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Author: Lacey Sites

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LITerally is a podcast that shares the raw, unscripted experience of building an online business. Hosted by Lacey Sites, business mentor and success coach, this podcast literally takes you through the entire process of building a successful business and creating a lit up life. Each episode is a recording of actual coaching sessions between Lacey and one of her clients over the course of six months, giving you the “reality tv view” (minus the sleaze) of building an online business. LITerally will completely transform how you look at business and give you a much-needed dose of inspiration and permission to do things your way.
256 Episodes
I’m talking with Mindset and Marketing Coach Ellie Swift about how she balances a deep commitment to mindset work with a deep belief in great marketing and strategy. Ellie has created a multi-six figure business and exemplifies how doing the mindset work ALSO lets you do the strategic work in your business! The ThinkUp App  Learn more about Lacey Learn more about Ellie
I’m talking with Pussy-Based Business Coach Julia Wells about *exactly* how she grew from 0 to $500k in sales in 9 months (including all of the mindset work she ACTUALLY does and did on a daily basis for months before the tangible results came through). Julia has created a multi-six figure business by combining pleasure with mindset and her not-so-overnight success will inspire you no matter where you are in business right now! Learn more about Lacey Learn more about Julia
I’m talking with Health Coach Jaime Morocco about how doing the mindset work led her to $250k in revenue last year (she’s on track for $350k or MORE this year!) WITHOUT paid marketing. We often only hear about the success of business coaches (since it often only benefits business coaches to share) and that’s why I’m SO excited about this conversation because of the permission and inspiration it gives you. Doing the mindset work will impact your business NO MATTER what you do! Learn more about Lacey Learn more about Jamie
I’m talking with highly sought after International Coach Sabrina Philipp about how she moved to Bali at 22 with $800 to her name and made her first MILLION by 24. Sabrina grows and levels up faster than anyone I know and ALL of her quick success can be attributed to how she thinks about things and does #thework. This episode will serve you (and potentially trigger you by highlighting your own blind spots) in a really epic way! Learn more about Lacey Learn more about Sabrina
I’m talking with Business Coach and Success Catalyst Cait Scudder about how mindset helped her start and scale her business to 6 figures in under a year, all from her laptop while traveling the world. Cait is the PERFECT example of doing the work to make things easier AND still getting results. Cait had a multi-six figure quarter while in a difficult first trimester and is breaking down how she lets her mindset do the work *for* her. Learn more about Lacey Learn more about Cait
The belief of success at ANY cost…actually has a really big cost.😬   We can believe “I can do it all myself - and perfectly” which leads to stress, burnout, and lack of rest, OR we can intentionally choose to create ease and enjoyment in life and business (even and especially when it feels hardest to do that!).    In this first episode of Little Ones, business coach and serial entrepreneur, Suzy Olivier, shares with us how she crafted her maternity leave and transition back to work to be fun, easy, and serve her well, even with three littles to care for! This is the permission we as mothers need to take time off, receive support, and let go of trying to be everything to everyone.   Tune into this episode to discover: How Suzy shifted her mindset, beliefs, and goals (and how this is possible for ANYONE) to be an intentional business owner A mindset reframe that helped Suzy fully enjoy her newborn and ditch mom guilt One reality of the growth and speed of your business during time off that needs to be said and spoken about more What balance looks like for Suzy, and how to be “the best you” whether you are in mom mode or business mode   Connect with us: Join my Facebook group Visit Suzy’s website  Join Suzy’s Facebook group
What if you built a business just for the sake of building a business? Only to realize you didn’t actually love most of what you were doing even though it looked really successful from the outside?   In episode 2 of our Little Ones miniseries, Copywriter and Brand Strategist, Jess Jordana, and I have a conversation about what happened when she came back from maternity leave and realized it was time to reimagine her entire business. We discuss balance, transitioning to a 3 day work week and what it means to actually have that elusive ‘balance’.    If you are struggling with work-life balance, feeling like you maybe haven’t built a business that lights you up, or want some inspiration to know that you can work less AND still get what you want out of your business, this episode is for you.    In this episode, you’ll hear: The biggest difference-maker in preparing for maternity leave (or any extended leave) Why tearing down and rebuilding Jess’s business was the best move for her (and a new lens through which she bases her decisions) A huge mindset shift around how you spend your time (and how to know that something is actually WORTH your time) The single, most important question that changed everything in Jess’s business One guiding thought that can support you in making decisions as a mother in business   Connect with us: Join my Facebook group Learn more about copywriting and brand messaging on Jess’s website More vulnerable conversations and stories on IG: @jessjordana
