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A Course in Miracles

Author: Jennifer Hadley

Subscribed: 1,137Played: 28,912


A Course in Miracles: Walking the Talk Living the Love Weekly Podcast provides profound support for those who struggle to express their beliefs from moment to moment in their everyday lives. A Course in Miracles shows us the way out of suffering and into that true place of peace and joy. In each week’s episode, Jennifer shares her personal experience of transformation and invites her guests to do the same. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit Our holiness blesses the world!

647 Episodes
Escape From Littleness

Escape From Littleness


In every moment we're either choosing to identify with a smaller selfish self or our holiness. This choice happens all day long, and by recognising the choice for holiness more and more often we can transform our consciousness.  In this episode, Jennifer shares how she's been able to apply the teachings of ACIM to assist her in giving up resistance to Love and to the habit of playing small. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit Every day can be a day of healing and transformation if we're willing! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
One of the ways that we keep the belief in separation going, and perpetuate the sense of unconscious guilt is by labeling things good and bad. In this episode, Jennifer shares what she's learned about undoing this ego thought pattern in order to see unity instead of separation and the healing this practice brings. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit We can undo the patterns of pain in ways that are simple and effective. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Atonement Activation

Atonement Activation


What is the Atonement? What value is it? How can we activate and accelerate our healing and move forward towards our awakening? In this episode, Jennifer shares her what she's learned, tips and easy ways to move through the density of ego attachments to choosing the atonement and experiencing rapid healing. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit We have everything we need to move forward in our awakening now at an accelerated pace! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mighty Companions

Mighty Companions


A Course in Miracles tells us we have many companions - strong, holy, dark, and mighty. What are they? What is, who is the mighty companion that walks beside us when we're developing trust? In this episode, Jennifer shares about leaning into mighty companions in order to stay focused on the Light. We have options and choices. God's will for us is perfect happiness, Let's align with that. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit We're learning to forgive and practice compassion and eliminate blame, shame and guilt. We can live happy and fulfilling lives with more ease and grace than we ever knew possible! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Crucify Much?

Crucify Much?


When we try to motivate ourselves and others with guilt, shame and blame, we're intensifying our own experience of feeling badly about ourselves. In this episode, Jennifer shares how to clearly turn away from doubling down into ego identification in order have a happier and healthier life. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit We're learning to forgive and practice compassion and eliminate blame, shame and guilt. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Living A Generous Life

Living A Generous Life


One of the Characteristics of God's Teachers is Generosity. What does this actually mean when we apply to our life and most especially, how do we incorporate generosity into our moment by moment spiritual practice. In this episode, Jennifer shares how she came to feel called to generosity and the misunderstandings that can accompany the idea of being generous versus actually being the living spirit of God's infinite Generosity. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit ACIM tells us "to have, give all to all." We can be generous because we've already been given EVERYTHING! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A Course in Miracles teaches us that forgiveness offers everything we want and that all pain can be relieved through forgiveness. When we make something more important to us than our awakening, and we invest in beliefs that idolize things in the world like our body, our relationships, our job, our money, etc, then we're increasing our sense of guilt which will always and absolutely increase our experience of pain. In this episode, Jennifer breaks it down, exactly how this works so that we can see the wisdom of giving up the attachments to to the false idols and setting ourselves free from pain of all kinds. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit Now is the time of our liberation if we choose it! Get out of jail free with forgiveness! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
True Prayer

True Prayer


A Course in Miracles has very clear and uplifting teachings about the power of prayer. Prayer is a power tool that we can use to lift ourselves UP! In this week's episode, Jennifer shares how she used prayer and the correspondence between ACIM teachings on Prayer and the Science of Mind teachings she learned as a Practitioner of Prayer. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit Now is the time for us to rise and shine! Prayer works! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The fullness of God's infinite Love Intelligence has already been given to us. The already ARE the kingdom of God. Yet, unworthiness is the biggest issue for all humanity. In this week's episode, Jennifer shares how to accept the kingdom, and realize the perfection that we already are. We can accept the fullness of God's Love and forget the guilt, blame, shame and resentment. Now is the time of our awakening! To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit Heaven is at hand! Let's claim our inheritance! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When anger is an issue that doesn't seem to get healed. When the pain of anger errupts and feels completely justified, how do we handle it? In this week's episode, Jennifer shares how she used the ACIM teachings to heal the habit of being angry and being afraid. There's so much healing that can happen quickly when we're willing to LIVE the ACIM teachings. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit Peace is possible for us. Heaven is a decision we must make. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
No More Betrayals

