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My Bible Study

Author: Pastor Robert Thibodeau

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This has been a project I have been contemplating for a long time.

Join me in walking through the Bible on our personal Bible study - one verse at at time. There is no "preaching" here. Just simple scripture reading with brief explanations and examples of what the scripture mean.

I was inspired to do this project based upon the program "Through The Bible" with Dr. Jay Veron McGee (who is passed on to be with the Lord for several years now). When I first started to study the Bible, his radio program helped me immensely. It took Dr. McGee 5 years to do a complete Bible Study.

I do not know how long it will take us. But you can start listening at anytime. As I continue to add more episodes, you can join us at the most recent program or start at the beginning. Each episode is labeled as to the scriptures we are going to discuss.

I am so blessed you are here and I pray you will get a huge blessing as we join together in "MY BIBLE STUDY!"

You can also watch the corresponding YouTube videos that go with this Bible Study. I record them on FaceBook Live and load them to YouTube and the audio versions go here.
60 Episodes
In this episode, I explain the reason why I've started this type of Bible Study podcast. I explain the process we will be using and an estimate of how long it will take us to work our way through the Bible.Please help us to continue this work of the Lord by becoming a supporter through Patreon! Use the link below and earn cool stuff along the way!Go to to learn more.
In this episode, we begin "In the Beginning..." Genesis Chapter One verses 1-5Please subscribe to this podcast to be notified when the next episode is published.Also, please consider joining out partner program through Patreon! Patreon partners earn cool stuff along the way! Check it out with the link below.
In this episode, we continue looking at Creation, with Day Two.Please subscribe to this podcast and consider supporting our outreach on Patreon using the link below. We offer cool gifts and updates for our Patreon partners.
We continue our study in Creation in Genesis Chapter One verses 9 - 13.Please subscribe to this podcast and help us to "Get the Word Out" by using the social links below to share with your friends.Also, please help us by becoming a Patreon supporter - and earn cool stuff along the way!Use this link to connect straight to Patreon!
In this episode, we look at the 4th Day of Creation as outlined in Genesis Chapter One.Please share this episode with your friends and family! Use the share links below.And don't forget to subscribe in order to be notified when a new episode is published.Our supporters on Patreon earn special levels of gifts and access. Please check it out and join our growing family of supporters!
Summary of Days One through FourIn this episode, I give a summary of what we have studied so far, in Days one through four.It is important to understand how God has prepared His Creation for the crowning jewel…His Man!  So I spent some time in this teaching discussing the Creation plan, the Plan of Redemption and how all of this has been planned since before Creation took place.It was all in the mind of God BEFORE the foundation of the world!Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast so you will be notified of when a new episode is released.Also, please consider becoming a Patreon Supporter of this ministry work! Go to the link below to check out some of the special gifts we have for our supporters.
Genesis Chapter One vs 20-21 Creation Day FiveIn this episode, we discuss Day Five of creation with sea life and the birds of the air. I also explain how science has failed to prove any theory of evolution, but Bible archeologists have proven repeatedly that the Bible is 100% accurate!Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast so you will be notified of when a new episode is released.Also, please consider becoming a Patreon Supporter of this ministry work! Go to the link below to check out some of the special gifts we have for our supporters.
Genesis Chapter One vs 21-23In this episode, I finish our discussion of Day Five. We go further into the study of sea life and the uniqueness of birds.All of this was in preparation for Day Six – the “Crowning Jewel” of Creation! God’s MAN!Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast so you will be notified of when a new episode is released.Also, please consider becoming a Patreon Supporter of this ministry work! Go to the link below to check out some of the special gifts we have for our supporters.
Genesis Chapter One vs 24-26 Creation Day SixIn this episode, we begin to look at all of the preparations God has made for the crowning jewel of His purpose – MAN!We go over some of the hypotheticals that scientists and unbelievers say “disprove” the Bible. But I also give you some interesting tidbits of information that disproves their hypothesis.We conclude with how God created His Man in GOD’s OWN IMAGE!  Unlike anything else that has been Created! AMEN!Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast so you will be notified of when a new episode is released.Also, please consider becoming a Patreon Supporter of this ministry work! Go to the link below to check out some of the special gifts we have for our supporters.
Genesis Chapter One vs 24-28  Creation Day SixIn this episode, I cover some of the far flung hypotheticals that unbelievers must accept as “fact” if they want to believe in evolution. There are even some Christians who hold to these “facts.”We look at how Man was created in the image of God, crowned with the Glory of God and was meant to live FOREVER!  That is why our spirit man lives on after these old corruptible bodies die!Then I share with you how God outlines His plan of Redemption in these verses.Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast so you will be notified of when a new episode is released.Also, please consider becoming a Patreon Supporter of this ministry work! Go to the link below to check out some of the special gifts we have for our supporters.
Genesis Chapter One vs 29-31  Creation Day SixIn this episode, I cover some of the discoveries from the explosion of Mt. Saint Helens in 1980. These discoveries totally disprove the “theory of evolution.” That theory can no longer be trusted!  But yet, because if it becomes widely accepted that evolution is wrong, the only other conclusion that can be made is “Creation is right” which means “there IS a God” – well, that would be totally unacceptable to the unbelievers.I conclude our study of Day Six with some final thoughts on how Jesus defeated the devil, defeated hell and defeated death once and for all. For you. For me. For ALL who will believe!Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast so you will be notified of when a new episode is released.Also, please consider becoming a Patreon Supporter of this ministry work! Go to the link below to check out some of the special gifts we have for our supporters.
Genesis Chapter Two Verses 1-3Creation Day Seven - The Sabbath Day - Part OneIn today's teaching I introduce Chapter Two. This is where God sanctifies the 7th day and makes it Holy.We will study verses 1-3 and use other verses from elsewhere in the Bible to provide emphasis on how important God considers "The Sabbath Day."In this study, you will see how far we have fallen from living for God - and prayerfully, you will realize how important Jesus is to us in this day and time!Please help us to continue this work of the Lord by becoming a supporter through Patreon! Use the link below and earn cool stuff along the way!Go to to learn more.
Genesis Chapter Two Verses 4-6Creation Day Seven - The Sabbath Day - Part TwoIn today's teaching, I continue in our study of Genesis Chapter Two in verses 4-6.But, because I left off with an example from Exodus Chapter 31, we will pick up today's teaching at that point.We will start with a scripture reference from Exodus 31:14.Please help us to continue this work of the Lord by becoming a supporter through Patreon! Use the link below and earn cool stuff along the way!Go to to learn more.
Genesis Chapter Two Verses 5-25Creation Day Seven - The Sabbath Day - Part ThreeIn today's teaching, I will conclude our study of Genesis Chapter Two by studying verses 5-25.Genesis Chapter Two basically discusses things we have already study in depth while going through Chapter One. Other than a few highlights where I will give other scriptural examples as well as some common examples, we will begin in verse 5 and read through to verse 25.In our next episode, we will begin in Genesis Chapter Three.Please help us to continue this work of the Lord by becoming a supporter through Patreon! Use the link below and earn cool stuff along the way!Go to to learn more.
Genesis Chapter Three Verses 1-3Genesis 3 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. Without it, we can’t even begin to understand the darkness that blankets the earth. With it, we can catch a glimpse of the light, which shines in the darkness. Have you seen the light?God’s creation was originally “very good." He created man and woman in His image and gave them dominion over the physical world — all creatures were subject to them. Then one creature, “the serpent,” beguiled the woman (later named “Eve,”) with a trick question: Has God indeed said, “You shall not eat of every tree of the garden”?Eve conceded that God had prohibited eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We do not know if God directly stated His prohibition to Eve or if Adam passed it along to her. Regardless, she distorted God’s Word. First, she added a prohibition that they were not even to touch the forbidden tree; second, she subtracted from the penalty (“you will die” is less forceful in Hebrew than God’s statement in Chp 2:17) that “you shall surely die”).Be sure to subscribe to our podcast so you will be notified when the next episode is published!
Genesis Chapter Three Verses 4-7Genesis 3 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. Without it, we can’t even begin to understand the darkness that blankets the earth. With it, we can catch a glimpse of the light, which shines in the darkness. Have you seen the light?The serpent’s response was to flatly deny God’s Word, quoting God’s statement verbatim (in the Hebrew text) and then negating it—which exposes the intent of the serpent’s initial question. His question was a ploy rather than mere curiosity. Then the serpent offered an alternative interpretation of God’s motives. If they would partake, he claimed, then they would possess God-like ethical awareness. The serpent implied first that God is less than He is and that man is more than he is. (In other words, he implied that God felt threatened by the wonderful beings that they would become, so He restricted their full humanity.) The serpent was calling into question God’s character and trustworthiness.Although Adam and Eve had depended on God to explain reality for them, the serpent suggested that they could now become autonomous and decide what is true for themselves. In other words, the serpent reduced God’s Word to the level of a mere viewpoint, while man became the measure of what is “true for me.”Be sure to subscribe to our podcast so you will be notified when new episodes are published as we walk "verse by verse" through the Bible!
Genesis Chapter Three Verses 8-15Genesis 3 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. Without it, we can’t even begin to understand the darkness that blankets the earth. With it, we can catch a glimpse of the light, which shines in the darkness. Have you seen the light?When God approached Adam and Eve, His question “Where are you?” was a rhetorical invitation for them to confess and repent. The novice sinners responded to God in ways that are all too familiar to us. First, they felt shame, resulting in concealment. (Verse 8indicates that they tried to go unnoticed by an omnipresent Creator by blending with vegetation!)Second, they felt fear, which resulted in an attempt to escape God’s presence. Third, they felt guilt, but then compounded their offense by shifting blame. Adam blamed both Eve and God (“the woman . . . you gave me”). Eve blamed the serpent (“the serpent deceived me”). In contrast to Adam and Eve, God did not invite the serpent to repent. Instead, God decreed a series of three judgments—first upon the serpent, then the woman, and finally the man. Judgment upon the serpent Because the serpent had “destroyed” (or ruined) the human race, the serpent would be destroyed by a member of the human race. The enmity between the woman and the serpent and their “seed” (or offspring) involves more than future hatred between women and snakes. The Hebrew term translated “enmity” applies not to animals but to moral agents. Here we see a clear indication that Satan is behind the serpent. Though Satan will cause suffering to the “seed of the woman,” he will be dealt a mortal blow by that seed.Please be sure to subscribe to our podcast so you will be notified when a new episode is published as we go "verse by verse" through the Bible!
