the violence. You can find out more about the Coalition to Save Portland at Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. The more subscribers and the better ratings, the higher Behind the Curtain will rank on podcast services like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, among MANY OTHERS. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left that continues to fuel the worst of the swamp creatures in Washington DC. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left, and what their ultimate goals are. I’ve done several speaking engagements, and I’m looking for more. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracyin stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. Also, I want to ask you a favor. When you go to, please sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, and I’ll send out a couple of emails a month tops. This allows me to keep you updated on all of the cool new stuff I’m doing in 2020. I made it really easy, too – just go to the website, and click the link at the top that says, Subscribe to the Newsletter. And if you like this podcast, please consider a paid sponsorship. You can help support this podcast with a small monthly donation. The more I can monetize the podcast, the more time I can spend on it, and the better the content will be. Your investment will be a win-win! Go to and click on the big ol Support Button right at the top of the page. Today’s episode is a quick update from salon owner Lindsey Graham, who has fought back against Kate Brown’s arbitrary lockdown orders in response to the coronavirus. She had a hearing last week, and another one this week, with OSHA, who could not prove that she is an employer. As a salon owner, she leases stations to independent contractors, making her not an employer and not subject to the jurisdiction of OSHA. They’ve proceeded with a $14,000 fine against her anyway. You can find all her info and donate to her legal fund at Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. The more subscribers and the better ratings, the higher Behind the Curtain will rank on podcast services like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, among MANY OTHERS. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left that continues to fuel the worst of the swamp creatures in Washington DC. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left, and what their ultimate goals are. I’ve done several speaking engagements, and I’m looking for more. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. Also, I want to ask you a favor. When you go to, please sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, and I’ll send out a couple of emails a month tops. This allows me to keep you updated on all of the cool new stuff I’m doing. I made it really easy, too – just go to the website, and click the link at the top that says, Subscribe to the Newsletter. And if you like this podcast, please consider a paid sponsorship. You can help support this podcast with a small monthly donation. The more I can monetize the podcast, the more time I can spend on it, and the better and more consistent the content will be. Go to and click on the big ol Support Button right at the top of the page. The first segment is an interview with Will Christensen, President of the College Republicans at the University of Oregon. Will found himself in hot water with the Student Senate after democratic and leftist activists on campus called him out for a photo on Instagram. The College Republicans attended a Stop the Steal rally in Salem, and in the background of one of the pictures, a flag for the Proud Boys could be seen. We talked about the ridiculous double standard wrapped in a giant overreaction inside a virtue signal that was the Senate hearing. The Senate actually passed a resolution naming the College Republicans and a board member of theirs, a troubling breach of protocol. The non-binding resolution calls on all student groups to be more aware of what they post. Will tells me he has reason to fear that this could lead to future withholding of funds by the Student Union. The University of Oregon College Republicans can be found at, and they are currently taking donations to help with their legal fight and insulate against any future consequences with their funding. My second interview this week is with Glen Tate, author of the 299 Days series of books. Glen hosts a podcast with his wife, fellow author Shelby Gallagher, on emergency preparedness. In his other life, Glen is an attorney who has worked on federal voter fraud cases. I actually interviewed Glen the week before Election Day, and discussed the potential for voter fraud. We discussed the potential for widespread voter fraud across America and the potential that it could lead to further political unrest, beyond what we’ve already seen in 2020. We examined the opportunities for voter fraud in vote by mail, foreign influence over the voting process, and how the postal system could complicate the vote in the age of COVID-19. You can find all things Glen Tate and Shelby Gallagher on their website, . I’ve done several speaking engagements, and I’m looking for more. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
