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McCann Dog Training - Train Station Replay
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McCann Dog Training - Train Station Replay

Author: Ken Steepe

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In our live train station shows on YouTube, we help people to have a well-behaved four-legged family member. We'll talk about dog behavior and talk about some solutions so our viewers have a dog who loves to listen and that way, they can spend more time together! These episodes are pulled from our live YouTube show. If you'd like to join us live be sure to check out our YouTube channel on Thursday's at 7:30 PM EST.
56 Episodes
Quite often we hear someone mention how annoying it is when their dog does *insert your frustrating behavior here*. There are a couple of foundational dog training tips that you can use to apply to fixing that issue with your dog. In this live stream, we'll talk about a simple 3 step process to changing your dog's behavior. These tactics can be applied to SO MANY different challenging "problems" that your dog doesn't even realize are a problem! By using this strategy, you're going to become a much better leader for your dog. And you'll start to see them making better choices. Barking, pulling on the leash, jumping up, and several other troublesome issues can be fixed by looking at your training a little differently.We record a new livestream every other week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! We Have A FULLY SUPPORTED Puppy Essentials Training Program Online! Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials  Are you looking for a personalized training plan for YOUR dog? We now have a HomeSchool program, for dogs over 5 months old, that's fully supported with a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
Puppy training requires a little bit of variety. There is a surge of new puppy ownership and lots of people welcoming new four-legged family members into their homes. In our dog training school, we get to see hundreds of dogs every week, and in our weekly meetings, our trainers can often notice trends when it comes to dogs. Whether the trend is a specific breed of puppy, or a new dog training toy, with the number of dog owners who come through our facility, these trends are easy to spot. The same thing goes for training issues. In the last couple of weeks, our training facility has reopened, and we are welcoming hundreds of new dog owners in for training. After speaking with a few of our trainers, there is something that they have noticed with a number of dogs who cam to their homes during the quarantine. We record a new livestream every other week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! We Have A FULLY SUPPORTED Puppy Essentials Training Program Online! Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials  Are you looking for a personalized training plan for YOUR dog? We now have a HomeSchool program, for dogs over 5 months old, that's fully supported with a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
Puppy training on its own can sometimes seem like a challenge. When you add in the added challenges of lock-downs, more time spent at home without the ability to go out and socialize. The unique challenges that working from home can create. You may start to wonder if your puppy is getting enough exercise, information and attention. We have some tips for puppy training during the pandemic so that you don't struggle with your training when life gets back to normal! We record a new livestream every other week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! We Have A FULLY SUPPORTED Puppy Essentials Training Program Online! Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials  Are you looking for a personalized training plan for YOUR dog? We now have a HomeSchool program, that's fully supported with a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
Puppy training has been the focus of our channel these past few weeks. As we bring you along on our puppy training journey, we're sharing with you some of the simple ways you can make your puppy training expectations a reality. In tonight's show, we'll be talking about setting your expectations high and how we've been able to crate train our puppy faster, avoid all of the accidents with puppy potty training and have a puppy who LOVES to listen and engage with us. We will also talk about some of the challenges you will encounter when your puppy isn't very food motivated, and how you can overcome the puppy training obstacle. We've done it all MANY times before, but this is the first time we're bringing you along for the adventure. We record a new livestream every other week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! We Have A FULLY SUPPORTED Puppy Essentials Training Program Online! Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials  Are you looking for a personalized training plan for YOUR dog? We now have a HomeSchool program, that's fully supported with a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
In this live stream, we will talk about the importance of consistency and how using one little word in your dog training can be the difference between success and failure. We have high expectations of every one of our students, and we know just how much of an impact this one little word can have (having taught nearly 100,000 students at McCann Dogs). Have you ever wondered why your dog will come back to you when you call sometimes and other times they'll do laps around you or run right by you? Ever wondered why they will remain exactly where you asked them to sit sometimes and other times they'll just go off and do their own thing? We'll let you in on a little secret that will show you how to teach your dog work for you because you're being really clear about your expectations. We record a new livestream every other week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! We Have A FULLY SUPPORTED Puppy Essentials Training Program Online! Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials  Are you looking for a personalized training plan for YOUR dog? We now have a HomeSchool program, that's fully supported with a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
There are so many things that can influence the success of your dog training efforts. Timing, consistency, your training plan, and MOTIVATION are all really big factors in your success. We have talked a lot about using food in training for your dog, but what about using another training tool that has nothing to do with food? Something that will actually get better results in LOTS of different situations. In tonight's live stream we will be talking about another way to reward your dog that will get them really motivated to work. And strengthen your relationship with them at the same time! We record a new livestream every other week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! We Have A FULLY SUPPORTED Puppy Essentials Training Program Online! Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials  Are you looking for a personalized training plan for YOUR dog? We now have a HomeSchool program, that's fully supported with a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
It's not uncommon for someone to mention that their puppy training went well, but now their puppy forgets their training! Sometimes a student will ask about the "Terrible Twos" or if puppies have a "teenage phase"? The short answer is sometimes. But more often it's all about YOU. In this live stream, professional dog trainers Ken Steepe and Kayl McCann will talk about your puppy training regression, why it happens, and what you can do to get your puppy training (now dog training) back on course! We record a new livestream every other week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! We Have A FULLY SUPPORTED Puppy Essentials Training Program Online! Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials  Are you looking for a personalized training plan for YOUR dog? We now have a HomeSchool program, that's fully supported with a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
Training your dog does require them to be attentive, engaged, and motivated in their dog training! There are some changes that you need to make if you want to have the hyper-focused puppy during your training sessions. Have you ever wondered how dog trainers dogs' get trained so quickly? There is an understanding of the relationship between motivation, focus, and success that dog trainers take advantage of. And this isn't a "secret training method". These are 10 tips that you should be using in your daily training as well. We record a new livestream every other week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! We Have A FULLY SUPPORTED Puppy Essentials Training Program Online! Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials  Are you looking for a personalized training plan for YOUR dog? We now have a HomeSchool program, that's fully supported with a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
In this livestream, we'll talk about 5 things you need to STOP DOING In your dog training that will make your training a lot more successful. There are some pretty common mistakes that dog owners make that can really slow down the learning process for their dog. These mistakes might seem like small errors, but they can really make a BIG difference for your dog. Whether you're trying to teach them a new skill, or you're trying to stop a nuisance behavior, these tips we share will help to speed up your training process. We record a new livestream every other week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! We Have A FULLY SUPPORTED Puppy Essentials Training Program Online! Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials  Are you looking for a personalized training plan for YOUR dog? We now have a HomeSchool program, that's fully supported with a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
In this Livestream, we'll be talking about the best way for you to approach socialization in your dog training. This is so often thought of as the time to "teach my dog to play with other dogs". When you look at the big picture of socialization though, it's really important that you are thinking about socialization as "experience". These confidence-building choices will allow your dog to do so much more with you, and if you approach it the right way, they will be able to actually socialize with other dogs sooner and more safely than if you try to rush the process. We record a new livestream every week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! Join Our FREE Training Workshop: Train With Us: Watch us record this IRL on YouTube: Check Out Our Video Podcast: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
In this livestream, we'll talk about a very common mistake that people make in their dog training. This mistake is one of the biggest reasons that people will forever have to hold food in their hand to get reliable results from their dog. We will discuss this topic and we will be answering your dog training questions. We record a new livestream every week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! Join Our FREE Training Workshop: Train With Us: Watch us record this IRL on YouTube: Check Out Our Video Podcast: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
We need to have a conversation about when, how and why you're rewarding your dog in their dog training. Appropriate rewarding can absolutely build motivation, confidence and reliable skills. But what if you aren't doing that correctly? What if you're accidentally teaching your dog do be LESS motivated. What if you're teaching them to ignore you?? We need to fix that for you. Join professional dog trainers, Ken Steepe and Kayl McCann at 7:30 PM, EST on Thursday and hop aboard the training train in another episode of the Train Station. We record a new livestream every week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! Join Our Monthly FREE Training Workshop: Train With Us: Watch us record this IRL on YouTube: Check Out Our Video Podcast: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
In this live stream we will talk about the importance of consistency and how using one little word in your dog training can be the difference between success and failure. We have high expectations of every one of our students, and we know just how much of an impact this one little word can have (having taught nearly 100,000 students at McCann Dogs). Have you ever wondered why your dog will come back to you when you call sometimes and other times they'll do laps around you or run right by you? Ever wondered why they will remain exactly where you asked them to sit sometimes and other times they'll just off and do their own thing? We'll let you in on a little secret that will show you how to teach your dog work for you because you're being really clear about your expectations. We record a new livestream every week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! Join Our Monthly FREE Training Workshop: Train With Us: Watch us record this IRL on YouTube: Check Out Our Video Podcast: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
