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20s Crisis Podcast
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20s Crisis Podcast

Author: emmastenborn

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In this podcast we share our own personal experiences and candid conversations about the highs, lows, and unexpected curveballs life throws at us in our 20s.

Each episode is a window into our lives, as we explore topics like anxiety, self-esteem, resilience, and everything in between. We’re not experts; we’re just two friends going through the challenges of the 20s experience, proving that you’re not alone in your journey.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration, advice, or simply seeking solace in the shared experiences of others, we are here to offer a fresh perspective on the trials and tribulations of young adulthood.

Your crisis might just be your greatest opportunity for growth. Let’s face it together on 20’s Crisis.
16 Episodes
In this episode, we dive into the essential topic of setting boundaries with those around you and breaking free from the habit of people-pleasing. We explore why boundaries are crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and personal well-being. We also talk about how shifting your focus on yourself rather than others and their opinion will help you become more self confident. Sometimes it can be easy to forgive people's actions or excuse their behavior, especially if you are someone that has an easy time seeing things from other people's perspective. But remember, even though you understand why a person acts a certain way doesn't mean that you have to accept it.
How do we find balance with social media and discover the benefits with detoxing? And how is our screen-time affecting our wellbeing? In this episode we discuss our best advice for a positive and healthy experience with social media, and how it can improve the quality of your life. Stepping away from our screens can be really challenging for many reasons, we discuss our own experience with this, and how to start taking breaks from social media. Let’s scroll less and live more!
In today's episode, we talk about the importance of finding your independence and trusting yourself to manage things independently. We talk about our experiences and how being alone has forced us to care for things by ourselves and not depend on our parents or friends.  We also talk about how easy it can be to get into a pattern of being more dependent on your partner in a relationship and to lose your independence without even being aware of it. That is why it is crucial to find it even when you are in a relationship, because sooner or later we will find ourselves in a situation where we can not depend on others. Life gets so much easier when you know that you are capable of handling everything that crosses your path.
Sometimes trying to control the uncontrollable can make us feel frustrated, disappointed and stressed. Therefore we think it's important to recognize what you can control and what´s out of your reach. Realising that you sometimes need to let go of things and trust that the outcome will turn out good anyway can be very relieving. We can not control everything that crosses our path, it is simply impossible.  In this episode, we will talk about our own experiences of needing to control things. Amanda also talks about how she during the last years has let go of control and does not feel like a control freak anymore. We also read a paragraph from our favorite book “the mountain is you” that explains how we can not hold other people accountable for our own expectations of them.  We believe that it all starts with you and that's what you should put your effort and focus on.
This episode delves into the transformative power of establishing and maintaining healthy routines and habits. We emphasize the significance of creating these habits and sticking with them.  Drawing from personal experiences, we share insights into our daily routines, highlighting practices such as limiting screen time and prioritizing morning workouts. These rituals not only contribute to physical well-being but also set a positive tone for the entire day.  Throughout the discussion we refer to the influential book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, which offers invaluable guidance on initiating and sustaining healthy habits. By implementing strategies outlined in the book, such as setting small, incremental goals, we can all be inspired to embark on our own journey toward positive change and self-improvement.  We believe that these simple yet powerful practices can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life.
In this episode, we talk about the constant pressure we put on ourselves regarding our bodies. Women have been exposed to comments and standards on how their bodies should look over the years and this has put a big mark on our mental health. Your body doesn't need fixing, but your relationship with it does.  We lift the problematics of social media's unrealistic beauty ideals that constantly remind us that we are not enough and need to change ourselves.  The truth is that our bodies are amazing the way they are. To have the ability to use it in different ways and to see that as the privilege it is.  But keep in mind that we are still in the journey of loving our bodies. Our hope is to create a safe space to share our struggles and help each other overcome society's look on beauty standards.
Spring cleansing

Spring cleansing


Spring has officially sprung, and now is the perfect time to get out with the old and in with the new fresh energy.  In this episode, we will talk about how we in the best way cleanse out before welcoming a new season. We discuss decluttering our physical spaces, letting go of possessions that no longer serve us, and creating room for what matters. In our social cleanse we dive into the importance of evaluating our social circles, setting boundaries and focusing on the relationships that uplift and inspire us. We believe that this will improve our mental health and make us less stressed and overwhelmed.  We hope you will join us!
20 lessons from our 20s