What happens when a seven figure business owner wants to scale back her hours and still provide financially for her family? When online business coach, Leah Gervais, became pregnant, she scaled back to 4 days and then eventually 3 days in anticipation of creating a new normal for herself and her family.    She bravely shares her fears and nerves around not knowing how to prepare for a new normal, and what having a baby would mean for her freedom. In the process, she discovered the absolute best way to spend her time and experienced the feeling of “having it all” when returning to work after maternity leave. Find out how she was able to feel lighter and work and obsess over her business less while still achieving massive success.   Listen to episode 3 of the LITle Ones miniseries to learn about building a business and life that gives us everything we desire without losing ourselves in the process.    In this episode, you’ll hear: How Leah gave herself permission for changes in her business to occur and how she’s working less and making more than ever  How to hold onto the important parts of your identity as you step into motherhood (so you can be ALL of you in this season of life) Listening to your intuition in business and motherhood and how that can pay off in the biggest way The behind the scenes of what it looked like for Leah to shift expectations, design a life and business that served her, and truly “have it all” Bonus real talk on breastfeeding struggles and the motivation to keep going in the hard moments!   Connect with us: Join my Facebook group Get Leah’s free resources on her website Connect with Leah on Instagram
Wanna know how it’s possible to have a multi 6-figure business while working 15 hours a week… and starting a family and running a second business, all in one year?   Once Sam DiNicola decided to start a family, she locked into a rock solid mindset and began preparing her business and life for a baby to arrive. You may recognize this digital marketing agency owner from season 2 of LITerally! She’s back to share her wisdom and mindset with us in the Little Ones mini series, along with four of my other clients who are balancing businesses and babies while making great money.   Sam was able to grow and evolve her agency while in the role of primary caregiver, as well as build her real estate investment business working only 15 hours a week. You heard that right - she currently has no nanny or daycare and continues to grow her businesses only working in the mornings while her very supportive husband spends precious time with their daughter.    In order to run two businesses and have her daughter in her care almost 24/7, Sam made adjustments and changes very purposefully and in advance of getting pregnant. Listen to this open and honest conversation to hear the lessons she has learned, how instrumental her mindset was, and what she would do differently to make her business work for her life in the best way possible!   In this episode, you’ll hear: A massive win Sam experienced in her business while in the hospital giving birth (and how this can be possible for you anywhere, anytime too!) Sam’s biggest tip to prepare for maternity leave (or any extended leave) to make the transition as smooth as possible while earning almost the same amount What she refuses to waste any more time on as a business owner (and how to fully enjoy the time we dedicate to growing our businesses) How to set your mindset to being more productive when your mental load is at capacity and you are downright exhausted   Connect with us! Join my Facebook group Learn more about scaling your business while working less on Sam’s website Connect with Sam on Instagram No Fluff - Small Business Simplified Podcast
In our final episode of this special miniseries Little Ones, we talk to 7-figure business coach, Cait Scudder, who graciously models for us all how to be “enough” as mothers while still reaching new levels of success in business. There is so much permission given in this episode around having flexibility, not planning everything out perfectly, and empowering every woman to delight in the beauty and richness of running a highly successful business alongside raising a family.    I so encourage you to listen to this episode as Cait shares how she has made this possible every single day, despite the struggle that comes with balancing her time and mental capacity. While you’re at it, tune into the rest of Little Ones, the miniseries featuring five of my clients, who had babies within the last year, empowering every listener to make the outrageous asks, receive support, and ultimately delight in motherhood while building their business & wealth.   