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Smash The Box

Author: Mark Pitcher

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Smash The Box is a personal development business offering workshops, coaching and talks for people and businesses looking to find purpose and meaning in both their work and their personal lives. For those who want to break out of the norm and achieve more, whether that be professionally, personally, physically, emotionally or spiritually. In the Smash The Box Podcast series, we interview people with inspiring stories and share them with the world. These are stories of overcoming adversity, of hardship, of success, of joy and all round inspiration. Find out just how these people have Smashed The Box.
101 Episodes
A personal message from me to sign off this podcast series. In this final and 100th episode I pay tribute to all 99 of the amazing and inspiring guests that have appeared in the series, as well as those who have helped to make it happen. I also share some of my personal journey, the purpose behind starting the podcast and the reason for ending it now. I cover grief, coaching and the effect of the pandemic. As well as reflecting back, I also look forward to 2021 with optimism, excitement and patience(!) as I share my future direction and new creation; HOLISTIC ADVENTURES ( If life is a book, then Smash The Box has been an incredible chapter. Thank you above all to YOU, the listener for taking the time out to spend with me. Whether you’ve listened to all the episodes, a small section or even just one, my hope is that the impact has been a positive one. I for one, have learnt so much from my guests. Stories make the world go round. The aim was always to share stories from all walks of life with a view to inspiring others and effecting positive change in people. To give airtime to stories that deserved it and might not otherwise have been heard. I think we achieved that. Wishing you all love and positive energy for the year ahead. Mark Pitcher shall return in 2021…with HOLISTIC ADVENTURES. Part Holistic Retreat/Part Coaching Workshop/Part Adventure Camp, Holistic Adventures is for anyone on a healing journey. Because not all healing has to take place within the confines of a white walled therapists office. For any initial enquires, contact; Watch this space...
Inspiration is a word that comes up a lot when speaking with Cleo McLaren. Not only is she an inspiring human being, a practising lawyer, certified coach and podcaster, but she is also role model to single Mum’s everywhere. Cleo takes her own inspiration from her mother, who raised her on her own and gave her strength. Cleo also cites her primary school teacher who gave her confidence at an early age. “She chose me to be Dorothy in The Wizard Of Oz” and it started there! There is a realness to Cleo that is palpable through the way she talks and it carries over into her work; “My coaching is not just a bag load of mantras to repeat 10 times a day until you believe it, because life isn’t that simple”. She coaches from the heart and encourages clients to dig deeper. "Blips happen in life. We all experience hurt and joy. I want them to be able to bounce back, because there is always a way forward.” Her new podcast; 'Conversations With Cleo' is part-inspired by her brother whose achievements, despite an ongoing battle with cancer, have motivated Cleo to get his story out there NOW, rather than later. Cleo talks openly about her own health battles and how she has completely reframed her approach to fitness in a way that is calmer and now prioritises her own emotional well being. “My purpose is to share the love and light that I have with as many people as I can so, they may be uplifted and elevated in their lives. For more on how Cleo lives this purpose, tune into this warm, emotional and yet gritty and real episode as we cover coaching, family, the law and life/work balance. Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
Carolyn Ball is in a hurry. She’s in a hurry to help save the world for her children and future generations. She is acutely aware of the seismic task ahead of her and is smart and humble enough to know that she cannot do it alone. Always passionate and talented, Carolyn finally found a creative outlet for her dream and Save The World At Lunch was born. She is the first to admit it’s a personal passion project; “I am documenting something, rather than creating business”, she says humbly. It’s a project though with which she is determined to make an impact. A mini-movie series is about to launch; one for adults called and one for children, with a first trail coming in December 2020 called ‘An (In) Edible Inheritance'. The project centres around the importance of people making food and drink choices that serve the wider world and everyone in it. One aim is simply to inspire other families to also do things differently, which otherwise might not have and to see the results of that. Small steps lead to giant leaps. Carolyn sees much of the inertia that paralyses people due to the enormity of the challenge and is attempting to present something very accessible and simple, starting with her own family, that we can all apply in our own lives. Carolyn has always loved the food and drink hospitality sector and still passionately works the day job for Restaurant Associates. She also needed a creative outlet though, to express herself through and an idea was born. Listen in to this warm and wonderful podcast and you won’t help but be infected by Carolyn’s warmth, enthusiasm and passion for her subject, as we talk sustainability, food and drink, ice baths and roller skates! Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
