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Brave Writer

Author: NOVA Media

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The Brave Writer podcast is a big juicy conversation about how to bring learning to life for your kids! Julie Bogart and guests talk about how parents and children are partners in the learning adventure, especially when approaching the daunting task of writing. Brave Writer appeals to homeschoolers, educators, and parents who want more out of "school" than merely passing tests. Visit us at and follow along at the blog for show notes:
247 Episodes
There are two major pain points in homeschooling: writing and math. Our guest today helps us with the math part. Pat Murray is the founder of CTC Math, which should sound very familiar to listeners as CTC has been an incredible sponsor for many of our episodes.Pat tells us about the all-too-common trajectory of students: They’re fine with math when they’re very young, then they don’t quite master one skill, then other skills are built on top of that missing skill, then things start to fall apart and students’ entire confidence in “being good at math” shatters.That’s why Pat has specifically built his online math program to identify those missing skills, explain them in a very clear and concise way, and have the student implement them so they can experience immediate small victories. Listening to how Pat has designed his program, why he makes all levels available to subscribers, and the stories he’s accumulated over the years is a real treat. We’re so glad he joined us!Resources:Sign up for a free trial at www.CTCtmath.comSign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
When parents map out the annual homeschooling budget, there’s a tendency to only focus on curriculum. In this episode, we encourage you to prioritize tools that really bring learning to life. Plus, we give you tips on how to get them on the cheap.We dive into specific suggestion after specific suggestion, mainly grouped into six buckets: Writing utensils, art and handicraft supplies, baking ingredients and tools, science kits, games and puzzles, magazines and field guides.We also give examples of experiential, rather than physical, tools that are great for homeschool families. We’re big fans of annual memberships to art museums, zoos, botanical gardens, science museums, etc. Volunteering at local theaters or animal centers can be a great way to access fun learning environments. The right tools make all the difference in having a happy learning life. We hope our suggestions spark creativity and joy in you and your kids! Resources:Find books we’ve mentioned on the podcast here: Brave Writer Bookshop Check out our list of “Tools for the Art of Writing”Buy the new “Becoming a Critical Thinker” workbook Sign up to attend the free Brave Writer Book Reveal webinars!Shop Jim Weiss audiobooksStart a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
Today, we reunite with fellow podcasters and homeschool moms, Maren Goerss and Angela Sizer. We dive into their new book, Think Differently About Learning: A Homeschool Where Children and Parents Thrive.It can be all too easy for homeschooling families to unintentionally replicate the negative aspects of traditional schooling that they were trying to avoid: Cookie cutter approaches, stress, burnout, etc. Think Differently About Learning gives a roadmap for a more joyful approach.We talk about building an appetite for learning by honoring learning differences, rest, and small wins. Plus, we discuss relying on relationships instead of rules to guide your child in decision-making. Themes of empowerment, pleasure, and wellness weave their way through our discussion.What Maren and Angela have to say as former traditional teachers and experienced homeschoolers is refreshing, tangible, and inspiring. Enjoy!Resources:Learn more at Listen to the Homeschool Unrefined podcast Go to the Brave Writer Bookshop to buy their book, Think Differently About Learning. Sign up to attend the free Brave Writer Book Reveal webinars!Start a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention.Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
It’s almost time for our annual book list release! Every year we curate a new list of books to be part of our Dart (ages 8-10 ), Arrow (10-12), and Boomerang (12-14) programs. Dawn Smith spearheads this undertaking and she joins us today to describe how she picks which books to be on the list.The reason the book release is so highly anticipated is because Dawn chooses books that she knows are going to elicit kids’ buy-in, lead to big, juicy family conversations, and give kids tools to tell their own stories.Dawn and Melissa explain the journey they go on to put together the Dart, Arrow, and Boomerang programs, how they are intentional about centering what is activating, engaging, and flexible. Plus, stay tuned until the end to learn how to sign up for the book list announcement webinars and the giveaways you may win!Resources:Sign up to attend the free Brave Writer Book Reveal webinars!Check out the Brave Writer Bookshop Take a look at the Skunk & Badger DartStart a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Check out the new “Becoming a Critical Thinker” workbook Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
Hooray! Today’s the publication day of my (Julie’s) new workbook, “Becoming a Critical Thinker.” If you’re a longtime listener of this podcast, you know that I’m pretty strict about workbooks. They should lead a child to mastery, to embodiment, to knowing the content for themselves. That’s the approach I took to creating this workbook. I’ve reduced each of the activities to one key point. I've written just enough text for students to get that idea and then to practice it in the activity.I designed this workbook to help students grow as critical thinkers by turning the focus to their own thoughts. Why do they believe what they believe? What flaws can they notice in their own thinking? How do they reach conclusions?I dive into all this in-depth in today’s episode. Thank you for joining me on this special day!Resources:Check out the new “Becoming a Critical Thinker” workbook Buy the “Raising Critical Thinkers” book  Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