Using toy rewards in dog training can be a really great way to build drive and motivation for your dog. But it needs to be used correctly. And for some dogs, there is a lot less interest in toys until they're shown just how valuable a toy can be. In this episode of the Train Station Dog Training livestream, professional dog trainers, Ken Steepe and Kayl McCann will talk about how to get your dog interested in toys, as well as how you can incorporate food into your toys to make them more interesting if your dog has low toy drive. We will also talk about all of the reasons that using a toy reward for your dog training may be just what you need to have your dog working extra hard to give you the results you're looking for. We record a new livestream every week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! Join Our Monthly FREE Training Workshop: Train With Us: You Can Now Access Our Signature Training Equipment! Visit our STORE HERE: Check Out Our Video Podcast: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
Teach Your Dog To "Wait"

Teach Your Dog To "Wait"


In this live stream, We're going to show what the most useful dog training skill is and how you can teach it to your dog! I would say that this one stationary skill is something that I use with each of our own dogs and it's something that our students tell us is always coming in really handy in their everyday life! No matter what your dog's breed, size or attitude is, this will be something that you will use with them! In this show, you'll teach your dog to wait in any situation. And you are going to see how it can be used in lots of different ways! We record a new livestream every week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! Send Us Your Question: Join Our Monthly FREE Training Workshop: Train With Us: Watch us record this IRL on YouTube: Check Out Our Video Podcast: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
In this livestream, we will talk about how to teach your dog to come on command. The perfect recall can be broken down into 3 sections. Every good recall has a beginning, a middle and an ending. Each component will present its own unique challenges and should be taught individually first. We're going to mention a couple of no-no's when you teach your dog to come on command, so you aren't accidentally undoing all of your hard work. Join professional dog trainers, Ken Steepe and Kayl McCann as they talk about this life-saving skill for your dog. Be sure to let us know about your current dog training challenges so we can help you to overcome them. We will answer your questions about teaching your dog to come when called first, then we will have a little time for general questions. Our Train Station episodes begin on Thursdays at 7:30 PM, EST. Make sure you mark it on your calendar or click the notification bell so you don't miss an episode. See you in the Train Station!  We record a new livestream every week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! Join Our Monthly FREE Training Workshop: Train With Us: Watch us record this IRL on YouTube: Check Out Our Video Podcast: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
In this podcast from our livestream, we're going to talk about some dog training basic obedience mistakes that everyone will make at one time or another. These kinds of little errors can really make things confusing for your dog and also make you really frustrated when you aren't seeing the success of all of your hard work! There are a couple of simple things you can change in your training that will really speed up your training and keep your dog focused and excited about the training process! We record a new livestream every week on YouTube, so be sure to check out our channel so we can answer your puppy training, or dog training question LIVE! Join Our Monthly FREE Training Workshop: Train With Us: Watch us record this IRL on YouTube: Check Out Our Video Podcast: Thanks for listening! Happy Training! ~Ken
This episode aired on May 9, 2019 In this episode of the Train Station, we're going to talk about some puppy training basics. We will talk about using the T.R.A.I.N rule so that your puppy will be successful! When people come to us asking for help with a skill they're struggling with, we can often find a step that has been left out in their training plan. As humans, it can be hard for us to understand how dogs think simply because it is different than how we think, and it can be hard to understand why you might have a perfect recall in your yard, only to watch your dog ignore you at the park. Today, we're going to talk about the steps necessary to train and perfect a skill from start to finish using our favourite acronym - "T.R.A.I.N." Do you feel like your puppy training is missing something? You may have gone through most of the steps, but there's a good chance that you have skipped one important element of their puppy training! By following this rule you can be sure that you're giving your puppy the right information at just the right time! Join professional dog trainers, Ken Steepe and Kayl McCann in their weekly dog training show "The Train Station" and join in the conversation. Join us LIVE on YouTube on Thursdays at 7:30PM EST -
This episode originally aired on our YouTube channel on March 28th. There are some unique challenges and common mistakes that come along with adding a second dog to your home. Here are some tips to ensure you aren't making them! Join professional dog trainers, Ken Steepe and Kayl McCann as they answer your questions about puppy training and puppy socialization in a multiple dog household Join Us Live On Our YouTube Channel, Thursdays at 7:30PM EST:
In the Train Station live stream from Jan 17th, we answered a lot of puppy training basics questions as we dive deep into Puppy Potty Training questions, we also talk about some Crate training and Socialization questions that have come up on the channel. Join Ken Steepe and Kayl McCann as they chat with you an answer your questions that have come up since the last train station episode. Join Our Livestreams on YouTube HERE: