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Do you really know?

Author: Bababam

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You’ve heard about it, but do you really know it? In 3 minutes, we help you understand the true meaning behind the trends, concepts and acronyms that are making headlines. After listening, you will really know for sure.

1847 Episodes
Retinol is a form of vitamin A, which is essential for healthy skin. It has many benefits such as smoothing wrinkles, exfoliating dead cells, clearing pores, and fading dark spots. Retinol works by stimulating the production of collagen, which is the protein that gives your skin strength and structure, and by speeding up the turnover of skin cells, which means it helps remove old cells from the surface of your skin and reveal fresh ones underneath. How to use retinol? What should you be aware of before using a retinol? What is the difference between retinoid and retinol? Who should avoid using retinol? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: Can you train your brain like a muscle? How often should you wash your jeans? Should I walk 10000 steps a day? A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue. First broadcast: 13/06//2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scented candles, air fresheners and even scented cleaning products are all designed to make your home smell nice, clean and fresh. But using them can reduce the air quality of your home and lead to a variety of potential problems.   For many people, most of their time is spent indoors and, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), levels of indoor air pollutants are typically more than three times higher than outdoors. Causes range from cooking, heating, scented cleaning products as well as products like candles, diffusers or room sprays which are designed to make our homes smell nice. What affects the quality of our air inside? What are VCOs? Should I stop using scented candles and air freshener? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: Can you train your brain like a muscle? How often should you wash your jeans? Should I walk 10000 steps a day? A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue. First broadcast: 31/01/2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The idea might seem inconceivable to some, but these days more and more people are choosing to be in LAT relationships. The LAT part of the term stands for Living Alone Together, which means that LAT couples are in a committed romantic relationship, but each person maintains their own private life and space. Back in 2011, a research team began a multi-method study looking into how prominent LAT couples were in the UK. They went on to publish their findings in a research briefing in 2013, showing that 9% of adults in the UK are in a LAT couple. Just how common is that? What’s the appeal of a LAT arrangement? Are you saying people in LAT couples will automatically argue less? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: Can you train your brain like a muscle? How often should you wash your jeans? Should I walk 10000 steps a day? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When you’re feeling a little blue, eating to feel better can be an appealing proposition. But the reality is we often turn to junk food or sugary treats that are high in calories and packed with salt or saturated fats. Of course, our mood can be impacted by a number of factors and there’s no magic fix that will instantly make us feel better. But there are actually types of food out there that have been proven to improve brain health and thereby beat mood disorders. Which foods are proven to improve brain health? Avocados are rich in Omega 3, aren’t they? Don’t bananas also contain tryptophan? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: Can you train your brain like a muscle? How often should you wash your jeans? Should I walk 10000 steps a day? Date of first release : March 20th, 2023 A Bababam Originals podcast, written and produced by Joseph Chance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The human brain isn’t actually a muscle, as a lot of people think. But nevertheless we still need to give it exercise to keep it healthy.  While you can go to the gym to work out the muscles in your body, the equivalent for the brain is training and stimulating something called "brain plasticity”. says that plasticity “refers to the brain's malleability or ability to change”. And it’s definitely worth working to improve it too, as it can give cognitive performance a real boost. Are you saying improving brain plasticity makes you smarter? What kind of exercises can I do to improve those then? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: How often should you wash your jeans? Should I walk 10000 steps a day? Why are more and more men joining the no fap movement? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It’s a common habit to toss our jeans into the laundry after a single wear, but is that really necessary? Turns out, giving your denim a break from frequent washes might be a smarter move. Well, according to Medisite, washing isn’t always kind to your beloved blues. The key to maintaining your denim’s durability is a cooler, gentler approach: wash them inside out, at a low temperature, and with a soft spin cycle. As for drying, skip the tumble dryer to prevent shrinking and warping—air drying on a rack, upside down, is the way to go. And ironing? Best to avoid it to keep those fibres intact. Does this mean you should never wash your jeans? But really, how practical is this advice? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: Can you eat eggs everyday? What is Lucky Girl syndrome, this new method that is all the rage on Tik Tok? Which type of wine is best for your health? A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Most of us are familiar with the idea that you need to take 10 thousand steps per day to stay healthy but getting to this magic number is not that easy. The 10,000-step target first became popular in Japan in the 1960s. A clockmaker capitalising on people's new interest in fitness following the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games made a pedometer with a name that, when written in Japanese characters, resembled a walking man and coincidentally translated as “10,000-steps metre.” A study of over 78,000 people in the UK between 2013 and 2015 using wearable trackers was published in the journals JAMA Internal Medicine and JAMA Neurology. Where did we get the number 10 thousand from? Does that mean that we do not need to take 10 steps? So how many steps should I be aiming for per day? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: Can you eat eggs everyday? What is Lucky Girl syndrome, this new method that is all the rage on Tik Tok? Which type of wine is best for your health? A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue. First broadcast: 19/01/2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Now if you’ve never heard the word fap before, let me spell it out to you. It’s basically an onomatopoeic slang term for male masturbation. According to Business Insider, the term first appeared in a web comic called Sexy Losers in 1999, to indicate the sound of a male character masturbating. An Urban Dictionary definition for the term was then added in 2002, and usage grew from the 2000s onwards. So obviously now you know what that means, you’ll have realised that the no fap movement means quitting masturbation. And while masturbation is a pleasurable activity for many, the no fap movement against it has been gaining traction for about a decade now. It started out in the U.S. and the aim is to combat porn addiction and masturbation.  Why do all these men want to stop masturbating? Are any of those claims true? What should someone do if they feel addicted to masturbation then? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: Can you eat eggs everyday? What is Lucky Girl syndrome, this new method that is all the rage on Tik Tok? Which type of wine is best for your health? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We’ve all heard about the importance of getting a balanced diet, but some people choose to ignore that advice completely, and those following the carnivore diet are a prime example. As you may have guessed from its name, the carnivore diet involves eating almost exclusively meat, sometimes raw, sometimes cooked, and might also include fish. says that “other animal foods like eggs and certain dairy products” are sometimes also eaten. Are there any benefits? How did such a sketchy diet become popular? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: Can you eat eggs everyday? What is Lucky Girl syndrome, this new method that is all the rage on Tik Tok? Which type of wine is best for your health? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Whether they’re soft-boiled, fried, poached, or whipped into cakes and pies, eggs are a kitchen favorite for good reason. In the UK the average person consumes about 175 eggs per year, that’s about 3 eggs weekly.  They are packed with vitamins D, E, A, and B12, plus minerals like iron, zinc, and magnesium, making eggs a healthy choice. They’re also brimming with essential fatty acids—omega 3, 6, and 9—to support brain function and the immune system. But that’s not all: eggs are protein-rich, rivaling meat and fish. In fact two eggs equate to a modest 100-gram steak, and our bodies love these proteins, especially the 8 essential amino acids they provide. Why are eggs good for you? But what about cholesterol? Do eggs contribute to weight gain? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: How is micro-feminism helping women combat workplace sexism? Is a white tongue unhealthy? What is the great unretirement? A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
You might be familiar with the expression ‘you make your own luck’ or with the idea of thinking positively to create a positive outcome - some people refer to it as ‘manifesting’. But now, a new trend on the social media platform TikTok has taken it one step further with what has been dubbed ‘lucky girl syndrome’. Essentially you tell yourself that everything just works out for you and that you are the luckiest person with phrases like ‘everything just always works out for me’ or I always get what I want’ and just like that you now have Lucky Girl Syndrome. It first started on TikTok in December 2022, when creator Laura Galebe posted a video explaining how she believes she gets “the most insane opportunities” simply by “expecting great things” to happen. How does it work? Is there any evidence that it works? What are the problems with Lucky Girl Syndrome? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: How is micro-feminism helping women combat workplace sexism? Is a white tongue unhealthy? What is the great unretirement? A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue. First broadcast: 07/02/2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When it comes to health, many people wonder which type of wine can most easily be enjoyed without needing to worry about negative health consequences. First things first, I hate to be a party pooper but let’s be clear: there’s no kind of alcohol that is actually “good” for your health.  So red wine does contain some antioxidants, which have reported health benefits. But senior dietitian and British Heart Foundation spokesperson Victoria Taylor says that “while it is often included in the traditional diet, it isn’t an essential part and should be drunk in moderation.” So are dry reds the healthiest option then? What about rosé then? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: How is micro-feminism helping women combat workplace sexism? Is a white tongue unhealthy? What is the great unretirement? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Bread has been a staple of the human diet for over 10,000 years, when our ancestors made flatbread by baking a mixture of flour and water in the sun. To this day, the vast majority of us eat bread on a regular basis, and many of us eat it every day. But it’s been demonised to some extent in recent years, with many dieters saying it’s made up of “empty calories” and ditching it.  What is the nutritional makeup of bread? Brown bread is supposed to be the healthiest, isn’t it? How often should I eat bread? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: How is micro-feminism helping women combat workplace sexism? Is a white tongue unhealthy? What is the great unretirement? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. First broadcast: 12/04/2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Polycystic ovary syndrome, also called PCOS, is related to hormonal imbalances in women’s bodies. It’s the leading cause of fertility problems in women and affects one in ten women of childbearing age in the UK, according to the NHS. Despite that, there is very little awareness about the condition. The most important thing there is to know about PCOS is that it leads to excessive production of androgen hormones, especially testosterone. High testosterone levels in women disrupt the ovarian cycle and, in particular, the development of fluid-filled sacs called follicles in the ovaries. How does it affect the body, apart from causing cysts? Is the disease still understudied? Do we know why some women produce too many androgens? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: How is micro-feminism helping women combat workplace sexism? Is a white tongue unhealthy? What is the great unretirement? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. First broadcast: 04/04/2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
How does viagra work?