In Cait’s episode, you’ll hear: The key to finding room for “more” as a woman and mother in business so you have a higher capacity for growth Encouragement to build the business you want AND have the family you want without sacrificing one for the other How to gain a deeper sense of purpose in our identity as a mother and CEO (and allow ourselves to have all the “good stuff” without guilt) What makes Cait feel more lit up and inspired than ever  How Cait has refused to sacrifice herself, her dream, her desires, and her ambitions (and how this is possible for you, too!)    Episode Links Unbound by Kasia Urbaniak Meal Train Join my Facebook group Connect with Cait on Instagram Born to Rise Podcast
LITerally is a podcast that shares the raw, unscripted experience of building an online business. Hosted by Lacey Sites, business mentor and success coach, this podcast literally takes you through the entire process of building a successful business and creating a lit up life. Each episode is a recording of actual coaching sessions between Lacey and one of her clients over the course of six months, giving you the “reality tv view” (minus the sleaze) of building an online business. LITerally will completely transform how you look at business and give you a much-needed dose of inspiration and permission to do things your way.  Learn more about Lacey Learn more about the show  
In the first episode of Season 1, I’m introducing my coaching client Monica. We're diving into how this idea came to fruition, why we feel like it's going to serve you in SUCH a big way in building your own business, and the value we plan to bring. You'll also get to learn more about Monica's background, experience, the current state of her business, and the big goals we're working toward together. Learn more about Lacey Learn more about the show
Session 1 with Monica, where we discuss how to find a focus in messaging, combating imposter syndrome, moving forward before you see results, and the hardest part of building an online business. Learn more about Lacey Learn more about the show
Session 2 with Monica, where we discuss getting people on the phone before you’re ready, the importance of delivering a specific result on a call, how to lead a sales call that feels good for you and your clients, creating (and pricing) your first offer, and delivering sales pitches that convert. Learn more about Lacey Learn more about the show Check out Lacey’s program, Value-Centered Sales®  
Session #3 with Monica, where we discuss the key to making fast shifts in life and biz, how to move past the narratives and stories keeping you stuck, the most important things to know about using free calls and opt-ins in your biz, and how to treat your business like a business and dictate the results you get.   Learn more about Lacey Learn more about the show Content Planning Party
Session 4 with Monica, where we discuss handling “no-shows” for discovery calls, making content 10x easier to write and convert, breaking down WHAT actually creates success and the importance of defining this for yourself, working through resistance towards being visible in front of the scenes, and the best results-focused exercise for big growth!   Learn more about Lacey Learn more about the show Snag the content planning party
In Episode #6, I speak solo to discuss showing up for your strategy and executing consistently in order to see big results in biz, why it’s important to get clear on a strategy that feels good and how to get out of your own way enough to follow through, the 6 elements of getting what you want, and why patience and persistence are your bffs for building a sustainable business that lights you up.   Learn more about Lacey Learn more about the show Learn more about The MSE Framework  
Session #5 with Monica, where we discuss the importance of trade-offs in business and life, making your actions as consistent as the income you desire, the power of staying connected to your business every single day, and how to get what you want by being clear in what you order. If you’re tired of waiting for results, this episode is for you!   Learn more about Lacey Learn more about the show Learn more about intensives  
Session #6 with Monica, where we discuss why feeling good is critical to the success of your biz, how to stop making it so hard (and finally let it be easy), how fast things can shift when you stay in the process, and handling objections on sales calls by addressing the two reasons people *don’t* buy. Learn more about Lacey Learn more about the show Learn more about Value-Centered Sales®
Episode #9 is another solo episode where I discuss the 3 components necessary to having all the success you want, how to stop solving the wrong problem in your biz, my #1 favorite exercise to get unstuck, and how to create bigger results FAST.   Not sure where to put your focus in your biz? Take my Missing Piece Quiz to find out: Come say hi on Instagram: Learn more about Lacey Learn more about the show
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