No More Betrayals


A Course in Miracles tells us that that Jesus was not betrayed. Betrayal is a projection. What does that actually mean and how can we give up the habit of taking offense, feeling like a victim and feeling betrayed? In this week's episode, Jennifer shares how she learned to get out of feeling angry and resentful all of the time because of feeling betrayed. This can bring so much healing so quickly. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit We can have Peace of mind now - we don't have to wait! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The End of Wanting

The End of Wanting


A Course in Miracles, Lesson 128, tells us "the world I see holds nothing that I want." What does that actually mean and how do we apply in a way that's healing to our mind and we feel sustained, maintained, and supported rather than deprived and left wanting? In this week's episode, Jennifer shares her own journey to a place of feeling fulfilled and overflowing. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit We can live in an overflow of goodness. That's how we're designed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ACIM & The Devil

ACIM & The Devil


What does A Course in Miracles have to say about the devil? Is it a real thing? And what can we do about it? In this week's episode, Jennifer shares what ACIM has to say about the devil and how we can go the other way when it seems like the devil has a hold on our mind. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit We are the kingdom of heaven. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We delay our progress and our happiness by trying to find happiness where it cannot be found. Instead of going the other way, we try again and again with diminished hope and increased despair. In this week's episode, Jennifer shares simple spiritual practices of how to demonstrate the willingness to go the other way and find the Freedom to live without suffering. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit Heaven is available to those who choose it!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Quiet Answer

The Quiet Answer


Have you ever asked God for something and didn't get it? Haven't we all? In this week's episode, Jennifer shares what ACIM teaches about how to go to God and the Holy Spirit for answers and to be able to actually "hear" the answer. This is a spiritual practice we can learn and use for great results! To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit The Holy Spirit is part of us, always available. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Answering the Call

Answering the Call


ACIM tells us that all are called and few choose to listen, and yet these days, more and more people are hearing the call and choosing to respond. WE are responding, in part, because we've learned that it's painful to ignore the call. In this week's episode, Jennifer shares her own experiences of feeling unworthy of answering the call for Love and how she learned to realize that ALL are worthy of this call to a joyful life. ALL are worthy. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit Our life is the life of God and our holiness blesses the world. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Heaven's Hindrance

Heaven's Hindrance


There's no big or small in the mind of God, but the ego thoughts would convince us that there is. Heaven is so close, when we're willing and there's a direct path to take us there. In this week's episode, Jennifer shares her own experiences of taming the monkey mind of obsessive compulsive thinking that's a painful ego addiction. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit Our mind is the mind of God and our holiness blesses the world. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There Is No Death

There Is No Death


All is one and so there is but one eternal life, and so there can be no actual death. What does that actually mean for us on a day-to-day level? Can we actually experience the oneness of all life and how do we know if we are? In this week's episode, Jennifer shares her own experiences of the unity of life, and the benefits of taking a stand for oneness, in other words, accepting the atonement for ourselves. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit Our thinking can be transformed instantly and the healing ripples out to manifest in every area of our life! We are eternal beings living the one life that is the life of God. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ACIM is a program for healing our lives in a miraculous way. It's a step-by-step system for shifting our thinking so that we can live a loving and peaceful life. In this week's episode, Jennifer shares her own experiences of having quantum healing and transformation because of changing the thinking. Quatum healing is the miracle we're entitled to! To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit Our thinking can be transformed instantly and the healing ripples out to manifest in every area of our life! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Suffering is the result of holding the wrong view, false belief, attack thought closely and investing in it.  The most common issue we have is seeing ourselves as less than lovable. In this week's episode, Jennifer shares how she corrected her self-hatred and sense of being forever wrong and bad. Practical tools and tips to apply ACIM and free your mind! To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit For the transcript of this episode and more please visit We are wholly and completely perfect, no matter what we believe otherwise. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (2)

Nancy N.

A great message ❤️ Very timely in my life !

Aug 12th

Jarret Casey

Jennifer knows what it means to be firmly on the right Path, and she uses this podcast to transcend space and time to share that with each and every one of us. Thank you, Jennifer! You shine so brightly!!

Jan 24th