Genesis Chapter Three Verses 15-24Genesis 3 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. Without it, we can’t even begin to understand the darkness that blankets the earth. With it, we can catch a glimpse of the light, which shines in the darkness. Have you seen the light?The Gospel in Genesis 3:15?Genesis 3:15 is known as “first gospel”—a prophetic picture of the time when Satan would be defeated by the woman’s triumphant “Seed.”The text itself invites us to find an interpretation that goes beyond mere biology. Satan, a spirit being, cannot produce seed; and clearly a woman does not produce seed. So, even at the simplest reading of this pronouncement, the seed apparently refers to a spiritual being who has the serpent’s same attitude. Based on other scripture, it appears that the serpent’s “seed” refers to those who willfully set themselves against the seed of the woman. The age-long conflict between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan will continue until the end, as out lined in the Book of the Revelation. “He” that crushes the serpent’s head refers to a future descendent of the woman and is a singular noun (which is a reference to Jesus).Judgment upon the woman (verse 16)Because Eve manipulated her husband, she will struggle in domestic life. Difficulty will plague her role as a mother (multiplied pain in childbirth) and as a wife (marital conflict with her husband). The phrase “Your desire shall be for your husband” refers not to sweet marital communion but to ongoing struggle (the identical Hebrew phrase appears in Cain’s struggle with sin later). The battle of the sexes had just begun. Judgment upon the man (verses 17-19) By eating the forbidden food, Adam abandoned his headship over his wife and his dominion over the creation. Besides domestic struggle, Adam will now struggle to eat, and his labor will include toil. The domain of man is cursed and will no longer yield its fruit easily. Finally, in contrast to the serpent’s promise that “you will be like God,” Adam is told he was made from dirt and to dirt he will return in death. He was initially to have dominion over the ground, but now the ground will resist and finally, literally, devour him. God’s promise that “you shall surely die” was about to proven true. He died instantly in terms of his spiritual relationship with God. His body did not know how to die. But the process had started and he began to die physically.Four Lessons From the FallIn Genesis 3 man distorts, denies, and defies God’s Word—reducing it to an alternative viewpoint, while man wants to be the judge of what is “true for me.” This rebellion against God’s Word is responsible for all our woes—our alienation from God, our self-deception, our broken relationships with each other, the failure of animals to respond to our dominion, our toil to raise food from the ground, the “groaning” creation, and our own physical death. Unbelief is not just stark atheism but any stubborn, willful disregard of God’s Word, even by “believers.” Do we accept that His Word is true, and yet...
Genesis 4 details the first murder when Cain kills his brother Abel in a fit of angry jealousy. Both brothers bring the fruit of their work as offerings to God. Cain is a farmer, and he brings some of the fruit of the ground, with no indication in the biblical text that this is the first or the best of his produce.Abel is a shepherd and brings the "firstlings," the best, the “fat portions” of his flock. Although both are producing food, they are neither working nor worshiping together. Work is no longer a place of good relationships. Remember, part of the curse was you would have to work and sweat to survive. That is what they were doing.But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respectNot because of the matter of it, as some have thought; but because it was not offered in faith and sincerity, but in a formal and hypocritical manner, without any regard to the Messiah and his sacrifice, and without any view to the glory of God: no notice was taken, no thought or preparation or any other such thing. It was just brought by Cain and “dropped off.This is why God was not pleased with his offering. And it is why Cain got mad at his brother - and killed him.Be sure to subscribe to this series so you can be notified when a new episode is published as we go "verse by verse" through the Bible!
We studied last time how Cain just "threw together" an offering and went and "dropped if off" for God.This was the reason God was not pleased with the offering.In verse 7, God looks with favor on the offering of Abel but not on that of Cain. In this first mention of anger in the Bible, God warns Cain not to give into despair, but to master his resentment and work for a better result in the future. “If you do well, will you not be accepted?” the Lord asks him. Some render the word a sin offering, as it sometimes signifies; and then the sense is, that though he had sinned, and had done wrong in the offering he had offered, nevertheless there was a sacrifice for sin provided. His offering was at hand, and would soon be offered! Therefore, he had no need to be dejected, or his countenance to fall; for if he looked to that sacrifice by faith, he would find pardon and acceptance from God.But he didn't do that.Instead, he allows his anger to fester and ends up killing his brother!God then asks him, "Where is your brother?"Cain arrogantly replies, "Am I my brothers keeper?" In other words, he was basically telling God, "If you're God, you should know where he is."So God lets him know - He Knows!"Listen; your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground!"Folks, be sure to subscribe to this series so you can be notified when a new episode is published as we go "verse by verse" through the Bible!
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