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SoL-Mates: Love and MST3K

Author: SoL-Mates

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A podcast about Love, Relationships and Mystery Science Theater 3000!
208 Episodes
We rocked it back to the KTMA era with a listener request for SST: Deathflight and boy are our arms tired. That works, right?Host segments: MiMi has no Farrah-do; if Burgess Meredith doesn't like you; roll a constitution check against Senegal flu; a drinking problem; the old-guy love triangle; so 80s; we cancel ourselves; oh, wooow.
What a weird, wild, wonderful ride we had with this episode's movie, The Visitor brought to us by Rifftrax. (CW domestic abuse and abortion)Host segments: Jeff, a well-known Capricorn, apologizes for stereotyping; inaccurate depictions of Southern children; evil cabal do nots; check out the grape stomping reporter; this child is unusable.
It's listener requiest/fan favorite time with Deathstalker and the Warriors From Hell. You know there's bat facts, too, right? (CW: Sexual assault in film context)Host segments: medieval bat facts; creative potato seasoning options; it's a myth, Jeff; peplum goo; nickled and dimed at the Renaissance Faire; how Jeff really feels about Everything But the Girl; soundtrack by Falco; polling everyone's stance on boobies.
The SoL-Mates head back into Heston territory with the ill-fated first Gizmoplex premiere, Santo in the Treasure of Dracula. Host segments: wrestlers vs. science; Joe tells us the lore of Count Redrum; RELEASE THE BOOBY CUT!; we find out about Porn Studies; wrestling vs. time travel; quality vs. quality - do these beautiful cuts work against production?; we learn way too much about Lisa Rinna; all hail the White Dot; going to bed early is awesome.
Boy, oh boy - did The Girl in Lovers Lane set us to dreaming about a place we've never seen.Host segments: spring break antics; everyone check on everyone else; Go-bos; dealing with street toughs; a brief history of Jack Elam; f**k politeness; Danny and the City; I can't live in Dannysburg, but I'd love to visit.
IT'S NOT SINBAD. Host segments: No Red Lobster for you; we catch Joe out on a horse technicality; Sadko vs. Sinbad; Sister Beech is back; we find out some things about Joe Namath; let Sadko be Sadko, Joe's mansies; why is it always "Red, Red Wine?"; chicken etiquitte; the friends was the bluebird, etc.
We've come to the end of Rothrockuary (TMTMTMTM), and we find out that the kicking and punching were the friends we made along the way.Host segments: Karate boss logic; this is now a Billy Drago fancast; Jeff tells you more about martial arts; gender and fighting; get thee behind me, Beefcake Ponytail; let's talk about Jeff's body grease; how Devori really feels abou this movie; please don't scorpion kick a SoL-Mate.
We're about halfway through Rothrockuary (TMTMTMTMTM) and boy are our arms tired. From all the punching.Host segments: Quantum Rothrock; Jeff schools us all; our old, old bodies; poor Kyle; dabbling in crime never works; Chad McQueen is perfectly adequate; why aren't we going full Footloose?; it's just terrible folks.
We're continuing Rothrockuary with the baffling and not even a little bit endearing saga of Honor and Glory. PS - although this movie is about two sisters, their names are not "Honor" and "Glory."Host segments: Devori's strange jealousy; just call her Chesty; Jeff and Joe's weird stuff; Count Dante's Dojo; the green bean rules of engagement; a lot of Depp hair gel.
We're kicking off a month of episodes with the first Rothrockuary (TM TM TM TM) installment In the Line of Duty 2: The Supercops (starring Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh). So PUNCH in and join us for a KICKING good time. (They're martial arts movies.)Host segments: so many plot points; "Do You Wanna Funk" redux; a brief history of Cynthia Rothrock; What even is this movie?; Was Chow Yun Fat in this movie?; just to be clear - this is a comedy podcast.
Host segments: strange casting requirements; sex orgy v. fertility festival - you decide; my name is Handerson; yes, but what kind of doctor?; fun times at the faculty mixer; how anti-nuclear should this be?; excellent theme song; Howie the Crab-core.
It's listener request time! It's also Jeff's birthday! So you know what that means - it's time for the Rifftrax take on Plan 9 From Outer Space. (Also, check out MST3K artwork of our friend, Brad Nelson here and throw him some $$$!)Host segments: not enough JoCo; what was your first time with Plan 9?; what is the rhyme or reason of this plan?; trying a new ad break; Jeff doesn't do two Wikipedias; so many guys.
Join the SoL-Mates as we look back on the past year in podcasting and MST3K and plan for the upcoming season. And, you - yeah, you - who skips these "recap" episodes because they're not "new" content, we have some real revelations for you, so skip at your own peril.Host segments: stuck again, kaiju problems; crowdfunding disappointments.
Surprise! It's another SoL-Mates Holiday Movie Swap! We're discussing the joys of our selected holiday films, Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever (2014) and The Spirit of Christmas (2015). Learn more than you could ever want to know about Hallmark/Lifetime Christmas movies! Appreciate the sarcasm of Aubrey Plaza outside of Parks and Rec. Host segments: Tangerine, where art thou?; Is Grumpy Cat not required viewing?; Jeff takes offense; the improbably named Tilky Jones.
We're doing it. We're ripping off the bandaid and tackling the Rifftrax take on The Star Wars Holiday Special. Wow - was it bad. But we came away with an extra dose of holiday cheer and a lot of information about this cluster-f**k.Host segments: Joe still loves eggnog; a convenient documentary; the holiday special that almost wasn't; what does it mean to be a Star Wars family?; the secret world of wookees; Cold War Existential Dread; generational disconnect; seeking Tim Conway; Devori will protect Carrie Fisher with her life; a protective fugue state; commit to the bit; what if it was Frasier?
We decided to try to cleanse our palates after last week's fare with a fan favorite from Japan - Prince of Space. What we discover is that the arms of Godzilla vs. Megalon are long and taint everything they touch.Host segments: we like it very much; keeping your eye on those axis powers; what's up with Wally and Suzy?; Japanese cram schools; can chicken swim?; that's his burden.
Oof - this isn't our favorite Godzilla flick. Or kaiju flick. Or...anything. It's not our favorite anything. Host segments: Jeff's hot dog predilictions; kaiju librarian; inaccurate flying kicks; it's really Japan's fault; degrees of Kenny-ness; Action Uncle vs. Scientist Uncle; high-quality kaiju a must; Joe Don's International Incident.
We're celebrating spooky season with an MST3K favorite, Track of the Moon Beast! Spoiler alert: none of these Johnny Longbows stop talking.Host segments: no trick-or-treaters blues; strange STI prevention; pranking logic; Doctor Devori and the Case of the Missing Joe; Jeff beefs with movie smokers; a very special case of air rage; Komodo red herrings; #exothermproblems.
It's time for the Halloween minisode no one asked for! Join us as we talk Halloween movie reviews of House (1977) and The Blackening (2022).
Joe's making us pull off yet another band-aid with the terribly terrible Atlantic Rim. Woof. You know how sometimes Asylum films transcend their badness? Just...woof. Host segments: Joe is hoisted on his own petard, folks; Recapturing the magic is impossible; dealing with a love hostage situation; 0% scholarship; stellar host segments; Captain Exposition!; The X-Files-ification of Atlantic Rim.
Comments (5)

Holly Barnes

These guys aren’t nearly as funny as they think they are. The constant cackling at their own jokes is ridiculously annoying. And the fake ads are cringe worthy.

Nov 22nd
Reply (2)

Otter's Den

If you're looking for filthy, funny, and technically peer-reviewed analysis of the entire run of MST3K, SoL-Mates is the couple of couples you're looking for. Every episode has great jokes, a great adult drink recipe, and obscure riffs from the Over 40 Collection annotated by Dr. Devori Kimbro. Just remember: Dr. Kimbro IS a real doctorate; doubt that at the peril of landing in... The Angry Dome.

Aug 15th
Reply (1)