Shannon Watts is the founder of Moms Demand Action, a six-million member organization she describes as “maybe the world's largest real life field experiment for what happens when you show women how their abilities and their burning desires and their values align, and how they come alive and can achieve things they never imagined possible.” We are thrilled to have her on the show today to talk about her upcoming book, “Fight Like a Mother.”We talk about how both misogyny and motherhood shape women’s journey to, and through, advocacy. We discuss how to withstand blowback and the discomfort that comes with growth, including celebrating small wins and “finding your people.” We also touch on how social media has allowed women to bypass traditional media gatekeepers. Our conversation with Shannon about the intersection of motherhood, feminism, and activism is one that will keep us fueled for a long time. We hope you enjoy it.Resources:Start a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Pre-order a copy of Julie’s new workbook, Becoming a Critical Thinker. Check out Shannon’s book and other books we’ve recommended on the podcast in the Brave Writer Bookshop. Get involved at Sign up for Shannon's SubstackFollow Shannon's on Instagram: @ShannonWatts Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
Today we answer a listener’s letter. An excerpt::My kids craft. All. The. Time. They wake and craft. Hot glue and paper scraps everywhere. Markers and lost lids everywhere. Cardboard everywhere. Currently they’re making some kind of escape room with string strung everywhere like a spider's web. I let them be and I read aloud for an hour or so, so that our morning starts fun. But then I can’t stop them. And the energy it takes me to try and get them to clean up and then refocus on some math or whatever drains me before I can even begin. I do short (no busywork) lessons but even that they balk at because they just wanna do their own thing that they are on a roll with. And they are ALWAYS on a roll!!The mess stresses me out…I wonder if you have any caring ideas for the frazzled mom. I wish I loved artsy chaos. I am not my best self in it. I’m exhausted with the struggle of trying to keep some order and also do the lessons we need to do.We’ve all been there: Trying to wrangle wild, messy children away from what they’re engrossed in and towards a small lesson or two that needs to be done. It can become a daily grind that frazzles and exhausts you, maybe even making you doubt yourself. Today we open the listener mailbag and respond to “Molly,” a mom who is experiencing this and looking for ideas to unfrazzle her life.First, we talk big picture: Your needs as a mother matter. While you’re finding the balance between letting the children engage in curiosity-based learning and making sure they’re doing what they need to do in order to keep future doors open, don’t forget your own needs for a functional home and life. You matter.Then we get into specifics. We go over tactics to manage physical space and materials. We cover how to plan and execute activity transitions. We discuss how to communicate, verbally and nonverbally, in order to help your children adjust to changes.While it’s natural to feel frazzled sometimes, you shouldn’t have to live in a constant state of frazzlement. We hope our conversation today helps “Molly” and all the other homeschooling families out there.Resources:Be like “Molly” and send us your questions! Text us at +1 (833) 947-3684 or email us at a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Good news: There are enough weeks left to do a writing project with your kids that will leave you feeling confident and accomplished this school year. Sign up for a Brave Writer online writing class. Our classes start every Monday, and each one only lasts three to six weeks. Sign up today!Pre-order a copy of Julie’s new workbook, Becoming a Critical Thinker. Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: a...
Springtime often pulls homeschoolers in what can feel like two different directions. The first is the concern of what needs to be done before the end of the school year. The second is wanting to play outside. Today we cover how to unite the two.We give ideas of how to incorporate formal education with being outside: Measuring the circumference of a tree, practicing spelling while tossing a lacrosse ball, figuring out change at the ice cream store, and more.But we also cover how spring is a rich time to develop wonder and observational skills in your kids, beyond just formal standards. Field trips, “look for a color” strolls, and even baseball games can help your child appreciate the world around them and develop lifelong passions.Resources:Check out the Brave Writer Bookshop Visit: 1000 Hours OutsideStart a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Good news: There are enough weeks left to do a writing project with your kids that will leave you feeling confident and accomplished this school year. Sign up for a Brave Writer online writing class. Our classes start every Monday, and each one only lasts three to six weeks. Sign up today!Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
When a lot of people hear “Artificial Intelligence,” they think RoboCop or the Terminator, but Dr. Kelly Cohen thinks about life-saving medical processes. Dr. Kelly Cohen’s startup, Genexia, uses AI to identify coronary artery disease using mammograms. Today he joins us to talk about his AI optimism and vision for the future. Join us as we talk about AI risks, ethics, and regulations. Resources:Follow Dr. Cohen on Twitter: Dr. Cohen’s ABC interview: Kenny Sloan’s “What is Responsible AI?” video: up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Start a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Good news: There are enough weeks left to do a writing project with your kids that will leave you feeling confident and accomplished this school year. Sign up for a Brave Writer online writing class. Our classes start every Monday, and each one only lasts three to six weeks. Sign up today!Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
Hana’s Instagram account, Pepper and Pine, is one of the most beautiful accounts on the internet: colorful, full of books and art. Her homeschooling approach is much the same. Using the Waldorf philosophy, she blends creativity and curiosity into her lessons, keeping them targeted to specific developmental stages.Today, we have a rich conversation with Hana about the dynamic of learning and growing as a parent while teaching your child at the same time. We talk about the anxiety about gaps in your kids’ education, how to find time to plan lessons, and the joy of seeing them grow into adulthood.We also discuss the role art and handwork plays in our own lives as adults, both in terms of meditative relief and spiritual growth. The whole episode has the aesthetic of Pepper and Pine: deep, meaningful, beautiful.Resources:Learn more at PepperandPine.comFollow Hana on Instagram @PepperandPineSign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Start a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Good news: There are enough weeks left to do a writing project with your kids that will leave you feeling confident and accomplished this school year. Sign up for a Brave Writer online writing class. Our classes start every Monday, and each one only lasts three to six weeks. Sign up today!Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
Today’s episode is a Poetry Teatime: You drink tea, people pick poems to read aloud, you listen and enjoy them while you're eating a delicious snack. Of course, since this is Brave Writer, we take time between the poems to talk about our love for poetry and how we use it to teach children about language: similes, imagery, space, expression, connection, and more.So join us in Julie’s family tradition, which started way back when her kids brought their stuffed animals to the table and believed store-bought cookies were a special treat. Enjoy!Resources:Find our favorite poetry selections on our Poetry Teatime website: a list of books mentioned on Brave Writer Podcast episodes, check out our Bookshop: out more about Kortney Garrison’s poetry chapbook, Elemental, at Bottlecap Press.Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Start a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Good news: There are enough weeks left to do a writing project with your kids that will leave you feeling confident and accomplished this school year. Sign up for a Brave Writer online writing class. Our classes start every Monday, and each one only lasts three to six weeks. Sign up today!Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
At age 20, Brave Writer alum Millie Florence has already published three books. She joins the show today to talk about her writing process, her publishing experience, and what she learned in her Brave Writer classes. Plus, we geek out about Minecraft Story Mode and our favorite middle grade novels. Resources:Buy Millie’s books or schedule a presentation: MillieFlorence.comListen to our first interview with Millie in 2017: Don’t be a Perfectionist & Other Advice for Young Writers with Millie Florence.Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Want help getting started with Brave Writer? Head over to up for the Brave Writer newsletter to learn about all of the special offers we’re doing in 2022 and you’ll get a free seven-day Writing Blitz guide just for signing up: with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
We often practice compassion for others but hesitate when it comes to compassion for ourselves. Friend of the podcast Dr. Diana Hill joins us today to talk about her newest book, “The Self-Compassion Daily Journal,” and give us some practical tips for practicing self-compassion. We talk about the science of stress in the body, being a connected part of nature, wearing jeans that fit, and much more. This conversation is packed with nuggets of wisdom and insight.Resources:Learn more on Diana’s website: out Diane’s books: up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Start a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Good news: There are enough weeks left to do a writing project with your kids that will leave you feeling confident and accomplished this school year. Sign up for a Brave Writer online writing class. Our classes start every Monday, and each one only lasts three to six weeks. Sign up today!Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
There’s a big difference between “the game of school” and “the learning game.” Ana Lorena Fábrega picked this up as a kid when she went to 10 different schools by the time she was 15. She learned it again as an educator herself. Today Ana joins us to discuss her book, “The Learning Game.” We talk about memorization vs. applied learning, “pointsification” vs gamification, testing culture vs. curiosity, and the importance of embracing confusion. Resources:Read Ana’s book: The Learning Game Follow Ana on Instagram: @MsFab_LearningLabCheck out Ana’s website: up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Start a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Good news: There are enough weeks left to do a writing project with your kids that will leave you feeling confident and accomplished this school year. Sign up for a Brave Writer online writing class. Our classes start every Monday, and each one only lasts three to six weeks. Sign up today!Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyProduced by NOVA Media
The internet has been a great tool for creating community. It has given us ways to connect, commiserate, and even start entrepreneurial adventures. In the 90s, we were just figuring out blogs and message boards. Now, there is TikTok, Instagram, and going viral. Founder of Scary Mommy and She’s Got Issues, Jill Smokler joins us to talk about how being a parent on the internet has changed, and stayed the same, over the years. We talk about our experiences with figuring out what stories to share about our kids, and which to keep private. We also talk about being an entrepreneur, growing older, and parenting adult kids. Tune in and enjoy the conversation.Resources:Jill's website: She's Got IssuesHer instagram: first book: Confessions of a Scary MommyHer second book: Motherhood Comes Naturally (and Other Vicious Lies)Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Curious about Brave Writer but not quite sure what it’s all about? Join our free 7-Day Writing Blitz to transform your writing program in just one week!Start a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyFacebook: by NOVA Media
Today’s episode is about how to homeschool while you have a baby or toddler in tow. As Julie puts it, “The crux of the issue is, how do I teach math to a second grader when I have a terrorist baby?” First, Julie and Melissa talk about daily routines, like finding pockets of time to teach your older kids while your toddler is napping or when you are all taking a family walk. Then they give specific activities that can keep toddlers occupied. They wrap up by covering a few strategies to involve friends and family, including co-ops, babysitting swaps, and grandparent-led science experiments.Resources:Check out: Susie Allison of Busy ToddlerSign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Want help getting started with Brave Writer? Head over to about Brave Writer but not quite sure what it’s all about? Join our free 7-Day Writing Blitz to transform your writing program in just one week!Start a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Connect with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyFacebook: by NOVA Media
In the realm of homeschooling, the journey from traditional educational frameworks to embracing a homeschooling lifestyle is both inspiring and transformative. This transition, often sparked by a desire for a more personalized and engaging learning experience, is richly illustrated by the story of Mandy Davis, a former traditional education professional who embarked on a homeschooling journey with her family. Through her experience, we uncover the profound benefits of child-led learning, the integration of real-world experiences, and the importance of community support.Resources:Mandy's website: Instagram: @homebuilteducationHer Book: A Matter of Principal: A Former School Principal’s Journey to Redefine Education and Bring Learning Back to the Home: a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Curious about Brave Writer but not quite sure what it’s all about? Join our free 7-Day Writing Blitz to transform your writing program in just one week!Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Want help getting started with Brave Writer? Head over to up for the Brave Writer newsletter to learn about all of the special offers we’re doing in 2022 and you’ll get a free seven-day Writing Blitz guide just for signing up: with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyFacebook: by NOVA Media
In our latest podcast episode, we took a closer look at the tough topic of leaving cults and the importance of thinking for ourselves. We had a deep chat with Sarah Edmondson and Nippy Ames, who shared their brave story of getting out of the NXIVM cult. This episode isn't just about their story; it's about how we all can learn to think more critically and stand up for our own beliefs.Resources:Sarah's book, Scarred: Little Bit Culty Podcast: alittlebitculty.comSarah's website: sarahedmondson.comWatch Sarah’s TEDx Talk: Vow on Max: a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Curious about Brave Writer but not quite sure what it’s all about? Join our free 7-Day Writing Blitz to transform your writing program in just one week!Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Want help getting started with Brave Writer? Head over to up for the Brave Writer newsletter to learn about all of the special offers we’re doing in 2022 and you’ll get a free seven-day Writing Blitz guide just for signing up: with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyFacebook: by NOVA Media
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information available to us today? In our podcast, we delve into the critical need for fostering critical thinking skills in our children to navigate this complex landscape.Resources:Preorder: Becoming a Critical Thinker Workbook by Julie BogartStart a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Curious about Brave Writer but not quite sure what it’s all about? Join our free 7-Day Writing Blitz to transform your writing program in just one week!Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Want help getting started with Brave Writer? Head over to up for the Brave Writer newsletter to learn about all of the special offers we’re doing in 2022 and you’ll get a free seven-day Writing Blitz guide just for signing up: with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyFacebook: by NOVA Media
As lifelong learners and educators in the homeschooling community, we understand that the journey of teaching and guiding our children is ever-evolving. Our recent podcast guest, Joshua Harris, shared his personal journey of growth and transformation, which resonates deeply with many of us who navigate the complex waters of education and parenting.Resources:Joshua Harris's website: and clearandloud.comFollow Joshua on Instagram: @harrisjoshPreorder: Becoming a Critical Thinker Workbook by Julie BogartStart a free trial of to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!Curious about Brave Writer but not quite sure what it’s all about? Join our free 7-Day Writing Blitz to transform your writing program in just one week!Sign up for our Text Message Pod Ring to get podcast updates and more!Send us podcast topic ideas by texting us: +1 (833) 947-3684Want help getting started with Brave Writer? Head over to up for the Brave Writer newsletter to learn about all of the special offers we’re doing in 2022 and you’ll get a free seven-day Writing Blitz guide just for signing up: with Julie:Instagram: @juliebravewriterThreads: @juliebravewriterTwitter: @bravewriterFacebook: with Melissa:Website: melissawiley.comSubstack: melissawiley.substack.comInstagram: @melissawileybooksTwitter: @melissawileyFacebook: by NOVA Media
Comments (18)


This is an amazing podcast! Thank you, Julie, for the reminders. We know these things but we resist them and bow to social pressures. Thank you for help us raise a generation of educated and HAPPY life-long learners!

Oct 6th

ML Walton

I love this, and it's encouraging because I actually have only just in the past few months set into motion doing something for MYSELF independent of my kids. I've had a YouTube channel since my first was born, but I decided to cultivate that hobby, and even though it's been very rare I have the time to make a video, I'm able to think about it and learn things in regard to that, and it's adding a component of richness I was lacking. It's TangerineBliss on YouTube if you want to check it out. I'm so thankful one of my new online friends told me about this podcast! I think I'll need to listen to the book as well!

Jun 15th

Ceri Yates

oh man! I hope I can MIB blink my already writing kids and start over with these busted myths in mind. Thankfully, I feel like I've done a decent job not making writing entirely mechanically based as the normal curriculums suggest, but this podcast was pivotal for going forward. Also, I'm super pumped to be using The Writing Jungle and Arrow program this coming school year. Yay!

Jun 11th

Ceri Yates

I'm so glad to have validation with my money earning side gigs. I finally found something I love doing AND also something I enjoy doing AND that gets me away from the home to reenergize my mom battery. (yes, that means I two jobs) This podcast helped me realize that I need not feel guilty about being away from the home while contributing monetarily. Thanks Julie!

Jun 11th

Ceri Yates

I received and read The Brave Learner less than two weeks ago and quickly was drawn to the idea of poetry teatime. I received the teapot from my grandfather (one that belonged to my newly deceased grandmother), bought many poetry books from our local used book shop, put tea on the grocery shopping list... my mom even purchased a set of 6 cups and saucers from a thrift store. I'm all set to begin Tuesday tea time. I'm so excited to implement this into our routine. Previous to reading the BL, my homeschool outlook was bleak. Now, I have a renewed sense of purpose. I'm so thankful for the recommendations that pointed me to TBL and the adjoining website, podcasts, and literature available. I too like the polish poem with Yeti.

Jun 11th

Ceri Yates

Julie, the take-aways from this podcast, for me, were incredibly important and timely. I'm a multitasker to the nth degree. I'm definitely going to compartmentalize my time so that I can deep dive personally with each of my 4 children. They crave it. I crave it. Plus, it'll give our routine the structure that we all thrive from. Thanks to Courtney for sharing so many things that I'm also experiencing.

Jun 11th

Erin Schowalter Krug

wonderful as always.

Apr 21st

Jennifer Rose

Love this pod cast! Thank you!

Jan 20th

Keith Lorenz

I appreciate this so much. Thank you!

Sep 12th

Jennifer Rose

I needed this today!

Aug 31st

Jennifer Rose

Love this one! exactly what I need to listen to!

Aug 1st

Diana Hernandez

I recommend Julie Bogart for all those homeschool parents that are constantly stressed, feel doubt, or are being hard on themselves. She brings a view like no one else. She creates this "ahah!" moment for us, ALL the time.

Jul 16th

Monica Colling

I really love many of her sentiments, but her idea of stopping what the parent is doing to write down the child's random comments would never work for a working single homeschooling mom. Besides I feel that would teach poor manners. I'm not hanging up on someone or pulling off to the side of the road to jot down every sentence

Jun 14th

Jennifer Rose

I love this all. I tried to pick out a favorite quote but it would just be a manuscript of the entire podcast!

Jun 7th

Jennifer Rose

I am so grateful to my amazing friend, Wendy, for sharing Brave Writer and these podcasts with me! Just what I needed to listen to during this season of homeschooling.

Jun 7th

Moya Kelley

Amazing! Thank you Julie. Your words are pearls of wisdom.

May 26th

Henrietta Finkleton

This is my constant struggle. Great perspective.

May 15th

Brittany Fritz

Some useful things to be gleaned. But some dated gender roles. She talks in one episode about staying home with her kids because she's a mother not a father. My eyes couldn't roll hard enough. Also if you're a secular homeschooler you'll pick up on a lot of religious undertones, which can also be annoying.

Apr 20th
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