How does viagra work?


Ever since it hit the market, the little blue pill known as viagra has transformed the sex lives of millions of couples around the world. Viagra was developed by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, and was first made available to the American public soon after FDA approval in March 1998. Within just two weeks, 15,000 prescriptions had been written in the United States. An article published in the Pharmaceutical Journal in 2017 stated that at that time it had “been prescribed for more than 64 million men worldwide”, while a report by The Guardian from the same year said that the stigma around erectile dysfunction had faded, citing NHS figures which showed that viagra prescriptions had nearly tripled over the preceding decade. How was viagra created? How does Viagra affect men's libido? Is Viagra suitable for all men? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: How is micro-feminism helping women combat workplace sexism? Is a white tongue unhealthy? What is the great unretirement? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Until recently when confronted with arranging a funeral there has been a choice between burial or cremation. However, in parts of the US, Canada and soon the UK a third choice can be possible.  Aquamation or as it is known technically “alkaline hydrolysis” is an alternative to traditional burials. The body of the deceased is placed in a pressurised stainless steel vessel and immersed in a mixture of water and alkali for three to four hours and heated to around 150C. During the process all the material is broken down leaving only the inorganic bone minerals which are then processed into powder and returned to the family in an urn. What is aquamation? What is the advantage of aquamation? What are the disadvantages of aquamation? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! Date of first release : February 2nd, 2023 To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: What are the best holiday destinations? How can you manage your anger better? Why are famous women being targeted by transvestigations? A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
To all our female listeners: have you ever been a victim of misogyny in the workplace? Sadly, the chances are you have, given that a 2022 survey by recruitment agency Randstad found that 72% of women have “encountered inappropriate behaviour from male colleagues”, while 67% had experienced some form of gender discrimination. But there are some simple everyday actions that can help us to counter sexism at work, and social media has recently been rife with discussion of these so-called micro-feminist acts. So the trend really began taking off when American producer and host Ashley Chaney posted a clip on Tiktok in late March 2024, talking about a couple of her own favourite examples of microfeminism. What kind of actions are we talking about? How did microfeminism come to be so popular on TikTok? What’s the point of microfeminism? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: Is a white tongue unhealthy? What is the great unretirement? What are the risks of anal sex? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A white coating on the tongue can occur when your health is compromised, like during a cold or fever. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol, and too much sugar, coffee, tea, or dairy can also contribute to this by disrupting the balance of your oral microbiota or affecting saliva production. In most cases, it’s an accumulation of bacteria and dead cells, a condition known as saburral tongue or white patches. This coating can often be removed by gently using a tongue scraper. However, other factors can lead to a thicker coating, localized patches, or even a metallic taste in the mouth. What exactly causes the tongue to turn white? Could this be a sign of infection? What about other health implications? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: How can you manage your anger better? What are the best holiday destinations? How can you manage your anger better? A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The great un-retirement is a term that has been coined to explain the fact that people are working longer or even coming out of retirement completely to return to work. Find out why this is happening in this episode. In a poll by Rest Less, a digital community that supports the over-50s, 32% of members said they would consider returning to work or that they were already working again. And statistics back this up. The Office for National Statistics reports that there are now more people aged 50 and older in work or looking for work than before the pandemic, while figures from the Centre for Ageing Better show that the number of people aged 65 or over entering the workforce rose by 173,000 in the first quarter of 2022. Why are so many people coming out of retirement? What problems do older people face when looking for a job? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: What are the best holiday destinations? How can you manage your anger better? Why are famous women being targeted by transvestigations? A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue. First broadcast: 25/10/2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Surely nothing affects taste other than what you actually put in your mouth, right?! Well actually no, that’s not true - at least according to a study published in December 2022 in Food Quality and Preference. The researchers behind that found that the colour of our dishware might influence our perception of taste. And it’s not the first study of its kind; I’m going to tell you about other similar ones in just a moment. Well, the Food Quality and Preference study was conducted by researchers at the University of Portsmouth . They gathered 47 students to participate, splitting them into two groups: picky and non-picky eaters.  That’s crazy! How did these studies work then? What other studies have been done in this area then? What’s the point of all this research? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here: Why are famous women being targeted by transvestigations? What is premium mediocre - the illusion of luxury? Is your employer tracking you while you work from home? A podcast written and realised by Amber Minogue. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (39)