This podcast is a continuation of what I started in Episode 27, a series of podcasts that are the most important I’ve ever done. I am talking with a bunch of sources about the riots in our city streets, the insurrection that is taking place, and how widespread the violence could get in the leadup and aftermath of the coming election. My first interview this week is the conclusion of my talk with Michael Yon. In Episode 27, we talked about why he decided to come to Portland for the two month period before and after Election Day 2020. He’s here to determine how close the United States is to insurrection, splitting apart, or even civil war. In the conclusion, we talk about his time in Europe in former Soviet bloc marxist countries, his time talking to the Proud Boys and other right wing groups to see if they’re really white supremacists, and what he’s learned so far about antifa’s plans to disrupt the election in Portland and nationally. Michael Yon has done extensive writing for many years on armed conflicts around the world, and published several books. You can follow his work at, on Facebook at, or on Twitter at My second interview this week is with Sean Kennedy, a visiting fellow at the Maryland Public Policy Institute. Sean has extensively studied crime rates in comparison to criminal justice efforts, and has lots of things to say about liberal appeasement of criminal activity. The catch and release policies for rioters have done a lot to aid and enhance the violence we see in America’s city streets. Not surprisingly, Portland’s District Attorney, Soros-backed and antifa-aligned Mike Schmidt makes for an interesting conversation. Sean’s work can be found at If you like this podcast, the best way you can support it is by leaving a rating and subscribing. If you really, REALLY like it, please consider a paid sponsorship by going to and clicking the Support button. And don’t forget to buy my book, Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left that continues to fuel the worst of the swamp creatures in Washington DC. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left, and what their ultimate goals are. I’ve done several speaking engagements, and I’m looking for more. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. Also, I want to ask you a favor. When you go to, please sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, and I’ll send out a couple of emails a month tops. This allows me to keep you updated on all of the cool new stuff I’m doing. I made it really easy, too – just go to the website, and click the link at the top that says, Subscribe to the Newsletter. And if you like this podcast, please consider a paid sponsorship. You can help support this podcast with a small monthly donation. The more I can monetize the podcast, the more time I can spend on it, and the better and more consistent the content will be. Go to and click on the big ol Support Button right at the top of the page. This podcast and the next couple to follow will be the most important I’ve ever done. I am talking with a bunch of sources about the riots in our city streets, the insurrection that is taking place, and how widespread the violence could get in the leadup and aftermath of the coming election. My first interview this week is with Michael Yon. Michael came to Portland in September with the plan to stay here through Election Day and its aftermath. Michael lives in Thailand, and had hoped to go to Taiwan to cover the unrest there as China becomes ever more aggressive. But when he saw what was going on with antifa in Portland and other West Coast cities, he decided he’d seen this story before. A native Floridian and former Green Beret, he has been to 75 countries around the world to document popular uprisings, insurgencies, and civil wars. What he sees happening in America has him deeply troubled. He talked to me about the chances of all out civil war, balkanization of the United States, and how difficult it will be to hold it all together as we approach the most tumultuous election in US history. His time in Portland also reveals that cops are considering walking off the job en masse because of the 4 months of nightly riots and the complete lack of support from political leaders in the city and the state of Oregon. This is Part One of our interview, with Part Two to follow in Episode 28. Michael Yon has done extensive writing for many years on armed conflicts around the world, and published several books. You can follow his work at, on Facebook at, or on Twitter at My second interview this week is with a cop who’s taken an assumed name so that he can speak out about what he sees on a nightly basis in America’s cities. Brady White wrote a column published at PJ Media by my buddy VodkaPundit, Stephen Green. The column is linked in the show notes – it’s a must read. Brady agreed to come on the Behind the Curtain podcast, and tells us why police morale is completely in the toilet, and many cops are considering early retirement or taking jobs in more rural departments, abandoning the streets of America’s cities to more chaos. You can follow Brady on Twitter at @IAmBradyWhite.  Check out for more information about my book, and email me at to book me for speaking engagements. --- Support this podcast:
Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. Also, I want to ask you a favor. When you go to, please sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, and I’ll send out a couple of emails a month tops. This allows me to keep you updated on all of the cool new stuff I’m doing in 2020. I made it really easy, too – just go to the website, and click the link at the top that says, Subscribe to the Newsletter. And if you like this podcast, please consider a paid sponsorship. You can help support this podcast with a small monthly donation. The more I can monetize the podcast, the more time I can spend on it, and the better the content will be. Your investment will be a win-win! Go to and click on the big ol Support Button right at the top of the page. A couple of weeks ago, I talked with Gabe Johnson, a retired Marine who lives in downtown Portland, one block from the Justice Center. This week, he returns to give us an update. Gabe was given the opportunity to participate in a Town Hall on race in Portland with Mayor Ted Wheeler. He came away unimpressed. Gabe has also started a fundraising effort to help the chaplain service for the Portland Police. He’s gone from not believing the protests devolved into anarchy to believing Portland must use as much force as possible to sweep the riots off of our streets. Gabe tells us why the Portland Police need our support now more than ever. Go to and search Stand for Justice. These are really cool shirts with a patriotic design, and a portion of the money goes directly to the Portland Police chaplain's fund to help police officers who have had to endure unbelievable stress during the downtown riots. My second interview is with Caleb Howard, a pharmacist in Lake County, Oregon. He tells me the hoops he’s had to jump through just to keep his pharmacy open under the OSHA-enforced COVID-19 guidelines, and how Kate Brown’s orders have forced him to either discriminate against disabled patrons, or close his doors and offer curbside pickup only. This is an important review of how the coronavirus lockdown orders have had serious unintended consequences. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. The more subscribers and the better ratings, the higher Behind the Curtain will rank on podcast services like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, among MANY OTHERS. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left that continues to fuel the worst of the swamp creatures in Washington DC. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left, and what their ultimate goals are. I’ve done several speaking engagements, and I’m looking for more. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
I want to remind you to check out my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. Also, I want to ask you a favor. When you go to, please sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, and I’ll send out a couple of emails a month tops. This allows me to keep you updated on all of the cool new stuff I’m doing in 2020. I made it really easy, too – just go to the website, and click the link at the top that says, Subscribe to the Newsletter. And if you like this podcast, please consider a paid sponsorship. You can help support this podcast with a small monthly donation. The more I can monetize the podcast, the more time I can spend on it, and the better the content will be. Your investment will be a win-win! Go to and click on the big old Support Button right at the top of the page. This week I talked with Gabe Johnson, a retired Marine who lives in downtown Portland, one block from the Justice Center. He used to believe that antifa was a lie, and that the protests were peaceful – until he went down there to witness the riots for himself. Gabe is not a Trump supporter, but he is a patriotic American who believes that the US Flag should unite us, not divide us. He wanted to have a conversation with the protesters and find common ground, but had a rude awakening. He’s gone from not believing the protests devolved into anarchy to believing Portland must use as much force as possible to sweep the riots off of our streets. This is a must listen interview. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. The more subscribers and the better ratings, the higher Behind the Curtain will rank on podcast services like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, among MANY OTHERS. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left that continues to fuel the worst of the swamp creatures in Washington DC. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left, and what their ultimate goals are. I’ve done several speaking engagements, and I’m looking for more. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. Also, I want to ask you a favor. When you go to, please sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, and I’ll send out a couple of emails a month tops. This allows me to keep you updated on all of the cool new stuff I’m doing in 2020. I made it really easy, too – just go to the website, and click the link at the top that says, Subscribe to the Newsletter. I’m only doing one interview this week, but it’s a doozy. This week I talked with Lindsey Graham. Not the Senator, but the salon owner in Salem who defied Kate Brown’s shut down orders and reopened her salon. I’ve written a few articles about Lindsey for PJ Media, including how the state sicced Child Protective Services on her in an effort to bully her into compliance. Lindsey gave me an update on all that’s been going on, her proposed lawsuit against the State of Oregon, and her new foundation. It’s a 501c3 called the Glamour Institute for Freedom. This is a power packed half hour that you won’t want to miss. I will do a quick second segment updating you on all the projects I’ve been involved in. I’ve been producing a lot of content lately on a bunch of different platforms, so I’ll give just a quick rundown. You can find all my content at and Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. The more subscribers and the better ratings, the higher Behind the Curtain will rank on podcast services like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, among MANY OTHERS. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left that continues to fuel the worst of the swamp creatures in Washington DC. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left, and what their ultimate goals are. I’ve done several speaking engagements over the past several months, and I’m looking for more. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. Also, I want to ask you a favor. When you go to, please sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, and I’ll send out a couple of emails a month tops. This allows me to keep you updated on all of the cool new stuff I’m doing in 2020. I made it really easy, too – just go to the website, and click the link at the top that says, Subscribe to the Newsletter. My first interview this week is with Breeauna Sagdal, who is running against Ken Humberston for Clackamas County Commission. Bree has been a tireless advocate and activist in Oregon for several years. She’s been on the front lines of the Timber Unity movement, the medical freedom movement, 2ndAmendment defense, and the fight against such onerous fiscal policies as cap and trade. She has advocated for parental rights and against an ever increasing intrusion by government into family matters. She is running to bring sanity and ethics back to the Clackamas County Commission. We talked about the reasons she’s running, and the importance of her race for all of Oregon. You can find more information at The second interview this week is with … well … me. So many things have changed in our world since the last episode of Behind the Curtain. I wanted to take this segment to take stock and to talk about everything that’s happened since the world ground to a halt in March due to the Chinese Communist Party wreaked havoc on the world with its virus. I’ll discuss the virus itself, the massive economic lockdown that promises to cause at least as much damage as the virus itself, and how we can find our way out of this mess. I’ll also talk about the inevitability of an economic depression, and what you should be doing right now to prepare. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. The more subscribers and the better ratings, the higher Behind the Curtain will rank on podcast services like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, among MANY OTHERS. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left that continues to fuel the worst of the swamp creatures in Washington DC. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left, and what their ultimate goals are. I’ve done several speaking engagements over the past several months, and I’m looking for more. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. Also, I want to ask you a favor. When you go to, please sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, and I’ll send out a couple of emails a month tops. This allows me to keep you updated on all of the cool new stuff I’m doing in 2020. I made it really easy, too – just go to the website, and click the link at the top that says, Subscribe to the Newsletter. My first interview this week is with Lorraine Woodwark. Lorraine represents the Immigration Reform Law Instistute, and Attorneys United for a Secure America. Lorraine was in town to address Oregonians for Immigration Reform, and sat down to talk to me about all the problems associated with illegal immigration. We discussed how illegal aliens often get treated better in America than citizens, the security problems associated with illegal immigration, and the need to secure our borders. She’s also recruiting immigration law attorneys to join the IRLI team. You can find more information at and The second interview this week is with the group of folks who brought you Slavic Vote, one of the largest voter registration movements the Pacific Northwest has ever seen. I talk to Dmitriy, Andrey, and Liliya about what brought them together, how the elders in the churches initially held out before jumping on board, and how they’re changing the electorate by fighting for family values and smaller government in the Russian and Slavic communities in the Pacific Northwest. They have also started a new podcast at You can find more information and links to their social media accounts at Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. The more subscribers and the better ratings, the higher Behind the Curtain will rank on podcast services like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, among MANY OTHERS. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left that continues to fuel the worst of the swamp creatures in Washington DC. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left, and what their ultimate goals are. I’ve done several speaking engagements over the past several months, and I’m looking for more. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. Also, I want to ask you a favor. When you go to, please sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, and I’ll send out a couple of emails a month tops. This allows me to keep you updated on all of the cool new stuff I’m doing in 2020. I made it really easy, too – just go to the website, and click the link at the top that says, Subscribe to the Newsletter. This week’s episode goes a little longer than normal, because it is PACKED with content. The first segment this week features Brenden Dilley, a self help guru turned social media rock star who has been repeatedly deplatformed for his support of President Trump. Brenden says he has the formula for who gets targeted for deplatforming by social media companies, and how to beat them at their own game. Brenden wrote the book, Still Breathin’: The Wisdom and Teachings of a Perfectly Flawed Man in 2013, and currently hosts a daily show on Periscope called The Real Hub Life that draws tens of thousands of viewers daily. I’d tell you where to find him on Twitter, but he’s probably already had his account banned again. In Segment 2, I bring back a previous guest, Justin Brecht. Justin is a policy analyst for the Oregon Senate Republicans, and he came on the show to tell us all the bad bills that are coming in the short legislative session that starts on February 3. Remember, both houses have supermajorities of Democrats, so theoretically they should be able to pass whatever progressive mess they want. Will the Republicans be able to stop them again with a walkout, or will the Democrats change the rules so that the minority party can’t deny quorum? Justin tells us that and much more. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. The more subscribers and the better ratings, the higher Behind the Curtain will rank on podcast services like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, among MANY OTHERS. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left that continues to fuel the worst of the swamp creatures in Washington DC. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left, and what their ultimate goals are. I’ve done several speaking engagements over the past several months, and I’m looking for more. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
