Claim Ownership


Author: Kimberly Hill

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LIVEAT545BROADCAST offers an inspirational and encouraging platform for God’s word! The author, Kimberly Hill, has a unique way of seeing the spiritual side of everyday events. Join in as she takes you on an inspirational and motivational journey; all while glorifying the LORD!
14 Episodes



Change can truly be a challenge, but I’m here to encourage you to see it as BENEFICIAL on the way to your destiny! Let’s talk about it 🗣



I Samuel 30:6- David (Kim) strengthened himself with trust in his (her) God. MSG Version)



It’s been a long day, but I’m grateful anyhow! I had to render to my Lord what’s due to Him 💜PRAYER 🙏🏽PRAISE🗣👏🏾 produces: strength, breakthroughs, answers to petitions, relationship with HIM, refreshings, clarity, peace of mind, and a black eye to the enemy!!
Waiting on the Lord

Waiting on the Lord


David was a young boy when Samuel anointed him king of Israel. He endured numerous hardships and finally became a king- over Judah. He reigned 7.5 years and was THEN anointed king of Israel! Wait with integrity, grace, patience, & great faith 🙌🏾🔥🗣
Prepare for Surgery

Prepare for Surgery


Time loop is defined as a plot device in which periods of time are repeated and re-experienced by the characters, and there is often some hope of breaking out of the cycle of repetition. Our lives can sometimes play out as movies with unproductive cycles, which need to be broken so that we can be released from those loops! Cast your cares (flaws & all) upon the Great Physician, & watch Him work a work in you!
R.A.C.E. The world has a system/drill in place for whenever a FIRE occurs. The Lord has also given His people a sureFIRE way out of the grips of the enemy! Jude 22 And have mercy on some, who are doubting; 23 save others, snatching them out of the FIRE; and on some have mercy but with fear, loathing even the clothing spotted and polluted by their shameless immoral freedom.



Prayer is a POWERFUL tool as well as a VITAL component of VICTORIOUS living. Join me as I share a key weapon of my kingdom arsenal!!!! 🙌🏾🔥🗣🏹🎯🗡🎯
David equipped himself not only to fight but also to win- all for the cause of the Kingdom!!!! You can, too!
Who wants to keep going in circles?! Today, we explore some of Israels’s history in the book of Judges. They repeatedly disobeyed the LORD & found themselves in bondage because of it. Thanks be to The LORD for always raising up a deliver; even in the form of a phenomenal woman! Happy WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH!!!!
Walk That Walk

Walk That Walk


What do you do when you find yourself yearning for more; especially in your chosen vocation? Join me as I encourage you to implement the steps needed to stay on your “purpose path” as you WALK THAT WALK towards God’s expected end for you!
He Knows Your Name

He Knows Your Name


The Oscars were held yesterday, & there could only be one winner in each category. Life can sometimes be the same way; with us hoping to be recognized by people. Thanks be to God for Him not overlooking His own. The LORD knows your name & has given you certain victory in HIM!
What happens when we ignore the ”construction cones” of life? It can keep us in unproductive cycles. Join me as I show you how we can terminate the process of going in circles.
Musical artists were honored last night with Grammy Awards from their respective organization. BUT I KNOW A MAN WHO’S WORTHY TO BE PRAISED EVERYDAY ALL DAY!!!! 🙌🏾🔥 #Jesus
Super Bowl & Spoken Word- yes, the 2 have quite a bit in common! Tune in to hear how CALLING THE RIGHT PLAYS can be a game changer (literally)!!
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