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Sharper Iron from KFUO Radio

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Sharper Iron, hosted by Rev. Timothy Appel, looks at the text of Holy Scripture both in its broad context and its narrow detail, all for the sake of proclaiming Christ crucified and risen for sinners. Two pastors engage with God’s Word to sharpen not only their own faith and knowledge, but the faith and knowledge of all who listen.

Sharper Iron is underwritten by Lutheran Church Extension Fund, where your investments help support the work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit
1290 Episodes
The LORD orders His people both in the way they camp and in the way they march. As the tribe through which the line of the promised Christ will come, the tribe of Judah occupies the first place. At the same time, the tabernacle occupies the central place, for the LORD’s presence among His people is primary. Although the people surround the tabernacle in their camp, the LORD’s presence there provides protection for the people. Although the people march both before and after the Levites who carry the tabernacle, the LORD still is the One to lead His people.  Rev. Andrew Preus, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in New Haven, MO, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Numbers 2:1-34.  "Wilderness Wanderings” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the book of Numbers. After the LORD delivers His people from slavery in Egypt, He leads them toward the Promised Land. Although the first generation of Israelites proves faithless, the LORD remains faithful to His people and brings a new generation of Israelites to the plains of Moab. This strengthens us to listen to God’s promises today and stay faithful to Him as He guides us toward resurrection life.
The fourth book of Moses begins at the base of Mount Sinai in the second year after the LORD delivered His people from slavery in Egypt. There, the LORD continues to speak to Moses so that His people will listen to His Word. He names and numbers His army one tribe at a time in preparation for their conquest of the Promised Land. As the book of Numbers progresses, this first generation of Israelites will fall into idolatry and impatience and so fail to receive the Promised Land. However, the LORD will raise up a new generation who will receive His faithfulness with thanksgiving. From this history, the LORD teaches us how to hear and believe His Word today in this time between the salvation that is ours now by faith in Christ and the resurrection that will be ours on the Last Day when Christ returns.  Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing serves at Concordia University in St. Paul, MN as the Edwin F. and Esther L. Laatsch Chair of Old Testament Studies, the Director of the Center for Biblical Studies, and the Director of the Pre-Seminary Program. He also serves as associate pastor at Cross View Lutheran Church in Edina, MN. He joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Numbers 1:1-54.  "Wilderness Wanderings” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the book of Numbers. After the LORD delivers His people from slavery in Egypt, He leads them toward the Promised Land. Although the first generation of Israelites proves faithless, the LORD remains faithful to His people and brings a new generation of Israelites to the plains of Moab. This strengthens us to listen to God’s promises today and stay faithful to Him as He guides us toward resurrection life.
"Wilderness Wanderings” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the book of Numbers. After the LORD delivers His people from slavery in Egypt, He leads them toward the Promised Land. Although the first generation of Israelites proves faithless, the LORD remains faithful to His people and brings a new generation of Israelites to the plains of Moab. This strengthens us to listen to God’s promises today and stay faithful to Him as He guides us toward resurrection life.  Sharper Iron, hosted by Rev. Timothy Appel, looks at the text of Holy Scripture both in its broad context and its narrow detail, all for the sake of proclaiming Christ crucified and risen for sinners. Two pastors engage with God's Word to sharpen not only their own faith and knowledge, but the faith and knowledge of all who listen. Sharper Iron is underwritten by Lutheran Church Extension Fund, where your investments help support the work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit
In the final stanza of Psalm 119, we place before God’s face our desperate need so that He will give us understanding and deliverance according to His promise. In response, our mouths open to sing and chant back to God what He has first said to us. We long for His salvation, knowing that apart from Jesus, we are sheep doomed to destruction. We pray in confidence that He is our Good Shepherd who seeks and saves us.  Rev. Dr. Brian Saunders, president of the Iowa District East of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:169-176.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the twenty-first stanza of Psalm 119, God’s Word is our joy greater than any other treasure. The riches of God’s Word are so great that we sing His praises always and regularly. Although the enemies of God may attack us, His Word makes us stand firm and shapes our ways according to His.  Rev. Mark Squire, pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church in St. Ansgar, IA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:161-168.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the twentieth stanza of Psalm 119, we pray that God would see us in our affliction to deliver us. He must be the one to stand up for our case and justify us by His promise. Although our adversaries are many, we need not waver from God’s Word, because His mercies far outnumber those who would harm us. This is our confidence, because God’s Word is true.  Rev. Merritt Demski, pastor at St. John Lutheran Church—Hanover in Alta, IA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:153-160.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the nineteenth stanza of Psalm 119, we call out to God with our entire being, asking for His salvation. Because we know that the morning will bring His salvation, we vigilantly wait for Him to keep His promise. Although our enemies draw near, God is nearer still in His promise, now and forever.  Rev. Dr. Tim Saleska, Professor of Exegetical Theology and Dean of Ministerial Formation at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:145-152.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the eighteenth stanza of Psalm 119, we praise God as the Righteous One who gives us His righteousness through His Word. He is faithful to His Word; He has never failed to keep His promises. Even though we are small, despised, troubled, and anguished, He gives us delight through His eternal righteousness.  Rev. Andrew Belt, pastor at Christ Lutheran Church in Marshfield, WI, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:137-144.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the seventeenth stanza of Psalm 119, we marvel at the wonder of God’s Word that gives light and understanding. As we long for His commandments, God turns His face toward us with grace and keeps our steps steady by His promise. Even as we mourn at those who do not keep God’s Law, we rejoice in His redemption from man’s oppression.  Rev. Dr. Martin Dressler, pastor at Salem Lutheran Church in Black Jack, MO, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:129-136.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the sixteenth stanza of Psalm 119, we look to God to give us Himself as the pledge that He will act to fulfill His righteous promise. He deals with us according to His steadfast love, and so we long for His appointed time to bring about His salvation. In this confidence, we love His Words as the most valuable thing of all.  Rev. Sean Daenzer, Director of Worship for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and chaplain for the International Center in St. Louis, MO, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:121-128.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the fifteenth stanza of Psalm 119, our attitudes toward evil are shaped by God’s. As God spurns all who go astray from His Word, so we too renounce all wickedness and double-mindedness. Standing in fear and awe before the holy God, we cling to Him and to His Word alone, knowing that He is our only Savior.  Rev. Matt Wietfeldt, Assistant Vice President of Admissions and Director of the Christ Academy Program at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:113-120.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the fourteenth stanza of Psalm 119, we rejoice to walk in the light of God’s Word. Although our lives may be under constant attack by the enemies of God and His Church, still we know that the Word of God will give us life. As God has given us an inheritance of grace in His Word, we incline our hearts toward all that He says.  Rev. Joel Heckmann, pastor at St. John's Lutheran Church in Okarche, OK, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:105-112.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the thirteenth stanza of Psalm 119, we give thanks for the way God’s Word makes us wiser and gives us more understanding than anything or anyone else. For this reason, we love His Word but hate every false way. Rather than going astray to the right or the left, we seek to stay on the path God's Word gives us.  Rev. Ian Kinney, pastor at First Lutheran Church in Sabetha, KS, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:97-104.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
Psalm 119:89-96: VDMA

