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The conservative right has hijacked the republican party and the liberal left has hijacked the democratic party and the middle doesn't have a voice. Jay Fratt brings the voice from the middle.
85 Episodes
Jay Fratt for Congress

Jay Fratt for Congress


EP-117 Jay Fratt for Congress Campaign website - We need more servants and less bureaucrats. For my entire adult life our country has been headed toward a fiscal cliff. For decades I pursued the American dream while paying attention to politics. I watched and waited for honesty, integrity, and accountability to take hold within our representative political structure.  Over the last seven years watching and waiting has turned into participating. I gave up my desire for economic gains to volunteer full-time researching and working for Conservative principles and values.  I started as a Precinct Committee Officer, and became an elected state committee member. I have volunteered on numerous local campaigns from state representative to school board. My research and volunteer efforts caught the eye of fellow Washingtonian Eric Boerner who was running for President of the United States. I became his Campaign Director and facilitated campaign tours through Iowa, South Carolina, and New Hampshire while creating volunteer outreach groups in several other states. I work under the power of my own steam, highly motivated to help my county, state, and country as the fiscal cliff is now at our feet. The 10th Congressional District needs a volunteer candidate who isn’t interested in red meat rhetoric, but instead brings immediate solutions to the crises of the day. First and foremost I am Anti War. The regime change policies of the past several decades have failed us. We must do better at home and abroad. Second, I helped develop with the Boerner campaign an immediate National Guard training mission to stem and solve the migrant crisis at both our borders. Third, the Green New Deal is a wasteful plan relying foreign resources. With the Boerner campaign I helped develop the New Red Deal based on Fusion technology and American resources. Jay Fratt - The right man. The right time. The right district.
EP-116 Outrage in the Pacific Northwest The title of this episode was difficult. First thought - Logically Illogical Constitutionality. Second thought - The Foreign Technological List Makers. It's hard to encapsulate something so complex and yet so simple into a show title. In the end I wanted to honor my guest, Eric Crowl, aka @OutragePNW. He is one of thousands of American citizen volunteers pushing legal mechanisms to hold government accountable and attempt to bring transparency to a complex system of partisan control. I realize those sentences are a mouthful, but it's true. A partisan lens has been placed upon the mechanisms of government that are meant to be objective in their execution, and guarded by the rails of constitutionality. We have a state example of a national problem in Washington as the Secretary of State has contracted through academic proxies to report out on opposition to partisan political bureaucrats so that they may shape narrative and silence information. It's hard to see it any other way as the foreign contractor scrapes and reports with a biased lens of inspection. These combatants, fueled by conviction without expectation of monetary gain, have uncovered a fascistic system of corruption through open source protected information gathering. @outragepnw @bjm1203 @MichaelEastonWA @Susan_Dupres @JimWalshLD19 These are the Twitter accounts digging on the truth within public records disclosure. This is not a comprehensive list, but the one's mentioned in the podcast. Their efforts are supported by many other accounts in the Pacific Northwest on the X Platform. Here is the file dump of public records available open source ... NO GATEKEEPING. This is all evidence for the ongoing investigation by the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government U.S. House of Representatives. All the aces are in their places. Now is the time to act. Find each other. Support each other. No LARPing. No grifting. Together we bring truth, accountability, and integrity back to our systems of governance.
EP-115 - dEsPeRate aRt - Garbage Ghost Tara Faul aka Garbage Ghost aka The Sarah Connor of Portland aka @cocainemichelle on X joined The Conservative Hippie podcast to discuss her photographic art and the state of Portland, Oregon. If there is one thing I appreciate the most, it is a passionate person operating outside of economic interest. Tara Faul is driven to explore the hidden parts of a broken city, and she takes her camera with her to document her explorations. It's part art, and part activism. A once thriving community is being eaten by despair. Tara dives into the dystopia of life on the street in Portlandia.
FIRST! You have to check out David Rogers Webb FREE book, The Great Taking, that can be downloaded here, or watch the documentary: David discovered the potential underpinnings of The Great Reset while investigating the money flows and the contractual mechanisms of the financial system. With so many grifter voices pronouncing doom and gloom, I found David to be a wonderful source of information, but also offering solutions of hope. Listen to the entire interview/discussion. There may be nuggets near the end that you find most beneficial in your efforts to bring truth and integrity to our corrupted system.
EP-112 Clandestine Contractors: Signature Reduction & Examples of Silo'd Operations Exclusive: Inside the Military's Secret Undercover Army: By WILLIAM M. ARKIN Send Will a DM and ask him to respond to my interview request. Signature Reduction or clandestine cover uncovered in Washington State: "A 1996 bipartisan commission report described the NRO as having by far the largest budget of any intelligence agency, and "virtually no federal workforce", accomplishing most of its work through "tens of thousands" of defense contractor personnel."
EP-111 Boerner Campaign in Iowa Eric Jon Boerner for President in the Republican Party. I took the time to share a few notes about the Boerner Campaign tour of Iowa, and provide a few short clips of Eric Jon Boerner speaking. It's hard to see a high integrity candidate without strings in this corrupted world of politics, but Eric Jon Boerner is the authentic grassroots candidate in this election cycle. Take the time to hear him speak on a few issues. Please understand the possibility of this campaign is all contained within your own belief. Once you believe it can happen and he can win, the rest will just sort out through the universal algorithm. Eric Jon Boerner on Twitter: The Conservative Hippie on Twitter: Eric Boerner Campaign Website (soon to be remodeled): Boerner Campaign Policy Website: The Conservative Hippie Podcast is on all podcast apps. You can listen on Spotify HERE.
Representative Jim Walsh