This episode marks the return of the Behind the Curtain podcast after a hiatus of a couple of months. A busy schedule has gotten far busier, but now that the holidays are over, I will try to keep the weekly schedule of episodes going in 2020. Speaking of the new year, I have several irons in the fire, and have dedicated myself to creating a LOT of new content. Also, I am announcing for the first time the creation of my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. Also, I want to ask you a favor. When you go to, please sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, and I’ll send out a couple of emails a month tops. This allows me to keep you updated on all of the cool new stuff I’m doing in 2020. I made it really easy, too – just go to the website, and click the link at the top that says, Subscribe to the Newsletter.  This week’s episode of Behind the Curtain features two very compelling and engaging guests. The first segment features Patrick Gleason, Vice President for State Affairs at Americans for Tax Reform. I sat down with him during his visit to Oregon in November, but the topics are still relevant today, as the short session of the Oregon legislature is about to begin. We discuss how to defeat all the bad legislation that harms voters, how ATR helped defeat a carbon tax in Washington, and what ATR is doing in states to fight back against oppressive new laws. You can follow Patrick on Twitter at @PatrickMGleason.  Segment Two was a LOT of fun to record. I talk with Kevin Chambers from Bremerton, Washington. I had the pleasure of appearing on his Outlaw Radio Show last March to discuss my book. Kevin is a democrat, while his cohost is a republican. As a democrat, Kevin is a fun and engaging host, and he came on my show to discuss a rather absurd fight he’s gotten into with the City of Bremerton. While he was out of town, a republican friend of his played a prank on him by placing a Trump/Pence 2020 sign in his yard. This, inexplicably, has turned into a fight with the city over the sign code – a fight Kevin says has deep implications for the state of our politics today. This is a must listen. Do yourself a favor, and look up Outlaw Radio at, or on Facebook – they do their shows live every Sunday evening on Facebook Live at  Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. The more subscribers and the better ratings, the higher Behind the Curtain will rank on podcast services like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, among MANY OTHERS.  Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left that continues to fuel the worst of the swamp creatures in Washington DC. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left, and what their ultimate goals are. I’ve done several speaking engagements over the past several months, and I’m looking for more. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
This was a very interesting episode to record. My first segment features two very good, long time friends in the center-right blogging world, while my second segment featured a speaker coming to Oregon to challenge our faith in Big Pharma. I’ve had some compelling conversations while recording this podcast, but this episode ranks as one of the most challenging. Segment One features a conversation with Bruce Carroll and Michelle Ray. I’ve known both for a decade, and count them among my closest friends in the conservatarian movement. They are both heavy users of Twitter, with massive followings. Well, they used to have massive followings, until they were deplatformed for no reason. We talk about their individual circumstances, the lack of consistency in terms of service among social media companies, and the larger picture of what social media has done to civic discourse. Michelle used to be known on Twitter as @galtsgirl, but now she’s @RagnarsMate. Bruce used to be @GayPatriot, but now he’s @AmericanHomoCon. Segment Two is a different kind of conversation. Brandy Vaughan is a former employee of Merck who has become a whistleblower fighting Big Pharma. Brandy challenges many widely held assumptions about vaccines, and pharmaceuticals in general. She founded the non-profit Learn the Risk to alert the public to things they probably don’t know about vaccines. She was in Portland lastweek to speak at an event organized by Oregonians for Medical Freedom. Like I said, this was a challenging conversation on a number of levels. You can find more information at Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. The more subscribers and the better ratings, the higher Behind the Curtain will rank on podcast services like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, among MANY OTHERS. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Hey! Did you know I wrote a book? It’s called Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy. It’s an examination of the dark money on the left that continues to fuel the worst of the swamp creatures in Washington DC. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left, and what their ultimate goals are. I’ve booked my trip to the east coast to speak at my alma mater, Connecticut College, and their college republican club. I’ll be there October 9th through 15th, and I would love to get engaged for other gigs while I’m there. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
This week’s episode is a departure from my typical format. This episode will feature two sections dealing with international affairs. This past weekend, I attended the Platform Convention of the Oregon Republican Party in Pendleton. This weekend featured a votes to strengthen the Individual Liberty and Limited Government section to include medical freedom, bodily autonomy from conception to natural death, term limits on all elected and unelected public officials, a balanced budget amendment, and constitutional restraints on abuse of the commerce clause and the general welfare clause. All of these are unprecedented policy declarations in the history of the Oregon Republican Party. While we were there, we heard from three speakers on the current situation in China, and the protests in Hong Kong. These talks couldn’t have been more timely, as we watch the scene in Hong Kong play out on our newsfeeds each day, and as President Trump continues to try to formulate an effective plan to deal with China. My first guest is Steve Yates, former Deputy Security Director for Vice President Pence. Steve currently serves as the CEO of D.C. International Advisory, and is a frequent guest on Fox News. Yates is an expert on China, and talks to me about the tariffs, Trump’s tweet storm, and how we should deal with Xi Jing Peng, who has taken a much more hard line stance as Communist Party Leader. You can follow Steve on Twitter at @yatesdcia. My second segment features two lawmakers from Hong Kong, Dennis Kwok and Alvin Yeung. Dennis and Alvin sat down with me to talk about the protests in Hong Kong – why they’re happening, what they want from China, and what the international community can expect as an outcome. These protests are massive, and Dennis and Alvin break down why they’re happening. This is a riveting and important interview. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Behind the Curtain podcast wherever you listen to it, and please leave a positive rating. The more subscribers and the better ratings, the higher Behind the Curtain will rank on podcast services like iTunes and Google Podcasts, among MANY OTHERS. Stick around to the very end so you can hear the full version of I Am America, the theme song, by my buddy Brian Futch. Quick note about my book. It’s humbling that I continue to be in demand for speaking gigs. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn about who’s pulling the strings on the left. I’m currently planning an east coast trip in the fall to speak at my alma mater, Connecticut College, and their college republican club. If you know of any conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone else who would get something out of following the dark money on the Left, please email me at Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information. --- Support this podcast:
My national guest for this episode is Karen Siegemund, who committed the horrible sin of praising Western culture. For this, the private school at which she taught math refused to renew her contract. This is not mere conjecture, this is what she was told. This is something that probably wouldn’t even have happened five years ago, and demonstrates how far down the rabbit hole we’ve gone. We discuss how this wasn’t even a political difference of opinion – she merely sings the praises of Western culture, and how the entire globe prospers and benefits from our achievements. After a 20 year career contracting for the US Navy helping to track Soviet submarines during the Cold War, Karen earned a master’s and a PhD and embarked on a teaching career that found her teaching at the private school she attended as a child. Karen serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the American Freedom Alliance, which has absurdly been listed on the hate list of the Southern Poverty Law Center. You can find the AFA online at, or on Twitter at @AFAlliance.   This week I was also honored to be joined by two local guests to discuss the Medical Freedom movement in Oregon. I was joined by Amber Sims, an activist and mother involved in the fight against mandatory vaccinations for children in Oregon, along with a repeat guest, State Senator Dennis Linthicum. We discuss the massive movement that grew overnight over House Bill 3063, which would have greatly expanded the authority of the state to demand vaccinations for children before they could attend school, and would have severely curtailed a parent’s right to object. The Medical Freedom Movement led thousands of regular citizens to get involved in Oregon’s political scene for the first time – and they promise not to go away any time soon. This is another in my series of episodes and articles covering the winds of political change in Oregon. Between the 2nd Amendment supporters, Slavic Vote, Medical Freedom, Timber Unity, and the two walkouts by Oregon Republican Senators to deny quorum and stop the march of tyranny by the supermajority in its tracks, it’s become clear that something big is happening that could very well permanently change Oregon for the better. You can find more information at   Fired for  celebrating Western Culture, and the Medical Freedom Movement: Karen  Siegemund of the American Freedom Alliance, and Amber Sims and Senator  Dennis Linthicum discussing forced injections in Oregon - Ep 17 Quick note about my book. It’s humbling that I continue to be in demand  for speaking gigs. There’s a real appetite out there for folks to learn  about who’s pulling the strings on the left. I’m currently planning an  east coast trip in the fall to speak at my alma mater, Connecticut  College, and their college republican club. If you know of any  conservative clubs, Republican groups, Tea Party or 912 clubs, or anyone  else who would get something out of following the dark money on the  Left, please email me at  Search for Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive  Billionaires and their Campaign to Undermine Democracy in stores, or  online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Simon and Schuster. It’s  available in hardback, Kindle, or Nook Now. Check out for more information.  --- Support this podcast: