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DC TV Podcasts listeners, 2019 is almost over! As 2020 is upon us, DC TV Podcasts director along with all of the hosts on the network just wanted to thank each and every one of you for an amazing 2019. This has been another stellar year for the...
16 Episodes
DC TV Podcasts listeners, 2019 is almost over! As 2020 is upon us, DC TV Podcasts director Andy Behbakht along with all of the hosts on the network just wanted to thank each and every one of you for an amazing 2019. This has been another stellar year for the ever-growing podcast network with more podcasts than ever, increased listenership and more. You are truly the greatest podcast listening audience in the entire Multiverse and for that, the network is eternally grateful to you all. With 2020, look forward to more podcast adventures as some shows will come to an end while new projects are in the works, waiting to be announced. Look forward to another big charity marathon event in the summer as well as other live shows in general. Definitely tune in on Wednesday, January 15th at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT at as Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast, The Flash Podcast, Supergirl Radio, Legends of Tomorrow Podcast, Black Lightning Podcast, and Batwoman Podcast get together again to cover the FINAL two parts of Crisis on Infinite Earths. Sign up for an account on Mixlr which is easy and free so you can take part in the live-chat with everyone! This will be where you can submit your thoughts and questions about the crossover to the hosts throughout the live-show. If you have enjoyed the network’s 2019, do all of the hosts a major favor by leaving some 5-star reviews on DC TV Podcasts’ official Apple Podcasts page which helps the group a lot. With that said, from everyone on DC TV Podcasts, thank you for an amazing 2019, Happy New Year and see you in 2020! Be Sure To Find DC TV Podcasts on: Follow On Social Media: Facebook – Twitter @DCTVPodcasts – Instagram Subscribe To DC TV Podcasts On: Apple Podcasts – Stitcher Radio – YouTube – Google Play – TuneIn Radio Contact Us: Support: TeePublic Store
Join Vanessa, Toni, Carolyn and Wendy as they break down episode 9, the first season finale, of HBO's Watchmen series. We ask the real hard hitting questions like: Is Angela the Egg Man? What might happen in a hypothetical season 2? Can you corrupt a jury that has no sense of self? and maybe the most important question of all: Is there even Pokemon Go in the Watchmen Universe?
Episode 8 of HBO's Watchmen Vanessa, Toni, Carolyn and Wendy break their usual format and talk non-chronologically as they discuss this nonlinear episode. Your hosts discuss religion, cultural erasure, the Jedi Order, All Star Superman, Dream Girl and wether great power corrupts absolutely or comes with great responsibility or both.
Episode 7 of HBO's Watchmen had some earth shattering reveals! Join us as Vanessa, Toni, Carolyn and Wendy discuss 1977's Abar the First Black Superhero, For the Man Who has Everything, The Outsiders, The Bat Family and of course the expulsion of digestive byproducts.
Episode 6 of HBO's Watchmen is a dark five into the memories of one extraordinary being. Join us as Vanessa, Toni, Carolyn and Wendy discuss intersectionality, actual historical figures featured in the show, the actual science behind some of the more fantastical elements of the episode, the last wilt and testament of Captain Metropolis and noir cinematography.
Episode 5 of HBO's Watchmen focuses on one of the podcast's favorite characters so far Wade "Looking Glass" Tillman and living with trauma. Vanessa, Toni, Carolyn and Wendy tackle sensitive topics including mental health issues, being a Jehovah's Witness of color, genetic trauma, Schindler's List and some less sensitive including bringing an "extra-dimensional" squid to the big screen, pharmaceutical advertising, Market Research, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, biblical themes and a bountiful harvest of easter eggs. Are you a friend of Nemo?
It's episode 4 of HBO's Watchmen and we're cracking egg jokes. Join Vanessa, Toni, Carolyn and Wendy as we tackle the wacky and the serious in equal parts. Who is Lube Man? Why you should never accept a drink in a vivarium. What's up with Cal . . . and why does his name sound so familiar. What exactly do we mean by clones? Clarks vs Kents. Snuggling Bubastis and much more. From little acorns mighty crack theories grew in this week's episode of Watchmen Podcast.
Enter Laurie Blake and let the most badass teamup of all of tv history commence. On this edition of the DCTV Podcast Network's Watchmen Podcast Vanessa, Toni, Carolyn and Wendy geek out over Jean Smart's phenomenal portrayal of jaded ex-vigilante Laurie Blake in the third episode of HBO's Watchmen Series. We have more crazy theories about Ozymandias, reminisce about an old millenium clock story, recall the smells of the phone booth, learn about historical Lady Trieu and yes we talk about the space junk.
With Wachmen's second episode and the release of supporting documents on the Peteypedia our hosts heads are near to bursting with crack theories, furious factoids and disturbing yet intriguing associations. On this edition of the DCTV Podcast Network's Watchmen Podcast Vanessa, Toni, Carolyn and Wendy dig deep into a controversy at the Smithsonian, the 2019 Tony Awards, Five Nights at Freddy's, Blackest Night and oh we talk a little watchmen too. Join us as we find a a basketful of often conflicting easter eggs and begin to wonder what is too good to be true.
It's finally here! The first episode of HBO's new Watchmen Series! On this edition of the DCTV Podcast Network's Watchmen Podcast Toni, Vanessa, Carolyn and Wendy process the raw emotion of this powerful first episode from classic super hero origins, to buried shames of America's past to the aftermath of the machinations of an eccentric lord of a country estate. We tackle tough truths about our own culture reflected in this diverged timeline but also take moments to appreciate... well ... more sublime assets. You want easter eggs? Come fill your metaphorical basket with this week's Watchmen Podcast.
Welcome to the fifth pre-season episode of the DCTV Podcast Network's Watchmen Podcast. In this episode Carolyn, Wendy, Toni and Vanessa dive deep into how Zack Snyder's 2009 movie veered from the original comics. We also take a look at Grant Morrison's Pax Americana, the Song that inspired the Black Freighter and a selection of trailers for the upcoming HBO Watchmen series. How do Superboy Prime, Lady GaGa and a hotel in Scotland all figure in? Well you will have to tune in to find out.
Welcome to the fourth pre-season episode of the DCTV Podcast Network's Watchmen Podcast. If you can only listen to one pre-season episode this is the one to catch. In this episode Carolyn, Wendy, Toni and Vanessa go from discussing cheesy atomic heroes of the silver age to deep philosophical questions on the nature of existence as we explore the psyches of Ozymandias and Dr Manhattan.
Welcome to the third pre-season episode of the DCTV Podcast Network's Watchmen Podcast. In this episode Carolyn, Wendy, Toni and Vanessa take a go wildly off topic while looking at the origins of Nite Owl and Silk Spectre. We talk a lot about beetles and canaries as well as phantoms and scarabs. We take a look at what makes someone become a vigilante and what it means to own your sexuality.
Welcome to the Second pre-season episode of the DCTV Podcast Network's Watchmen Podcast. In this episode Carolyn, Wendy, Toni and Vanessa take a deep dive into the origins of Alan Moore's original Watchmen series and focus specifically on Rorschach and the Comedian. We will look at inspirations for these characters including, The Question, Mr. A and Peacemaker and do a thorough examination of what we makes them tick as well as looking at how they were influenced by and in turn influenced what was and is going on politically and societally n America in 1985 and since.
Welcome to the first episode of the DCTV Podcast Network's Watchmen Podcast. In this episode you will learn about the show's 4 co-hosts: Carolyn, Wendy, Toni and Vanessa. Learn how they were first introduced to comics, their experiences with other Watchmen media (especially the original DC Comics series) and what they hope the show and this podcast will cover this season.
Coming soon to the airwaves...the Watchmen Podcast, your source for all things related to the upcoming HBO series, Watchmen.
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