Representative Jim Walsh


EP-110 Jim Walsh Wa State Representative 19th District Jim Walsh stands out among his peers. He has a unique style as an legislator and orator that blends intelligence within policy understanding and common sense delivery. Washington State is being used by the Democrat party as a petri dish of bad ideas. Jim visited the Smokin Js podcast studio to discuss his personal life, his role as a representative of the people, and the bad ideas of public policy that just keep coming from the majority party. This show may be about Washington State politics, but it is important to see the type of legislation that Democrats come up with when they dominate state politics. These policies could come to a state near you. *** Correction ... Jay made a mistake referring to Jim potentially running against Joe Kent in the 3rd Congressional District in Washington State. Factually Jim Walsh would be running in the 6th Congressional District if he were to run for a Congressional seat. Currently Democrat Derek Kilmer holds that position.
EP-109 Bruce Baird and Technical Investigations Bruce Baird is a truth seeker, but he dives into difficult topics with a technical scientific lens of investigation. Major news events catch eyes and ears for a brief time in the modern media cycle. Bruce doesn't allow the memory to fade. He is like a dog with a bone constantly chewing on logical inquiry surrounding some of the more puzzling events impacting society. Greatest Mystery About World Trade Center Building 6: Bruce Drawing Conclusions and Theories: Bruce Catches a Bug with Beirut Blast:
EP-108 Democrat Sex Predator Release Plan Boondoggle isn't a fair word for the inept government program being contracted out to crony insiders. It's so much more than a pointless attempt to virtue signal to the lowest common denominator using tax payer funds. Glen Morgan is a community activist, civil rights defender, and a government watchdog in Washington state. Recently he uncovered a hidden plan to release violent sex predators from a secure government facility on a remote island to contract housing within small rural communities. But as Glen says many times in his growing five part series on YouTube, "It just keeps getting worse." All of Glen's work and articles can be found at We the Governed. Do you use Spotify? Just search The Conservative Hippie … subscribe. Watch on YouTube: Watch on Odysee: If you would like to support the podcast, please toke time to shop at Smokin Js. Use coupon code HIPPIE for 15% off. Something for every member of the family.
EP-011 Hangin with Hippie - Eric Jon Boerner Live Q&A Indecent Disclosure Channel on Telegram: Emily Johnson takes charge in this live chat where Eric Jon Boerner and myself participate in a live Town Hall. Presidential Candidate: Eric Jon Boerner on Twitter:
ChatGPT AI Interview

ChatGPT AI Interview


EP-107 ChatGPT AI Interview Technology is changing at a rapid pace. The Open AI ChatGPT program has received a lot of attention recently. I thought I would sit down and create my own for of interview with the artificial intelligent program. Many think AI is a dangerous tool that can be weaponized by the military industrial complex. Presidential Candidate Eric Jon Boerner works within AI programming. He has stated he thinks there needs to be a global treaty signed by all nations to safeguard humanity from artificial intelligence. Eric Jon Boerner is joined by voices like Elon Musk calling for artificial intelligence to be treated like a nuclear weapon. Spotify Podcast Link Available on all podcast apps. Just search The Conservative Hippie.
Chinese Pot Grow