that's me

Aug 23rd



May 5th

Doug Shiner

this Isa known scan. David Koch has denied this many times. Scammers like to use his name to garner credibility. The Quantum Platform is a scheme to make others Rich, not you.

Dec 9th


I appreciate the sustainable alternatives presented

Nov 24th


this episode talks about the reality of Islamic Republic of Iran. the morality police officers are wild and cruel they humiliate women and They behave as they want and there is no one or organisation to stop them

Oct 14th

poorya banitaba

Check out #مهسا_امینی in twitter then you’ll find out about iran’s situation.

Oct 14th

Jay Emma

We were doing this back in 1999

Aug 6th

Jay Emma

Very interesting podcast and I like the short episodes. However the intro with the breathing noises is awful, it grosses me out like someone is breathing in my ear 😖 and it turns me off listening to this podcast.

Jul 27th


I like your episode so much! Do you have a website? I’d like to read the lyrics of your podcast, but I can't find it anywhere. Could you please help me? Thanks in advance

Jul 18th

Shaunee Pumpkin

Does snacking help with a diet?

Jul 17th


what is Rock and Roll?!

Jul 8th


My favorite podcast

Jul 6th

Sarah Toporoff

Great choice of topics, easy snackable and fun listening! Always makes me feel better informed about the world.

Jul 4th


Hello thanks for these amazing podcasts i am listening from Iran...but i don't know why for listening to this channel i have to use V.P.N it's somehow annoying...can it possibly be solved?!

Jun 28th

arta bk

After listening to this podcast,I told myself it is my duty to help myself become happier

May 10th

meiling yan


May 7th

Hari Kumar Thapa

Something that everyone should listen.

May 4th

D.B. Cooper

This is a disturbing new trend to hear of, adding to the list of craziness trend over the last 3 years.

May 1st

Abbie Shah

I appreciate the information and advice you have shared.

Apr 20th

Stay Sea

this is my new fav podcast, I always a spare 3 minutes to learn something new. thank you for this!

Mar 15th
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