“It’s taken me some serious ups and downs to work out what my purpose in life is; to give people the permission to live their life with real clarity of who they uniquely are”. So says, Author, Publisher, Mentor & Personal Brand Strategist, Jo Baldwin-Trott. In this inspiring and deeply reflective podcast, Jo openly shares the sadness and challenges of her personal story, and how she has come from a dark place of despair to a place of triumph and meaning in her life and work. We go deep into identity, confidence, vulnerability, equality, mental health and the difference between the sexes in how these issues are addressed, or not in some cases. Not afraid to skirt the big questions, Jo gives some great positive examples of those who are getting it right and others who are not. The world needs more honesty according to Jo and she sees many positives in a post-Covid world. “It’s very exciting time for equality. Everyone (on zoom) is the same size. It doesn’t matter how tall you or small you are, or what car you drive or how big your house is. And I love that about these times.” I only started publishing in lockdown. I’ve got a lot to say and so have many of my friends. The books I publish are for the greater good, for the social consciousness. Jo’s latest book ‘Being Fine: The Other F Word’ is out in December. It covers men’s mental health and features 15 (mostly male) contributing authors - including the host of this podcast. “So many people have asked me why are you, a woman, publishing a book with all these men in it?!” To find out Jo’s answer and a whole lot more, tune in to this enlightening podcast. Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
In amongst a sea of motivational speakers and coaches, John Ball stands out. A self-proclaimed ‘Edutainer’ and Coach, John helps people to create impact and have influence, in a way that is both ethical and ecological for themselves and their audience. We discuss the positives and negative of the art of persuasion and how it can be used for both good and bad. When it comes to leadership, John is very clear that public speaking and communication skills are a pre-requisite of being a leader, and not a ’soft skill’, as they are so often deemed. “I work with a lot of people who have been in business for years but never received any formal leadership or communication skills training. They are just expected to know it.” We cover a range of topics including female empowerment, the impact of Covid 19, vulnerability, self care and John’s own podcast; Speaking Of Influence. John explains something called ’Spiral Dynamics’; “The idea is that we have to pass through different values levels as part of our personal and societal evolution. You see this being played out in global politics”. John also covers some of the basics of creating impact when presenting over zoom and other online tools, including voice tonality, where to look, and camera angles. Plenty of top tips and learnings in this topical and influential episode Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
Caner Veli is an action taker. His passion and pursuit of a work that serves the greater good has served him well, as well as others. “I’ve always challenged systems and processes with ‘why’? Why things are done a certain way.” After dropping out of university, Caner’s entrepreneurial curiosity and drive for success led to him being approached by Dragon’s Den in 2016. He prepared meticulously and received one of the largest investments given by the Dragons, in this case Touker Suleyman, as well as a standing ovation. His must see episode (easily found on You Tube) involved him standing in a paddling pool of water in a suit whilst pouring red wine all over himself, to promote the eco-friendly Liquiproof - his then business. After later successfully exiting that business, and always with a passion for the environment and sustainability, Caner has since gone on to form Kind Community - a movement and service that helps brands and citizens to put sustainability at the heart of what they do in a way that is both authentic and impactful. “It’s very hard for some businesses to pivot away from their traditionally profitable and often non-eco friendly models to something new and more sustainable. We help them do this.” It’s a very accessible community that’s growing fast. Whether you’re a conscious consumer or a conscious brand; “All are welcome”, says Caner. “We are simply a community of good people doing amazing things; making the sustainable attainable. Tune in to this eco-friendly and sustainable episode for more. Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
Three time author and uber-experienced HR Specialist Debra Corey is a rebel with a big heart. Recently named in the Top 100 Employee Engagement Influencers, Debra’s career spans 20+ years in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors. Debra recently co-authored the Rebel Playbook For Employee Engagement with Reward Gateway CEO, Glen Elliott. “I’m in the 3rd curve of my career; my rebellious curve; my ‘pay it forward’ curve” she asserts. Debra talks about something called ‘the engagement bridge’ that leaders and managers need to cross. “Many leaders don’t understand the implications of their actions. 70-80% of managers are promoted because of their technical skills and are not prepared for management.We need to equip them, help them”. Having moved from the US to the UK - “my 2nd curve” - Debra talks about the contrasting leadership styles between the 2 countries. “It’s more in your face in the US than in the UK, although it is changing”. For those interested in leadership, management and employee engagement, this episode is a masterclass. Debra opens up her pandora’s box of wisdom and tips for aspiring leaders; “We need to talk more about ‘job design’. Many people are forced into management because it’s the only to get more money”. You are invited to join the revolution and learn Debra’s top 3 tips for leading and engaging. Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
Caroline takes us on a wonderful journey in this natural health focussed episode. A homeopath, wellness coach and author of Bird Is The Word (out Spring 2021), Caroline’s love for bird watching is more than a matter of passion, it’s a matter of health. We cover the health benefits of getting out in nature and spending time watching and following these beautiful creatures. Caroline takes us via some wonderful places as she opens up on a healing journey that has led to homeopathy and natural medicine. She explains the chakras, the effects of menopause and ‘perma culture’. A 10 Day Detox six years ago was one of several pivotal moments. “I got to Day 8 and thought ’this is how we are meant to feel all of the time'”. It was another turning point. “I got into natural health through my children” she reflects, and gets emotional as she recites some of the powerful dreams she experienced whilst living in Western Australia. There are name checks for a few of those that have been a major influence on her physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Healing energy frequencies, the rhythm of the planets and essential fatty acids -it’s all here. Tune in for a spiritual and personal journey through nature and natural health that will fascinate and inspire many. Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
A self-proclaimed “northern pirate”, Michelle Minnikin is a Chartered Psychologist and Co-Captain of Work Pirates. “We’re like the A-Team, but for organisations”, says Michelle. The business is every bit as cheeky and rebellious as Michelle herself and her heart is clearly in it. Pirates don’t do ‘rules’ but they do have 'a code’ and so does Work Pirates. Happiness at work, life/work balance (in that order), loving work and helping organisations to help themselves - these are some of things that Michelle and ‘her crew’ are fighting for. Pirate analogies aside, Michelle speaks with a candour and an honesty about herself that is refreshing many will resonate with. Inspired by the book; Be More Pirate by Sam Connie Allende; “I loved every word”, Michelle not only adopted its principle but tracked down the author “I dragged him up to my house in Newcastle” she smiles and received his blessing to start putting his principles into practice. Michelle has that rare and wonderful knack of being able to simplify everything into a language that all can understand. Her superpowers? “I am able to put myself in others shoes and understand what makes them tick. And “I’m not afraid to have difficult conversations”. Coaching, psychology and laughter abound as well as a quite brilliant and insightful history of pirates (did you know that pirates invented cocktails?!) in this swashbuckling episode! Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
After growing up in a family of scouts, Stephen Brown has always had a passion for the outdoors. He spent his early years working as a Kayak Instructor for various adventure tour companies before taking the brave step to go out on his own. After one false start, Stephen decided to boost his confidence by attending his first fire walk; “You never forget your first fire walk experience”. So profound was the experience, Stephen then qualified as a Master Fire Walk Instructor and was soon running his own events. He created Firewalking Ireland and Firewalking International. Firewalking has taken him as far as Bali and The Sahara and launched him into the world of personal development. “I love the depth work of getting people outside their comfort zone and experiencing new things”. Stephen has a wonderful calmness and depth about him that engenders trust. It is one such quality that lends well to his co-career as a Practioner of Compassionate Enquiry. Under the expert tutelage of Gabor Mate ("In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts" & "When The Body Says No”), Stephen helps people overcome addictions and other issues resulting from a childhood trauma. Noble work from a noble human. Just like Stephen’s own purpose, this episode is enlightening, enriching, educational and helpful on every level. You are invited to put on your headphones and step across the hot coals! Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