Psalm 119:89-96: VDMA


In the twelfth stanza of Psalm 119, we confess the eternal nature of God’s Word. Even as His Word stands fast in the heavens, He brings it to us so that it gives us joy and life. Apart from God’s Word, we would perish in the traps of the wicked; therefore, God keeps us as His by His grace.  Rev. Harrison Goodman, content executive for Higher Things, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:89-96.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the eleventh stanza of Psalm 119, our whole being longs for God to fulfill His promise. As we lament before God, we acknowledge that His promise is true by crying out for Him to be faithful as we see all that is not righteous in the world. His Word provides a sure refuge when we lament, so that our faith in Him is not put to shame.  Rev. Jeremiah Johnson, pastor at Glory of Christ Lutheran Church in Plymouth, MN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:81-88.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the tenth stanza of Psalm 119, we look to the One who created us for understanding from His Word. His steadfast love and mercy come to us to comfort us, to fill us with delight, and to give us life. When the insolent speak lies to their shame, the people of God speak His Word to each other so that they are not put to shame.  Rev. Sean Kilgo, pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Lawrence, KS, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:73-80.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the ninth stanza of Psalm 119, we praise God for His goodness, which He reveals in His Word and His actions toward us. He even uses afflictions for our good by keeping us from going astray and drawing us closer to His instruction. Although the insolent attack us with false teaching, the LORD guards us by His truth that He is our good and gracious Savior.  Rev. Tom Eckstein, pastor at Concordia Lutheran Church in Jamestown, ND, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:65-72.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the eighth stanza of Psalm 119, we cry out to God, for He Himself is our inheritance. As He shows us His gracious favor through His Word, He turns our feet toward His testimonies. Although the wicked surround us with their cords, the LORD surrounds us even more with His Church. He strengthens us by His Word in the midst of those who fear His name.  Rev. Kurt Ulmer, pastor at Faith Lutheran Church in Wylie, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:57-64.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the seventh stanza of Psalm 119, we ask God to remember the Word that gave us hope. This Word is the promise of the Gospel that gives life and comfort in affliction. Even as the insolent deride us, the Word of God teaches us the good that we love and the evil that we hate. Knowing that God remembers His Word, we remember His name and treasure His promises.  Rev. James Preus, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Ottumwa, IA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:49-56.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
In the sixth stanza of Psalm 119, we pray that God’s steadfast love, mercy, and faithfulness would come down to us and bring the salvation He has promised. As He does so through His Word, that truth remains in our mouth to confess before the world. As we speak and walk in the security of all that God says, we are not put to shame.  Rev. Carl Roth, pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in Elgin, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:41-48.  "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.