Chinese Pot Grow


EP-106 Chinese Pot Grow I remember first reading the story like it was yesterday.  November 2017 dozens of Chinese nationals busted in a ring of illegal pot grows.  Here in Washington state, which legalized recreational cannabis in 2012, the story was even more impactful.  It wasn’t just a house or a series of houses in one community, but the illegal operation was numerous houses stretching across three counties.  Metropolitan suburbs and rural communities were affected by this black market conspiracy. I’ve heard of pot grow busts all my life in Washington state, this wasn’t new.  What kept ringing in my head was the term “Chinese nationals.”  What was a Chinese national?  We don’t call illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico - Panamerican nationals.  Why this distinction for these criminals?  Furthermore, the news article came at a time where the national media was hopped up on Russian conspiracies like junkies at the methadone clinic.  What would the headlines be if these were nefarious Russian nationals growing cannabis illegally in Washington State?  Perhaps it would read:  “Russian pot farm linked to Trump campaign finance committee.” lulz The bottom line was Chinese citizens were organized, and growing cannabis illegally in my state.  I was interested.  I was intrigued.  I had no idea at that moment just how pervasive and puzzling the problem really was.  Yet, life happened.  The hyperbole of the Trump Presidency happened.  Covid happened. Fast forward to November 2022:  My interest in this story peaked again.  Murder in Oklahoma, an illegal cannabis grow, and that term again - “Chinese Nationals.”  After five years, the problem persists.  Still media connections aren’t being made, and coordination of law enforcement seems lacking. This is a podcast about the international crime syndicate nobody knows about:  Chinese Nationals and Cannabis in the United States. Only Some of the Found Examples 2/21/15 - Sophisticated Grow 09/22/16 - Not Forced Labor 06/05/17 - Nine Houses 06/2017 - Trafficking 09/21/17 - Clandestine Group 11/29/17 - Mysterious Financing 11/28/17 - All Chinese Nationals 04/04/18 - Residential Seizure 05/18/18 - Jersey Warehouse 05/29/18 -
EP-105 Conspiracy Theory No More Balenciaga and baked babies. The marketing photo shoot with questionable material has gone viral. But the story goes deeper than main stream media is reporting. Even after a lawsuit for cover, the replacement marketing material still touches disturbing imagery with toddlers. Dame of Dichotomy joins me in the Smokin Js podcast studio to discuss the incident, the layers, and the revelations. The lawsuit real or content marketing? Ashcroft versus Free Speech Coalition Decision. Industry Experience Tweet. NorthSix Link. Nicholas Des Jardins Link. Natly Denise Twitter Thread.
Who is Eric Jon Boerner ?

Who is Eric Jon Boerner ?


EP-104 Who is Eric Jon Boerner ? Volunteer for service - We the People BoernerTheUSA Campaign Website Eric Jon Boerner on Twitter BoernerTheUSA Official Twitter Who is Eric Jon Boerner? He is running for President of the United States in 2024. But who is he? Have we lost our culture and logic so far that we expect a candidate to be a celebrity or corrupted bureaucrat? Eric is one of We the People, and he is volunteering for service once again to defend our country. We the People are not irrelevant! Stand with us. Join us! Volunteer for service and we shall bring common sense, kindness, and holistic vision to the Executive Branch once again. Fill out the contact form here. If you prefer Spotify ... CLICK HERE
EP-103 Joe Kent from a Different Lens Relentless. That's Joe Kent, hopeful Congressional Candidate in the 3rd District in Washington State. I grew up in the 3rd, and spent most of my time raising a family in the 3rd. My roots are deep in SW Washington. It was a pleasure and great honor to have a warrior like Joe on The Conservative Hippie Podcast. This is a unique conversation. Joe is used to quick media segments where the topic of the day or a policy position must be stated in a swift manner. I took time today to try and view Joe from both an internal and broad perspective without the distraction of often-heard political positions. For all the air-time Joe gets in the media, you won't hear another conversation like this. Now on to the next mission!
Champion or Victim

Champion or Victim


EP-102 Champion or Victim You want a response. I got your response. Are you a victim or a champion? We champions are coming to clean this ship. No time for victim narratives.
EP-100 Emily Johnson Citizen Governor I love to interview people I don't know so that I can explore with the audience and ask natural questions. For the 100th Episode of The Conservative Hippie podcast I went against the grain and invited my friend, Emily Johnson, on the show to share her story on running for Governor of Illinois as an outsider. For those familiar with this podcast, you would know Emily as the owner of the Indecent Disclosure Telegram channel where I moderate chats on Friday nights and occasionally post as Hangin with Hippie episodes on The Conservative Hippie platform. Write-In Candidate YouTube Front page early hit piece Knocked off the ballot
EP-099 Derek Johnson on Bifurcated Legal Systems Derek Johnson pays attention. And he knows military law. Through a direct time-line of events associated with Donald Trump's Presidential Executive Orders and optical hints, Derek believes Donald Trump is still the Commander in Chief. But not the President of the United States. Yeah, it's a bit confusing, and will take an open mind to hear. However, Derek Johnson is sincere, and he has facts to back his political theory. Derek's Epic Emotional Facebook Live Rant Derek's Document Write-Ups Derek Johnson's Country Music Executive Order Federal Registry
EP-098 Extremism or Opposition MVE - Militia Violent Extremism: This term seems official, and it seems concerning. But it's the focus of the definitions that are concerning, and what or who is left out. The document itself points to many instances of soft language implying it is a thrown-together hodgepodge of credible concerns of note and political opposition to the current administration. That's a tough one to swallow considering what we have seen our government perform in our name in the past, and how the current administration continues to perverse government action with political perspectives. Let's dive in and take a look at the leaked FBI documents defining MVE, and where we are as citizens asserting our rights. Project Veritas published the leaked documents. Page 1: FBI - Domestic Terrorism Symbolism Guide - Militia Violent Extremism These pages and content are considered “Unclassified” and or “Law Enforcement Sensitive” The following symbols are used by Ani-Government or Anti-Authority Violent Extremists, specifically Militia Violent Extremists (MVE).  MVE symbols are often found on propaganda, online platforms, memes, merchandise, group logos, flags, tattoos, uniforms, etc.  Widespread use of symbols and quotes from American history, especially the Revolutionary war, exists within MVE networks.  Historic and contemporary military themes are common for MVE symbols.  The use or sharing of these symbols alone should not independently be considered evidence of MVE presence or affiliation or serve as an indicator of illegal activity, as many individuals use these symbols for their original, historic meaning, or other non-violent purposes. Unclassified Symbols: Boogaloo:  Alludes to the film Breakin’ 2:  Electric Boogaloo, used by some MVEs to refer to violent uprising or impending second Civil War.  Common imagery incorporates igloo and/or Hawaiian shirts/flowers. Anarcho-Capitalism [ancap]:  An ideology held by some MVEs advocating the State be eliminated or minimized and that public services be provided by private companies competing in a free market.  Represented by a black and yellow flag. Punisher Skull:  Several variations of skulls, used by III%ers and Molon Labe etc. Warrior Culture:  Military themes both historical and contemporary (Spartans Valhalla). 2A:  MVEs justify their existence with the Second Amendment, due to the mention of a “well regulated Militia” as well as the right to bear arms. MolonLabe:  Greek phrase translates as “come and take it” or “come and take them”. Electrical Resistance Symbol:  A way to identify as a resistor. Black Flag:  The black and white or all black American flag is used by some to indicate “no quarter shall be given.” Unclassified For Official Use Only Common Referenced Historical Imagery or Quotes: Gadsden Flag:  Historical American symbol representing gun rights and limited government. Liberty Tree:  The Liberty Tree was a famous elm tree in Boston near Boston Common.  In 1765, colonists in Boston staged the first act of defiance against the British government at the tree. Revolutionary War Imagery:  An example of a militiaman during the Revolutionary War. Bet
EP-097.5 McGreevey Names Alahverdian as Pence Victim The story is fantastic. It is unbelievable. But we have followed the trail with a balance of logic and skepticism. Something doesn't smell right. Why wouldn't professional journalists run down this story? Why are the only people reporting on Dr Jon McGreevey independent journalistic platforms like The Conservative Hippie? The storyline gained more notes and corroboration recently when the man Dr Jon McGreevey thought was "Rick" turned out to be "Nick". Nick Alahverdian was 14 years old in 2002, and even has a Tweet about his rape and abuse by legislators. Buckle up buttercup, the main stream media can't ignore this story for much longer. JohnHereToHelp aka Dr Jon McGreevey Telegram Channel Allie4Truth Video on Alahverdian Daily Mail Article on Alahverdian Times News Network Article on Alahverdian
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