Born out of her own lived experience of trying to parent and help her daughter, Sam with first Anorexia and then OCD, Lynn Crilly created Hope With Mental Health. She describes it as "a community for sharing hope & opening up the conversation around mental health.” Lynn has already penned three books; Hope With Eating Disorders, Hope With OCD, Hope With Depression and a fourth; Hope With Anxiety will be released in November 2020. After giving up her job, Lynn now devotes all her time to the community as well as running her own private counselling practice. Sam’s battle with mental illness started 15 years ago and has taken her to some dark places. After a family intervention, Sam has been supported unconditionally by her family and particularly her twin sister Charlotte. She is now well into recovery, yet still has to be aware of triggers that might re-awaken her illness. In this no holds barred episode, all three speak with a candour and honesty that reveals the true havoc that these debilitating illnesses can wreck on lives. Sam has since found new purpose and therapy in drama and poetry. In fact, her own book Hope Through Poetry has just been released. During the podcast, Sam reads aloud a poem called 'Dear Suicide…’ - a powerful moment. As well as supporting Sam, Charlotte is the talent behind the You Tube Channel and strong social media presence the community has built up. The core themes here are to never give up and to always be communicating as a family. "Trust your family more than the illness” says Sam. Honesty, vulnerability and laughter abound in this brave and inspiring podcast. Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
Nathanael Zurbruegg has been chronically ill for over 30 years. He has undergone 4500 life saving treatments, battled depression and hearing loss. Nathanael is a self-described Victorious Mindset Mentor. As the Founder of Unlimit You -his own personal development business - he is also an accomplished International Speaker and Coach. After losing his kidney’s to a life threatening illness as a child, Nathanael has spent his whole life receiving dialisys. Written off by doctors after falling into a coma as a child, the miracle of Nathanael’s story began when his life support machine was turned off. “My parents were told there was nothing more that could be done and were told to come into the ICU to say farewell to their son. The life support machine was switched off, and at that moment I started to talk”. It hasn’t been plain sailing - a bout of severe depression as a teenager brought dark thoughts. Nathanel cites the support of his family on a practical and emotional level as one explainable reason for helping him survive this lowest point. He also cites an “unexplainable spiritual relationship” with his faith as being instrumental - something which continues to drive him to this day. “Looking at a situation with an optimistic mindset builds hope and momentum. We all have a choice to look to the mountains, to the sun and not down into the valleys where the deadly snakes are.” If ever there was an living example of never giving up, Nathanael is it. Through his work, Nathanael talks passionately about the 4 pillars that he practices and teaches to help and inspire others on their journey. To find out what they are, tune in to this deep and heartfelt episode for his full story. Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
“I’ve always been interested in how people do work rather than the official descriptions of what people do”. So says Alex Soojung-Kim Pang. After moving to Silicon Valley in the late 90’s and working as a futurist and forecaster for several venerable think tanks, Alex has managed to create a 2nd co-career as a writer. The author of 3 books; The Distraction Addiction, Rest and the latest; Shorter. Shorter deals with how organisations and companies can re-design their workdays to allow more rest into the lives of their people without reducing productivity. As founder of Strategy & Rest, Alex has always been interested in creativity and how people gain insights and new ideas. He is keen to illuminate the role that downtime, leisure time can play in this. He examines activities that 'don’t look like work’ and are ’seemingly unimportant' and seeks to prove this is not true! Creating space for rest, for hobbies, for “deep play” can foster the creative process. "We need to pay attention to this stuff”, he asserts. Alex cites the proven and documented stories of Darwin, Beethoven and Ernest Hemingway and the role downtime played in their creative genius. The latest book also deals with busy professionals who are in 24/7, "always on” industries and how reducing their ‘work’ hours can actually improve productivity. In this fascinating and insightful and up to date episode, we cover the effects of Covid-19, 4 Day Weeks and technology. Alex further cites William Gibson; “The future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed yet” and adds; "The 4 Day Week is already here. It’s just buried under a pile of rubble of outdated thinking. You just have to grab it”. Tune in to here the future of work! Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
“I had never travelled outside of the USA before age 23” says Sarah Dodd, when describing a nomadic journey that has since seen her travel alone to 123 countries and counting. A Self-Mastery Coach and Keynote Speaker, world travel has proved to be something of an awakening for Sarah and you really get the sense that the journey has been as much internal as it has external. Coming from adverse circumstances, Sarah always dreamed of a better life. “I knew there was something missing" she says. She changed her life in a lunch break one day, quit her former job as a nurse and swapped Arkansas for Spain, which she now calls home. Always challenging herself out of her comfort zone, she quickly learnt the language and delivered a TEDx Talk in Leon, in Spanish in 2016. Through her travels, Sarah has picked up a sizeable 100,000 followers on Instagram and set herself a target of 196 countries. What happens then? “I will never stop travelling” says Sarah and you sense she’s talking metaphorically as well as literally when she discusses the future; “I don’t believe in destinations, only journeys” . Sarah blogs and vlogs her experiences whilst travelling alongside positive coaching and personal development tips. “Wealth to me is freedom and peace, not just financial” she reveals as she lays down a challenge for everyone; “Get a coach, find your purpose, push past fear and whatever you want to do, just do it” Listen in to find out more about Sarah’s life and journey. Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