20 lessons from our 20s


In this podcast episode, we reflect on the lessons and experiences we have gained while being in our twenties. Despite our journeys not unfolding as we had imagined, we share unexpected lessons that have shaped our growth and perspectives. From feeling stuck to embracing uncertainty, we discuss the importance of surrounding ourselves with supportive people and learning to let go of control. We're reminded that this decade is not just a period of growth, but a foundation for the individuals we become. Through the highs and lows, the triumphs and setbacks, we emerge with a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. 
Staying friends can be hard during your twenties. In this episode, we talk about the inevitability of growing apart from friends as we evolve and choose different paths in life. While the twenties may present challenges that test the strength of friendships, it is not always a bad thing. Maintaining a few sincere friendships holds greater value than having a lot of superficial ones.  We answer your questions about your struggles with friends, where our goal is to empower you to navigate your own friendship dilemmas and to do it with resilience and understanding. As well as the importance of communicating, setting boundaries and to accept that it is okay to grow apart from friends.
Romanticizing life

Romanticizing life


Romanticizing your life can be as easy as making small changes in your everyday life, such as savouring your favourite tea in the morning or spending a few more minutes making a delicious breakfast to have the best start to your day.  We encourage you to let go of the pressure to constantly plan and worry about the future and instead focus on being fully present in the here and now. By doing so we can enhance our well-being and embrace the magic of everyday life.  “You have the power to create joy for yourself in those everyday moments. You can decide to feel happy and make situations that are boring really nice and cozy. It's really a mindset thing.”
Glow up culture

Glow up culture


Is glowing up more motivating when you can measure it and get other people's opinions on your appearance?  Glow up is an informal term for a positive personal transformation that also involves self-growth and maturity, yet the word is associated with changing one's appearance or style.  We share our personal stories and experiences when we felt the need to make a glow up, and how our perspective of its significance has changed with time. Our aim is to redefine the glow up as a journey of inner fulfillment and meaningful self-development, rather than focusing on the surface-level enhancements that only take you so far.
How to stop caring

How to stop caring


Is the fear of being judged holding you back from living your dream life? In this episode, we talk about how to stop caring about what other people think and start living your life the way you want to. In your 20´s it can feel like everyone is constantly watching your every move, a lot because of social media. It can be scary to put yourself out there and risk being judged by others but it's also scary to stay in your comfort zone and limit yourself because of that fear.  Instead of seeking validation from others you should start seeking it from yourself and yourself only. In this episode we explain how, because people will judge you either way.



In this episode, we talk about the raw reality of heartbreaks and how difficult it can be to overcome someone who has become a big part of your life. We also discuss the signs indicating when it might be time to end a relationship and how to move forward for personal growth.  Remember, healing from heartbreak takes time, and seeking help and support along the way is okay. Be patient with yourself and trust that you will eventually emerge stronger and wiser from this experience.
Do you find it difficult to be alone? In this episode, we talk about how important it is to love being alone. You spend so much time with yourself yet many people find it uneasy and difficult to do things without feeling lonely. Many can relate to feeling self-conscious by doing things by yourself in public, whether it's dining out alone or relocating to a new city solo. The two of us chat about the difference between being alone and feeling lonely and why it's crucial to step outside your comfort zone. We explain the perks of self-sufficiency and why being independent is the ultimate way to reach your full potential.
Is alcohol out?

Is alcohol out?


Why is drinking so normalized? And how did we get over the fear of being judged for not drinking? In this episode, we chat about why we recently decided to have a break from alcohol and the surprising thoughts it sparked. So, grab your favourite non-alcoholic beverage and join us as we explore the perks of drinking less and living more.
Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis


Why is it so common to feel lost in your 20s? And what can you do to get out of an identity crisis?  We talk about our own experiences of feeling uncertain about where you fit in and who you are. With social media, it is very easy to constantly compare yourself to other people. We share our advice about getting through an identity crisis and becoming more true to yourself.  This and more will be discussed in the first episode.
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