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Into The Mind Of pHrenzy Podcast!
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Into The Mind Of pHrenzy Podcast!

Author: pHrenzy

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I'm 17 and just want to try all sorts of things. Podcasting is one of them!!! You can expect topics about the Universe, Life Philosophies, or whatever I feel like talking about that day ;) I have a YouTube Channel named "pHrenzy" and my Instagram username is (@pHrenzy_). I might be the most badass person you follow ;)
22Β Episodes
Too often in times of distress, we fantasize about what it would be like to experience someone else's life. After all, fantasies are imaginary scenarios in our heads that we can twist and turn and add whatever narrative to. In this episode, I highlight the fact that living in a world of constant euphoria, is just the perfect recipe for a life clogged with dystopia.
Why do we feel so hollow deep inside when we expect ourselves to feel the metaphorical high of being at the top of the world when we achieve what we desire? Why? Even before we know it, we are caught in the spiral of the Rabbit Hole of wanting another thing and then another and then another and so on... How to escape this? That's up to you. All I can do is guide you with the help of the knowledge that my experiences helped me attain. Listen to this episode to know more :) This podcast is available on YouTube with slick video editing! Just type "pHrenzy" and this video should pop up!
The video version of this with a shit ton of editing is available on my YouTube. Just type "pHrenzy" and YouTube will do the searching work for you :))) I felt like the amount of toxic positivity will just keep increasing and the feelings of negativity are not completely bad, if used right they can stimulate you in a positive way and hence the title: Why Being Negative May Be Positive!
What If Life Is A Lie?

What If Life Is A Lie?


The video version of this episode is available on my YouTube channel "phrenzy" so make sure to head over there for a better experience in the form of video content in addition to the already present audio :) If you think about it, it's actually impossible for life to exist but the punchline is that we exist....which makes life possible to exist and we haven't found that reason. Yet.
There is actually a video version of this podcast out in my YouTube channel (named pHrenzy). Just type that in the search bar and that's the 1st channel that will pop up :)) it's a 100 times better in the video version coz you can see me playing guitar in that one!!
Woooww can you see the amount of D's I used in that effing TitleπŸ˜‚πŸ˜…! The POAT: Philosophical Object Anology Test TOPIC for this podcast is Dance, which I don't know shit about πŸ˜…. Listen to me trying to make some sense out of a topic that I have no sense being in unless I'm senseless (becoz I will dance only if I'm senseless) Anyways, I know you will enjoy :)
This is the episode 16, and I'm 16 and today's 16 November. What's more auspicious that today to restart (I mean re-start and restart as in completely afresh) So I decided to start like a mini series of my podcasts where you give me words, I make deep meanings out of them!! This will give me ideas and make you feel awesome becoz 1) there is a chance that I'm using your word for the day or 2) becoz I'm awesome and you are listening to it and realise it's too good. Ok jk think what you want :))) after seeing this description, wtf have I written πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚
Yeah. Burnout. Like tires screeching on concrete except the tires was my brain and the concrete was my soul and my brain was constantly torturing my soul. Just kidding it wasn't anything torturous or anything (obviously, how can making a Podcast be torturing πŸ˜‚) In this episode iiii tell a lot about my childhood (my childhoods full of stories this is like 1% of it) and the ending is awkward. As usual. I don't know know how to end things.
Yeah. I'm back again like an addict. (Lyric by Logic from various songs). I don't know why I don't want to act fake and give off a vibe that I'm giving a boring sermon (speech in simpler words) to all of you and so I always aim to record each podcast with the same perspective as I would of I had to talk to you in person. This, I do so that it feels like you are having a one on one conversation with me even though it's me talking all the time lol are listening to my podcast through your headphones rn (and watching this text right now). Whatever I record in each podcast is what I would 100% say to your face if we were to conversate. Converse? Yeah that's the word. You are absurd, like a nerd. Ahhhh I'm hitting puberty my hormones are fucking me up. It's not that serious lol only my voice is changing :)
Yooooo sooooo I completely freestyled this (I know I say this a lot I'm sorry πŸ˜… but this time I'm not kidding) I felt like what would it be like to record a podcast with no script, just bullet points about the topics (there were 3 bullet points) but then in the Flow and Zone, I said a lot than I planned to :) I sound more natural and not monotone like how I sound when I read off of a script. So peace. Listen to it and give your soul some SOUL FOOD!!!
Ok so then I just wanted to deliver the message I received from a YouTube video I watched recently and it seemed only right for me to share it with you all. Podcasts are what I do for fun and these are like my personal diaries (becoz I'm too lazy to maintain a personal diary and plus this is audio and digital which means I can pull this up and play it after 10, 20, 42 years!!) The key to happiness is......CLICK THAF PLAY BUTTON MAN!
These are just glimpses from my life. The thing is I hate giving advice because I have listening to advice too (strange ik). There 7 billion people and all 10 billion of them got advice (because some are 2 faced, so it makes 10 million). The thing is, I don't wanna tell motivational stuff to you like, "be yourself, an ORIGINAL is worth more than a COPY" because just like you, I'm tired of hearing all those inspirational bulllshit. I just wanna tell my story, into this mic hoping for even the slightest possibility to improve your day (or night) by even 0.69% And please tell me if you like telling me life stories (what happens in my day to day life and the lesson ls I learnt, like this podcast) or motivational stuff.
9 minutes long offff. In this episode I talk about how change is very important to progress in real life and as a matter of fact I don't fear change as much as I have seen other people complain about it. I also talk about how you are ALREADY SUCCESSFUL if you believe in you and listen only to you. If you do the thing you love, don't care what people think about you, you've won man. Don't wait for some industry boss designate you with a title of "Successful". Money and all those shit come after you are really happy with you are. You can fool the entire world and be so famous that all 8 billion people know you, but by the end of your life, if you are not happy with who you made yourself to be, you will be haunted for ever in this computer simulation :)
I told Hardik to hold my beer and I completely went all out (well not completely, like 69%) on this one. There are so many doubts I keep feeling everyday. Though I say many things, for example money didn't matter, it does in some cases. But the whole point is nothing is more important than Humanity and Nature. What will you do with Money when you have no trees. Smoke Trees or Smoke Cash? I just feel like not many people talk about their life and struggles they go through and that's why I decided to record this today. I don't care if this gets 0 plays also because for me this is the ultimate progress for me: to be comfortable telling my life story and experiences, to you :)
I love playing the sport which I'm the least good at because then it's fun to become the best and beat the shit out of everyone at it. I feel bored when I become too good at something because then if I do something extraordinary also, I will feel it's normal.
This episode was precisely 4:20 seconds long lol. The background music added a 5 there and 5 there so the time duration of this episode became 4:30. Anyways, back to the topic. I have crazy dreams. And this might be because (be because sounds so weird together lol) I love imagining things making ordinary things have extraordinary relations with each other. Stay with me for a whole day, you will understand :) if you can't then LISTEN TO MY OTHER PODCASTS!!!
Probably the longest and the best Podcast ever. (Ik I said it b4 but this one's really good idc what you say). Some of the parts (most of the best ones) are top of the dome soooo hope you enjoy :)))))
I like to call the force that we are surrounded by as Life Energy. Pretty clichΓ© if you read it, BUT NOT SO EASY TO MAKE THAT WORD WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT. Anyways, sorry for screamin there. Click the play button and unwind your self into the stream of this podcast. (Get it??)
I'm sleepy af yet decided to record this and then go deep in sleep. Just like....nvm. Hope you Enjoy this Episode ;) ppl nowadays are fuckik soft thinkin the world owes them shit. IG: @pHrenzy_
Today I grabbed hold of the mic and anchored for the Ganesha Festival in my apartment. Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Fear is actually just an illusion in your head. So when you go to bed, LISTEN TO MY PODCAST. (Head and bed rhymed so I said it, don't judge me)
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