In this pioneering and refreshing episode, discover how a Chelsea FC Foundation Coach and tea loving, Nail & Beauty Entrepreneur have combined talents to create the world’s first Global 5-A-Side Women’s Football Tournament For Businesses. With several tournaments now under their belt, inaugural winners @coppa90 lined up against no lesser opposition than Facebook, Amazon, Mixcloud, Universal Music. A friendship bonded around playing and watching football and is separated only by their support of rival teams! “The women’s World Cup played a huge role in the birth of She’s Got Skills...”, says Bhavna. “In terms of promoting women and female role models in the sports industry.” With a talent for creating quality content socially and digitally, the pair sought to see if they could create the same energy and vibrancy at live events and re-create some of the rivalry that permeates the football world. “We imagined Snapchat and Facebook playing each other. Wouldn’t that make for great content and great rivalry?” Other than the obvious mental and physical wellbeing aspect, She’s Got Skills has created a big networking opportunity and an opportunity for individuals and companies to get involved in something that bonds and unites people on a different level. Rob's message to girls is simple; “Whether you like football or have never kicked a ball in your life, it doesn’t matter. Get involved” She’s Got Skills is an opportunity to get healthy, have fun and maybe even improve your career prospects! Tune in for all this plus a cameo appearance by ‘Maggie The Cat’! Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
By day Ellie Steele is a Marketing Manager for the beautiful Georgian House Hotel in London’s Pimlico. By night she dons her cape and is Food & Lifestyle Blogger; “Just for fun”, she says. Ellie has always had a strong emotional connection with food. Ellie was influenced by her environment growing up; “I was raised on home grown organic ingredients and my mother was always hosting and cooking for friends”. In a world where we are bombarded by health information, fake images and fad diets, Ellie brings a breath of fresh air, common sense and responsibility via her Instagram Blog; “ellies_eats16” ; "My want is to find the correct balance between the enjoyment of food and understanding what I am putting into my body and the impact of that”. Ellie talks openly and honestly about the time it took to adjust to life in London and then the early realisation that despite having a great time, the almost mandatory after work partying and socialising wasn’t actually making her happy. Preparing and sharing healthy food choices became part of the small things each day that improved her mental and emotional wellbeing as well as her physical wellbeing. She expands on the concept of mindful eating and is full of praise for her employer; she learnt about mindful eating via the ‘Wellness Wednesdays’ that are an important part of her company’s culture. Whether she knows it or not, Ellie is a great role model for young women who love food and want to enjoy it, whilst making healthy choices and understanding why they eat. Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
There are three things that Simone cannot live without; one is speaking, one is basketball and one is playing the digeridoo. These days a successful entrepreneur, podcaster, three- time author and motivational speaker, his business - GTEX - turns experts into authorities by providing a framework business model to enable passionate entrepreneurs and solo-preneurs to get their voices heard and make income as well as impact. It was not always thus. “I am a very driven person. I am all in or nothing.” Simone explains the pivotal moments in his life and how they shaped him and still do. After his parents split at 14, Simone was determined to take responsibility for himself and help provide for his mother. An all-in detour via hospitality saw him go from waiter to managing a Michelin starred restaurant aged 19. A self-initiated stint living out of a backpack and effectively being homeless for two years led to an activist phase, helping to set up Occupy London, outside the London Stock Exchange. Today he is paid up part of the capitalism that he used to rebel against. “It’s an interesting paradox that there I was shouting “screw capitalism!” and now here I am running three businesses” he laughs. Whilst creating change and making an impact has always been a core theme, Simone has changed his approach; “I was living in a world of conspiracy theories. Activism is about destroying and I realised I prefer to impact through creating something positive, something new.” Simone's passion is infectious as he invites us all focus on the positive and explains how what you focus on expands. If you’re an entrepreneur looking to explode your business, then this podcast is for you! Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
Steve Bode wants to start a revolution; a revolution in how we use our minds. The author of the fantastically titled ‘Enlightened Master Seeks Apprentice’ , Steve is also founder of The Nudge Club. “The premise of the book is that your future self is writing a book to the universe - giving you lessons that you will learn - hoping that your present self gets it now.” Steve addresses the power and potential of the human mind and the fact that as social creatures, we often want to be like the people we see succeeding, which means that we often miss out on our own unique potential in our pursuit to emulate one another. Steve also describes the book as a way by-pass potential trouble and assumed truths through this relationship with your future self. In this fascinating interview, Steve explains in simple everyday language some of the reasons why people get stuck in life. “People get stuck in thought loops. We have between 50-70,000 thoughts everyday and 98% of them are the same thoughts as we had yesterday and the day before”. Steve is interested in the developing the other 2% - the creative future thoughts - that embrace the uncertainty of the future that many of us fear. “There is a difference between having a thought and talking to yourself”. Steve offers tips on managing thoughts, time and how to to stop thinking and start doing. All of this and more in this refreshing and enlightening podcast. Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
Paul Mumford is a man of many talents. He describes himself as “Fitness Chap, Radio Presenter, Filmmaker”. As a former Breakfast Radio presenter on SGR, Paul is these days a qualified personal trainer, nutritionist and resident health expert for BBC Radio Essex. He is also the author of a book called The Accumulator, which he has documented into a program and video series. All of this as well as being a “bare foot runner”. In this wide ranging and refreshing podcast, Paul expands on his varied career and talks about 'the breaks that fixed him’ and why he used to be known as “Frankie”…”I like to have a certain amount of control but then see where life takes me”. He is inspired by the movie; Sliding Doors. After always wanting to be on the radio, Paul started as a DJ in clubs, then hospital radio and was the “flying eye” presenting travel news, before getting his first big break as a breakfast radio presenter. During this time he developed a back problem which led him down a physiological and fitness route. He soon developed a passion for it and when things changed at the radio station, he simply thought “what else do I enjoy?” And qualified as a personal trainer. Another break. Video production (Paul’s videos are great!) is another passion and one which he also turned into a business. His own podcast - The Big Little Business Show - aimed at entrepreneurs, is also about to launch. “I just say yes to things. I’m in my 4th career now”, he smiles. For anyone with entrepreneurial tendencies who thinks they might have left it too late, this podcast will surely inspire you to think again! Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
Andy Audate is one positive guy. Self-made and self-educated, Andy originally came from a poor background. As a young man he grew up in an environment of gangs, guns, drugs and violence. Motivated to create a better life for himself, Andy knew he had to get out. College beckoned but it was not to be. “There’s 2 types of mentors. Those that lead you the way to go and those that show you where not to go.” Andy’s fast realised that his own entrepreneurial vision for himself did not align with sitting at a college desk listening to his college professor (mentor #2). So, he quit and set up his own mobile phone store. Following the advice and guidance of mentor #1, he made his first million at 21. Andy’s philosophy is one of expansion; “You need an extra $150 to pay a bill? Don’t cut back on expenses. Go and earn an extra $150” he asserts. An accomplished motivational speaker, author and business coach, Andy is also the Founder of Progress Daily and The Progression Conference - helping young entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. Andy emphasises the importance of having a vision AND writing down your goals as specifically as possible. Andy used this very technique to find a soul mate and it worked! Andy has built a business and reputation based on strong values, trust and taking fast, massive action. His brand; Progress Daily and his book; No More Average both expand on these principles and are aimed at anyone who wants to grow fast and be visible on the internet. Andy is a ball of energy and shares his wisdom,faith and passion in this fast paced podcast! Smash The Box is a personal development business. Everything I do is with the aim of inspiring you to find your purpose so you can make your mark on the world. One way I do this is by sharing people’s stories. Inspiring stories that the world needs to hear. Stories of breakthroughs, of adversity overcome, of achievements, successes, of setbacks and turnarounds, of realisations and lightbulb moments. This audio experience is a natural and perfect complement to the existing services of Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Breakthrough Workshops and Inspirational Talks - all of which forms something quite unique and special. If you are looking to find your purpose in life, in work, or both, then don’t just think outside the box. It’s time to Smash The Box! Connect with us!
Comments (1)

Sarah Winzar

what an inspiring young lady , loved listening to her story

Jul 11th
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